Release Petition

Actually I have nothing to do with that, I just started the thread and presented the case.

But it was ok for you to purposefully wind up a large part of the forum just to increase your hits and reply count?

You played a game to get noticed on here. It worked for a while, but now your in prison and you've lost.

There is a James Storm quote in here somewhere.
But it was ok for you to purposefully wind up a large part of the forum just to increase your hits and reply count?

You played a game to get noticed on here. It worked for a while, but now your in prison and you've lost.

There is a James Storm quote in here somewhere.

I became the LeBron James of this forum. Got the most hits and drove massive discussion. Like it or not, that is good for everyone and it was entertaining at times.

Now I'm the villian Like Lebron and it will take me time to redeam myself out of the dog house. But I'll be great once again.
You weren't great before, so you won't be great "once again".

You are really getting on my last nerve. You have harrassed me since day one of my joining the forum. You Sit there with your pale white skin, probably have never gone to a tanning bed, you do not have a B.A. degree like I do, ( Poli Sci with a minor in economics), and your probably either a short fat little nerd, or a short little skinny Ryan86 obsessed dork. You give yourself away in your immature reponces and you have to be the biggest hypocrite I have ever see. EX-PRISONER.

I think most people would agree that I like to drive a lot of discussion and I get involved with the members and we just have fun with it. How-ever most people just look at you as a hypocrite, x prisoner ragging on a current prisoner who has done nothing to you.

You sit behind that computer and hide but Face to Face, if I ever saw you, I would have your ass on studder mode looking like a hoe ass punk. SO STOP IT.
KlunderBunker and slyfox:

I am not trying to flame RobVanDam or threaten him, but He has been harrassing me for 6 weeks and I finally had to respond. You should see some of the rep messages he has sent me and i am going to take up for myself on this one. Sorry.
KlunderBunker and slyfox:

I am not trying to flame RobVanDam or threaten him, but He has been harrassing me for 6 weeks and I finally had to respond. You should see some of the rep messages he has sent me and i am going to take up for myself on this one. Sorry.

Ryan, mate. If the ages on this are too be believed, you have 8 years on RDV. As such, you should follow the mature protocol and PM a mod if you feel that someone is deliberately flaming you. They are not omnipotent (well... possibly Sly is) and I'm sure they will check out any claims that have not shown up otherwise on their radars. It's things like that which would show an advancement in attitude that might quicken a potential release, rather than getting drawn into slanging matches.
I became the LeBron James of this forum. Got the most hits and drove massive discussion. Like it or not, that is good for everyone and it was entertaining at times.

Now I'm the villian Like Lebron and it will take me time to redeam myself out of the dog house. But I'll be great once again.

Nah, no offence to you personally. I'm sure your having a lot of fun playing the game you are playing, people are passionate about wrestling and if you throw the bait people will bite. But....but.....

you are not great, and you never were great. X-Factor has millions of people tune in on a Saturday night here in England. It's a pile of wank trash and would never be referred to as great television. See the comparison?

When I log into wrestlezone, the cool thing I find for myself is reading different views and opinions about wrestling in ways I have not thought of yet by other posters. Sometimes it makes me look at a certain wrestler or angle in a different way. Wrestlezone is a good place to read and offer back good wrestling debate and banter.

You don't do that. You just frustrate people thats not entertaining, for you maybe it is.
Craig The 13th:

Who are you?... I have never heard of you on here. Maybe it's because you offer nothing...
What exactly did you offer Ryan? Your threads didn't really offer anything other than people piling up on you. That isn't really much of a discussion if 98% of the people disagree with your opinion. If you offered an interesting opinion on how Punk =/= ratings. And what exactly Punk is doing (or not doing) to cause a ratings dip. But you don't, you simply said Punk, Ryder, and Bryan are causing RAW as a whole to drop.

If you offered a more clear, and well thought opinion, maybe you can say you offered anything to WZ.
What exactly did you offer Ryan? Your threads didn't really offer anything other than people piling up on you. That isn't really much of a discussion if 98% of the people disagree with your opinion

If you offered a more clear, and well thought opinion, maybe you can say you offered anything to WZ.

Listen kid, you really don't know me. And I don't know you. But one thing you need to understand, it's not about getting 98% of people to agree with you; It's about getting 98% of the people involved.

If you just took the time, you would find out that I have a lot to offer when it comes to the history of the wrestling business. Ratings, PPV buys, Attendance averages, profits, and historical trends of the past 15 years are my specialty. I am a historical encyclopedia regarding WCW and WWF/E. I'm 25 and have been watching for 15 years. I have a lot to offer you, if you were ever serious in a conversation.

And I also like learning from people who have 7 years on me, as I do you.
I'm not exactly sure why Ryan is in here, but I have a hunch. On the one hand, he drove discussion, which is cool. On the other hand, he did it by being wildly misinformed and by inciting people at every opportunity.

If I were you, Ryan, I'd prove that I could drive discussion without driving people crazy, and then maybe Sly or KB will let you out.
Oh Coco. I've got quite a nice natural tan, it works fine enough.

Oh and that sig is brilliant. Who came up with that?
I'm not exactly sure why Ryan is in here, but I have a hunch. On the one hand, he drove discussion, which is cool. On the other hand, he did it by being wildly misinformed and by inciting people at every opportunity.

If I were you, Ryan, I'd prove that I could drive discussion without driving people crazy, and then maybe Sly or KB will let you out.

Well, atleast you are classy (no pun intended), in your replies towards me. We need more people like you. Thanks for not hopping on the Ryan lynch mob that has formed on this forum. You actually live up to your name.

But I have to tell you, I have never been wrong on substance.
Now considering this is not a forum who apreaciates substance, I have been juged on my style. Which is quite the subjective view.

The problem is, that I am 2 or 3 steps ahead of 98% of the forum. And when you are on a higher plain of thinking, people take it as "incitement". Fact is, all of my views are legit and I am very serious.
Well, atleast you are classy (no pun intended), in your replies towards me. We need more people like you. Thanks for not hopping on the Ryan lynch mob that has formed on this forum. You actually live up to your name.

But I have to tell you, I have never been wrong on substance.
Now considering this is not a forum who apreaciates substance, I have been juged on my style. Which is quite the subjective view.

The problem is, that I am 2 or 3 steps ahead of 98% of the forum. And when you are on a higher plain of thinking, people take it as "incitement". Fact is, all of my views are legit and I am very serious.

You're either going to get banned from this forum or become an admin one day. There will be no in-between.
You're either going to get banned from this forum or become an admin one day. There will be no in-between.

You hit the nail on the head. And that is another problem with me. I have to be sucessfull in everything I do. And you are 100% right, for me... their is no in-between.

My passion is politics and I earned my B.A. in that field. Along with economics. So when I run one day, I will be well prepared to say, "here is what I offer, and here is my proof". I worked on the Hillary Clinton campain as an organizer for the '08 texas primary. She won 53%-47%. I cover the entire Dallas area as a signed up volunteer organizer for the Dallas area DNC, and am gaining valuable experience. This is just the start.

I know what it takes to suceed in politics, I damn sure know how to suceed in a wrestling forum.
You hit the nail on the head. And that is another problem with me. I have to be sucessfull in everything I do. And you are 100% right, for me... their is no in-between.

My passion is politics and I earned my B.A. in that field. Along with economics. So when I run one day, I will be well prepared to say, "here is what I offer, and here is my proof". I worked on the Hillary Clinton campain as an organizer for the '08 texas primary. She won 53%-47%. I cover the entire Dallas area as a signed up volunteer organizer for the Dallas area DNC, and am gaining valuable experience. This is just the start.

I know what it takes to suceed in politics, I damn sure know how to suceed in a wrestling forum.

You probably just fell into a few good graces. Both Slyfox and KB are liberals.
Craig The 13th:

Who are you?... I have never heard of you on here. Maybe it's because you offer nothing...

Thats probs because I have better things to do than pretend to be a heel in a wrestling forum. I'm not attention starved as you clearly are.

Thought you loved getting replies and hits you should be happy I bothered to reply to you :)

All you can offer now is your good for a laugh at in prison. While I can post where I like. No one knows who you are for a good reason, your famous on here for being a dick well done on that one.

I'd rather be a part time poster who can post where he likes thank you.

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