SEWF - 2/25/11: Be Nice To Sully!

The camera cuts to the backstage area where SSC is seen opening the door to a dressing room.

SSC: Hey Doc! Hey! Bro! WHAT THE FUCK?!

Om the other side of the room, Doc is bent over a stack of boxes, while Mozz stands behind him. They are both dripping with sweat, and Mozz is shirtless.

Doc: Oh my fuck, hurry up already!

Mozz: I'm trying, OK?! It's not as easy as it seems. I'm trying to finish the job.

Doc: *groans*

Just then Doc notices SSC.

Doc: Oh... Hey SSC!

SSC: What the fuck is wrong with you?

As SSC storms off, Doc realizes what's going on. Doc chases after SSC, with a pair of wrestling tights halfway up his legs.

Doc: No, it's not what you think! He was helping me put on my pants.

Mozz:...I really was!
It would have been clever and actually, you know, funny, if you had made the excuse more creative and ridiculous than something dumb like "He was helping me put on my pants.

For example:

Mozz: "So there was this squirrel and he ran up Doc's leg and he was jumping up and down and it was freaking me THE FUCK OUT so I was jumping up and down so that's why we're all sweaty and then Doc ripped his pants off and the squirrel ran away."

See? WAY better. Subtlety is an art form. Don't just show it to your audience straight out. Imply it. Have Mozz come out to the battle royale already sweaty, or wearing an article of my clothing. You'll find that if you don't bash it in the audience's face, they'll appreciate it more.

If I may blow my own horn - Look at my Action Saxton RPs. They're funny because I don't outright state "HEY GUYS LOOK HE'S IN THE SAME WAL-MART ALHAZRED WENT TO, HEY GUYS LOOK HE'S MESSING UP AND BEING STUPID, HEY GUYS LOOK". No, I make it funny by having the narrator covering it up for him, or mention Action Saxton getting cut off by a car and hearing a commotion at the entrance.

Take my advice and may it help you in the future.
It would have been clever and actually, you know, funny, if you had made the excuse more creative and ridiculous than something dumb like "He was helping me put on my pants.

For example:

Mozz: "So there was this squirrel and he ran up Doc's leg and he was jumping up and down and it was freaking me THE FUCK OUT so I was jumping up and down so that's why we're all sweaty and then Doc ripped his pants off and the squirrel ran away."

See? WAY better. Subtlety is an art form. Don't just show it to your audience straight out. Imply it. Have Mozz come out to the battle royale already sweaty, or wearing an article of my clothing. You'll find that if you don't bash it in the audience's face, they'll appreciate it more.
How about this, I'll do SEWF MY way. Don't pull that in the show thread. SEWF is my vision, all about stupid humor. You don't like it? I don't need to use you. Simple as that.
This shows how much we all love this, Killjoy posts and 20 people instantly stop doing what they were doing to read it.
Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

(in all seriousness I still love it)
"Hey guys thanks for the comments"

"But only if they're full of love and praise, no constructive criticism allowed."
It would have been clever and actually, you know, funny, if you had made the excuse more creative and ridiculous than something dumb like "He was helping me put on my pants.

For example:

See? WAY better. Subtlety is an art form. Don't just show it to your audience straight out. Imply it. Have Mozz come out to the battle royale already sweaty, or wearing an article of my clothing. You'll find that if you don't bash it in the audience's face, they'll appreciate it more.

If I may blow my own horn - Look at my Action Saxton RPs. They're funny because I don't outright state "HEY GUYS LOOK HE'S IN THE SAME WAL-MART ALHAZRED WENT TO, HEY GUYS LOOK HE'S MESSING UP AND BEING STUPID, HEY GUYS LOOK". No, I make it funny by having the narrator covering it up for him, or mention Action Saxton getting cut off by a car and hearing a commotion at the entrance.

Take my advice and may it help you in the future.

Nowhere in this post am I a "total douche".
There's so much sexual tension between you two. If you want, I'd be happy to write a match that abruptly ends in you guys consummating the relationship.
There's so much sexual tension between you two. If you want, I'd be happy to write a match that abruptly ends in you guys consummating the relationship.
Only if I get to claim Crock was only helping me put on my pants at the end.
Eh fuck it.

Write the show the way you want to homie, I've enjoyed the last two (even though I never got to see the epic WZCW Creative beat down on Lee ;).)

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