Talon's Rise Above Hate

You created a thread in the Bar Room for yourself. So, after you cried us all a river and after many posters gave you the great advice to stay out of the spam sections, you not only kept posting in them but you made your position even worse.

Congratulations... now, I don't like you.
You created a thread in the Bar Room for yourself. So, after you cried us all a river and after many posters gave you the great advice to stay out of the spam sections, you not only kept posting in them but you made your position even worse.

Congratulations... now, I don't like you.

Alright, now that stings. I thought we were friends. Or at least had some type of mentor/mentee relationship.
This is the last thread i'm making though. Swear to God.

Everyone else is making salty threads about me though.
I'm trying broski. But everyone's all like "Talon's an attention ****e! We need to make some more threads about Talon then!"
People = shit. Again, fuck 'em. We don't matter that much.

I once told Milenko that he should only post every OTHER post he would otherwise make and see where it takes him. I'm thinking the same should be said to you. I don't think you're TOTAL shit, just not used to things around here. Younger posters tend to suck a lot of wind around here just for being "young" and acting as such.
Hello fellow wrestlezone members i'm Whostine I i've been following talon and found that what he says is interesting and worth listening to and i hope to here hear more keep it up BROSKI
Hello fellow wrestlezone members i'm Whostine I i've been following talon and found that what he says is interesting and worth listening to and i hope to here hear more keep it up BROSKI

Why, fellas, I do believe we've got ourselves an alt over here.
I wouldn't be surprised if his little friend is an exile too.

Did you watch Wrestlemania, Talon? It was pretty awesome.
Yeah, first hour was shit, but everything else was kick-ass.

I'm inclined to agree - I was shocked at the time when they took the belt of Bryan in what was it again 18 seconds? But now that the initial rage has died down I hope they can use it to further his character. I knew Sheamus would likely be leaving as the Champion but still...

I didn't give a shit about Kane/Orton anyway

I didn't dislike Rhodes/Big Show and the ending made sense

The Divas match was... not horrible?

The rest of the show was amazing. At least two possibly three five star matches. The only thing I would've changed is had Punk Jericho THEN the tag match THEN the Taker v HHH match, nothing could have taken away from Rock Cena, but between Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena the crowd lost their thunder a little.
OK, so I will put this as delicately as possible:

This is the Bar Room. Nobody cares about your fucking psyche. LEAVE, OR ELSE.
Or else... Suibon will NEVER quit centering her posts. She'll waste half a second of your precious life every time by having you move your eyes to the right whenever you come across her posts.
Or else... Suibon will NEVER quit centering her posts. She'll waste half a second of your precious life every time by having you move your eyes to the right whenever you come across her posts.

I just assume nothing's written and keep reading other posts.

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