Knobbs is not only a fat slob, but a jackass to boot


Mid-Card Championship Winner

At the Wrestlefest 2011 event, presented by Big Time Wrestling (, in Newark, California last weekend, one wrestler got major heat by other wrestlers in attendance for laughing about and mocking Randy Savage's recent death.

Former WWE, WCW and TNA wrestler, Brian Knobs of the Nasty Boys, was reportedly mocking the death of "Macho Man" Randy Savage on the night of the tragic accident. Wrestlefest 2011 took place last Friday at the Newark Pavilion and featured a host of professional wrestlers, including Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, X-Pac Sean Waltman, the Nasty Boys and many others.

One wrestler in attendance told me that Knobs would be impersonating Savage and then put his hands to his chest as if he was faking a heart attack. "[Knobs] was joking about the fact that he outlived Savage and so many other wrestlers and it was just uncalled for," one source told

Another wrestler at the event said that it's just how Knobs is, but it's no excuse. "He's just an asshole in real life, but it doesn't mean it should be tolerated. Whether he really meant anything or not by it, show some respect".

While most wrestlers haven't publicly spoken out about the situation with Knobs, Sean Waltman posted the following on his Twitter page: "There's no shoot brewing w Knobs. He's just an asshole for making jokes about Randy Savage dying on the same day it happened. He's pathetic." Waltman later messaged Hulk Hogan, who it's no secret is close friends with Knobs, saying, "@HulkHogan4Real I love u man, but ur court jester Knobs crossed the line w his laughing about Randy's death before the sun even went down. I'm sorry to even bring u into Knobs BS, but he needs to be held accountable for once. Ur the only 1 I know who can do it."

This fat slob really is a tool. I remember he thought it was a riot when he got kicked out of a Tampa Bay Rays' game for being disruptive.

Only reason he is anywhere near relevant in the wrestling world is because he is good friends with Hogan.

Thank Christ TNA decided not to keep him.
yeah i agree what has been said. knobbs is a complete doucher and he acts like a moron just because his tongue stays up hogans ass.
It sucks that former wrestlers like Savage are dead while I still have to share the same air with a guy like Knobbs.
Not surprised by this at all, but would you think even Knobbs would have some class when it comes to Macho Man, guess not.
I actually thought he was funny of Hogan Knows a pitiful way

Now, the more I think of it

The more of an utter waste of air he is.

Knobbs accomplished nothing in his career of note, and to mock a fellow human for dying, especially one who did more for the busines than Knobbs could do in 5 lifetimes is just disgusting

What a dick
I think we all need to consider the source of the comments and understand the kind of person this Knobbs (could he have a more appropriate last name right now?) person is. I've always seen him as nothing more than an out of shape, over the top character who capitalized in the business at a time when that schtick was over with the fans. Thankfully, he's been relegated to small events like the one where he was so offensive and hopefully we'll never see, nor hear from this disgusting individual ever again in this business. But my guess is, we haven't heard the last of this issue nor this person. Unfortunately, this kind of thing only serves to lengthen the long since over career of an underachiever like Knobbs.
Did anyone catch the interview with The Honky Tonky Man on Macho Man. He was a massive dick also. I think he basically suggested that he refused to drop the IC title to Macho and because of that Macho should of thanked him because he got to the world title instead. He was being deadly serious as well. Dude wanted to be rewarded for being greedy, and the only good thing he had to say about him is Savage was where he drew the most money in his career. Talk about hewn from the same cloth as Hogan. Any guy that talks about "we drew good money" or " we could have made some real big money" just isn't worth listening to. Couple of pricks.
I mean....have you ever seen Knobbs? What do you think HIS life is like on a day to day basis?

Yeam probably to the level were you feel the need to make fun of someone who is way cooler than you dying.

I actually feel kinda bad for him
The fact that most people are choosing to highlight Knobbs' comments than thinking about the good times that Macho Man Randy Savage brought us as wrestling fans is the worst thing to come out of this. Because some people are actually going out of there way to highlight this person's stupidity by putting up on wrestling news sites and then creating threads like this one. I'm not trying to tell people to not think that Knobbs is an idiot for what he said but at the same time this isn't what being a wrestling fan is about. Tasteless people and assholes exist all over the planet, I am sure there's enough of them in your real life to have to contend with than to bother wasting any energy discussing the comments of one Brian "Nasty Boy" Knobbs. Granted Knobbs was in a successful tag team, the Nasty Boys were over, I remember them vividly as a kid but neither of them equal a Randy Savage nor will they ever. As far as Knobbs I'd say we are all the better for tuning him out, honestly.

Therefore this is how I'll react to Nasty Boys Knobbs and his antics:

- "Macho Man" Randy Savage - 6 Time World Champion (4 times WCW, 2 Times WWF)
- Wrestled FOUR former World Heavyweight Champions at four consecutive WrestleManias (Hulk Hogan-5, Dusty Rhodes-6, Ultimate Warrior-7 and Ric Flair-8 not to mention he also had the match of a lifetime with another former World Champion in Ricky Steamboat at 'Mania 3)
- Slim Jim spokesman
- Epic cameo in Spider-Man (2002)
- Wrestled 4 memorable contests against Butch Reed, Greg Valentine, One Man Gang and Ted DiBiase en route to his first World Title in wrestling.

And that's just off the top of my head. So let's not dignify what the dirt sheet assholes are writing about and what the marks are hating on, Knobbs if he said and did everything the "newspeople" said he did, then he'll have his day of reckoning. But in the meantime let's just get back to thinking about some of the stuff I just said in regards to Macho Man's career.
SirJoseOle's post above sums it all up quite well for me.

While I hate to extend a thread that helps contribute to Brian Knobbs' relevancy in any way, I simply can't resist jumping in to have a go at bashing that talentless fucking lump.

Seriously, The Nasty Boys are a hideous pimple on the professional wrestling landscape and by all accounts their locker room pranks could most politely be described as "FUCKING DISGUSTING." Brian Knobbs has no decorum, knows no manners and is long overdue for a massive shit-kicking. Prick ain't worthy to shine Macho's boots.
Savage had more talent then Knobbs and Honkey Tonk Man.

I actually thought he was funny of Hogan Knows a pitiful way

Now, the more I think of it

The more of an utter waste of air he is.

Knobbs accomplished nothing in his career of note, and to mock a fellow human for dying, especially one who did more for the busines than Knobbs could do in 5 lifetimes is just disgusting

What a dick
Hypothetical: Say Knobbs died first and Savage mocked his death. Would it be OK? I mean Savage accomplished more of note in his career than Knobbs could in five lifetimes. Just think about it.

If it's not OK, you shouldn't have included anything about either man's career in that post.

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