Brian Knobs mocks Death of Randy Savage

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This article was posted by Chris Cash earlier today:

At the Wrestlefest 2011 event, presented by Big Time Wrestling (, in Newark, California last weekend, one wrestler got major heat by other wrestlers in attendance for laughing about and mocking Randy Savage's recent death.

Former WWE, WCW and TNA wrestler, Brian Knobs of the Nasty Boys, was reportedly mocking the death of "Macho Man" Randy Savage on the night of the tragic accident. Wrestlefest 2011 took place last Friday at the Newark Pavilion and featured a host of professional wrestlers, including Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, X-Pac Sean Waltman, the Nasty Boys and many others.

One wrestler in attendance told me that Knobs would be impersonating Savage and then put his hands to his chest as if he was faking a heart attack. "[Knobs] was joking about the fact that he outlived Savage and so many other wrestlers and it was just uncalled for," one source told

Another wrestler at the event said that it's just how Knobs is, but it's no excuse. "He's just an asshole in real life, but it doesn't mean it should be tolerated. Whether he really meant anything or not by it, show some respect".

While most wrestlers haven't publicly spoken out about the situation with Knobs, Sean Waltman posted the following on his Twitter page: "There's no shoot brewing w Knobs. He's just an asshole for making jokes about Randy Savage dying on the same day it happened. He's pathetic." Waltman later messaged Hulk Hogan, who it's no secret is close friends with Knobs, saying, "@HulkHogan4Real I love u man, but ur court jester Knobs crossed the line w his laughing about Randy's death before the sun even went down. I'm sorry to even bring u into Knobs BS, but he needs to be held accountable for once. Ur the only 1 I know who can do it."

Tasteless. Absolutely tasteless. Whether he was joking or not, you don't joke about one the day of their death. Americans even waited a day before celebrating Osama's death, and he deserves to be dead. I've never liked the Nasty Boys; they're full of shit. However, Brian Knobs made sure I never like them. This is completely uncalled for. Thoughts?
Dude, Americans did not wait a day before celebrating Osama's death. They were outside of the White House cheering within 30 minutes of hearing the news, waving American flags, chanting USA and singing the National Anthem. But that is neither here nor there. Brian Knobs is an asshole and no matter if he thought it was funny or not, when nobody else is laughing at your jokes, it is probably a good indication that they aren't funny, are in poor taste, or they know you are going to burn in hell for the things that you just said. In his case, it is probably all 3.
Knobbs is a jackass. Anyone who has seen him on Hogan Knows Best can see that. He never had any talent, and i'm shocked that he got as far as he did in the wrestling business.

What I don't understand is how anybody can mock the death of ANYONE, especially someone that you know and among that mans peers and friends? How cold and uncaring do you have to be to do that? How could Knobbs believe that what he was saying was appropriate and/or funny, when noone else was acting in that way or laughing at his moronic Savage impressions?

People like Knobbs are just a waste of air, and he certainly crossed the line here.
Brian Knobbs is a certified asshole, no doubt. If you look up the definition of the word asshole in the dictionary you would see a picture of him, but anyways.

What Brian Knobbs did at that event was disgraceful! I can't see how Knobbs can look at himself in the mirror each day? And I can't see why Hulk Hogan would have someone like Knobbs involved in his camp? Hulk Hogan should know better if Hogan really does "know best".
Brian Knobbs needs to be kicked in the balls...HARD. Mocking the death of anyone, let alone someone you've perosnally shared a locker room with, is just plain wrong and disrespectful. Wasn't Hulk Hogan and Macho Man very close with each other at one time? Now Knobbs has the balls to mock his friend's friends? I don't understand what made Knobbs think it was ok to do this, especially when it just happened. The little respect I had left for the Nasty Boys is gone because Knobbs couldn't keep himself from exploiting the death of one of the most charasmatic, influencial wrestling personalities of all time. The fucker was probably jealous.
Whose Brian Knobbs? Oh yeah, he's that guy from the '80's who was fat and untalented and now he's that guy in 2011... Whose fat and untalented.

Let him run his mouth, his career was buried years ago, even on the shoulders of Hulk Hogan he couldn't make a decent return in TNA. His own best friend couldn't get him a stable wrestling gig. Brian Knobbs, was and always will be, nothing to professional wrestling asides from Hulk Hogan's friend. And that isn't exactly an achievement.
Tasteless? Yup. But I'm not going to leap all over the guy like everyone else.

Some people deal with tragedy by making jokes. It's not a sign of disrespect, it's a self-defense mechanism. You take a burden that's heavy and try to lighten it with humor. I wasn't there, neither were any of us- we don't know exactly what he said. We don't know the context. For all we know, Brian Knobbs cried himself to sleep that night.

I'm not saying that Brian Knobbs is some good guy that people just don't understand. For all I know, he was trying to be a real dick and was celebrating someone's death. But there's more than one way to view this, and it's wrong to condemn someone if you only know a couple of the facts.
Just one of Hogans boys trying to get attention from everyone buy being an asshole that he is ..

... Just move along people nothing to see here
Knobbs is a talentless asshole. He's been out of the lime light for so long, even though Hogan and co. tried to bring him back, that he's feeling a little anxious for fame, so he tries to act like an idiot. He's nothing but a douchebag who wants attention. It's not his fault he had a shit career compared to Savage, right? Give me a fucking break, Knobbs is a piece of shit and he deserves to be sworn out by Waltman. Hell, he deserves to be blacklisted from the business. That dick.
Tasteless? Yup. But I'm not going to leap all over the guy like everyone else.

Some people deal with tragedy by making jokes. It's not a sign of disrespect, it's a self-defense mechanism. You take a burden that's heavy and try to lighten it with humor. I wasn't there, neither were any of us- we don't know exactly what he said. We don't know the context. For all we know, Brian Knobbs cried himself to sleep that night.

I'm not saying that Brian Knobbs is some good guy that people just don't understand. For all I know, he was trying to be a real dick and was celebrating someone's death. But there's more than one way to view this, and it's wrong to condemn someone if you only know a couple of the facts.

How very magnanimous of you!

I have to disagree, if only because Knobbs has a history of being a massive tool in public, and shitting in people's bags, the inconsiderate fuckwit. I might've hesitated to jump all over him if I'd ever seen a glimmer of one, JUST ONE redeeming feature, alas that wasn't to be.

Believe me when I say I totally dig the humour as a defence mechanism, I've made more than my share of inappropriate jokes at the wrong times simply to lighten my own mood, but that doesn't mean if I did that and someone pulled me up on being an asshole I wouldn't apologise. Knobbs should really apologise if he isn't the scum bag everyone thinks he is.
How very magnanimous of you!

I have to disagree, if only because Knobbs has a history of being a massive tool in public, and shitting in people's bags, the inconsiderate fuckwit. I might've hesitated to jump all over him if I'd ever seen a glimmer of one, JUST ONE redeeming feature, alas that wasn't to be.

Believe me when I say I totally dig the humour as a defence mechanism, I've made more than my share of inappropriate jokes at the wrong times simply to lighten my own mood, but that doesn't mean if I did that and someone pulled me up on being an asshole I wouldn't apologise. Knobbs should really apologise if he isn't the scum bag everyone thinks he is.
Well, of course you apologize when your poorly-received joke pisses people off, but that's not the kind of thing that makes headlines on wrestling dirt sheets. (Actually, Brian Knobbs not being a dick might just be newsworthy. I'd click that link, "Brian Knobbs apologizes for being a tool", mostly in disbelief.)

We're talking about people who know each other far better than we know them. We don't have much of a picture on this besides "Knobbs has been a tool in the past, and he acted inappropriately after Randy Savage died."
Well, of course you apologize when your poorly-received joke pisses people off, but that's not the kind of thing that makes headlines on wrestling dirt sheets. (Actually, Brian Knobbs not being a dick might just be newsworthy. I'd click that link, "Brian Knobbs apologizes for being a tool", mostly in disbelief.)

We're talking about people who know each other far better than we know them. We don't have much of a picture on this besides "Knobbs has been a tool in the past, and he acted inappropriately after Randy Savage died."

Granted you're right there, I can't disagree with that, but sometimes it's just fun to bag on the douche-bag!

Still for perspective it's amazing what does make the dirtsheet headlines, and even more spectacular the sort of frothy-mouthed idiotry that almost always ensues when the masses get a hold of something as commonplace as Bischoff having a pop at the IWC [I really hate that term].
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