Rise Above Whatever: The Official Talon Thread

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I look at these posters. I see their laughter & camaraderie, their friendship. I see myself and realise that I am nothing. I yearn for the one thing that is seemingly forever out of my grasp.

You're really missing out
I look at these posters. I see their laughter & camaraderie, their friendship. I see myself and realise that I am nothing. I yearn for the one thing that is seemingly forever out of my grasp.

I didn't realize you were a girl, Talon.

You'll get lots of love and attention when it comes to the End of the Year Awards, I promise.

If you have no real answers to my dilemma or any actual things to add to this discussion, then just leave.

What about all of the people that have tried to help in the past? Should we all just quote the same shit now?
Who the fuck here as ever tried helping me? Since day fucking one, I have been outcast, so don't tell me that you people tried to "help" me.
Who the fuck here as ever tried helping me? Since day fucking one, I have been outcast, so don't tell me that you people tried to "help" me.

Seriously? No wait, fucking seriously? People have been genuinely trying to help you ever since day one of you being an idiot. JGlass, Harthan, Dynamite, Merkly, and Milenko. Fucking a, one of the people that got shit on more than you tried giving you advice and you simply shrugged it off. Don't say no one tried to help you here. You buried your own grave here.
WZ! Reporters are now just outside the Talonshire residence. "MR.TALONSHIRE, DO YOU MIND SHOWING SOME CLEAVAGE FOR THE CAMERAS!?"
I just want a damn friend here.

Who the fuck here as ever tried helping me? Since day fucking one, I have been outcast, so don't tell me that you people tried to "help" me.

Don't try so hard. Post your honest opinions regardless of what anyone thinks. Have good and logical reasons that support your opinion. Don't back off because people disagree. Don't be afraid to admit you were wrong but only because you have actually been convinced of it rather than being pressured by others. Don't try too hard to be funny. If you can be funny that's great, but let it flow naturally instead of trying to force it. Don't try too hard to fit in. It reeks of desperation and people feed off that. Forget about trying to fit into some clique that probably doesn't exist. People who beg for resepect don't usually get it. It shouldn't be that important to get respect from people you don't know anyway. Post with the goal of having good conversation and some laughs instead of trying to reach some sort of upper echelon that you've created in your own mind. Most importantly, remember what this is. An internet wrestling forum where you interact with strangers. It should not be among the top priorities in your life and if it's not fun you should not participate.
Talon more than once I tired to be helpful. I sent you PMs, I repped you words of encouragement, and until today I have never said an ill word to you. You just keep up the same shit. You keep going on and on when you know you piss people off, then you get upset when people give you shit. You complain about shit that you do yourself, like in the live discussions you are one of the people who frequently complain about the "PG" product, yet you still bitch when others gripe about it. You also don't handle criticism well. Then you do stuff like in the shooting thread, you made a joke(a dumb one at that), you weren't the only one either, but you were the only one who kept at it. You built up a massive negative reputation in your original run. You got your temp ban, you stayed away, things cooled down and when you came back you looked like you had changed. Granted your run this time hasn't been as bad, you haven't had a major caps lock pity party freak out, but it isn't a huge improvement.

People haven't been against you since day one. They may not have been warm to you, but 8 months or so ago when I joined people weren't super warm to me either, some still aren't. You keep trying to force it, and when it doesn't work you try even harder. Until recently you still posted in threads you knew were frequented by people who hate you. The bar room and those who frequent here, particularly those who are regulars in JGlass' thread are a fairly tight knit community(that I myself don't feel I fully fit into yet) and you did sort of just throw yourself in there. Its very possible to make friends here, but you can't just throw yourself in, you have to ease in. Its a lot like anal, if you just ram yourself in, then the other person isn't going to enjoy it and you get shit on
Who the fuck here as ever tried helping me? Since day fucking one, I have been outcast, so don't tell me that you people tried to "help" me.


I'd be willing to wager that more people have tried to help you more than thrown shit at you. You frequently get more shit, but I bet more people have tried to help. I did my part in trying to help you navigate the forum, but you didn't take anyone's advice at all. You proved to be a loss cause so people eventually gave up.

Pancake, you do realize that all the posters you named did the exact opposite of trying to help me, right?


Yes. Every single one of them did and I bet there's been more. If your too stupid to see help when its offered, many times when it starts with "I'm trying to help..." then that's on you.

And sometimes Talon, when someone busts another person's balls, it's done in a tough love situation not actual hatred.

Don't try so hard. Post your honest opinions regardless of what anyone thinks. Have good and logical reasons that support your opinion. Don't back off because people disagree. Don't be afraid to admit you were wrong but only because you have actually been convinced of it rather than being pressured by others. Don't try too hard to be funny. If you can be funny that's great, but let it flow naturally instead of trying to force it. Don't try too hard to fit in. It reeks of desperation and people feed off that. Forget about trying to fit into some clique that probably doesn't exist. People who beg for resepect don't usually get it. It shouldn't be that important to get respect from people you don't know anyway. Post with the goal of having good conversation and some laughs instead of trying to reach some sort of upper echelon that you've created in your own mind. Most importantly, remember what this is. An internet wrestling forum where you interact with strangers. It should not be among the top priorities in your life and if it's not fun you should not participate.

This. 100% this is the shit that everyone who has tried to give you advice in the past has said.

Just so there is no confusion, everything Brain just said above, would be helpful to you.

Again, that is someone trying to help you.

Now you can never say that no one has helped, because we can now just actually go to your thread, and quote this little ditty of a post and prove to you how oblivious you are.
Don't listen to their "advice" Talon. People shat on you immediately and are now just trying to make you look like the bad guy by throwing out suggestions to try to "help" you while claiming they did so all of the time.
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