Release Petition

So if someone gets sent to jail for druggs, and the objective is to reabilitate the offender from using druggs, but the jail aloows the use of druggs, why is the offender in jail for druggs?

I contributed heavily to this forum in a short time, but when others say im not a good poster, its B/C they dont have any abiliy to understand that people have different opinions.

so according to slyfox, i am really hear B/C he thinks my opinions are shitt, but couldnt wait to use "spamming" as the reason to beat me down for my opinions.

im not going to spam anymore where im not supossed to. and no matter how long they keep me here, wont change make me any better of a poster. I have made up my mind not to break anymore "little" rules, and i never broke the big ones.
But you're not a good poster. You're a troll. Difference, find it?

No, you're not here because he thinks your opinions are shit. The "Annoying The Mods" section under the rules is what you cover. Also, Sly said that you've broken the rules what, 8 times? As he also said, you fit perfectly in here, like I did until I EARNT my way out.

Usually, by now, if you've not chosen to stay and make threads & work to get out, or you've "Done a Sully". You've done neither & tried to plead not guilty. Take it up the anus, deal with it & serve your sentence.

EDIT: I still think he should get the CM Punk Avatar. How about I <3 Punk as a Username? (Although, that was kb's game with Macios, the constant changing name/Macios getting pissed off at remembering what his name was).
Ryan, this kind of argument is not going to help you. Make some quality threads in here that drive some discussion. You can make a thread on any topic you like in here. You've only been a member of this forum for a few weeks and you've been in prison for three days. You need to prove yourself. If you're as good as you say you are that shouldn't be a problem and you'll be out of here soon.
Because I know how this works. I described above what this is all about and that IS all it amounts to. There is something wrong with a situation where you are punishing people for attempting to contribute to a forum and maybe making some mistakes that go against rules, left up to the interpretation and discretion of someone else who may or may not enforce them fairly or without bias. It's quite clear that people do act off of biases, there is favoritism, there is cronyism, certain people do get away with whatever they want because of their associations, while others suffer from their lack thereof of disapproval from other people that is purely subjective. That is wrong, and it is wrong to pull this kind of shit and act so rashly against people ON A FUCKING FORUM of all places. You act like the forum itself is a prison and the members are prisoners who have to follow prison rules or end up in solitary confinement which happens to be ironically called "The Prison". It's stupid and unwarranted and no one deserves to be treated like that, not the most favored member to the most hated.

So after two months you have it all figured out right? Who gets away with whatever they want? Give me some examples.

The folks who decided to back me in my campaign for starters with the belief that I do represent the voice of the people, and the person who reached out to me to come do something here because they knew I had the courage to do it AS the voice of the people.

Who? I want names in order to establish your credibility.
Ryan, this kind of argument is not going to help you. Make some quality threads in here that drive some discussion. You can make a thread on any topic you like in here. You've only been a member of this forum for a few weeks and you've been in prison for three days. You need to prove yourself. If you're as good as you say you are that shouldn't be a problem and you'll be out of here soon.

THANK YOU MAN. Iv'e been pretty beat up and some hurtfull stuff has been said. im not perfect but dont compare me to the allmighty, compare me to the alternative. you see the sick flaming that people get into. I loved this forum and i wont stop advocating for my release.
Ryan, I can't take you seriously because you cannot spell. "Druggs"? Nice.

So we've figured that Ba-Bomb is like a failed David Otunga?
But you're not a good poster. You're a troll. Difference, find it?

No, you're not here because he thinks your opinions are shit. The "Annoying The Mods" section under the rules is what you cover. Also, Sly said that you've broken the rules what, 8 times? As he also said, you fit perfectly in here, like I did until I EARNT my way out.

Usually, by now, if you've not chosen to stay and make threads & work to get out, or you've "Done a Sully". You've done neither & tried to plead not guilty. Take it up the anus, deal with it & serve your sentence.

EDIT: I still think he should get the CM Punk Avatar. How about I <3 Punk as a Username? (Although, that was kb's game with Macios, the constant changing name/Macios getting pissed off at remembering what his name was).

Ryan, I can't take you seriously because you cannot spell. "Druggs"? Nice.

So we've figured that Ba-Bomb is like a failed David Otunga?

I can't take you seriously because you think EARNT is an actual word.

I know this has been said a lot, but you really shouldn't pretend to be all high and mighty considering you were just as bad as anyone else in the prison, if not worse. Every since you got out, you're too quick to shit on the rest of the people that enter considering that you are still pretty much on the same page as them.

You try to push for Ba-Bomb to be placed in the prison without thinking that you're not better than him, nor are you better than anyone that you've been shitting on.
I contributed heavily to this forum in a short time, but when others say im not a good poster, its B/C they dont have any abiliy to understand that people have different opinions.
No, I have the ability to understand different opinions, your posting is just fucking terrible. There's a difference.

Good opinions use things like facts, logic, reason, etc. to support them. They're not just thrown like shit towards a wall to see what sticks.

so according to slyfox, i am really hear B/C he thinks my opinions are shitt, but couldnt wait to use "spamming" as the reason to beat me down for my opinions.
You're being a dumbass.

I didn't put you here, nor have I ever Warned or Infracted you. You seemed to be confused on why you're here, I'm taking the time to explain, and now you're being a dumbass in response.

That's not the best way to get released.
You honestly think that this will work? Anyone who has been put in the prison is here for a reason. If they prove in here that they can contribute to the main forum, then they deserve to be given a second chance. Ryan will end up back on the main forum. Regardless of what anyone says, he tries to have a decent discussion, though I do think he needs to learn where biased and unbiased differ. Lesnar has no chance. Jenks (sadly) has no chance. And while I believe Ryan will make it back from here, until he proves it, he has no chance. A 'petition' isn't going to change that.
I am the only one with the balls to do it.

I can't take you seriously because you think EARNT is an actual word.

I know this has been said a lot, but you really shouldn't pretend to be all high and mighty considering you were just as bad as anyone else in the prison, if not worse. Every since you got out, you're too quick to shit on the rest of the people that enter considering that you are still pretty much on the same page as them.

You try to push for Ba-Bomb to be placed in the prison without thinking that you're not better than him, nor are you better than anyone that you've been shitting on.

Please read this multiple times, J4L. Maybe you'll finally take it to heart and stop being pre-jock Sully.

He'll never respond to this thread again, because someone thoughtfully criticized him and he just runs when that happens
It's that time when Americans use the English language wrong & they think they're right. You may be American, but what language are you using?

English bitch. There is no "American" language.
It's that time when Americans use the English language wrong & they think they're right. You may be American, but what language are you using?

English bitch. There is no "American" language.

There are many dialects. In the American dialect, "earnt" is incorrect. No-one is using the language incorrectly. You're writing in your dialect, using the odd word that is incompatible with ours. Your arrogance is misplaced.
There are many dialects. In the American dialect, "earnt" is incorrect. No-one is using the language incorrectly. You're writing in your dialect, using the odd word that is incompatible with ours. Your arrogance is misplaced.

Elocution lessons, Finlay style ;)

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