Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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What can I say? I was one of many that had hoped it was Sting as well. Taker vs HHH should be a solid match for 'Mania. I just hope it's not the reported career vs streak match everyone has been talking about. I guess whatever happens happens.

This has nothing to do with the videos, but for all the other Sting fans, keep in mind:

1) It was reported by a credible news paper that Sting had signed with WWE.

2) Sting is no longer shown to be on the TNA roster.

3) Sting himself has not said what his status is.

4) When Goldberg signed with the WWE back in 2003, he signed well before Wrestlemania and made his debut the night after.

Keep the faith all you little Stingers!
We're not doubting that the UT is coming back tonight, but I have a feeling a certain scorpion will be calling him out, because they wouldn't be doing all this ONLY for the UT they have to set up his WM program.

Well, I guess they did. That's what the WWE does. It's amazing they still have so many fans with the amount of crap they put on tv. I do watch RAW, but only because there really isn't anything else on Monday nights.

So yes, ALL this for the Undertaker's 15th return.

This has nothing to do with the videos, but for all the other Sting fans, keep in mind:

1) It was reported by a credible news paper that Sting had signed with WWE.

2) Sting is no longer shown to be on the TNA roster.

3) Sting himself has not said what his status is.

4) When Goldberg signed with the WWE back in 2003, he signed well before Wrestlemania and made his debut the night after.

Keep the faith all you little Stingers!

1. Reported by a 'probably' freelance wrestling writer trying to get his name out there by reporting a bogus story that plays off of the IWC's hopes and dreams.

2. Sting retired, or simply is just going to come back later on for one final match, which will be in front of 300 people...

3. Since when do you hear of interviews with Sting. The Ultimate Warrior hasn't announced he is wanting to face the Undertaker yet, either. Remember, the Ultimate Warrior hasn't definitively beaten the Undertaker, so you never know, it could be the Warrior's way of saying that his Gods are going to get the Undertaker and bury him.

4. Bret Hart did this, too, but it doesn't mean everyone does it.

God, how I would love Sting in WWE, even if just for one night, but I don't think it will happen.
What can I say? I was one of many that had hoped it was Sting as well. Taker vs HHH should be a solid match for 'Mania. I just hope it's not the reported career vs streak match everyone has been talking about. I guess whatever happens happens.

This has nothing to do with the videos, but for all the other Sting fans, keep in mind:

1) It was reported by a credible news paper that Sting had signed with WWE.

2) Sting is no longer shown to be on the TNA roster.

3) Sting himself has not said what his status is.

4) When Goldberg signed with the WWE back in 2003, he signed well before Wrestlemania and made his debut the night after.

Keep the faith all you little Stingers!

These are reasons that we believed it could've been Sting that could've showed up tonight.

But agreed, people should keep these things in mind about Sting's future. Right now, nothings for certain about what he will do in the future. Retirement in the next few years seems likely.

To atleast retire, go to the HOF and attain a Legends contract, which would see him set for payment of merchandise sales, and use of his character and whatnot, would keep him and his family financially stable for a long time.

Maybe we'll see him wrestle again, but we don't know where, or when for the time being.
I am so disappointed right now. Despite all the evidence that pointed to the contrary, I was still holding onto a tiny sliver of hope that Sting would be the one to challenge the Undertaker. Even near the end of RAW, when Cena and Miz won the titles with 10 minutes of airtime left, I thought maybe Sting would show up then. It was kind of like pulling for my favorite football team and thinking of crazy "maybe"s even when they're down by 3 TDs with only two minutes to go. I knew it wasn't going to happen, but I refused to give up hope until the show officially went off the air.

The WWE really dropped the ball tonight, imo. With all the hype, all the rumors, all the excitement, the Undertaker segment should've happened at the end of the show, not at 10:00. HHH returning should've been a big moment, but the whole thing felt so anti-climatic. Apparently we're just supposed to forget about Sheamus, who took out HHH. Same goes for Wade Barrett and the old version of Nexxus.

With people tuning in this week because they heard about the Rock returning, and people tuning in because of the 2/21 excitement, the WWE probably had quite a few more viewers than usual this week. And in return they deliver one of the most lackluster RAWs in quite some time.
I'll admit, I'm extremely disappointed that Sting didn't show up tonight, but what makes it worse is that we're going to see Triple H vs. Undertaker and WrestleMania...I know the feud has just begun but it doesn't make any sense to me. It just feels so forced, and if it is indeed career vs. streak...it would be different if these guys hadn't already faced each other at 'Mania, but they have. I hope at least that Undertaker gets revenge on Kane and Nexus or the Corre, and Triple H gets revenge against Sheamus. These situations simply need to be addressed, I mean for god's sake, Taker was buried alive and Triple H was put out of action for almost a year....
I'll admit, I'm extremely disappointed that Sting didn't show up tonight, but what makes it worse is that we're going to see Triple H vs. Undertaker and WrestleMania...I know the feud has just begun but it doesn't make any sense to me. It just feels so forced, and if it is indeed career vs. streak...it would be different if these guys hadn't already faced each other at 'Mania, but they have. I hope at least that Undertaker gets revenge on Kane and Nexus or the Corre, and Triple H gets revenge against Sheamus. These situations simply need to be addressed, I mean for god's sake, Taker was buried alive and Triple H was put out of action for almost a year....

They do have over a month to build up the storyline from the rumored "Streak v.s. Career match II" stipulatio and HBK possibly being guest ref. I'll admit though that I was clinging to a flicker of hope that Sting showed up. I too hope they tie up loose ends though with Taker and Nexus/Corre and HHH and Sheamus. Perhaps, HHH revealing that he was behind the Nexus/Corre attack on Taker and since they couldn't get the job done, he'll have to try and do it himself in Mania?
Wanna change your sig?

Sting's not coming, sorry.

I just did, lol. It ok man. Take that damn sig off. It was to big.

Nobody would have gotten mad, if they would have just regular Undertaker promos. Those promos were not for Taker. I'm sorry. And have a countdown like if its New Years Eve.....omg. WWE just doesn't care.

I was thinking maybe theres more to this because they're were 3 ppl, in the video. But, forget it. I give up.
I just did, lol. It ok man. Take that damn sig off. It was to big.

Nobody would have gotten mad, if they would have just regular Undertaker promos. Those promos were not for Taker. I'm sorry. And have a countdown like if its New Years Eve.....omg. WWE just doesn't care.

I was thinking maybe theres more to this because they're were 3 ppl, in the video. But, forget it. I give up.

Man, it was a fun ride while it lasted. Don't give up on Sting though, we don't know what his future is in the wrestling business. I want to see him wrestle a bit more before he hangs up his boots, no matter where he goes.
With The Undertaker and Triple H returning to face off at WresteMania, their stare-down both shocked and awed fans all around the WWE universe awaiting to see what the meaning behind the 2/21/11 promos were.

Though the 2/21/11 promo climaxed as The Undertaker's return, could there be multiple meanings to it? I think so and here's why:

I. 2/21/11 spells out Sting. After looking at it more closely, I wrote it down with my friend Grant and analyzed it back and forth that 2/21/11 could spell out Sting.

II. 2/21/11 could possibly equal the date of WrestleMania, 4/3/11...think about it, 2+2=4-1=3, then you're left with the #11.....4/3/11.....so could 2/21/11 really be teased for 4/3/11, the date of WrestleMania?

III. According to my numbers, the promos were shown six times (twice a week), and according to Wikipedia, Sting has been WCW Champion six times.

Could there be more players involved than just Triple H and Undertaker, could they be wanting to tease the appearance of Sting, HBK, and the involvement of Taker's "brother" Kane, as well as The Rock? Could The Streak be in jeopardy, with the event ironically being in the birthplace of WCW?
First of all, the promos were shown 7 times (twice on the night it debuted). Secondly, you're thinking about this way too much. 2/21/11 is The Undertaker and Triple H. These two will have a great match at Wrestlemania. That's that. There will be no Sting. There will be no HBK. And there will be NO Daniel Bryan (Chair Shot Reality referance).
UGH! yeah i knew sting was a long shot, but god did they fumble this. HHH/taker? fine. but yeah, lets just sh*t on why they were gone to begin w/, then not have them speak at all. that works right? WRONG. pathetic. and hhh/taker has been done b4. different era yes, but its still been done. (and itll b damn hard to top that match..much less hbk/taker the past 2yrs) still..STILL makes no sense y taker came back to RAW. god they botched this. like i said i can accept it wasnt sting. but christ have it make a bit of sense! not the nonsense we got! as previous posters have said, mania looks bleak to me. and unless the road to mania takes some unexpected turns. vince can count me out this yr. miz/cena, edge/del rio, taker/hhh, morrison/punk, mitb, nexus/corre, cole/king is NOT worth my 60 calms.
Alot of people in this thread who disected the videos...they look complete idiots now. "Bats", "Scorpions"....lol

Said all along it was Taker vs Triple H. We all knew it was that anyway. I hope it isnt career vs streak though.
WWE really had a chance to do something big here, and instead they threw it all away for a rehashed storyline/match we've seen before. I can't even express how disappointed I am at this.
To be fair, WWE have more or less revealed that Taker was the man behind 2 21 11 with the 3rd promo. The segment was good, the hype and anticipation was not. I blame the creative on this one. Fine, they tried to play the situation down by killing off some of the suspense with the 2nd and 3rd promo but it only served for the IWC to speculate more and more.

To be fair to them, it was the IWC and the IWC only. My ears could be playing tricks on me, but I did not hear a Sting chant during the segment or the entire show. WWE did not expect the speculation of Sting behind 2 21 11, however, they hyped it up further if anything especially with the countdown timer. Why a mysterious promo? let alone a countdown clock for Taker's return? They could have done it out of the blue, two shocking returns in stereo, I don't think it would have been expected, and it will result in a better reaction and a surprise among all fans regardless of their age. However, WWE had the ball , and the fans in their court and more or less, they dropped it.

The segment was great, but the angle was not. The hype, promos were absolutely unwarranted.
LOL. How many people on here including me tried to tell you people it wasn't Sting? I couldn't believe when I got on here after the 3rd promo and people were STILL making a case for Sting! "It's raining! Taker doesn't wear boots like that! It looks like a Sting promo from 13 years ago when he was still relevant to the wrestling world!" A reporter on from this site even posted a story saying he had confirmation it would be HHH vs. Taker at WM27. Anyone who is disappointed has no one to blame but themselves and the other idiots on here that were pining away for Sting, a guy who wrestled his last matches on TNA in a T-SHIRT. And anyone who thought he'd lower from the rafters is a bigger idiot for thinking WWE would ever put a guy up in a harness again after what happened to Owen. I love being right!
I was wondering that too, but i doubt it, before i go any further, yes i get that the fans are the ones who mainly Said Sting was coming, and Yes i do get it will most likely be HHH, vs taker at WM. (yes i said 'Most Likely' will explain in a bit).

Like many fans i got into the Sting hype, mainly cause its something a lot of us want to see, but like many i also doubt it will happen, wether it be now or in a year, and lets face it if it were to happen it would have to be soon as time is not on Sting's side.

I'm not one of the People that got into the Number theories and all that with the 2/21/11 promo, but a lot of what i Guess are Facts, that have been reported was really which got me somewhat believing that Sting had finally come to WWE.

Firstly: the first of the 2/21/11 Promo's aired, very Sting Themed in nature as well as being very much so in Taker. I have seen the reports of people seeing Scorpions etched into the wall on the house, Personally i couldn't see it, so i doubt that was there, and i have seen the reports of the smoke spelling the letters Sting, at the end, That i looked at and honestly could see a bit of it, and my attention grew. The other promo's surfaced (being Part's 2 & 3) and again i agree with people who said there were 2 people in that promo, one being Taker who YES can clearly be seen inside the house, but in all honest if Taker was inside the house, who was outside? Everyone is saying Taker because of Raw tonight, and it most likely is that way now. But in the lead up to this, with these promos, in all honesty, why would Taker be in the house, out of the house, in the house again etc that really makes no sense other then cool visuals.

The boots we see Taker walk in on the first one, When has Taker ever worn those? At the Same Time when has Sting but seriously, either WWE was intentionally throwing us off a bit or having some fun mind games with it.

I think its the 2nd promo, that you see someone walking outside, then the door opens, no one is there but Taker's feet suddenly appear out of thin air and he is there (big hint that it was taker) but then yet again more feet are shown outside, it was confusing in my eye that if this promo was solely Taker, why was he all over the place like a mad woman's breakfast.

I liked the theory that someone was hunting Taker, which could be a HHH thing as well but again where do the weird boots fit in, and the trench coat if it was a 2nd person?

Another thing i noticed, in the 2nd and 3rd promos at the end when the date is given, the Smoke has changed, it no longer gives the appearance that it is spelling out Sting's name, was that intentionally removed by WWE because they made it a bit obvious, or too many rumours started on something they couldn't deliver so it was an effort to die it down.

The best theory i got was on these boards, someone saying it represents Sting (or whoever the 2nd person is) about to enter Taker's house (being the WWE), i liked that theory, still do.

But again a lot of theories isn't fact, though i do agree there were a lot of confusing elements in the promos, as stated above, whether designed intentionally, or part of bad writing and continuity in the promo, or simply as a sequence of interesting images with not continuity, i do see where the confusion came from.

Secondly: There was the Newspaper report, in the New York Times (i believe, i'm from Australia, so not real sure, but saw the pic), and when a Paper with that World Renowned Reputation publishes a wrestling story of that nature, one tends to to pay attention, but in saying that, reporters can make mistakes, or publish rumors thinking they are stories from time to time it has happened, but i guess it added more legitimacy to the Sting/WWE Rumors.

But answer me this, has there been a follow up report in The New York Times, where they have apologized for the incorrect story, as most Newspapers do if that is the case? Again i'm asking out of curiousity as i don't live in the USA.

Thirdly: The fact that Sting, Booker T and Kevin Nash no showed TNA Impact on the week of the Rumble, (or just before i don't watch much TV but i read it on the Wrestlezone new feed), That and Kevin Nash pretty much confirmed it on Twitter. Booker and Nash showed up at the Rumble, while i can understand that you don't really need to hype these guys with a promo, a Surprise appearance at the Rumble will do fine (and it did), Obviously someone like Sting who is a Big Star never to compete in WWE, he deserves a bigger entrance, a bigger lead up to his debut. and again i can really see how these promos lead people like myself to somewhat believe it was possible?

One thing i don't get if all Three no showed the TNA Impact that week, and Booker T, Nash, and eventually Stings profiles were removed from TNA's website, we know where Booker T and Nash ended up, where the hell is Sting? No one can reach him for comment? besides the reports that his friends have said he hasn't signed, and a few officials of WWE have said they have no knowledge?

Behind the scenes also you don't think Nash and Booker T, or possibly others would have talked to Sting at some point? they are all tight, and from what i have seen and read Sting holds Booker T in high regard, and vise versa. I mean am i the only one who thinks its naive that No one has contacted Sting not even his buddies haven't had the conversation with him about possibly joining WWE?

The only fact with this is we know he no showed TNA, so where is he? is my question. Was there an official statement from the man himself or his agent or something that stated the rumours and the New York Times post isn't true. There isn't even anything on Sting's Official website. Don't get me wrong here i know even if a statement was delivered or something was put onto his site, it could likely be a throw off anyway, that is the way wrestling can be, like WWE leaking rumours of Justin Bieber as the Host of WM to throw people of The Rock. But still with the hype you think something more official would have been said, even in interviews with HHH about his movie i'm sure someone would have at least asked.

Its possible TNA could be throwing it off and he has re-signed with them, which i like many is hoping that isn't the case. But still...

WWE is another thing, where is their statement about the rumours? like an official statement, only backstage 2nd hand information has been made known, even on wrestlezone, while i'm not disputing their reporting, they do a good job, but again with the hype this has received you would think there would be something more is all i'm saying.

Finally (no pun intended): WWE hasn't contacted Sting? again with all the hype and the common knowledge that Sting hasn't yet signed back with TNA (if he does) is it naive to think, that no one, especially with Stings buddies Nash and Booker T, coming back to WWE that no one entertained the idea? Do you think Vince wouldn't try at least? No guarantee he would succeed, but he would try, again whether or not those details ever make it public are a different story but still, WWE has been in contact on and off with The Rock for the past several years, they got Bret Hart back, all i am saying is it isn't impossible, and as the old saying in wrestling goes, Never say Never. But in my personal opinion based on the crazy amount of hype this got and the New York Times article, that someone had to have at least contacted him, but again no Official word. Even if there was being this Big of a deal, WWE would do all it could to ensure Stings debut was kept TOP Secret, with a lot of fake plants, angles etc, that is if it were to happen at all.

Before i continue i don't mean to come of as a hardcore fan who is now boycotting WWE cause Sting didn't show up today, on the contrary, i will still be watching, and while i like many others was slightly disappointed it was HHH, (Don't get me wrong, glad to see he is back), i agree it does make sense storyline wise, that he would come back and seek revenge on Taker for HBK, (though strangely that is priority over the man who almost ended his career, Sheamus, but still...), i am one of them fans who like many agree that a lot of what has happened with these promos hasn't made a lot of sense. And merely stating my views on that and the other stuff surrounding that, even after the 3rd promo, which CLEARLY showed The Undertaker, i just thought it was a little obvious and a little weird being Taker wasn't gone that long, at least compared to HHH, that a promo of this magnitude was needed, unless there was someone else, and again it was HHH, but i really don't see how the hints of 2 people in those promos (call it what you will but 2 different types of boots, and one outside on in still seems like 2 ppl to me) had anything to do with HHH. AND YES i do know WWE NEVER said it was Sting so there is no need to blame them for the let-down, i get that, and i'm not blaming WWE.

The WWE Wrestlemania website also hasn't officially put Taker vs HHH on it, it will most likely happen but still things can change in 5 weeks not just for HHH vs Taker but the whole event.

There is still a possibility there could be more to it, there is a HIGH chance there isn't, but i am somewhat confused by it.

I am wondering if maybe a deal with Sting was in place, maybe WWE jumped the gun with the 1st promo, and the deal fell through, so HHH was the backup plan, WWE still played the promos and can just get away with saying it was Taker all along. I mean it all of a sudden changed from Wade Barrett vs Taker, to those plans being scraped to only a week out from 2/21/11 to wrestlezone reporting it was HHH, i'm guessing there may be a lot in between that hasn't been made public, and it was knowledge that 7 scenarios were in place for Taker at WM. What were they? Maybe Sting might still come at WM, who knows, but seriously i just feel there is a bit more to it then they are letting on. Again WWE must have heard this hype, and either changed tactics cause it got figured out, at least tried to contact sting about the possibility, or it was never in place at all, But a bit strange that no higher ups have come out and said anything or even the WWE stars. But then again they usually don't either way.

Anyway that's my rant, sorry it was this long, just put a bit of though into it today, either way i'm still watching WWE and WM, don't get me wrong, but still it is all very odd, even those all along who have said Sting isn't coming, must agree at least that the hype surrounding this was huge and at least gave people some sort of impression that it was someone other then taker, and there was a possiblity it was Sting. All i will never agree on is those promos were only showing one person, cause the way they were depicted showed 2 to me, Taker and someone hunting/stalking/seeking him, if it wasn't that way they had a funny way of depicting it was just Taker, as it made no sense if it was just one guy in them promos, again inside,outside, inside, outside, 2 different boots. its like an episode of Lost, they are on the island off the island who can follow that shit? sorry quote from Zack and Miri Make a Porno.

Anyway thats somewhat my theory not sure i believe it myself but just been thinking about it abit...
Umm... no. The significance to 2/21/11 is that it was the Monday after Wrestlemania and there would be a Monday Night Raw that night. Now stay with me. What better place to have something big happen then on the biggest show? I no rite?

Even moreso, you got Undertaker and HHH. Seems like enough for some good stuff to happen, don't it? Regardless of the fact that both have lost the ability to speak after their long absences, I think it should be pretty decent. Or maybe not.
With The Undertaker and Triple H returning to face off at WresteMania, their stare-down both shocked and awed fans all around the WWE universe awaiting to see what the meaning behind the 2/21/11 promos were.

Though the 2/21/11 promo climaxed as The Undertaker's return, could there be multiple meanings to it? I think so and here's why:

I think I know where this is headed towards for the 100th time.

I. 2/21/11 spells out Sting. After looking at it more closely, I wrote it down with my friend Grant and analyzed it back and forth that 2/21/11 could spell out Sting.

Great job by you and your friend. I mean really, how did you get that letter "g" to look like a 2. Or maybe it's an 1.

II. 2/21/11 could possibly equal the date of WrestleMania, 4/3/11...think about it, 2+2=4-1=3, then you're left with the #11.....4/3/11.....so could 2/21/11 really be teased for 4/3/11, the date of WrestleMania?

Or 2/21/11 was really advertised for I don't know, yesterday which was February 21, 2011. Just a guess.

III. According to my numbers, the promos were shown six times (twice a week), and according to Wikipedia, Sting has been WCW Champion six times.

Your numbers must be off because that promo was shown more than six times. It's been shown on Smackdown and Raw and sometimes twice on one show so that's more than six. Nice try. Maybe if it was Ric Flair that was returning.

Could there be more players involved than just Triple H and Undertaker, could they be wanting to tease the appearance of Sting, HBK, and the involvement of Taker's "brother" Kane, as well as The Rock? Could The Streak be in jeopardy, with the event ironically being in the birthplace of WCW?

Or you know, we can just have a HHH/Taker matchup. There's always that possibility floating around don't you think?

Here's what I want to happen: I want Sting to show up next week on Raw to tell us that he's never going to sign with WWE. That will be hilarious and will finally get people to shut up about it.
Well this certainly put the nail in the coffin of Sting ever coming to WWE. He is without a job (at the moment), Raw was in his hometown, WWE is in Atlanta...if there was ever a reason for Sting to turn up in WWE then this was it.

Never really cared for Sting, sure he was a big fish in "Dubya C Dubya" over 10 years ago but if he is happy finishing his "Wrasslin" legacy in front of 1000 (generous?) people at the Impact Zone then fuck him.

It does seem a shame that at 51 years old his ego/pride whatever ya wanna call gets in the way of him performing in the biggest event of his career but he might suprise us and turn up at Mania to interfear in the Taker/Trips match. I wont hold my breath but let the rumours start (again)....
Well this certainly put the nail in the coffin of Sting ever coming to WWE. He is without a job (at the moment), Raw was in his hometown, WWE is in Atlanta...if there was ever a reason for Sting to turn up in WWE then this was it.

Never really cared for Sting, sure he was a big fish in "Dubya C Dubya" over 10 years ago but if he is happy finishing his "Wrasslin" legacy in front of 1000 (generous?) people at the Impact Zone then fuck him.

It does seem a shame that at 51 years old his ego/pride whatever ya wanna call gets in the way of him performing in the biggest event of his career but he might suprise us and turn up at Mania to interfear in the Taker/Trips match. I wont hold my breath but let the rumours start (again)....

I'm not sure that I would lay all the blame at Sting's feet.

If, as has been reported, he didn't want to work a full-tim schedule, I can't blame him.

And I would blame McMahon for forcing the issue if that was the case.

I think McMahon needs to do everyone a favor and get off his stand regarding wrestlers working a certain number of dates. It cost him Kurt Angle a few years ago, and it may have cost him getting Sting.

With some names, 'less is more', and certainly better than 'not at all'.

If an established star wants to work a certain number of days per month, why not? Pay them based on appearances and schedule accordingly.

If Sting needs or wants the Shawn Michaels schedule? Let him have it.

WWE could certainly afford to pay him much more than he could ever make in TNA.
No. Sting isn't coming to the WWE. You're trying way too hard to look for something that isn't there. Sting isn't spelled out, there aren't any double entendras in the promo. It was 'Taker. End of story.
I honestly think that there is more to all of this than what we are seeing. I could ramble on about the whole 2/21/11 promo hype but I would rather make it short and sweet. Firstly, we all know that the NY times is a widely reliable source for information, not just in the US but internationally as well, so what I want to know is why would the NY times be in the only newspaper to publish the signing on sting on their paper? It makes no sense. And from all the people that could have faced the undertaker in the ring, why was it triple h? We know that the whole taker vs hhh match at WM is meant to be seen as triple h's way of saying to the undertaker that he was the man to retire michaels so it is only fitting that michael's best friend retires the undertaker. But if memory serves correctly, the last time the deadman was buried by an opponent, he returned to face them at that year's WM. So why isn't the undertaker going after kane? It would have made more sense for michaels to return and announce that his best mate would face the undertaker at WM. Because lets be honest, one of the figures in the 21/2/11 promo did look awefully like michaels, especially the one where the camera is showing the person's lips.
Boy George Costanza....,

The whole analytical thing of deciphering came from part lack of sleep, but if you look at it closely, I really do think 2/21/11 spells Sting, or at least it foretells the date of WrestleMania....now do I have to explain that theory again so that you get it? I mean, it all could be a ruse, but why bring in these big names? Why bring in The Rock? Why do any of this smoke & mirrors if it'll just end up being HHH/Taker in the end? I really do feel there's more involved here than just a Streak vs. Career match, and my original thread post speaks for itself...
Give it a rest, people. It's over.

Undertaker vs HHH at Mania. Whether it's streak vs career...doesn't matter. These two will put on a hell of a match...just like they did at WM 17.
I just don't think Undertaker versus Sting would have been as good as everyone thought. It would have probably been a let down. Talk to me 13 years ago and I'd probably be singing a different tune, but it's 2011!

Out of curiosity, am I the only one that would have preferred to see a Shawn Michaels versus Sting match? They are good friends in real life, but have NEVER faced each other (I don't count church sanctioned interactions, sorry). Not only that, but Sting never wrestled a second in WWF/E and Shawn never wrestled a second in WCW (even though every other member of the Kliq did at some point).

Anyway, it would have been a cool WWF "Icon" versus WCW "Icon" match. Undertaker and Sting, while both having a somewhat dark gimmick, didn't strike me as an obvious feud. If Shawn was considering having one last match this year and WWE could ink Sting, there's your marquee match!
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