RIP Ryan Dunn

Its a shame he died so young but I don't feel sympathy for him. I do feel Sympathy for Bam, the guy is hurting real bad. He lost one of his best friends. But no I don't feel anything for Ryan Dunn.
Барбоса;3204417 said:
Twice the legal blood alcohol level and driving at 140mph = no sympathy

Plus the article isn't suggesting it was drunk driving either. All it said was that Ryan posted a picture of himself HOURS before this having ONE drink. So you have no idea if he was over or under the legal limit. The article is pretty clearly saying that the accident was due to the fact that he was speeding over 100MPH on a really dangerous road.

Does that article change your mind now? About how we should perceive his death? Driving with that much alcohol in your blood is almost asking for trouble. Driving that fast is almost asking for trouble. Doing both at the same time is insane.
If the passanger was dumb..or drunk enough too get into the car with another drunk than maybe he should have died as well.
here we go, this is like the ritual thing when there is a death, this X and Sly thing.

when I see someone has died I always think to myself "there is gonna be a sweet knock em down drag em out with Sly and X"
I'm sad for him and his family. Why would I be sad for myself? I didn't know the guy.

I would question why you'd be sad for him, considering he made the choice to engage in the behavior which was responsible for his death. And it's not like that behavior resulting in death is a bring surprise. It'd be one thing to go swimming in an ocean and get attacked by a shark. This guy was over twice the legal limit, and over twice the speed limit.

I would rather you feel sad for yourself, that part of your childhood and part of what entertains you is gone. I have no problem feeling sorry for his family, none at all. But for him? Mark this down in the whole "Kanyon" category for me, where I just have trouble understanding feeling sorry for someone who did something incredibly stupid resulting in, not only his death, but the death of another.
I feel sad to hear that Ryan has already passed away but it even feel worse to hear people criticizing his death. I heard that movie critic Roger Ebert has been criticized by many for his Twitter post Monday talking about "Jackass" star Ryan Dunn's unforeseen fatality on the exact same day. Ebert has replied to the judgments. However, the statement is still critical of Dunn's behavior. Here is the proof: Roger Ebert responds to criticism over his tweet about Ryan Dunn. Anyway, what he said is actually true but it's not the right time for it. Rest in peace Ryan, thanks for the decade of laughs.
We're all human. We all make mistakes. Ryan made one foolish mistake that not only ended in the end of his life but someone else's as well. But the thing is, if you've watched this person do something you found enjoyable for a prolonged period of your life, it's gonna be a tough pill to swallow when you find out they are no longer here to be involved in that enjoyable activity. So RIP Ryan Dunn, the guy from Jackass who made me laugh a lot from his antics. That side of you will be missed. I feel the most for Bam quite honestly, because you didn't need to enjoy Jackass to know that the pair were really close.
I'm shocked to see he went out this way rather than a Jackass stunt going wrong. Sad news, anyway. R.I.P Ryan Dunn.
I've not made a mistake that's killed someone.

Just sayin.
Did they deserve to die?

Well, 'deserve' is a funny word. Removing the moral allusions people heap on it and per it's actual definition—To merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.) because of actions, qualities, or situation—it would seem that yes, in a purely non-judgmental matter-of-fact way, Dunn and his passenger indeed deserved to die. He (they) engaged in extremely dangerous behaviour that statistically should lead to serious physical harm if not death.
But don't just take my word for it, let's ask Sam Jackson. Sam Jackson, did they deserve to die?

Now hold on Sam that's taking it too far!
…not cool man, not cool.
I've seen a lot of people call that video phoney; that Bam was faking and just looking for publicity.

When men legit hysterically cry, it comes off embarrassing as fuck just like in that video, not the kind of shit you're used to seeing on movies and television. I can tell Bam is truly devastated. Time will heal his wounds though and he'll eventually be alright.

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