Rock vs CM Punk vs John Cena WWE title match


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Anyone with half a brain knows this should be the match. The first being if it's Cena vs Rock we know Cena will win just like if it's Punk vs The Rock somehow that Punk would win. We know that the Rock will job but why not make interesting with a triple threat. The last WM in the Metropolitan area the fans got HBK vs HHH vs Benoit. The WWE can let the best wrestler(Punk) out of the three win just like the last time. Let's be honest if they went with garbage match like Punk vs Lesnar they really are trying to piss people off. The Rock winning the WWE title is right for two reasons. One reason is Punk holding the title longer would only prolong the sense of people saying when will he drop it and not in a good way considering it would take over another year before he would reach another record with the title. The second reason is for The Rock winning gets exposure for the company but more importantly everyone knows that things don't last forever and his title reign ends at WM so by making it a singles match they ruin it for the fans. The Punk vs Undertaker for the title idea was not bad but the people forget Taker is just a part timer and won't go on house shows.
I agree, a Triple Threat Match is arguably the best option considering we've already seen a match between The Rock and Cena. Adding Punk takes it to that next level. However, I believe Cena should be the one to win the strap come Wrestlemania (coming from a Punk fan, by the way). Considering he's the face of the company, logically he should be the one to oust the very belt he debuted 8 years ago (I think), and bring in the new belt design. Of course, he would be more of a transitional champion as he really doesn't need the belt anymore, but to me it just makes sense (as i've said) to bring the story of the spinner belt 'full circle' if you will. Punk will also get a rub from the match, which in turn will solidify his role as top heel of the WWE presently. All in all, the Triple Threat seems so much more beneficial to me rather than Rock vs Cena II
I have a full brain, and I think Triple Threat matches blow, especially as the main event at WrestleMania.

Just get it through your skulls - Punk is not on the same level as John Cena, and certainly not there with The Rock. This match doesn't make sense because Punk's role will fade after he loses at Elimination Chamber.

I know fanboys want a way for Punk to be involved, but he won't be. Get over it, or prepare yourselves for a miserable WrestleMania season.
Anyone with two halves of a brain would stop fretting over The Rock vs John Cena at WMXXIX. This is worse than the election and at least that result isn't blatantly predetermined. One guy had to lose. Get over it. A triple threat match isn't the answer, either. It just dilutes what would be a great singles main event either way.

I've got to be honest, I'm amazed how many CM Punk fans are such marks. I really didn't expect his fanbase to react the way a lot of them have. It's the type of Chicken Little response that is blind emotion. It's the response I'd expect a 6 year old to have if I told him "no." And what good points there are to be had don't hold water next to the fact that The Rock is just a much bigger star than CM Punk
Whilst I feel that CM Punk being included in the John Cena/Rock scenario could be an easy way to book the match in terms of involving a legitimate heel (Punk), a legitimate face (Rock) and a guy who is always on the fence (Cena) in terms of crowd reaction (something similar to what happened at WM20), I don't see why CM Punk should be getting involved in this match. How many times have we seen CM Punk and John Cena mix it up? I certainly don't want to see these two continue fighting for the title for a good while under the same circumstances. Punk is still feuding with the Rock and once that is done at EC, there is nothing more for Punk to prove apart from respect but that's going off in another tangent.

Cena has only had one match against the Rock and whilst his storyline with him has been on-going for the last couple of years, we've only seen one match where the Rock came back and defeated him. To be honest, having the Rock defeat Cena once and that being their only match doesn't seem justified to me because it feels like the WWE are burying its own company with the same person who helped build it to where it is today. They need Cena to come back and prove himself against the Rock and show why he is the best they have today. Cena has won multiple championships, had classic match-ups, memorable promo's, multiple RR wins... but a win against the Rock is something he needs on his resume.

I shouldn't really be getting into predictability here but the Rock winning again two years in a row doesn't seem logical. The Rock's schedule will be most likely a lot lighter following WM and him having the title wouldn't make sense. Cena holding the title makes sense because he is the company's biggest full-time star they have and he should be treated as such by holding the title. He also needs this win to show that he can beat the Rock and that the two are on a level playing field, which could cultimate in a tiebreaker at WM30.

In summary, CM Punk has better things to do than be over-shadowed by Rock/Cena in almost set-in-stone feud for WM29 and it will not be a Triple Threat match. 'Taker vs. CM Punk in the ultimate quest for respect seems like a much better option and honestly, 'Taker is a much better wrestler to handle the likes of technically-gifted Punk than the charismatically-gifted Rock/Cena.
Although I would love to see Cena vs rock vs punk in a triple threat rather than Cena vs rock II, I think I would now prefer to have punk vs taker & then a stip added to Cena vs rock like no dq etc.

Punk defiently needs a big match but I'm not starting to think that he may be overshadowed being in the main event against wwe's two top stars unless they would have him win (which is highly unlikely).

A triple threat would be a good match as it would allow rock and Cena to have a couple of short breaks on the outside.
I hate it. There's way too many other options to go with instead of this crap. is going on with Austin? They are promoting the hell out of a match with him and Punk on the internet (interview with Jim Ross) and on Raw, and social media (Punk tweeting Austin "29 son") and now nobody is talking about it on these boards?? Did I miss something? They better not scrap this the way Austin scrapped the Hogan match.
Guess people like the WWE to be predictable. Punk gets owned by Undertaker. Cena beats The Rock. Triple HHH beats Lesnar. The same people who complain about those matches are the ones saying no to A Rock vs Punk vs Cena match because triple threats are boring. I hate Punk but what was the point of building him up Big Nick Dudley? I was happy Punk lost but I expect him to contend for the title at WM or else we will have to hear him whine about how Cena and Rock kiss vince's ass for title shots while he bust his ass and only gets a rematch after being champ over a year. Personally i wish Cena and Punk would break their necks so they don't hold people down and claim the top 2 spots like their HHH
While Creative might always come up with a storyline that calls for a Triple Threat, I hope they can leave this one as Cena vs. Rock. I believe this plan was formulated over a year ago, and it was agreed by Cena & Rock that: "I'll job for you in '12 and you'll return the favor in '13." If that's the case, adding Punk to the equation would only detract from what Cena is apparently destined to accomplish this year.

As the #1 man in the company, Cena was a hell of a sport to agree to lose to a guy who comes in only occasionally (which presumes Cena has the corporate power to refuse). Not only that, the defeat is something Cena has had to live with for a year. Now, the year is almost up and it's time to get back on track. After all, John Cena is the future of WWE, not the Rock. The two-year plan was a bold move by WWE (Can you imagine Hulk Hogan agreeing to something like this in his prime?) but it's time to get Cena back on top where he belongs, despite the screaming we're going to listen to from the Cena haters.

Plus, by the time WM29 rolls around, C.M. Punk will apparently have failed to win back his title at Elimination Chamber........after all, if Punk wins it back at EC, what would be the purpose of having Rock at WM at all?

No, John Cena unselfishly did the job a year ago and had to live with the "failure" for a whole year. It's time to set things straight; have Cena win a one-on-one with the Rock at WM, have them finish as friends....and let Rock return to Witch Mountain to pursue his chosen profession.
I'd resigned myself to Punk being absent from the WWE title match at WrestleMania since, oh, I dunno, June of last year. Even as a Punk fan, chucking him in there between Rock and Cena isn't incredibly appealing as far as ideas to "keep things fresh" go.

That said, while I don't rate any WrestleMania triple threat since Benoit/HBK/HHH particularly highly, this is one which I think would be of high quality. Despite what some people would have you believe, Punk and Cena have both had terrific matches with The Rock, and their own record against each other speaks for itself. So, from a story perspective, it doesn't leave me rock hard, but from a match perspective, I'm a little bit aroused.

What I would have liked - and I don't think I'm alone in this, even if I'm not part of the overwhelming majority - is Rock versus Brock. The WWE's two biggest part timers (take that, Hunter and 'Taker!) in what is arguably the biggest main event you could make.

Cena is considerably more significant than Lesnar overall, yes, but Lesnar has more appeal - being a special event star - in the here and now.

With Lesnar supposedly signing another two year contract with WWE, you even have a way to keep the belt within the company when The Rock is forced to go off and shoot Fast Eight.

The obvious way to have done that would have been to have Lesnar win this year's Rumble, but that boat has obviously sailed. It could still happen - maybe Lesnar beats Cena for his title shot, for instance - and I wouldn't say it's entirely off the table, but it seems unlikely.
Anyone with two halves of a brain would stop fretting over The Rock vs John Cena at WMXXIX. This is worse than the election and at least that result isn't blatantly predetermined. One guy had to lose. Get over it. A triple threat match isn't the answer, either. It just dilutes what would be a great singles main event either way.

I've got to be honest, I'm amazed how many CM Punk fans are such marks. I really didn't expect his fanbase to react the way a lot of them have. It's the type of Chicken Little response that is blind emotion. It's the response I'd expect a 6 year old to have if I told him "no." And what good points there are to be had don't hold water next to the fact that The Rock is just a much bigger star than CM Punk

You could be "honest" or you could continue to be blind to what WrestleMania is shaping up to be. Insulting Punk fans and saying they're reacting like 6-year old children or pointing out the obvious fact that The Rock is a bigger star than Punk is ignoring the fact that is staring you in the face: This WrestleMania may as well be called Re-Match Mania.

We've already got Rock vs Cena II all but guaranteed. In addition, the WWE has planted potential seeds for THREE re-matches from SummerSlam: Lesnar/HHH, Kane/Bryan, Jericho/Ziggler.

So go ahead, insult people for wanting something - ANYTHING - different from what they just paid $60 to see a few months ago. Call them fan boys. Better yet, throw your money at this re-hashed garbage because after all, The Rock is SUCH a big star that people like you have no problem dropping your money just to see him wrestle (hold-rest-hold-rest-hold-rest-rest-rest-elbow).
I'd resigned myself to Punk being absent from the WWE title match at WrestleMania since, oh, I dunno, June of last year. Even as a Punk fan, chucking him in there between Rock and Cena isn't incredibly appealing as far as ideas to "keep things fresh" go.

That said, while I don't rate any WrestleMania triple threat since Benoit/HBK/HHH particularly highly, this is one which I think would be of high quality. Despite what some people would have you believe, Punk and Cena have both had terrific matches with The Rock, and their own record against each other speaks for itself. So, from a story perspective, it doesn't leave me rock hard, but from a match perspective, I'm a little bit aroused.

What I would have liked - and I don't think I'm alone in this, even if I'm not part of the overwhelming majority - is Rock versus Brock. The WWE's two biggest part timers (take that, Hunter and 'Taker!) in what is arguably the biggest main event you could make.

Cena is considerably more significant than Lesnar overall, yes, but Lesnar has more appeal - being a special event star - in the here and now.

With Lesnar supposedly signing another two year contract with WWE, you even have a way to keep the belt within the company when The Rock is forced to go off and shoot Fast Eight.

The obvious way to have done that would have been to have Lesnar win this year's Rumble, but that boat has obviously sailed. It could still happen - maybe Lesnar beats Cena for his title shot, for instance - and I wouldn't say it's entirely off the table, but it seems unlikely.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Rock vs Brock would be 10x better. I was sooo expecting to hear Brocks music hit during the rumble, and win it setting up a main event at Mania with the Rock. Unfortunately, that seems impossible now. Brock is a mega star just the same as Cena...not sure why people think Cena is that much better of a pop than Brock vs Rock. That match woulda been perfect and fresh.

Nothing worse than being so excited about the possibilities for this Mania, only for them to give you the exact same thing with the exact opposite outcomes....I've never been so disappointed by the WWF.
Anyone with two halves of a brain would stop fretting over The Rock vs John Cena at WMXXIX. This is worse than the election and at least that result isn't blatantly predetermined. One guy had to lose. Get over it.
Actually Cena winning is just as blatant and predetermined as Obama winning was. Romney had no more of a realistic chance than Rocky does.

But that's not my point, this is...

A triple threat match isn't the answer, either. It just dilutes what would be a great singles main event either way.
On what planet are you gathering that we are going to get a great single's main event from Rock/Cena?

Their match last year wasn't "great" by any stretch. It had a big match feel because of the magnitude of the hype and the personalities, but the match itself was only passable at best and didn't nearly live up to expectations. And Rock looked even worse against Punk last weekend. By the midway point Punk had Rocky strapped to his back trying his hardest to carry him across the finish line, and they still couldn't manage to deliver anything more than a barely above "watchable" main event.

Atleast adding Punk in a three way will allow Cena and Punk to use their great chemistry to do the vast majority of the work throughout the match, instead of the more likely situation we will see where the Rock gasses and Cena is stuck trying to carry his ass on his own, much in the same way we just had to watch Punk struggle to do.
Sorry, but I just can't picture a scenario, where Punk isn't left out in the cold here. Like it or not, John Cena finally regaining the WWE Championship from the guy, who gave him the biggest loss of his career at Wrestlemania last year is going to be the big moment. It's going to be Cena's moment for hoisting the WWE Championship again, and probably shaking The Rock's hand as a sign of respect.

I wouldn't mind a triple threat match, but how can Punk insert himself into the WWE Championship picture if he loses again? Punk winning the match at Elimination Chamber is his only ticket to a title match at Wrestlemania, but I can't see it happening, because WWE is dead set on having the Rock VS Cena rematch. You can't count on The Shield to cause a screwy ending, because the alliance with Punk and Heyman is out in the open now. Also, you can't count on someone interfering on Rock's behalf, because it wouldn't make sense. You can spin it around all you want, but Punk isn't sliding into the WWE Championship match Wrestlemania.

They could go with a Punk VS Undertaker match, but this potential feud really needed the WWE Championship in a streak vs streak tagline. If this match happens, I'm sure WWE would come up with a storyline to draw the fans in, but Punk VS Taker won't have the same amount of allure without the strap.
Said on the other theme, after Cena promo on monday this seems like more realistic option then just plane Rock vs Cena. After directions on monday RAW its fairly realistic that we have Brock vs HHH 2 and that Cena is goind to WWE Championship. Rock is surely gona be there in any scenario trouble is what to do with Punk. There has been talking about Undertakers streak match but we dont even know if Undertaker is nearly ready for Wrestlemania and wheather he is gona be there to challenge anybody so Punk might as well be in this one. Cena in his promo on monday mentioned both Rock and Punk and put them both. What better way to put himself up then to beat both guys he allegedly cant beat at Wrestlemania? :)

Predictable? Yes

Do we all know who will probablly come up as a winner? Yes

Does that put very believable storyline where underdog(yes, Cena in storyline :) ) goes against all odds and beats one of the best now(Punk) and one of the best there is(Rock)? Yes
trouble is what to do with Punk. There has been talking about Undertakers streak match but we dont even know if Undertaker is nearly ready for Wrestlemania and wheather he is gona be there to challenge anybody so Punk might as well be in this one. Cena in his promo on monday mentioned both Rock and Punk and put them both. What better way to put himself up then to beat both guys he allegedly cant beat at Wrestlemania? :)

Perhaps this is pretty much spot on. Maybe even the WWE don't know if 'Taker will appear. Perhaps the plan is for HHH/Lesnar, Rock/Cena, Punk/'Taker, BUT if for some reason 'Taker cannot appear, they have justification for inserting Punk into the Cena/Rock bout. Keeping your options open is always a good idea. The last thing you need at 'mania is one of your top contenders just coming off a 400+ day reign sat on his arse at home...
Even though I can see reasons why this match shouldn't happen, I think it should happen. For all those people saying that triple threats don't sell, well I disagree as I'm pretty sure anything with the Rock and John Cena in the main event will sell. This match should happen, simple as that. On RAW, Cena talked about the two men that could be WWE Champion heading into Wrestlemania and mentioned how after The Rock beat him at Wrestlemania 28, a match that he didnt even consider he would lose, that his career has never been the same and how he has never gotten back to the level that he was before, having the worst year in his career since he first became WWE Champion. Cena then mentioned Punk, and his personal rivalry with him, and the fact that he has struggled to defeat Punk on PPV. Cena said that he had six shots at the title when CM Punk was champion, and couldn't get the job done. Throw in Punks hatred of the Rock, and this has all the buildup of a triple threat. The most important thing for me though, is after the past year, doesn't Punk deserve to be in the main event of Wrestlemania after being the star of the company for the last twelve months?
According to reports I've read, there's a possibility of this happening. According to what I've read, the planned match for CM Punk at WM is to take on The Undertaker. The problem is, however, that nobody knows whether or not Taker is going to work this year. Allegedly, Taker keeps changing his mind about wrestling at the event. So if Taker doesn't work this year, that leaves one of the top dogs in the company without a major money match for the biggest show of the year.

If Taker vs. Punk doesn't happen, then I'd say there's a legit possibility that The WWE Championship match at WM could be turned into a threeway dance. Vince might prefer another 1 on 1 match between Cena & Rock, but Punk & Rock have done an outstanding job in their feud with each other, so there's a lot of money in the idea of a threeway. I think making this match a threeway would actually throw some degree of unpredictability into things. A 1 on 1 match between Cena & Rock for the strap at WM is almost certainly going to end with Cena scoring the win as The Rock is going back to Hollywood after WM is over with. Adding Punk to the equation makes the outcome of the match a little more uncertain.
I think the match needs to just stay Rock/Cena. I am a huge Punk fan, but I would prefer to see him go against The Undertaker. I hope Taker can go and this one happens. I agree with Mustang Sally that Cena lost last year, and the plan was all along for The Rock to return the favor this year. I was never a huge Cena fan, but he is due for another title reign. Him beating Rock will put him back on top to start this year off, and as the top guy in the company I think this is the right move to make.
After watching RAW last night, it seems as if we are going to get a triple threat WWE championship match at "mania. A few weeks ago, Cena announced he would challenge the WWE champion @ "mania, whomever that is after Elimination Chamber. I guess WWE did'nt want to look to obvious by having Cena state he would face the Rock in a WM rematch.

Next week, is Cena vs Punk to determine who will go to 'mania. Hmmm
WWE trying to not look so obvious again? Dunno

Then, last night, as Rock was going to announce who he would rather face @ "mania, Cena interrupted. The last image we saw on Raw was Punk standing over a downed Cena, pointing at Rocky's new WWE title and stating, "I want that one." after tossing the spinner version.

Looks like a T3 match to me, or am I thinking too much into this?

In any event, would you guys rather see a WM rematch between Cena and Rock where Rock traditionally "passes the torch" or, would a T3 match be to your liking?

Think about this...what direction can they manuver Punk into in just 48 days? What kind of feud will he be involved in that merits a match at mania?
I personally have no problem with a Triple Threat match. Cena hasn't beaten Rock, or Punk. This stacks the odds against Cena even more making him winning sweeter for him cause he beat his biggest rivals in one match.

That being said, It all depends on how RAW ends next week. If Undertaker isn't there, it's gonna be a triple threat. Punk will win, Cena will cut some boring, sad promo on how his chance at redemption is lost, and then somebody will come out and add John Cena to the Rock/Punk match making it a triple threat.

I see Undertaker coming out and costing Punk his match against Cena. Game On.
I think the triple threat would be the way to go. When Punk had his long reign as champ and was fighting for respect I thought it would have been perfect if he took the title into Mania and wrestled Taker. Title vs. Streak. Punk was looking unbeatable at the time, and what better way to earn respect than by ending the streak? Problem is after Punk lost to Rock I just kinda lost interest in that match. All of that finally brings me to the Triple Threat match. There was a lot of backlash when it was clear we would see Cena/Rock 2 so why not add Punk. Cena never beat Rock, and hasn't fared well against Punk either. The odds would be stacked against Cena, and would really add some intrigue to the match. Punk should be in the main event this year, and since he isn't going in as champ I think the a Triple Threat is the way to go.
It would certainly seem that we'll get some sort of schmozzle on Raw and it'll end up being a triple threat at Mania. If we can't have Taker vs Punk, I'm ok with a triple threat. If it could be an elimination, and Punk walks out with the title, I'd pop loud, but alas, that won't happen. It's being built that Cena hasn't beat either guy, which I fear means Cena will leave with the belt. I just hope the E has the good sense to job the Rock, who is Teflon, and not have Punk take the fall.
If it is a triple threat we wouldn't get the same boring ass rock cena 2 as we have an extra addition it actually takes away from the boring rock cena 2 so yeah it would be a good idea and now people can stop complaining once means once and all that other b.s so it would make everybody happy
Let’s go back in time for a second and take a quick look at the History of WWE / World Championship Triple Threat Main Events at WrestleMania

WrestleMania XX
Triple H (c) vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Championship

WrestleMania 22
Kurt Angle (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship

WrestleMania XXIV
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania XXV
Edge (c) vs. John Cena vs. Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship

Does anyone see a pattern here?? With the exception of WM XXV, Randy Orton was in the first three and the portrayed “underdog” won the first three. I can see why they went with Cena winning for that 25th Anniversary “Feel Good Moment”.

Now, if the Higher Power decides to make the WM 29 Main Event a Triple Threat match and include CM Punk, I think that would make this match unpredictable, with the only known outcome being that the Rock will lose the Title.

Now, the question becomes, who’s the actual underdog in this Triple Threat match?? Cena never defeated either man, Punk was Champion for well over a year, and the Rock is the returning Legend. I know what they are trying to portray, but I can’t see Cena being the underdog in anything he’s involved in ever since WM XX.

One thing is for sure, it’s better than a one – on – one match, where everyone would know that Cena will win. Then again, I think it would be better if it was a Triple Threat Elimination match, with the Rock being eliminated first. That’s the only shocker I could see happening. I can picture it now, Michael Cole saying, “The Rock is the first to be eliminated. We will have a guaranteed new WWE Champion at the end of the night!!”

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