Release Petition

It's a sick and cruel practice that needs to stop and not Bill Lesnar or Ryan86 deserve to be exiled and subjected to this torment. They like to play games with people and push their buttons, they like to break people down in text, make fun of them, treat them like they don't count, and treat them like they don't deserve the basic respect that they DO deserve. When you treat people like this, that lack of respect you give is exactly what you are going to get back and that is why you see what you see towards the mods.

They're in here because they broke the rules. And rather than just be banned outright, they've been allowed limited access to the forum, in most cases, so they can prove that they can actually be worth something to the forum. And yeah, sometimes they have no chance of getting out, but tough shit. They shouldn't of broken the rules in the way they did. Is it a bit cruel? Yeah, it is. But you break the rules, it's tough shit. If ryan is careful, he'll be out soon. Lesnar won't. But if they don't like it, there are plenty of other forums out there.

As was said before, maybe you should consider why they're there in the first place before wishing them out. If they aren't going to add anything to the forum and are going to be an annoyance to both other posters and mods/admins alike, why should they be allowed out?
I just realised that macios did this exact thing a few months back except macios actually offered something.
Big Nick Dudley:

How can you say you enforce any rules to make others live under? Why don't you tell them about the rep message you sent me, cussing me out and trying to bully be for my views?

And Nate: How about you calling me a "fucking moron" in a replie to one of my threads? 30 seconds later you sent me a warning. You can flame other members then actually turn around and "warn" them for much less.

I went to KB for help, showing her the double-standard, and she told me basicly to screw off. THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN!

I was then put here for "spamming" in actual points I was making to defend a new-comer from the bullies in here. Their was three post that i wrote, none of which were infracted. They all came out of the same sequence of action, which means they should have been viewed consecutivly. And the infraction should have ran concurrent as one, covering all 3 post, that were not "warned" or infracted.

I have never red repped anyone here, flamed another user or. personally attacked any of you.
There is something wrong with a situation where you are punishing people for attempting to contribute to a forum and maybe making some mistakes that go against rules, left up to the interpretation and discretion of someone else who may or may not enforce them fairly or without bias.
No, we're punishing people for NOT attempting to contribute to the forum, but rather for attempting to contribute against the forum.

You've already admitted you have no idea why they are here, so why are you trying to assume the reasons now? Would you rather us ban them outright, and just say they never get to come back? Is that your solution? Or is your solution to not enforce any of the rules ever, and let this place look like the WWE forums once did?

It's quite clear that people do act off of biases, there is favoritism, there is cronyism, certain people do get away with whatever they want because of their associations, while others suffer from their lack thereof of disapproval from other people that is purely subjective.
No there isn't. I can't speak for anyone else on Staff, but I can tell you unequivocally there is no favortism. Hell, I infracted Y 2 Jake less than a month after he stepped down from an admin spot. I've believed I've overturned and reversed Infractions given by every single on of my G-Mods, usually without their approval. Even disagreed with Klunderbunker recently on an Infraction, to the point he eventually reversed it.

There is no favoritism from me, only objectivity. Don't believe me? Ask yourself why you never got an Infraction for your last post in the "Smoking" thread in the Newswire, which did get deleted. This post, of course, came immediately after the post which you insulted me, called me rude, an asshole, unreasonable, etc. If I wasn't an objective person, you would have been serving a one week ban, after receiving the Infraction for Spamming.

Based simply upon your own experiences, you should know better than to accuse me of biases.

That is wrong, and it is wrong to pull this kind of shit and act so rashly against people ON A FUCKING FORUM of all places.
It's not acting rashly. We gave many of these people many different chances, and they fucked up...over and over again.

And you're right, it is a forum. Which makes me wonder why they continue to stay, if they are being treated so miserably. It's almost as if they AREN'T being treated miserably.

There is no balance of power, there is check or balance,
No, there's not, the benefits of privately owned forums. At the end of the day, what KB or myself says is what goes. But, as I've pointed out to you already...

there is no fairness in how these things are interpreted or levied against people.
...this is false. We are very fair and do our absolute best to not let biases get in the way of objective decisions.
Big Nick Dudley:

How can you say you enforce any rules to make others live under? Why don't you tell them about the rep message you sent me, cussing me out and trying to bully be for my views?
That's not against the Rules.

And Nate: How about you calling me a "fucking moron" in a replie to one of my threads? 30 seconds later you sent me a warning. You can flame other members then actually turn around and "warn" them for much less.
His post wasn't flaming, it was on topic and on point. Your post had absolutely nothing to do with the thread, and was a comment better saved for rep.

I went to KB for help, showing her the double-standard, and she told me basicly to screw off. THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN!
First of all, KB is a he. Second of all, Nate was right for his Warning to you, and not wrong for his comment calling you a fucking moron. Ignoring for the moment I agree with Nate's assessment of your intelligence, the fact is his "fucking moron" comment was a very small part of a well-thought out and on-topic post. Yours was a Facebook chat style post, which contributed absolutely nothing to the thread, proffered no position on the topic, and didn't try to defend any position.

I was then put here for "spamming" in actual points I was making to defend a new-comer from the bullies in here. Their was three post that i wrote, none of which were infracted.
Had they all been Infracted, you would be serving a One Year Ban right now. KB putting you in the Prison kept you from being banned for one year. He actually did you a favor.

They all came out of the same sequence of action, which means they should have been viewed consecutivly. And the infraction should have ran concurrent as one, covering all 3 post, that were not "warned" or infracted.
That's not how it works. We review each post on its own, we don't have time to read several posts at once to decide if, together, they make one non-spam post.

I have never red repped anyone here, flamed another user or. personally attacked any of you.
Then it sounds like you've yet to get your money's worth out of this place. :shrug:
Ryan86 i would suggest you find a new forum or take somwe type of hacking class to fight fire with fire. these internet forums are dictatorships not democracies but that doesnt mean they are wrong or even right, thats just how it is. :shrug:

i would like to know what threads everyone was talking about that landed yall here, that should had been posted by now. how can u make an appeal without it?
No, we're punishing people for NOT attempting to contribute to the forum, but rather for attempting to contribute against the forum. You've already admitted you have no idea why they are here

I think you should take the time to learn that each individual case is different and stop trying to put a sterotype on everyone who was put here. I have recived 1 infraction for posting a duplicate topic and 1 infraction for spamming, along with a couple warnings on the same things. I have never personaly attacked any-one, gave out a red rep, or had ANY problem getting along with anyone. You should read some of the terrible messages I have been sent from tons of users telling me to "go die in a fire", calling me a "cody dick sucker", a "stupid cunt", a "trolling peice of shitt" by your own moderator "big nick dudley" , and things much worse by the same people playing the "you brokes the rules" card, on me.

I was put in here for spamming in a point i was making to defend a new-comer.
So we agree you were spamming?

That was easy.

I'm totally gonna rock this mod thing.

This is really from my heart. I loved contributing to this forum. How you say that I fall under this catagory of "not contributing to the forum", is beyond me.

In 1 month, I started 2 of the top 3 interactive threads that brought in everyone. And it was fun and entertaing. One was interactive with 237 replies, the other was with 140 reples. Another I started brought in a 60 replies. How many people can just do that one thread after the other, unless they are trying to contribute in an entertaining way? I contributed very heavily in one month of short time here. And I love this forum and i dont dislike anybody. I have never personaly attacked anyone and I am a model poster when it comes to not responding to flaming insults. Wrather you call it flaming or not, a lot of people have sent me some of the most hurtfull comments someone can take, but i never responded. I kept it to my points, civilly.

Ya, i made some spamming mistakes but from my heart, I love posting here.
I think you should take the time to learn that each individual case is different and stop trying to put a sterotype on everyone who was put here.
You have broken the rules at least 8 times since you joined 5 weeks ago. You fit the stereotype nicely.

I have recived 1 infraction for posting a duplicate topic and 1 infraction for spamming, along with a couple warnings on the same things.
And spammed one thread three more times.

I have never personaly attacked any-one, gave out a red rep, or had ANY problem getting along with anyone.
But you do have problems abiding by the rules. Which is why you are here.

You should read some of the terrible messages I have been sent from tons of users telling me to "go die in a fire", calling me a "cody dick sucker", a "stupid cunt", a "trolling peice of shitt" by your own moderator "big nick dudley" , and things much worse by the same people playing the "you brokes the rules" card, on me.
All of which likely didn't break the rules. And if they did break the rules, they were punished as well. :shrug:

I was put in here for spamming in a point i was making to defend a new-comer.
No, you were put here for spamming in these posts:

What the hell else did you want to call him? A "handicap" is what he was referring to. What was TheStud supossed to say? Was he supposed to protect your liberal "PC" non scence? I'm a stud to

I DONT NEED TO FLATTER MYSELF. And a few people on this forum like me... more than one... BUT EVERYBODY RESPECTS RYAN86!

And I thought this was a very funny thread that has done an excellent job in ammusing me. I get to read and relate to personal stories, and laugh at the ones i have encountered myself.

TheStud77 did make a great thread.

First of all, what branch of the military were you in and who was your unit? and what is your rank and how many years of service? B/C that statement doesnt sound like it's coming from a full time warrior to me. you know damn well what you signed up for. When you make that descision you enter a contract signing over your civillion rights to become part of the U.S. Goverment.

This, of course, in a thread dedicated to pet peeves at live events. And you weren't defending a newcomer, you were defending the idea physically handicapped people's money isn't as good as yours, they're second class citizens and they should be sitting in the very back. Hardly the type of argument to win you sympathy.


This is really from my heart. I loved contributing to this forum. How you say that I fall under this catagory of "not contributing to the forum", is beyond me.
Breaking the rules is not contributing to the forum, it's only contributing to more work we have to do to keep it clean.

In 1 month, I started 2 of the top 3 interactive threads that brought in everyone. And it was fun and entertaing. One was interactive with 237 replies, the other was with 140 reples. Another I started brought in a 60 replies.
That's....great....what's your point?

How many people can just do that one thread after the other, unless they are trying to contribute in an entertaining way?

Just about anyone who posts a thread in the WWE forum, and have the system automatically RSS it on the main page. Oh, and in your 240 post thread, 40 of those were your posts.

I contributed very heavily in one month of short time here.
You posted a lot, but you posted very badly. But more importantly for you, you broke the rules several times.

And I love this forum and i dont dislike anybody. I have never personaly attacked anyone and I am a model poster when it comes to not responding to flaming insults.
But you're not a model poster when it comes to not breaking the rules.

Wrather you call it flaming or not, a lot of people have sent me some of the most hurtfull comments someone can take, but i never responded. I kept it to my points, civilly.
Understood, but that doesn't mean you didn't break the rules in other ways.

Ya, i made some spamming mistakes but from my heart, I love posting here.
And I'm glad to hear that. So work hard in the Prison, post well and post in a way that doesn't break Rules, and someday you'll get out.
Ok, SlyFox:

take away my 40 replies, and it still got 200 other replies. And i was engaged back and forth with people dending my point. Then the other one i started got 140 replies. Bringing in more entertaining debate. Another got 60... more entertaining debate. My point is, that i am contributing more than most in bring in interactive debate.

And when you patronize and spit on your most dedicated posters, who do make some "misdimeaner" type misakes, which spamming and posting duplicate topics are, you eventually drive out the people who add more to the fun of the forum. Does the good out-way the bad? I BROKE THE RULES, THAT IS NOT IN QUESTION. BUT MY DEDICATION TO BRING VALUE TO THE FORUM IS MY GOAL.

And if you gve me one more chance, i would make you look good by showing that giving compassion to someone why really wants to contribute, and never break the rules again. Can we maybe pobate my sentence for 9 months, and I break ONE more rule, you can ban me.

please slyfox, just give me that chance.
Ok, SlyFox:

take away my 40 replies, and it still got 200 other replies. And i was engaged back and forth with people defending my point. Then the other one i started got 140 replies. Bringing in more entertaining debate. Another got 60... more entertaining debate. My point is, that i am contributing more than most in bring in interactive debate.

And when you patronize and spit on your most dedicated posters, who do make some "misdimeaner" type misakes, which spamming and posting duplicate topics are, you eventually drive out the people who add more to the fun of the forum. Does the good out-way the bad? I BROKE THE RULES, THAT IS NOT IN QUESTION. BUT MY DEDICATION TO BRING VALUE TO THE FORUM IS MY GOAL.

if you gve me one more chance, i would make you look good by showing that giving compassion to someone who really wants to contribute, and never break the rules again. Can we maybe probate my sentence for 9 months, and I break ONE more rule, you can ban me.

please slyfox, just give me one last chance.
Ok, SlyFox:

take away my 40 replies, and it still got 200 other replies
Yes, mostly people pointing out your stupidity. Big deal, you got 200 replies in a thread about CM Punk on the Internet in a thread which was RSS'd on the main page.

I did the same thing in a thread which wasn't RSS'd and was MUCH higher quality of conversation. No one gives a fuck about your supposed greatness for starting a troll thread on CM Punk.

And i was engaged back and forth with people dending my point. Then the other one i started got 140 replies.
No, it got 127. And once again, you were trolling using IWC favorites, and once again, it was RSS'd on the main page.

Bringing in more entertaining debate. Another got 60... more entertaining debate. My point is, that i am contributing more than most in bring in interactive debate.
Many many threads get 56 posts, that's not a feat at all. The fact you only got 56 posts trolling another Punk thread is actually something you should be ashamed of.

And when you patronize and spit on your most dedicated posters
You've been here 5 weeks. You've got a ways to go before you move into the "most dedicated" poster ranks.

who do make some "misdimeaner" type misakes, which spamming and posting duplicate topics are
So we should play favorites then? Ba-Bomb will not be happy with you.

you eventually drive out the people who add more to the fun of the forum. Does the good out-way the bad?
No, your good doesn't even come close to outweighing your bad.

Then why is this still a discussion? Would you rather have had KB Infract you for all of your rule breaking posts, and spend the next year banned? Because there is still time, we can go back and do that.

And if you gve me one more chance
The Prison is your "one more chance". This is your chance to prove you can contribute positively to the forums, without breaking the rules.

Can we maybe pobate my sentence for 9 months, and I break ONE more rule, you can ban me.
No. You'll do it our way. Post well in the Prison and earn your release, like every other poster who has been released from the Prison.

If you will endulge me for one last post:

I was never trolling. Those were MY HONEST OPINIONS. So if the majority of people dont agree, that does NOT mean anything BAD ON ME. What is says is people who call me a troll for posting my honest opinions, dont know what the word "opinion" means. it say everyone is entitled to one.

I am honestly giving you my thoughts from the heart and you are giving me respnoces that... well... never-mind. I cant even say. I dont understand it. my intentions were good and i love your forum. and your breaking my loyaly down.
Ba-Bomb, I'm officially voting for you to go to prison. The only person who genuinely deserves to get out of here is Jenks (just look at the number of non-inflammatory threads he's created). But, since Slyfox hates him, that's never going to happen.
Continuation from my last post below:

A couple more things slyfox:

I was sent here for spamming? How can I prove I can follow the spamming rules in a spamming forum?

And If I didnt care about the forum, I wouldnt be begging you and everyone else everyday to please give me another chance, and you know what I mean (outside the prison).
Continuation from my last post below:

A couple more things slyfox:

I was sent here for spamming? How can I prove I can follow the spamming rules in a spamming forum?

And If I didnt care about the forum, I wouldnt be begging you and everyone else everyday to please give me another chance, and you know what I mean (outside the prison).

Just because the prison allows spam doesn't mean the posts in the prison have to be spam. You don't really seem to get it: You're in here for a reason, and nothing you say or do will change that for the time being. People aren't sent here by Sly or KB without reason, they're sent here because they broke the rules continuously. If you love the forums so much and want to be a valuable contributor, make quality threads in here. If they're that good, people will flock to them no matter where they are, right?

And it's not patronizing or spitting on posters for warning, infracting, and eventually imprisoning them for being unable to follow the rules. There needs to be checks and balances somewhere, and you were messaged the rulebook when you joined. Further, unlike some who get banned, you're still permitted to be here. So you don't have it as bad as you think. Prove yourself here to be a valuable contributor here, and you'll get the chance again to prove yourself to be a valuable contributor everywhere, in time.

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