Release Petition

Ohhhhhhh, so you're one of those guys who gets his family to do everything for him & pay for everything? Yeah, still don't believe you.

This putting down of England, is really shit. You need to try a lot better. It's nothing we haven't heard before and it's nothing we've picked up, stomped on and driven into the dust before.

Figure something new, cry to Mum & Dad to buy you a nice house & fill it with all your little baby toys, then come back when you've got something interesting to say.

EDIT: Congratulations, you've got the attention you want, but for all the wrong reasons. You've brought your own prison sentence and all the hate that comes along with it on yourself. Try working on getting out rather than digging a bigger hole.

Another one of those English things i guess? Being a hyprcrite... ex prisoner?

And if I have to hear another englishman call mom a "mum", I am going to give up on you poor obsolete people.
What language do you speak Ryan? English. The word's "Mum", not "Mom". American's didn't invent "English", the English did. So get fucked kindly.

I think I made this point in this very thread. Look up the word "dialect", attempt to understand it. Clearly your understanding of linguistics is very, very poor.
What language do you speak Ryan? English. The word's "Mum", not "Mom". American's didn't invent "English", the English did. So get fucked kindly.

Different places speak different versions (called dialects) of a language(the differences are usually very minor though). Some words here in the U.S are spoken differently than in Great Britain, but you are still sending the same message. Whether you say "Mum" or "Mom" you are referring to your maternal parent.
Different places speak different versions (called dialects) of a language(the differences are usually very minor though). Some words here in the U.S are spoken differently than in Great Britain, but you are still sending the same message. Whether you say "Mum" or "Mom" you are referring to your maternal parent.

No Zrise, a "mum" is what you get your girl for homecoming in highscool.

Did anyone else know that Zrise is my brother in real life?
Another one of those English things i guess? Being a hyprcrite... ex prisoner?

And if I have to hear another englishman call mom a "mum", I am going to give up on you poor obsolete people.

Yup, because y'all have no variations :rolleyes:
Zrise, are you still mad that I left you all alone with the dolophins at Sea World when we were kids?... Come on bro, i know that must have been horrable.

He still can't get over that guys... He won't even admit we are brothers.

(inside joke...Zrise)

Alas I remember you calling mother "Mum";).
Alas I remember you calling mother "Mum";).

You know, "Mum" did a bad job with us growing up. I mean how could she take us to Sea World with all those news reports coming out on what dolohins were doing to people.

Blame that on mom.

Maybe you'll come to Italy with me to see grand ma and grand pa?
You know, "Mum" did a bad job with us growing up. I mean how could she take us to Sea World with all those news reports coming out on what dolohins were doing to people.

Blame that on mom.

Maybe you'll come to Italy with me to see grand ma and grand pa?

After the incident I traveled back to 1996 and was reborn now separated from Ryan and persuade myself to make a new life. It's like how GD and his "sweet lamb prince" Awesome_miz reunited months ago.

(Inside joke, for all of you wondering we are unrelated)
After the incident I traveled back to 1996 and was reborn now separated from Ryan and persuade myself to make a new life. It's like how GD and his "sweet lamb prince" Awesome_miz reunited months ago.

(Inside joke, for all of you wondering we are unrelated)

Wow, thats cold. I had my lil bro that I allways wanted taken away. And I never let ANY bullies pick on you on the bus... Except for that one dolophin.

I knew you might be a lil younger... but 15? thought you were 22 or 23. Your really smart for your age bro. Seriously.
Wow, thats cold. I had my lil bro that I allways wanted taken away. And I never let ANY bullies pick on you on the bus... Except for that one dolophin.

I knew you might be a lil younger... but 15? thought you were 22 or 23. Your really smart for your age bro. Seriously.

I have used my intelligence as well as the devious behavior that accompanies adolescence to scam 7 year Oldsmobile out money when betting on SD events (I read spoilers). Oh and I have 4.0 GPA, what are your accomplishments Ryan?
I have used my intelligence as well as the devious behavior that accompanies adolescence to scam 7 year Oldsmobile out money when betting on SD events (I read spoilers). Oh and I have 4.0 GPA, what are your accomplishments Ryan?

-Well, I graduated from UT Austin with a B.A. in Political Science/Minors in Economics just this year, at the age of 24.
(yes I turned 25 in June)

-Worked at Chilies here in Frisco, A Dallas area suburd; The nicest actually, next to Valley Ranch. Worked as a server/Bar Attender for 4 years and became the lead Ast. Mgr.

- I also spent 8 moths as a volunteer organizer for the '08 Hillary Clinton campain. I am now a registerd volunteer organizer for the Dallas area DNC, hoping to get a more emphasis on the political organizing, than the "get-out-the-vote", organizer.

- Have my own appartment, with a nice '08 extended cab Chevy 1500, V-6 pick-up (Black). Two awesome doberman peinchers, Jack and Lex. Yes they are big acomplishments at $1500 a peice.
Oh and I have 4.0 GPA, what are your accomplishments Ryan?

You're using school grades as a reason to win a debate? Dude that's seriously pathetic.

- I also spent 8 moths as a volunteer organizer for the '08 Hillary Clinton campain. I am now a registerd volunteer organizer for the Dallas area DNC, hoping to get a more emphasis on the political organizing, than the "get-out-the-vote", organizer.

Moths are a measure of time in Texas? Or is it currency?

and I'm the queen of England.

Oh come now Milenko you ain't even brit- oh i saw what you did there!
You're using school grades as a reason to win a debate? Dude that's seriously pathetic.

Moths are a measure of time in Texas? Or is it currency?

Oh come now Milenko you ain't even brit- oh i saw what you did there!

This stopped being a debate a long time ago. It became a joke on brotherhood and did so before I mentioned grades.
This stopped being a debate a long time ago. It became a joke on brotherhood and did so before I mentioned grades.

Zrise, you may not be my blood brother, but your my E-Brother... I get a lil bro!!!!! That's all I wanted for Christmas!!!
Ba-Bomb is slowly making the race between himself and awesome_miz for most idiotic poster a competitive one. Ryan would obviously take the title any day of the week, but due to him being a prisoner he's disqualified.

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