Wrestlemania 6: A Retrospective Look

Nothing you say "offends" me, because reading your posts prove you aren't bright. That would be like being offended that a a two-year-old signed a birthday card and spelled one of the letters backwards. I considered the source, believe me.

Yep, you just happened to pick the actual dark match as your great idea. Brawler was there forever and a day, yet you just happened to feel WMVI was the time to give him a WrestleMania match. I guess these were just coincidences. ...and even if they were, the idea itself is awful. My main point still stands. You tried to improve a WRESTLEMANIA card by implanting Roma vs. Brawler. Again, with ideas like that rolling around in your brain, I have no right to be offended. I would just pat you on your helmet and say "nice try, kiddo".

I do, however, think the idea of having Hogan cost Warrior the IC belt before WMVI would have been a good idea. It would have added some fuel to the main event fire. I also like the idea of a battle royal. I would open the show with it and then have the last two remaining combatants fight later in the show for the IC title. The IC belt still meant something back then, so I wouldn't fill it with Brawler types just to get to 20. You could have legitimate wrestlers along with former IC champs like Tito, Valentine, Honky. I wouldn't include Rude or Savage because they had eyes on a bigger prize, as was proven at SummerSlam 1990 and Royal Rumble 91.


Let Bushwhackers face the Bolsheviks. The rest of the card's matches could be left alone. You would now have 10 matches, including a battle royal. 14 to 10 is a big drop, but Boss Man/Akeem could go longer and taking out the Hart squash is no big deal. So, the timing would work out fine. Plus, the overall quality of matches would be stronger, though the quantity is lower.

Or if you need one more match, we could have Paul Roma and Brooklyn Brawler square off on the biggest event of the year. That match alone would improve any card...especially a WrestleMania. In fact, I would have the winner of that match face Warrior as the Mega Main Event and possibly have Warrior pull an early Yokozuna and drop the title immediately to "forever and a day" Steve Lombardi.

Clearly you are the kiddo, as my post stated, and you have shown your clear stupidity by missing this, Roma and Brawler making up the numbers in the 20 man battle royal that would open the show is what I proposed, nowhere did i suggest a one on one Roma vs Brawler match, would defeat the purpose of canning the other matches in favour of a number 1 contender match for the IC Title. Did you even look at the matches on my amended card? No, you didnt, instead you just made a fucking idiot of yourself on a public forum. Well done. As my post also stated, guys like Valentine and Honky I also included as they didn thave matches on the card, The Genius is another guy who could have made up the numbers, as I cannot think of any other guys who were main roster guys in that point in time that were not on the card, except The Warlord. Slashing the matches I listed wouldnt have hurt the card as they were nothing matches, giving them a reason to be on the card(IC No 1 contender spot) would have been better, in my opinion.
All this shows is that the roster was actually pretty thin at that time, there were a lot of enhancement, lower level talents and older ones who had reached their point of decline a year or so previously and few who could really sell a show or move up the card. The Warlord wasn't used perhaps because squashing Roma or Lombardi wouldn't have done anything for him... it was better to wait.#

You had some guys like Honky Tonk who had reached the end of their usefulness in the ring and some who just had bombed like Dusty, Ron Garvin and Orient Express.

Of course they made a very concerted effort in the following weeks and months to raise the level of talent, they made very strategic signings - Davey Boy, Kerry and Jacques Rougeau for the mid card, Sgt. Slaughter for the Main Event. Jettisoned some of the waste like Honky and Garvin, finshed Rhodes up and began the process of refereshing the tag division, bringing Crush into the mix for Demos (Losing Ax wasn't part of the plan but his allergic reaction to shellfish spooked Vince on his age), replacing the aging Sato with Paul Diamond to reform Bad Company (under the Express moniker) and replacing Honky and Valentine with Power and Glory. All this was with a view to bringing LOD in which was the final piece of that puzzle.

In the lower card, the worked on turning Virgil, slowly pushing the Warlord (both were meant to be "big things at the time" and Shane Douglas, Dustin Rhodes, who was seen as a blue chipper, though they didn't want his dad and slowly removing the concept of the enhancement talent no names with character based openers like Saba Simba, Playboy Buddy Rose, The Brawler and moving some older talent into that bracket like Santana and later Barbarian (You knew when someone reached this if WWF Magazine or Sean Mooney/Gene said they "signed an open contract" - code for is now a jobber).

There were some talents starting to become stale, Jake's not winning the $ dollar title at Mania stalled him and he never quite got it back. The Martel feud did zero for him and the Quake feud later was worse. A surprise heel turn here would have revitalised him. Likewise DiBiase was basically stale at this point - the rumor was they were going for DiBiase v Piper till Roddy got hurt so they did the Virgil story... that was pretty awful in the end.

How they handled their talents in 90 was pretty bad on the whole - they pushed Earthquake to face Hogan but jobbed him out, so there was nowhere for the character to then go - no doubt Hogan refused to lose two on the bounce... It might have made more sense for them to build Rude to face Hogan and Quake to face Warrior.

The one they probably didn't see coming was losing Rude - but they should have done, he was easily the best heel they had at the time (sorry Perfect fans, Rude was way better at the time) but the blow was softened by signing Undertaker who is perhaps the most important signing, along with Davey of that period. Sure Slaughter got the belt and headlined a Mania, but Davey was a fixture for pretty much the next 9 years and was one of the lynchpins of the roster... Taker, 20 Mania wins down...the gamble on the guy Hogan met on his film more than paid off.
This was the first wrestling I saw of any stripe, lent on a VHS by my older cousin, and I must have seen it a lot of times so weird things stand out for me, like a pre-match promo where the Bolsheviks are with someone seated at a piano (anyone?) who stops playing the Soviet anthem and plays some vaudeville-meets-Noel Coward-esque tune called 'Perestroika'. I remember distinctly my mother's friend saying 'Arrogance? Is that a real cologne?' when Martel entered. And I remember my mum shrieking "it's you!" in delight to my dad when Rick Rude was on, because my dad looked like that in the 80s, except not as ripped.

What I don't remember so much are the individual matches. I remember liking Demolition and thinking it was cool that they beat men so much bigger (I do recall Andre tied up in the ropes, his face, oh man his FACE was a picture). I remember I was supposed to like Piper because he was British (lol) but felt confused by the guy. Bear in mind I was approximately 8 (so this event was maybe a year or two old when I got to watch it) at the time.

Fortunately I do recall the main event and I do recall that is what got me hooked on professional wrestling. Not that I could immediately follow it up because I was pre-teen with money and we didn't have cable. Or was that when we had that shitty cable subscription that we got rid of? I don't remember. Anyway. I hated Hogan. He looked stupid and old and he did clownish things and was clearly in love with himself. Warrior though, oh wow, I used to imitate Warrior, would tie strings around my arms and get really intense around the house and on the washing line. And it was the right result because if that herculean BOOB Hogan had won then I might not be here because of a lifetime of resentment. These feelings toward Hogan continue to this day and my feelings toward Warrior have receded mostly.

I watched this match again about a year ago and found it held up really well for a match that they and probably Pat Patterson went through beat by beat. Here's an admission: I am really influenced by heat and anxiety in the crowd. If a live crowd is into a really dumb thing then I'll probably hype it up in my mind. When they're dead, even something awesome can appear quite mediocre. But the crowd are ELECTRIC for this one, even as someone watching their first PPV main event can sense that this is a SOMETHING, a mantle-handing, a changing of the guard. I'm just sort of rambling now but what I'm saying is I cannot objectively rate WM6 because it's part of how I got here today. I'm sure a lot of the matches could be wiped with no real loss of quality but I wouldn't change a thing.
Other wrestling shows, including other Wrestlemanias, were just..... well, wrestling shows. Hogan vs. Warrior was the closest thing to an event I ever saw in pro wrestling to that point.

I was 11 years old and dying to see Hogan lose, not because I didn't like him but because I had had enough of his total dominance of everything WWE. At the time, I loved Ultimate Warrior (although that opinion surely changed over the years as I came to learn what a jerk he was). But while the other three members of my family were certain this match was to be more of the same.....that no matter how beaten down he might be during the contest, Hogan would rally to win ("You!"), causing things to continue as they had for the past 5 years. Ugh.

The match itself was satisfyingly long and contained enough twists and turns to have me doubting my prediction.....then confirming it.....numerous times as it went along, which is exactly what you want in pro wrestling.

In the end, justice prevailed, as I saw it. When Hogan protested by raising two fingers to indicate his shoulders hadn't been pinned to a count of 3, I hated him again and was afraid the decision would somehow be reversed. Then, when he rose and embraced and congratulated Warrior, I changed my mind again, figuring Hogan was really a swell guy after all.:rolleyes:

The aftermath of WM6 was good too, in that we knew Hogan would again wear the title someday, which he did.....and that Hulkamania hadn't really ended; it was just taking a break......but the break was a good thing, a necessary thing.

I'll say this, though......if Hogan didn't want to suffer a defeat, I doubt he would have. Perhaps they had to spend countless hours in creative meetings convincing him to do it.......but he did it. He deserves tons of credit for that.
I loved Hogan/Warrior. To me this is the definition of a WrestleMania main event. It was basic but worked so well. Both of these guys were on their A game that night. I would rebook some matches. First would be Santana vs Martel opening the show. That would of been a great way to kick off the event. I think I might of teamed up Perfect/Genius and had them take on Piper/Beefcake in a high profile tag match. That way Genius takes the pin, Perfect stays strong. Beefcake could of cut Genius's hair. That would of been a fun flashback to Piper and Beefcake's Mania 3 moment. In my fantasy world I book Savage/Rhodes in a bull rope match. I think these two really could of made that work. I know this might of been premature but since it was in Canada I think I might of given the Hart Foundation the straps here and still have the same ending with Andre. That would of been a cool sight with Andre standing with the Harts holding up their titles to the cheering crowd as Heenan is laid out behind them. Then have a match with Demolition and Powers of Pain in a losing team must disband stipulation. Those are some ideas but I still enjoyed the card and have fond memories of it.
WrestleMania VI had too many filler matches and a car d made out of 14 matches that to me is just way too much to be able to fully deliver what is expected. However there are clear gems in here and to it is this three matches:

- Dusty Rhodes/Sapphire vs. Macho Man/Sensational Queen Sherri.
Dusty was never fully utilized in the World Wrestling Federation, but he was already in a downward spiral as far as his delivery goes. However an entertainer like "Dusthy Whooodes" made a gimmick so silly like the polka-dots, funny and big dancing guy really work. This is his highlight as a fully WWF asset, his chemistry with Sapphire was really good and the return of Liz to cost Savage the match was a great moment. Both man could have delivered a great bout, but the storyline asked for what we received and it was great to watch.

- Jake Roberts vs. Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil
The best out of this whole feud was to me the backstage interview right before the match. To this day one of my favorite promos of all time. Roberts personified everything he should be in this match and feud. The one thing I would have changed is the finish for this match, because those two had an insane amount of chemistry. I've seen this guys having great matches in their territorial days against one another and this one could have been a whole lot better if Roberts went over with the DDT. Dibiase's credibility wouldn't be damaged and he could still go on be Dusty's rival in the Summer.

- Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WWF and Intercontinental Championship
One of the best matches in WrestleMania history. Simple. I don't care how much the internet despises Hogan or Warrior for whatever reason - at Mania 6 they delivered a masterpiece and there wasn't a single person going "meh" after it was over. Vince and Pat Patterson actually came out to the people to simply watch it unfold. Damn what a great feeling it was. They were the perfect opponents to this WrestleMania and the result was indeed the better one for business in general, until of course Warrior ruined that big shot.

Now I agree that Roddy Piper could have done better. Rick Rude could have done better... I think that The Hart Foundation deserved more and that Mr. Perfect shouldn't have lost to Beefcake of all people - it wasn't needed for the storyline to make sense. Perfect was clearly the guy to push. Beefcake was not and he could have stilled made The Genius pay after the bout. I think that you should have picked this guys: Rick Martel, Roddy Piper, Tito Santana, Jim Duggan and Rick Rude and find ways to make them work against each other instead of the selected opponents.

Tito Santana and Rick Martel never really finished their feud if I'm not mistaken. They were even and they could have made it go 'til WrestleMania to end it fairly well for both man - they would have both won from that. I don't even know why he was put against Koko B. Ware, it doesn't compute with me. Also nobody cared for Barbarian vs. Santana for that matter. I would really be on board for a Barbarian vs. BN Brown - Brown was more of a tweener, so him going against Barbarian could have been cool and turn him babyface may not be the worse idea ever. Even though, I'm pleased with this WrestleMania and that's mainly because of the beauty of the main event.
Mania 6 is the definition of a Mania main event. the Ultimate Challenge was incredible and Hogan passing the torch to Warrior was worth the price of admission.

while the main event match was perfect, I would change the build up ever so slightly. I'd have Hogan accidentally cost Warrior the IC Title in a match with Mr. Perfect so that only the World Title was on the line for the match. the title vs. title didn't sell the match so much as the names of Hogan and Warrior did.

thus, Perfect vs. Beefcake would be for the IC Title. and, like Brain said, I'd have Genius cost Beefcake the match, keeping Perfect's undefeated streak intact. Beefcake can still cut Genius' hair for that feel-good moment and then when Perfect does eventually drop the belt, it'd also be the end of his streak and so have more effect.

Demolition vs. Colossal Connection was a well-told story and fun to watch play out. I especially loved the Andre face turn at the end of the contest. leave this match and story as is.

Hart Foundation/Rockers should have happened here. they only had one match against each other that I can remember and due to the ropes malfunctioning, it was just off paced. so give them a match here for the #1 Contenders spot. both teams were wasted on this card anyway and this match would have been much better than the other two we did get.

I was okay with the Boss Man/Akeem feud, but the match was way too short. give it 7 minutes instead of 2 and this works out much better.

Piper/Bad News Brown had potential. I liked their brawl at the Rumble and Piper coming out painted half black was hysterical. controversial. the only change here is to skip the double count out in favor of a clear win for Piper. decent feud, but the match ending was just too indecisive for me for a Mania.

Tito Santana and Rick Martel should have opened this show. their feud never really had a big blow off and ending one year after it started on the grand stage would have made sense.

before I get to my final change, I'd like to admit that I can't figure out any plans for Ted Dibiase, Rick Rude, Jim Duggan or Jake Roberts. maybe a tag match between these guys? or a couple of singles matches? or pair them up with other heels/faces that need some Mania time? not sure what to do with them, but I didn't forget them. just couldn't figure out what to do with these superstars, even though I love them all.

now lastly, and perhaps most controversially, I'd switch up the Dusty Rhodes/Savage match. I've been converted and persuaded that this was really an historic match and well deserving of its Mania stage. so while I understand its importance and potential, I just think I would have done it differently. for Mania, I'd do Rhodes vs. Savage in a one-on-one match with Savage going over with the help of Sherri. this sets up 2 things at the same time. first, it can set up the first ever mixed-tag match at Summerslam between the match that we did get on this show. and second, it can set up Savage as an actual threatening heel, which would come in handy later throughout this year and the next year's Mania in a career vs. career match.

epic main event, great talent, tons of potential, but sadly, too many missed opportunities.
Well dang hasn't this show changed a lot in one week.

Much like the first edition, almost nothing else but the main event matters at all here. Hogan vs. Warrior however was every bit as good as it could have been and then that much better. Warrior winning the title is an incredible moment and should have worked wonders, but there just weren't many good heels for him to feud with, plus Hogan stuck around for too long. THe main event is must see though and one of the best matches from that era.

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