HHH is WWE Champion in 2016 lol
The match still wasn't as terrible as last year's, and quite a bit of it was actually pretty good. Sure AJ got eliminated but he lasted quite a while, got a few eliminations, and it's not like he was eliminated by Miz or whatever, it was by Owens who will get that heat, but people also don't hate him in a bad way. I don't know where Styles goes from here, probably a short feud with KO since Zayn I think is still in NXT and then they can have Zayn/Owens at Mania and Nakamura should be ready by then too.
The last man standing match had some good selling, some nice spots, and a really good finish and it was a good choice for an opener.
The tag match was fine, Xavier was entertaining and the finish was pretty good too.
The US championship match had quite a few botches, but I'm glad Kalisto won. It would've been better if he ya know... didn't lose the title a few days prior but whatever, what can you do.
The divas match was good for the last few minutes and then had an appalling finish, but Banks/Charlotte will be fine and hopefully Banks wins the title.
Overall, a good show once you get past some of the booking which when you think about it, isn't too horrendous or anything. Or at least not as bad as the past two years where you had Batista whose return was a complete flop until his short run with Evolution again, and Reigns who was as green as grass. So yeah, this wasn't all that bad. The Rumble slowed down and became quite predictable at the end, but it was still quite a good show and with the talent they have right now, plus when guys like Rollins, Cena, Cesaro, Kidd etc. return along with guys like Nakamura, Gallows/Anderson, and whoever else they bring in and bring up, this year could be pretty awesome