Royal Rumble 2013 Live Discussion - Jan. 27, 2013

Because it means WWE is leaning towards Rock/Cena II that was reported b the dirt sheets months ago. It's not Cena winning that's the problem, it's that there's a really good chance Punk gets his reign ended either tonight or at EC.

Oh please, in your infinite wisdom, tell me how Punk/Cena makes more money than Rock/Cena?
I feel kind of bad for Punk. He's about to get shoved down by Rock/Cena hype. He won't be buried by any means, but it's like he's gonna be the WWE champion for over a year, and now all of a sudden he's just gonna disappear from the title picture. Whatever happens, it was a fun run.
Well, Wrestlemania is going to suck. Only hope is that Punk wins and retains over Cena, as Cena doesn't need another title run.
I don't think many people have issues with John Cena winning a Royal Rumble - I know I don't, at least.

Personally, my only issue is that it clearly points towards Cena vs Rock II. And I don't think we need a repeat of that feud. It's done, and I don't see enough content to redo it.

I'm biased because I honestly dislike the Rock as a wrestler, even more since his "return".
Oh please, in your infinite wisdom, tell me how Punk/Cena makes more money than Rock/Cena?

Edited in right after, but I guess too late, that whether I agree or like the decision is something entirely different. Just explaining why they'll be seeing a ton of butthurt about Cena winning.
I feel kind of bad for Punk. He's about to get shoved down by Rock/Cena hype. He won't be buried by any means, but it's like he's gonna be the WWE champion for over a year, and now all of a sudden he's just gonna disappear from the title picture. Whatever happens, it was a fun run.

If he goes on to fight the Undertaker or something, it'll hardly be a step down.
Well, Wrestlemania is going to suck. Only hope is that Punk wins and retains over Cena, as Cena doesn't need another title run.

Yes, yes, let's all bury Wrestlemania before we even know the card.

Calm down, Wrestlemania is going to be just fine
Edited in right after, but I guess too late, that whether I agree or like the decision is something entirely different. Just explaining why they'll be seeing a ton of butthurt about Cena winning.

Sorry but people would be butt hurt if Cena won and faced anyone cause they think cena sucks.
Someone explain the problem with Cena winning? He is on the same level as Hogan/HBK/Austin, all of which have won 2. Now he has won 2. He is the best guy in the company by a mile, and has been for years.

They made the right choice.
Austin won 3, and Cena isn't on their level. Hogan and Austin were top stars during boom periods, Cena isn't.
If he goes on to fight the Undertaker or something, it'll hardly be a step down.

True, here's hoping. Not saying Rock/Cena isn't the right choice (despite not liking it). Just don't wanna see Punk go from a year+ champion to feuding with Ryback again, or someone like Dolph Ziggler. He needs a rebound feud like Undertaker, Lesnar, etc.

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