Release Petition

Thats probs because I have better things to do than pretend to be a heel in a wrestling forum. I'm not attention starved as you clearly are.

Thought you loved getting replies and hits you should be happy I bothered to reply to you :)

All you can offer now is your good for a laugh at in prison. While I can post where I like. No one knows who you are for a good reason, your famous on here for being a dick well done on that one.

I'd rather be a part time poster who can post where he likes thank you.

I'm not trying to be a heel. It's just that 98% of the people on this forum dont understand me. The other 2% who try to make their OWN opinions about me, do it in a very non-partial manner. Their are 3 types of people on this forum:

1-Monkey-see-Monkey-do posters
2-Live-and-Let-Live posters
3-And learder-type-personality posters

I will give you examples of all three:

You fall under catagory #1
Dagger Dias falls under catagory #2
and JohnJohnson falls under catagory #3
I'm not trying to be a heel. It's just that 98% of the people on this forum dont understand me. The other 2% who try to make their OWN opinions about me, do it in a very non-partial manner. Their are 3 types of people on this forum:

1-Monkey-see-Monkey-do posters
2-Live-and-Let-Live posters
3-And learder-type-personality posters

I will give you examples of all three:

You fall under catagory #1
Dagger Dias falls under catagory #2
and JohnJohnson falls under catagory #3


3-Leader-Type-Personality posters
You are really getting on my last nerve. You have harrassed me since day one of my joining the forum. You Sit there with your pale white skin, probably have never gone to a tanning bed, you do not have a B.A. degree like I do, ( Poli Sci with a minor in economics), and your probably either a short fat little nerd, or a short little skinny Ryan86 obsessed dork. You give yourself away in your immature reponces and you have to be the biggest hypocrite I have ever see. EX-PRISONER.

Why does everyone who get's shit on for being shit, always seem to have a fucking bachelor of high honors in superpowers with a minor in checkers from Harvard?

Every damn time!
Shit, Merk got there before me.

Pole Smoker is a prime example of having all these such achievements.

Therefore ryan86 (I refuse to use the capital if you don't use it), I do not believe you.
Shit, Merk got there before me.

Pole Smoker is a prime example of having all these such achievements.

Therefore ryan86 (I refuse to use the capital if you don't use it), I do not believe you.



Get real, and get your ass to a tanning bed please.
Dude, a tan put down?

1) I am tanned enough to my liking.

2) That's worse than a "Yo Momma" joke.

I would've thought you'd have some intellect. Obviously not, that degree wasn't on the wall in the first place! Stop taking LSD, hallucinations aren't good for you.
Dude, a tan put down?

1) I am tanned enough to my liking.

2) That's worse than a "Yo Momma" joke.

I would've thought you'd have some intellect. Obviously not, that degree wasn't on the wall in the first place! Stop taking LSD, hallucinations aren't good for you.

Listen you poor isolated egnlishman. I know you need a tanning bed B/C your country is never shining. Your all pale and have bad teeth.

Americans are tanned and veneers are common use over here. My upper 10 cost $13,000, and my gym and tanning is $450 per month with $80 bronzer lotions. You see, you english commoners have no scence when it comes to keeping yourself top of the line, even with a small budget. I see you guys across the Atlantic on TV, and your people need some serious work. I know The UK is 3 decades behind the U.S. in military tech, and all of your public tech comes from US. We invented EVERYTHING of importance since we got away from that horrible place called "Europe", in 1776.

BTW Im Italion
Listen you poor isolated egnlishman. I know you need a tanning bed B/C your country is never shining. Your all pale and have bad teeth.

Americans are tanned and veneers are common use over here. My upper 10 cost $13,000, and my gym and tanning is $450 per month with $80 bronzer lotions. You see, you english commoners have no scence when it comes to keeping yourself top of the line, even with a small budget. I see you guys across the Atlantic on TV, and your people need some serious work. I know The UK is 3 decades behind the U.S. in military tech, and all of your public tech comes from US. We invented EVERYTHING of importance since we got away from that horrible place called "Europe", in 1776.

BTW Im Italion

First off that the funniest thing I have ever seen uttered on the stereotypes of Englishmen

Second off if your Italian than your skin tone is still white, not much different than that of an Englishman.
Listen you poor isolated egnlishman. I know you need a tanning bed B/C your country is never shining. Your all pale and have bad teeth.

Englishman* You say we're never shining, we've just the warmest October on record and a great Summer thanks. Caught up on a lovely tan then.

Americans are tanned and veneers are common use over here. My upper 10 cost $13,000, and my gym and tanning is $450 per month with $80 bronzer lotions. You see, you english commoners have no scence when it comes to keeping yourself top of the line, even with a small budget.

Ok, so you claim to have lots of money. Good for you, look at how many shits I don't give. I also do not care that Americans are tanned, what does that matter to me? I like your idea that every Englishman is a commoner, great to see you know everything. Where does all the money come from Ryan, surely you don't have some amazing job, do you?

I see you guys across the Atlantic on TV, and your people need some serious work. I know The UK is 3 decades behind the U.S. in military tech, and all of your public tech comes from US. We invented EVERYTHING of importance since we got away from that horrible place called "Europe", in 1776.

Don't say "We invented everything" because you done none of that. Other people did. Not you. I quite like Europe actually. It's not all brilliant, but I'm fine here.

BTW Im Italion

Great to see you can't spell your own nationality.

In short Ryan, you sound like a huge bullshitter. I'd like to see every bit of proof of this "Degree" and all this "Money" you seem to have.
Listen you poor isolated egnlishman. I know you need a tanning bed B/C your country is never shining. Your all pale and have bad teeth.

Americans are tanned and veneers are common use over here. My upper 10 cost $13,000, and my gym and tanning is $450 per month with $80 bronzer lotions. You see, you english commoners have no scence when it comes to keeping yourself top of the line, even with a small budget. I see you guys across the Atlantic on TV, and your people need some serious work. I know The UK is 3 decades behind the U.S. in military tech, and all of your public tech comes from US. We invented EVERYTHING of importance since we got away from that horrible place called "Europe", in 1776.

BTW Im Italion

Seriously? In a thread regarding releasing you from prison, you still rise to the bait, go overboard and insult a complete nation? Plus, you use stereotypes which is a double-edged sword, especially when you come from, quite possibly, the most stereotyped state in the US.

Oh yeah, the one thing the English definitely are responsible for is the English language and this last post is despairingly poor in both spelling and grammar :disappointed:.
I'm not trying to be a heel. It's just that 98% of the people on this forum dont understand me. The other 2% who try to make their OWN opinions about me, do it in a very non-partial manner. Their are 3 types of people on this forum:

1-Monkey-see-Monkey-do posters
2-Live-and-Let-Live posters
3-And learder-type-personality posters

I will give you examples of all three:

You fall under catagory #1
Dagger Dias falls under catagory #2
and JohnJohnson falls under catagory #3

You pissed me off with your bullshit posts on CM Punk,D-Bryan and Zack Ryder. I do this off my own back. Made me very happy to hear you were in prison. Thats all it is I normally don't even bait the prisoners. You well deserve it though you just post to get reactions. So here are your reactions :) England rules BTW ;)

First off that the funniest thing I have ever seen uttered on the stereotypes of Englishmen

Second off if your Italian than your skin tone is still white, not much different than that of an Englishman.

Well, its true. You have to know what i am talking about. Everytime I see an Englishman on TV I sometimes wonder if their are dentist over there. And they are the kinda of pale that shows those ugly blue vains. Both of my grand parents live and are from Italy, and I am 100% Americanized Italian. I visit Italy atleast once every year and I have to say it's the greatest counry in Europe. And no, I don't have a lot of money. I do a lot of Political volunteer organizing here in the Dallas area and dont get paid. How-ever it has gotten my feet wet, and has gained me valuable experience with great connections, albeit local ones. But my dad owns his own petrolieum land man business and pretty much pays my bills. He is proud of me and so is my girl for my B.A.
Well, its true. You have to know what i am talking about. Everytime I see an Englishman on TV I sometimes wonder if their are dentist over there. And they are the kinda of pale that shows those ugly blue vains. Both of my grand parents live and are from Italy, and I am 100% Americanized Italian. I visit Italy atleast once every year and I have to say it's the greatest counry in Europe. And no, I don't have a lot of money. I do a lot of Political volunteer organizing here in the Dallas area and dont get paid. How-ever it has gotten my feet wet, and has gained me valuable experience with great connections, albeit local ones. But my dad owns his own petrolieum land man business and pretty much pays my bills. He is proud of me and so is my girl for my B.A.

Ohhhhhhh, so you're one of those guys who gets his family to do everything for him & pay for everything? Yeah, still don't believe you.

This putting down of England, is really shit. You need to try a lot better. It's nothing we haven't heard before and it's nothing we've picked up, stomped on and driven into the dust before.

Figure something new, cry to Mum & Dad to buy you a nice house & fill it with all your little baby toys, then come back when you've got something interesting to say.

EDIT: Congratulations, you've got the attention you want, but for all the wrong reasons. You've brought your own prison sentence and all the hate that comes along with it on yourself. Try working on getting out rather than digging a bigger hole.
Well, its true. You have to know what i am talking about. Everytime I see an Englishman on TV I sometimes wonder if their are dentist over there. And they are the kinda of pale that shows those ugly blue vains. Both of my grand parents live and are from Italy, and I am 100% Americanized Italian. I visit Italy atleast once every year and I have to say it's the greatest counry in Europe. And no, I don't have a lot of money. I do a lot of Political volunteer organizing here in the Dallas area and dont get paid. How-ever it has gotten my feet wet, and has gained me valuable experience with great connections, albeit local ones. But my dad owns his own petrolieum land man business and pretty much pays my bills. He is proud of me and so is my girl for my B.A.

Those are just stereotypes seen on TV. Wade Barrett isn't pale nor has bad teeth (well I am guessing because I don't follow his mouth when he is in the ring).

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