Rise Above Whatever: The Official Talon Thread

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My opponent no showed his match and I was put into another and lost. You do better next time. I'm sure if you wanted to you could rejoin the FED.
And the worst part is, there was absolutely no reason for Hollywood Jameson to job. NONE. I mean, imagine if Vince or HHH said, "This Damien Sandow kid, he's gotta pay his dues, so we're gonna have him get squashed by Jey Uso".
And the worst part is, there was absolutely no reason for Hollywood Jameson to job. NONE. I mean, imagine if Vince or HHH said, "This Damien Sandow kid, he's gotta pay his dues, so we're gonna have him get squashed by Jey Uso".

You didn't have a very good RP that round, so there's that.
There would be no incentive to come back. I put a lot of effort into the Hollywood Jameson character, & unless everyone magically forgot his "career", he'd be the laughingstock of the fed. And if I just created a new character, it'd be difficult for me.
I mean, it would be nice to come back under a new character. But I think I'd have a join a tag team this time.
I LOST MY DEBUT! It was gonna be my start by using Jameson to beat HGR's character, leading to his send-off & some momentum for me. But noooooooo!!!! "We dont like you Talon, so we're gonna make you job in your big debut match!"


Are you fucking kidding? First of all, you bitched up a storm in the discussion thread, then you put out a lackluster RP. You screwed up the opportunity yourself. Seriously, go back and read your RP:


Did you deserve to win?
Are you fucking kidding? First of all, you bitched up a storm in the discussion thread, then you put out a lackluster RP. You screwed up the opportunity yourself. Seriously, go back and read your RP:


Did you deserve to win?

As someone who used to roleplay, I used to run a jobber character called Purple Jellyfish outside of my main, and my roleplays as Purple Jellyfish top that. Not even saying that to get on Talon's back, they really did.
I LOST MY DEBUT! It was gonna be my start by using Jameson to beat HGR's character, leading to his send-off & some momentum for me. But noooooooo!!!! "We dont like you Talon, so we're gonna make you job in your big debut match!"


And the worst part is, there was absolutely no reason for Hollywood Jameson to job. NONE. I mean, imagine if Vince or HHH said, "This Damien Sandow kid, he's gotta pay his dues, so we're gonna have him get squashed by Jey Uso".

You do know that this isn't a real wrestling fed right? Wins and loses are determined by who is better and not with the same mindset as how WWE is booked.

It's not up to WZCW creative to put people over, it'a up to the individual RPer.

How would you feel if Hollywood had been around for a year and an established player and then to lose to someone brand new with a shitty RP? You'd lose your mind.
But the guy I faced was leaving. If I was leaving, I'd let a new guy beat me as long it was a proper send-off & was beneficial to the new guy.
But the guy I faced was leaving. If I was leaving, I'd let a new guy beat me as long it was a proper send-off & was beneficial to the new guy.

You'd have to speak to him in relation to him taking an angled/storyline loss, if you don't do that, then winner is determined via roleplays. That is how the game works.
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