RIP Ryan Dunn

Been a huge fan of the Jackass crew since the show made its debut on MTV back in like 2000. Ryan Dunn was definitely one of the best guys on the show. His reactions to stunts in particular was what made him special, not pulling off the stunts himself. The dude was incredibly funny, with perhaps the greatest laugh/giggle ever. It's very sad to hear that he's gone.

Here's perhaps my all time favorite video of him:


It's actually kind of weird watching that now since Dunn flips out about Bam driving like a maniac, when apparently as Xfear pointed out it looks like Dunn's death could be attributed to him or his friend driving down a dangerous road over 100MPH.

What I can't understand is how despite the fact people die all the time in drunk driving accidents, and kill others in drunk driving accidents, people will still get behind the wheel when they're drunk. And I don't know for certain, but I'm guessing this guy could have afforded a cab ride and a hotel room for the night.

If I remember right, you don't drink at all. Neither do I, man. But I do know that most people under the influence of alcohol feel invincible and their judgment gets heavily impaired when drunk. It's no excuse, but there's no point in trying to bring logic into a drunken man's actions.

I agree though... if Dunn or his friend were drunk, thank God they didn't hurt anyone else. I'm sure even Dunn himself would say that he would have much rather died in an accident than kill someone else while drunk driving.
GOd I love Jackass and every part of their crew. I loved Dunn on Viva La Bam, and it sucks he passed at such a young age. Rip
Don't give up the day job Muzz

Sadly, it is my day job.

I was a big fan of Jackass and Ryan Dunn but, and i can't believe i'm doing this, we have to use the "Chris Benoit paradox" (When he was alive, he was amazing but the way he died has just made him into a total asshole). I feel the same can be said for Ryan Dunn
Sadly, it is my day job.

I was a big fan of Jackass and Ryan Dunn but, and i can't believe i'm doing this, we have to use the "Chris Benoit paradox" (When he was alive, he was amazing but the way he died has just made him into a total asshole). I feel the same can be said for Ryan Dunn

Drunk driving doesn't mean you deserve to die.

Have any of you ever actually had a friend die in a drunk driving accident?
I don't think drunk driving and killing one's kid and wife before committing suicide is on the same level of asshole. Don't get me wrong, drunk driving is a terrible and stupid thing to do as you are endangering innocent peoples lives, but killing yourself and family is on a whole new level.
I think everyone that has ever sipped on alcohol deserves to burn in hell for eternity, but that's just me.
For some reason this song popped into my head as I was reading this thread.

Dunn was always one of my favorite Jackasses and CKY members. His dry, sarcastic sense of humor always appealed to me more then most of the other guys. It is a damn shame he died young. Random Hero will always live on in my memory.
Have any of you ever actually had a friend die in a drunk driving accident?
I assume you're referring to the innocent victim of the accident, and not the drunk driver, right? In that case, not a friend, but certainly someone who was known and still in high school.
Stupid decision or not a man died way before his time and that always sucks.

Says who?, ever think that maybe, just maybe this was his time, hence why he died now. The whole stupid "he died before his time" bullshit gets really old & annoying, seriously who the fuck are you, I, or anyone to say when his time was/is meant to be up. BTW as incredibly shitty as this is gonna sound if these were the type of stupid decisions this guy was gonna keep making, then him dieing may just be for the better, at least now we don't have to worry about him killing some poor innocent bystander losing their life cause this fuckhead couldn't call a cab, or get a ride from someone sober. It sucks he died, but he's the one that ultimately made the decision that cost him his fucking life.
Would my mother count in this? Because she did. When I was four. Feel better about that question, bro? I'm not mad, it's just a touchy subject.

That absolutely sucks man, that's much worse than losing a few friends from drunk driving like I have, but I was just saying that it sucks when this stuff happens, which should be obvious.
RIP, buddy. No one will ever take their ass beatings like a man quite like you did. He was the one who always volunteered to get his ass whooped by MMA fighters, right?
So sad D':

A car crash doesn't seem like a fitting way for a Jackass to die. Now there will be no more Jackass. I can't see any of the other cast members getting over this.

That absolutely sucks man, that's much worse than losing a few friends from drunk driving like I have, but I was just saying that it sucks when this stuff happens, which should be obvious.

Like I said, I'm not pissed about it or anything, and I agree it absolutely sucks when this shit happens. But, I also have no compassion for the man if tox-screens come back that he was, in fact, intoxicated.
Its a shame when anyone dies young, RIP Ryan Dunn

But this seems to be entirely self inflicted. No sympathy for a guy who has quite a bit to drink, then stupidly drives his car at over 100mph on a dangerous road, when he can clearly afford the cab fair home. He really was a Jackass, and luckily he didnt hit any other cars or pedestrians. There is no excuse to drive at that speed and after getting drunk.

Plus, I had no idea who this guy was until he died, so this has no effect on me whatsoever.

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