Raw Rating

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
3.2, supposedly shocked Vince into silence.

I did find the breakdown of last weeks RAW.

In the segment-by-segment, the show opened at a 3.12 level for Punk and John Cena in the ring. Cena vs. David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty lost 475,000 viewers, which is not good. A Mark Henry video, plus Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Vickie Guerrero and Vince McMahon backstage lost 4,500 viewers. Kelly Kelly vs. Melina lost 128,000 viewers. The Miz and all the Money in the Bank guys doing promos one-by-one gained 382,000 viewers, which is less than the top of the hour usually gets. Miz & R-Truth & Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston & Alex Riley lost 274,000 viewers. Big Show vs. Ziggler & McIntyre with the post-match Mark Henry attack lost 281,000 viewers and did a 2.61 quarter, which is just dreadful. The final segment with McMahon, Punk and Cena gained 1,346,000 viewers, one of the biggest growth segments of the year, closing at a 3.50. It should be noted that going 16 minutes past the hour instead of the usual 5-8 minutes means double or triple the amount of time to both gain new viewers, and pick up the viewers tuning in for the next show.
Oh, look. The fan fiction on the main page is trying to get us to freakout:

WWE Chairman Vince McMahon was reportedly "shocked into silence" when the overnight household ratings for Monday Night Raw came in at a 3.2 yesterday at the Smackdown tapings.

According to a key WWE insider who was backstage, "Vince did his best to no-sell the news, but the entire atmosphere of the backstage area changed once Vince was told of the rating."

WrestleZone was also told, "It seems like Vince and the upper echelon really believed this latest surge in excitement based on the CM Punk angle would really pop the ratings. The slow build back up is really scary for a lot of people right now. There's not an overflow of patience running around in WWE."
It seems to poke some holes in Sly's CM Punk theories among other reasons.

Who knows what happened this week but WWE may be having a roster depth issue that is starting to show in the audience numbers throughout the show. The predictability of the irrelevance of what happens in between could become an issue.
Of course there is a roughly 50% chance that the rating might pick up again next week with absolutely no apparent explanation.
It seems to poke some holes in Sly's CM Punk theories among other reasons.
Not really...an overrun featuring Vince and Cena, which goes 10 or 15 minutes into the next show? That's going to score rating points, no matter who is in there with them. I'm not saying Punk didn't play his part, I'm just saying it was going up no matter what.

Besides that, my theory has always been the same. Give CM Punk the same material everyone else on the show works with, and he's never been a draw. History proves me right.

Of course there is a roughly 50% chance that the rating might pick up again next week with absolutely no apparent explanation.

If it goes up, and Punk's not there, I will begin the biggest trolling of CM Punk fans this forum has ever seen. If Punk's not there, and the rating goes down, then it's obvious fans never wanted Punk in the first place, and they're pissed he won the title.

Basically, as long as Punk's not there, I'm trolling. :)
Not really...an overrun featuring Vince and Cena, which goes 10 or 15 minutes into the next show? That's going to score rating points, no matter who is in there with them. I'm not saying Punk didn't play his part, I'm just saying it was going up no matter what.

They tuned in at the beginning of the show which showed interest in the story. They tuned out noticeably as soon as that segment ended and Cena was still there wrestling then. They tuned back in heavily at the end, a segment that John Cena wasn't even advertised for.

Besides that, my theory has always been the same. Give CM Punk the same material everyone else on the show works with, and he's never been a draw. History proves me right.

This is silly. That is like saying if Mark Henry won all the time he would be Cena. It isn't that simple. Furthermore, I have no idea why people act like no one in WWE ever broke the fourth wall until a week ago.
Why respond? Sly's out and out admitted he intends to troll the Punk fans. Why play?
I like it when Sly Trolls. The only thing it proves is that the main event story is what people care about. Punk and Cena draw brother.

Plus I love the "reaction" by Vince McMahon with the 3.2. If any of that is legit, it shows the problem with McMahon. Knee jerk reactions to low ratings, and then hot shotting angles to get a cheap bump is never the answer. This storyline has people interested, and it needs more then two weeks to play out.

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