RIP Randy Savage

I can't believe this. This news made my heart sink earlier on, because Savage was a true legend, and he is one of the all time greats. I was hoping to see Savage deliver his long awaited Hall Of Fame speech some day, but it'll never happen. Savage provided some great memories for me. I'll never forget the Wrestlemania 7 match he had with Warrior. The match was outstanding, and the reunion with Elizabeth was one of those tear jerking emotional moments.

I was too young to understand Owen Hart's death, I was sad when Eddie died, but Savage's death has left me with this empty feeling inside, and I am still in shock.

RIP, Randy Savage.
His death is currently the #1 headline on MSN, AOL, and I assume other various news sites. Very sad to hear about this tragic news...

RIP Macho Man.
Very rarely do I shed tears over the death of someone I have never met, but when I found out earlier today I couldn't help but shed a tear over this.

R.I.P. Randy "Macho Man" Savage

During the era of Hulkamania, Randy Savage was without a doubt the biggest star in wrestling not to bear the name Hulk Hogan. This really is one of those tragic moments that will live with a lot of people for a long time to come.
Hoping to see some tribute graphics on Smackdown tonight. Macho deserves the recognition. Macho Madness forever.

I never really cared about Savage because I wasn't a fan when he was in his prime. That being said, I logged into Facebook and one of my friends, who doesn't watch wrestling at all, was posting about. I think that says a lot about Savage and how much appeal he had to a lot of people.

I logged on here and saw it was true. I am in disbelief but I would be lying if I said it meant as much to me as it does to others. A sad day for wrestling, for sure. A massive personality taken from us.

May he rest in peace.
Savage was a legend, and will be missed. Although anyone crying about it who didnt know him personally ought to get a grip.
One of the true wrestling legends I never got see live. Seen everyone from Hogan, Flair, Dusty Rhodes, HBK, Owen, Funk, Foley, Rock, Austin, Taker, Eddie Guerrero, etc. but never Savage. I just wish all of us could have seen him one last time.
I was actually watching a video of the old WWF on youtube and thinking to myself, Macho Man is one of the only ones in this that are still with us today.

I come on WZ and am stunned to find an article saying he's passed away. Its just so unfourtunate. My thoughts go out to his family. Its so sad to see one of the few remaining legends from the golden age go.

The video I mentioned Is a great tribute video by the way, heres a link to it (its not mine):

WWF 1987-1993
I wasn't even alive when the Macho Man was in his prime, but i know a legend when I see one!

Sadly I'm not sure that he'll be missed that much by most as he's been away from the business longer than other wrestlers that have died recently (Umaga, Test etc.). But I will miss you.

R.I.P. Macho Man Randy Savage.

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