Rise Above Whatever: The Official Talon Thread

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Seriously, what separates My Little Pony from the dozens of cartoons on Nick Jr., Playhouse Disney, PBSKids, etc?
Seriously, what separates My Little Pony from the dozens of cartoons on Nick Jr., Playhouse Disney, PBSKids, etc?

Because I'm in a good mood this morning I will explain it. At the start of the 2nd season the writers shifted the tone of the show and made it more appealing to the older audience. They actually listened to the fan community on a lot of things. They are doing studies as to why the show was so appealing to the older crowd in the first place. Most of the haters haven't watched the show, those that have typically only watch the first few episodes, and admittedly the first five are pretty slow.

I like it because there is a lot of humor in the show.

Why you continue to let it bother you I'm not sure but I hope this gives you an idea
I've seen a lot of weird things happen on shows, but My Little Pony being appealing to people who aren't 9 and below is friggin' bizarre.

What kind of things are they doing with the show?
Bray Wyatt. Jesus christ, Bray Wyatt. Easily the greatest character in the WWE today. Hell, Paul Heyman has praised him, so that must tell you something. Sucks that's he's injured for 5 months though.
Well, at least someone here had the deceny to say happy birthday to me.

Pity Party! You're table for one is available.

No one knew who the fuck you were. I've gotten one happy birthday thread since my time here and it was by people in the prison for some reason.

Don't be a bitch. Maybe you'll get one next time, maybe not. It's not a big deal either way.
I LOST MY DEBUT! It was gonna be my start by using Jameson to beat HGR's character, leading to his send-off & some momentum for me. But noooooooo!!!! "We dont like you Talon, so we're gonna make you job in your big debut match!"

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