Request a Sig From The Doctor

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Hey Doc. With Detination X on soon I was wondering if you could make me sig about the Ultimate X match. I'm not sure what I would like on it i'm just sure you'll do your best. If you decide to make this thanks a lot (:
So, Coco, MRC, and myself need a swanky new sig for the tag team tourney coming up. Our team name is Bond Girls in Heat and we are awesome.

Do with it what you will, not really any limitations on it. Anyone stepping up would be appreciated.

If you're up to it, big guy.
Hi Doc I'd like a Gaara sig, with a darkened background, and for it to say Gaara on it. I'd like it if you used my current sig as the base.

Please and thank you.
Note to Everyone:
I've decided to take a sorta-hiatus from sig-making. Or rather I've decided to temporarily shut down this thread. I'm just not feeling the passion anymore. I mean, sometimes I do, like on Remix's Wade Barrett sig or my current sig, but for some reason I seem to be in a bit of a slump. I just want to step back for a bit and learn to get better before returning.

That isn't to say I'm abandoning sig-making. If you have a request, post it in the Requests forum, and I may get to it or one of the multitude of talented sig-makers will.

I just want to learn to serve you guys better.

I hope you understand.
I feel for ya Doc, it sucks being in a slump and losing passion to make sigs. I do miss this place, hence my sig placing thing I placed in the main section. But this will definitely be the chance for the new guys to step up and improve their game. Best of luck on your hiatus and this place shall await your return!
Thanks for your tips DOC, because of your tips I learned how to create sigs. I know I'm still a rookie In sig making and I have a long way to go. But I'll keep trying to get better day by day. Thank you both DOC and THEO= Best sig makers ever.

And make way for GMe cause I'm coming with a bang...LOL:lmao:
Hey Doc, How ya doing?

Is it possible that you make a sig so I can advertise my Who's Better Polls? Featuring people like Triple H, Lita, Christian, Edge, Rock, etc.(Legends/ Legends in the making).

Of course, green rep will be provided.

EDIT: Just saw you're on Hiatus. I completely understand, No problem.
Sup Doc, gotta honor HBK for his service to pro wrestling. Basically, would it be possible to make me a sig showing the evolution of HBK, from the Rocker days to the most recent as The Showstopper? Also, could you have it say "I will give you a show like you have never, ever seen before" or some other iconic quote by him? Thanks a bunch man
Hey Doc. I think I have a good request here.

I saw you did a sweet Steve Austin Sig recently. Could you please do one similar to that for me, but with Randy Orton? If you can, make his skin a little scaly like a "viper" starting on the left side of his face, blending down the left side of his body. All the while it is a little more predominant than the right which still has his "real" skin. Not looking for a half and half type of thing, but more of a "I'm turning into a snake" type of look. Give him snake like eyes as well. Any words would be fine, but if you can't think of anything badass, it can be blank.

Hey love your sigs i am just wondering can you make me a matt hardy sig with a dark red colour scheme to it with my name on it and
"Stronger than death,
Larger than life" somewhere on it?
If it is too much to ask for then i apoligize
Hi Doc I need a sig with the WWE logo in the background the rest preferably black and JBL, Shane McMahon, and Paul Heyman (in that order) in front of the logo with the words World Wrestling Entertainment and underneath that putting the Wrestling back in WWE. (Yellow Text) at the bottom. Thanks bunches and if you don't have time to do it just pm me and let me know so I can ask someone else. Otherwise take your time I don't have a specific timeframe I need it by :) Rep and Credit will be given for the hard work.
Hey Doc, I got to say man, I have seen most of your work around here and you are talented as hell. I hope the slump ends sooner then later.

I was hoping to get a wide sig done of AJ Styles standing in his entrance pyro with the word "Phenomenal" across the bottom. Thanks bro.


Yo Pun I can't find the pic you want, sorry :( Anything else I'll gladly do.

I'm semi-opening this thread up again. I may take a while to get to your request, but I'll do it. I've learned a few things, and I like helping people out. Just, please be civil and patient, that's all I ask.
No problem Doc. How about a wide sig with Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels all holding the X-Division Championship (circa 2005) infront of either the TNA logo or even a picture of the impact zone with the words "This is Wrestling" along the bottom.

Again, thanks for this.
I love How You Take Time And dont Rush it Which i Like Anyway Can You make Me a Sig of Dolph Zigglrr And/Or john morrison And along the Bottem Make it say Etheir Haters Make Us/Me Famous Or HMMF,Please and Thank You
Okay Doc, my request is:


Then this picture:
With a "NO" sign (You know, round red circle with a diagonal line over it)

This quote placed somewhere: "I have a moral obligation to society to beat him up."

And then: CHAEL SONNEN: AMERICAN HERO placed somewhere.

If you could somehow pull this off (I know it's really ambitious), I'll be forever in your debt.
My sig is out of date so i need a new one please.

Could i have on one side christian holding the IC title, ECW title and NWA title then on the other side Edge holding the IC title, World title and WWE title then in the middle both of them as tag champs. then if you could put totaly awesome champions. Thanks
Mr. Doc,

As you may well know, my support is going to be fully behind Brock Lesnar in the upcoming tournament. I have an offer to make you. If you can make me a signature that can fully display Brock Lesnar's dominance, I will give you three green reps. (For credit, either you or I will put 'Doc' in the corner.) If you can make me both this and an alternate signature with Harley Race, The Rock, The Ultimate Warrior, Ric Flair and Brock Lesnar in the center, I will reward you with 10 green reps. On the second signature, I don't really care how it's done. I trust your judgement.

Your talent has grown tremendously. Thanks.
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