Macho Man Randy Savage Dead at 58 *Keep It All In Here*

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Utterly gutted, the guy was the complete package and still had it, as shown by his WWE ad he did last year.
Macho Man my child hood hero of the 80's and 90's you will be missed. The greatest to ever step foot into the ring and a man I truly looked up to as a kid. Thanks for everything and much love to your family, wife, and friends.
Terrible news. Savage was an icon. In the same league as Hogan, Flair, Piper, Sting, etc. Not sure what else to say other than a huge part of my childhood has been ripped out from under me. I'll never forget Savage and Elizabeth. Great moments in the past. Too bad McMahon didn't put him in the HoF while he was alive. Ego is evil.
My 3 favorite Randy Savage moments:

3)Being bitten by Jake The Snake's king cobra in 1991

2)The greatest match of all time against Ricky Steamboat in 1987 at Wrestlemania 3

1)The tearful reunion with The Lovely Miss Elizabeth after his career ending match in 1991 at Wrestlemania 7. I'm sorry. I think I've got something in my eye.

Thanks for so many great memories, Randy. Ohhhhh yeah!
Everyone should go on top of semi high places, drop down onto people giving them a double axe handle and then do his famous turning taunt as a tribute to him. Or even go for the Elbow if you can find someone laying down.
Macho Man Randy Savage was one of the best ever. He could play both sides equally well. Nobody did it like Mach Man. One more run would have been great. The industry needs more guys like Mach Man right now. You will be sorely missed and never forgotten. R.I.P. Randy Poffo.
I woke up in a good mood and now it is destroyed. Savage was a huge part of my youth. He was by far my favorite wrestler. While most of the wrestling world was a Hulkamaniac I was wrapped up in the madness and couldnt stand Hogan because of how much I loved Savage.

My favorite fued of his was Savage vs. George the Animal Steele. Steeles obsession with Liz was soo funny and he irked Macho Man so much.

Savages best matches were against Steamboat, hands down.

Savage vs. Warrior career ending match was another big one for me because that night Liz and Savage "got back together"

If they do not run a package for Savage tonight, I will no longer watch anything that has anything to do with Vince McMahon.
The world... not just the wrestling community mourns the loss of Macho Man today. We will miss you! I remember playing with his action figure when I was a kid and now I'm graduating college.
I don't know what to say I'm almost in tears one of the greatest wrestlers from my youth RIP Randy Pollo You will be missed also I would like to send my condulences to the family of pollo RIP one of the greatest wrestlers ever
Macho Man was without a doubt the reason why I got into watching wrestling. Everyone else was on the hulkamania train while I was riding the Macho Madness. I couldn't believe it when I read about it on MSN this morning.
Man I heard the news and I'm down. I remember my wrestling school days and doing his elbow drop I wanted him in the HOF so bad wanted the entire crowd to shout OOOOOO YEEEEEAH! Now I'm gonna Snap Into A Slim Jim
I don't know what to say I'm almost in tears one of the greatest wrestlers from my youth RIP Randy Pollo You will be missed also I would like to send my condulences to the family of pollo RIP one of the greatest wrestlers ever

With all do respect, it is Poffo.

I am also very sad, my little sister is crying because she knows how much I loved him lol
R.I.P. Randy Savage. He may have been in the worst ppv main event of all time (halloween havoc 96) but I don't care, he was also in the best Wrestlemania match of all time. Quite the accolade.

If you've never seen Savage v. Steamboat at WM3, it is here: and part 2 is

Any wrestling fan knows this is one of the 10 greatest matches of all time. RIP Savage. you were truly a great entertainer.
This hit me really hard...
I had the privilege of hanging with Randy Savage on just 2 occasions through some media friends. Both times were great memories! He was truly a gentleman and a genuine guy.

He is the foundation for so personalities in the wrestling business today. Noone had more flash. VERY few could work the stick like him. His promos were a world apart from most anyone. Some of his matches could be considered the best of all time.

What is really sad is that he had just started to make peace with Vionce, and Hulk Hogan, got married and was truly happy. Tragic loss.

God bless Randy Poffo - the "Macho Man" Randy Savage! The wrestling world got a little less exciting with you gone.

I love how teenagers act like they grew up with savage when Im 31 and was watching Savage when I was 8. The madness that I grew up watching, you all werent even alive for. I digress. While almost everyone on this forum was rooting for Hogan to win at WM5 I was rooting for the Macho Man.
I have no memories of watching him since I was too young back in his days but it's some sad news to hear about this. R.I.P. Randy Savage, that "rap" album was terrible but you deserve peace now.
I absolutely rooted for Savage in every match. He had the ability to work the crowd up. I am 45 and I remember his debut in WWF when all the managers were bidding on him. Classic.
I already posted on another thread, but I'm gonna give my memorial again.

I'm absolutely devestated and heartbroken. A true icon and legend.

I always though macho man deserved to be considered just as great as hogan. The greatest of rivals and the greatest of teammates, as well.

I don't care if he never wrestled again or appeared on t.v. I'm just devastated that one of my all-time heros has died.

Edit: And I meant to mention that we're talking about 25 years of fandom. I was the guy from nearly the beginning, and it was always epic.
I grew up watching Randy, i will forever remember and respect what he did for the business. He could walk the walk, and talk the talk. He is one of my favorites of all time, and My heart goes out to his family in this difficult time

R.I.P. Macho Man Randy Savage
I love how teenagers act like they grew up with savage when Im 31 and was watching Savage when I was 8. The madness that I grew up watching, you all werent even alive for. I digress. While almost everyone on this forum was rooting for Hogan to win at WM5 I was rooting for the Macho Man.

You're not the only one. As someone who remembers watching the classic matches as they were happening, I can relate to your post about so many of these wrestling fans not even really knowing Macho Madness except what they see on YouTube. We old-schoolers lived it.

Rest In Peace, Randy. We will always remember the greatness.
Gutted about this, one of the true greats about this business. Would never get tired of seeing his feud with Flair about Elizabeth in 1992 or the feud that followed with Shawn after Wrestlemania 8, not to mention his feud with Hogan and that classic against Steamboat in Wrestlemania 3.

RIP Macho Man, you'll never be missed.
Having lived through Macho Madness and loving him as a young kid ... and then his integral part in the turn of Hogan to Hollywood ... there is not enough that can be said about Savage in this business.

It is hard to "rank" him exactly. But he is one of the true legends of the sport. I was not in fairy tale land and thinking he would ever have another match, but I did hope to see him get a proper send off on WWE television at some point.

RIP Macho Madness. You will be missed.
I must say that I have shed tears today.

I first met Randy when I went to a WWF event with my dad in the 80's, just past Wrestlemania 4 when he won his first WWF Championship. We were waiting outside the tunnel ramp where the wrestlers and stage crew were coming out and he signed autographs for everyone that was out there waiting on him. I remember Hogan, Dibiase, Andre, and others signing a few autographs then going to their cars, but Savage came out and let people touch (not hold) the BEST DAMN CHAMPIONSHIP BELT IN WWF/E HISTORY, and signed autographs.

I still have the old macho man t-shirt that he signed, framed it when i was in my teens and realized how awesome it was for him to sign it for me. It's still hanging up in my bedroom at my parents house.

I feel as though a piece of my childhood died. I have been angered that WWE has acted as though he hasn't existed for the last few years, and even more angry now that he was never inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Vince at least needs to take into consideration the fans when deciding these things, not just personal issues about who switched companies.

The WRESTLING world lost a true icon today. Rest in peace brother!
Such a sad day. Rest In Peace to one of the best ever. Im truly hurt by it and will forever remember him. OOOOOO YAAAAAAAAAAA

Im so mad that he was never inducted in the HOF , and now because of this, he probably will be. This man deserved better then that and should have been there to enjoy it. How you feel now Vince?
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