Saunter with Coco and GD w/ special guest MRC

Oh no. I looked at some FCW matches just to see what all the hype about this Dean Ambrose fellow was about, and I accidentally hopped on the bandwagon. I'm so firmly on the bandwagon that I want to keep up with FCW regularly just to see who else they're hiding down there. I'm scared. I can feel myself turning into Remix. I've got to make it stop, so I'll use the word pill. Pill. My doctor prescribed me some pills. Tough pill to swallow? Only if I were Remix. Which I'm not.
Not sure if sarcastic or not......................

Uh oh, Coco. Dagger has dealt a real blow to our election campaigns -- apparently, we can't be the next moderator, because we spend too much time talking about how other posters suck.

We're screwed.
I'm beginning to worry about Habs becoming a moderator now. At first I thought he'd make a good one and had no problem if he became so, but now..

He seems sort of bitter and very.. I don't know. I just hope I'm wrong. :shrug:
I'm beginning to worry about Habs becoming a moderator now. At first I thought he'd make a good one and had no problem if he became so, but now..

He seems sort of bitter and very.. I don't know. I just hope I'm wrong. :shrug:

Well, he isn't winning the election, so we're okay for now.
I'm on the last episode of season 4 of Breaking Bad. This show is so good it's not even fair. Everything about it is phenomenal.
I'm having trouble remembering. Undoubtedly a comparatively minor offence from The One Who Knocks.

The One Who Knocks is the clip that got me to watch the show in the first place.

What I'm talking about is...
They're having a family dinner at Hank and Marie's, and Hank is so sure that Gil was Heisenberg, but Walt is drunk and he convinces Hank that the real Heisenberg is still out there.

And while I have you in here, WOW what an ending! I shouted with excitement when Gus got blown up, and I was mad impressed with the makeup job they did for it too. Eat your heart out Dark Knight.

And Walt being the one to poison the kid? Holy shit, he just made a full heel turn. Very impressive.
So happy they committed to letting Walt to something so dastardly. Some shows wouldn't have had the balls for it. He won.

Where are my UK people to agree with me about just how pants the Doctor Who special was? The Moffat era's stock "person thinks really hard about nice things to fend off impending doom" finish didn't exactly stick the landing this time.
That doesn't strike me as Moffat era. I mean, look at last year's Christmas special. There was no deus ex machina that hit you square in the nuts - you have to give it that much.
Don't bring up last year's brilliant special. You're only making this year's hurt more. How's that for a hit square in the nuts?
Don't bring up last year's brilliant special. You're only making this year's hurt more. How's that for a hit square in the nuts?

A big, fat, gay, stupid acquaintance posted on Facebook:

"So the Doctor Who Christmas special was much better than last years!! :D It was so funny and sad, it even made my mum cry!"

It's not socially acceptable for me to call people dumb ***** on their walls though - apparently - so I bit my tongue.
I want to call it trite fluff with guest stars that failed to connect with me, but it is Doctor Who so I'm describing at least half of the modern series. I'm gonna have to find more specific words to describe what I feel. "Leftist propaganda" is one direction I'm thinking of going in. Not that that bothers me. Just that it irks me when it's so heavy-handed that it risks leaving a bruise. On the other hand, I think it says something that nobody bothered to bring up how the mother was clearly brain-damaged. I think I'll go that route. Leftist propaganda could also be applied to... The Doctor's Daughter. At least.

So, acid rain is still a thing? Go figure.
Like I said, not Moffat era.
Victory of the Daleks, The Lodger, and Closing Time are. Not that I minded. The last two are hilarious and the first one... something, something, Winston Churchill? All I know is that I didn't mind. God Complex was resolved by doing the opposite and extinguishing positive thoughts (or faith), but that didn't bother me because it gelled with the established rules for this new monster. This time, however, the pattern is bothering me and this felt sugary even by Who standards. And I can handle my sugar. Christmas Carol was brill, as I said.

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