Raw SuperShow LD 23/04/2012 - Car-Enthusiast John Cena Celebrates Turns 35 in Motown

Yep, lumber jills aren't meant to throw the opponent back in the ring like they are supposed to. They are just meant to look pretty and take part in the cat fight after the match.
And to those pointing out Stone Cold's use of alcohol in the midst of his popularity, technically, you're pointing out something which is totally irrelevant even in the case of the Laurinitas segment. Wellness Policy was implemented only a few short years ago, before then WWE would complain throughout the nineties they hadn't the funds to test employees randomly. Therefore they'd never know if Austin was inebriated. Over analyzing things, I know, but still, just pointing it out.

Stop being a buzzkill DS

Nevermind Nikki, who is rumored to be on the way out just beat the best Diva on the roster, thats a bigger buzzkill
Well they had to give the other half the belt as well, it would be unfair to the twins if only one if them ever had the title under their name. Are the Bella's faces or heels?

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