Wrestlemania 8: A Retrospective Look

If you could change a few things about Wrestlemania 8, what would it be and why?

Here's how things went down:
Undertaker vs Jake The Snake
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair
Hulk Hogan vs Sid Justice.

Here's how things should have gone down

Randy Savage vs Jake The Snake
--These two had one of the best feuds going at the time yet they never had a major blowoff match to cap off the feud. It just kind of faded away. There was so much drama surrounding the two dating all the way back to Summerslam 1991. They could have had a bitter, brutal, bloody, personal fight at that years Mania.

Undertaker vs Sid Justice.
Taker turned face just prior to Mania, while Sid turned heel at the same time. Why not save both those moments for this one match? Do a double turn in one match. Have Sid empty the ashes from Undertakers urn. Turn Taker into a sympathetic monster down on his knees over the fallen ashes of whomever it was he held so dearly in that urn. That would be a pretty despicable thing to do to someone even if they are a zombie. Undertaker then rises up angrier than ever and tombstones Sid in a battle of the big men at Mania.

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair
So many people have made excuses as to why this match COULDN'T happen. Flair wouldn't job. Hogan wouldn't job. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. All you have to do is have Mr.Perfect interfere in the match, thus causing Flair to be DQ'd. Hogan wins the match, but Flair keeps the title. As Perfect and Flair double team Hogan, The Warrior runs down to the rescue.

Hogan exists stage left, and Flair/Perfect begin their rivalry with Warrior/Savage leading to Flair vs Savage for the title at Summerslam 1992.

There. Problem solved. NO reason the Hulk/Flair match couldn't have happened. You still get the Warrior return, and Savage still wins the title from Flair albeit at Summerslam instead of Mania. Which would have made more sense, seeing as how Flair was left off the Summerslam card that year.
Flair versus Hogan would have been the mega match that everyone wanted to see. However, the Savage and Flair match went great because the two work well on the mic and in the ring together. Their gimmicks clash as well which is where the chemistry starts.

I would have done Flair v. Hogan with Hogan obviously getting over on Flair. At a later PPV I would have had Hogan drop the belt back to Flair with interference from Sid if you really just wanted to run that angle. You can rehash the Macho Man versus Flair gimmick at a later date leading into Summer Slam or something.

Sid also would have worked well teamed with Flair. He had good size and build, and a decent in ring presence but his gimmick and mic skills were lackluster. Flair could have been Sid's mouth piece so to speak and been a rehash of the Horsemen with Mr. Perfect still aligned with the group and Heenan managing.

It would have also been nice to see a Warrior versus Flair match at some point.
Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair
So many people have made excuses as to why this match COULDN'T happen. Flair wouldn't job. Hogan wouldn't job. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. All you have to do is have Mr.Perfect interfere in the match, thus causing Flair to be DQ'd. Hogan wins the match, but Flair keeps the title. As Perfect and Flair double team Hogan, The Warrior runs down to the rescue.

Hogan exists stage left, and Flair/Perfect begin their rivalry with Warrior/Savage leading to Flair vs Savage for the title at Summerslam 1992.

There. Problem solved. NO reason the Hulk/Flair match couldn't have happened. You still get the Warrior return, and Savage still wins the title from Flair albeit at Summerslam instead of Mania. Which would have made more sense, seeing as how Flair was left off the Summerslam card that year.

Not bad. Not bad at all. I think the WWF title match ending on a DQ with the heel walking out with the gold is kind of a bad call but the surprise return of The Warrior could have made up for that. It's not ideal but this could have worked. Nice post.
Flair vs Warrior did happen, in fact it happened several times. The whole set up at SummerSlam was to put the belt on Flair and establish a first rate feud with Warrior as Savage wanted time off and was moving into part time status. It seemed as if this was the direction the company was moving towards Survivor Series with, likey with Warrior winning the title (do you really bring this guy back just to waste in the mid card against unkown Papa Shango ?). The problem was Warrior seriously injured Flair in a title match in Phoenix when he screwed up the press slam spot, causing the inner ear problems that eventually sent Flair to Mayo Clinic and off TV for over a month. The injury forced a major change in the main event program, with Flair's return date unkown. WWE decided to move in a different direction altogether, with Flair putting over Hart (who wasnt in the World Title picture at the time) and Warrior basically fading into the background. When Flair returned rather than finish his feud vs Warrior WWE immediately had the Flair-Hall beatdown of UW on Sat Nite ME which was used as the storyline catalyst for Warrior getting bounced off the S-Series card (effectively out of WWE) which facilitated Curt Henning's in ring return.
I stand corrected then. I was unaware of that match. It would have been good to see on a larger scale, but apparently when the Warrior isn't taking time off he's injuring others.
Mania 8 had some bright spots and clearly tons of "controversy". i get it, though i don't totally agree with it. my thoughts and final card are as follows...

World Title: Flair vs. Savage. this was a great match and quite possibly the match of the night. Hogan/Flair could've, should've happened in the WWF. maybe even at Mania. but Mania 8, 1992, just didn't line up. i wish it had happened, but it would've been an epic failure i think. guess we'll never know. the only switch i'd make here is have Savage/Flair close out the show. yes, because it was for the World Title, yes, because it had an actual winner vs. a dq finish, and yes, because it was a better story with a better ending than Hogan/Sid. so Savage/Flair stays as is for the World Title but closes the show on my fantasy card.

Hogan/Sid goes on as planned from the Rumble. i actually thought this was a good idea for a match and expected a little bit more than we got. quite honestly, this earns my spot as possibly the worst main event in the history of WrestleMania in that it didn't have a real finish and/or the World Title on the line. just very bad. i'd keep the feud and the story as is, but change the finish a bit. have Hogan pin Sid clean, then have Sid give a post-match beat down on Hogan, thus prompting a Warrior return and save.

IC Title: Hart vs. Piper. perfect as is. i pick this as my match of the night. love the story; love the match.

Tag Team Titles: Natural Disasters vs. Money, Inc. was okay for what it was. but as many stated, it kinda showed the poor state of tag team wrestling. lots of teams had split from the past year (Demolition, Rockers and Hart Foundation to name a few). how about Natural Disasters vs. the "Faces of Fear" in Haku and Barbarian? that'd be a pretty good slug-fest and free up some possibilities for Ted Dibiase if needed.

for example, how about Tatanka vs. Million Dollar Man? it would have been a much better way to debut, a much better match and probably a pretty easy build given the two gimmicks these guys were using at the time.

i like THTRob's idea of having Kona Crush debut here and fighting Smash, so that'd be a way to go here. a strong re-debut of sorts with some built-in history and storytelling.

HBK Shawn Michaels in his big singles debut needed better than what he got. in the most perfect of worlds, Marty Jannetty would have been the opponent. but that didn't happen for whichever reason that it didn't. so what about Texas Tornado? former IC Champ and solid worker. i think that would have worked out better.

Taker vs. Jake Roberts was good. the match wasn't as brilliant as it could have been but it was a decent match with pretty logical progression and excellent psychology.

i can't think of a good way to book Owen or Bulldog right now, but i love those guys so much as people and as in ring talents that it'd be a shame to leave them off this show. do anything with them that makes sense and utilizes their talents.

Mania 8 was much better than many give it credit for, but i wish that there were some slight changes to improve the overall card and event.
This one has its moments but there's too much filler. It's from a weird time for the WWF as they're in a more cartoonish period and most of the stuff just didn't work. What did work however was the World Title match which had two of the best workers of all time in the ring with an awesome story to back them up. The post match promos from Savage and Flair are outstanding and some of their best work ever on the stick.
I'm torn on the main events for this ppv tbh I would really love to see Flair Vs Hogan & Savage Vs Sid tbh I would rebook the majority of the card here:

1) Shawn Michaels Vs Marty Janetty
Grudge Match. Opening Match to start of wrestlemania with Michaels getting the victory, this match should of happened at Mania tbh.

2) The British Bulldog Vs The Berzerker
Singles Match. A test of the power houses.

3) Virgil, Owen Hart, Koko Beware & The Big Bossman Vs The Nasty Boys, Repo Man & Mountie.
Eight Man Tag Team Match I would put Owen and Koko in this match because I heard they were supposed to be a tag team of sorts and I'd have Owen showcase his skills and get the deciding pin fall.

4) The Undertaker Vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Singles Match. Stays the same.

5) Money Inc. (C) Vs The Natuarl Disasters Vs The Leigon of Doom
Three Team Tag Team Title Match. I'd add the LOD to this match and have them walk out the champions.

6) The Ultimate Warrior Vs Papa Shango
Singles Match. I'd add this match to the card, it could be a decent one as well

7) Roddy Piper (C) Vs Bret Hart
Intercontinetal Title Match. Stays the same.

8) Sid Justice Vs Hulk Hogan
Grudge Match. Stays the same except have it on before the Wwf title match and have Sid go over hogan to establish dominance.

9) Ric Flair (C) Vs Randy Savage
No DQ Wwf Title Match. Have this as the mainevent match with Savage closing out the show as the new champion.
I'm torn on the main events for this ppv tbh I would really love to see Flair Vs Hogan & Savage Vs Sid tbh I would rebook the majority of the card here:

8) Sid Justice Vs Hulk Hogan
Grudge Match. Stays the same except have it on before the Wwf title match and have Sid go over hogan to establish dominance.

Absolutely No Way In H#$% that Vince & WWE were asking Hogan, in what was billed as his retirement match, on the eve of him being subpoenaed to testify in the Federal Steroid Investigation vs WWE, NO WAY anyone was asking Hogan to lose, especially to villain, at W-Mania, the show that defined the WWE and their emergence from the 80s wrestling wars as the US #1 Promotion. Not too mention that fans would have revolted, the negative reaction would have ruined the show and overshadowed everything else that night.

Sid wasn't even the heel worth the most money. After his R-Rumble title win Flair was the best draw as a villain the company had, if WWE was willing to S***Can Hogan on his way out the best way would have been for him to lose a Retirement Match for the WWE Title vs Flair, making him the man who ended Hulka-Mania and making the chase to SummerSlam much bigger for whoever (probably Savage or Warrior based on the roster), not too mention how much bigger a win by either of them would have been.

Bottom line, NO WAY AT ALL Hogan loses his Farewell Match at Mania, especially given how important he was to Vince's national expansion and the very creation of Mania, alongside the spectre of the Steroid Trial.
HBK Shawn Michaels in his big singles debut needed better than what he got. in the most perfect of worlds, Marty Jannetty would have been the opponent. but that didn't happen for whichever reason that it didn't. so what about Texas Tornado? former IC Champ and solid worker. i think that would have worked out better.


Von Erich was on his way out of the company due to drug issues, WWE was purging a lot of talent with excessive drug issues on the eve of the steroid trial, Von Erich had been a well known drug user during his World Class & NWA heyday, a problem that worsened after the 1986 motorcycle accident that caused his partial foot amputation. Notice other than a token appearance at the R-Rumble (I believe his last televised WWE appearance) Von Erich hadn't been used for much in a very long time at this point. He may have already been gone by WM or was close. He was dead via suicide a few months later (early 1993)
Personally, they still should have gone with WWF World Championship: Ric Flair 'C' vs Hulk Hogan

Flair wins the title at the Rumble. Sid still eliminates Hogan but doesn't turn heel. They stay friends, but there is tension between the two. Sid let's Hogan have the #1 contender shot at WrestleMania as a way to make amends for eliminating him at the Rumble. Do the exact same finish at 'Mania 8, but with Flair as the heel in the match, and Sid in Hogan's corner. Main event match ends in a DQ with Hulk Hogan's friend (after lots of tension between the two since the Rumble), Sid Vicious turning on him. Flair retains the title in a fluke match, but Hogan still wins. Sid/Flair beatdown Hogan until Warrior's music hits... and 'Mania still ends with the faces saving the day. Hogan disappears for a while, and Flair carries the title for a few months before losing it to Savage at SummerSlam, while Sid feuds with Warrior.

It's not a perfect WrestleMania finish. And it'd get booed out of the building in today's day... but back then it would have been fine. It's essentially the exact finish they went with anyways, only for the title with Flair in Sid's spot and Sid in Shango's spot.

The rest of the card is more or less unchanged:

Randy Savage vs Mr. Perfect
(Don't know if Hennig was injured or not, but this could have been a phenomenal match.. even run the same angle, but with Mr. Perfect hitting on Liz, saying he's the "perfect match" for her).

Jake The Snake Roberts vs The Undertaker

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Rowdy Roddy Piper 'C' vs Bret Hart
I would have gone ahead with the original plan and habe Hogan defeat Flair as planned. Just because Hogan was leaving does not mean that it would not have worked. Shortly thereafter Flair could have simply won the title back on a non PPV. Flair's & Hennig's underhanded tactics would injure Hogan "forcing" Hogan to take time off. There was nothing that said Hogan had to leave AT WrestleMania. That was simply the choice they went with. And most of us agree that it wasn't the best easy to go.

I also would have had Roger Ruffen (ref of the Piper/Hart & HBK/Santana matches) ref the Hogan Flair match.

I would have done away with the entire Ray Combs segment. It was not entertaining in anyway and it went in far too long.

As others have stated I wish the Road Warriors would have had a match against the Nasty Boys. I Would have replaced them them in the 8 man tag with Sid and Martel. I also Would have replaced Virgil with Tatanka.
Favorite: Savage-Flair. Classic match, great feud. Two legends who were nearing the end of their primes, but they both clearly still had it. Hogan-Flair was a dream match in terms of their stature, but so was Savage-Flair....and Savage was a much better worker than Hogan. I was perfectly happy with this match.

Bret-Piper was the 2nd best match. Another great match and great angle. Loved Piper flirting with going heel, and struggling with what to do.

Least favorite: Owen vs. Skinner....solely because it was a less than 2 minute match.

What to change:
Savage-Flair should've been the main event.

Hogan-Sid should not have been a DQ. Either give Hulk his triumphant exit win......or have Hulk put over their new monster heel on his way out. Either one would've been cool. DQ was pointless. Papa Shango should never have been involved in a main event match, did this guy ever even have a real PPV match at any point?(not counting pre-show matches, and not counting later on when he became the Godfather)

Where was British Bulldog? Maybe a 1 on 1 vs. the Mountie. Though then we wouldn't have gotten that absolutely insane(and hilarious) promo before the 4 on 4 tag.

Give Jake-Taker more time. 10 minutes would've been better. Seemed sort of rushed.

This WrestleMania was definitely the end of an era. Hogan, Savage, Piper, Jake Roberts, Tito Santana, Duggan, Big Boss Man.....all stars of the 80's and this was kind've the last "real" Wrestlemania for all of them. What I mean, is that some of them would wrestle again at WrestleMania but not as full-time, in their primes performers.
Shawn Michaels in his big singles debut needed better than what he got. in the most perfect of worlds, Marty Jannetty would have been the opponent. but that didn't happen for whichever reason that it didn't. so what about Texas Tornado? former IC Champ and solid worker. i think that would have worked out better.


Ummm....Tito Santana was also a former IC champion and a solid worker. I don't see how a match with Texas Tornado would've been much different/better.

Personally I thought Tito-Michaels was a very solid opener, and a perfect stepping stone opponent for Michaels.

I believe Jannetty-Michaels was the original plan, but Jannetty got fired.
This is a special Mania in my heart as I had it taped from back in 1992 when it happened, and takes me back to my childhood

Gorilla and Bobby did a great job on the announcing, even slow periods in some of the matches were covered up with their constant back and forth, Bobby being continually annoying to the straight play by play calling by Monsoon.

With Tito putting over Shawn, Piper putting over Bret and Jake putting over Taker you have 3 big stars of the 80s putting over what would become the 3 biggest stars of the over the next 5 years.

Piper had the audience on the palms of his hands with his teased heelish dithering on whether to blast Hart with the ringbell. The finish of Bret using the turnbuckle for leverage to flip over Piper whilst still in a sleep hold as innovative for the time. Probably the best Piper match I've seen thanks to Bret.

Taker vs Jakes was a fun squash... given Jakes excellent heel persona, maybe it could have gone over 5 minutes, but with him leaving anyway it did its job of building Taker as a credible babyface.

Flair vs Savage was a good match... maybe not quite 5 star... though the intensity was of the scales. Always remember a young Shane McMahon being one of the WWE personnel who was trying to stop Elizabeth running over to ringside!

Martel put Tatanka over in a match that was widely ignored on commentary as Heenan and Gorilla were still discussing Flairs title loss in the previous match.

Money Inc vs the Natural Disasters was marred by a cheap ending... I never got the Disasters as babyfaces? and didn't think they needed protecting here in this match.

The 8 man tag was your typical 'match to get a few midcarders on the show', most of the guys here were brawlers in what was somewhat of a comedy match with Ray Coombs insulting the heels with survey results beforehand.

Owen vs Skinner was just a quick filler match.... Owens only offensive move was his pinning flip!... and Davey vs Bezerker was removed from the card due to time constraints (yet Lex Luger had 5 minutes to cut a WBF promo?)

Sid vs Hogan was predictably bad.... with Shango missing his cue it looked a bit odd when the Ref DQ'd Sid for Harvey Wippleman simply standing on the apron.... the bell rang despite Wippleman not actually striking Hogan... in fact Hogan grabbed Wippleman first!
Both guys left with their reputations intact (though there were rumours Sid was not supposed to kick out of the legdrop of DOOM)... though both would exit the federation soonthereafter.

Overall the IC and world title matches were the standouts in what was a good Mania, without having a classic 5 star match... however the commentary from Gorilla and Bobby still made the show fun as a whole.

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