Ratings for yesterday's Raw 8/17/15

Not sure why you people still pay this poster any mind. He's clearly obsessed with John Cena. It's an unhealthy relationship they have and Cena has no idea it exists. If Crocker doesn't have a wall of article cutouts, magazine covers or any other creepy stalking pictures in his room, I'd be surprised.

It's only a matter of time before he digs a hole in his basement and starts practicing the line, "It puts the lotion on it's skin!"
oh my god its slyfox.. i've seen your posts about Cena before. good lord, just MARRY him already.. Not even gonna try to reason with you.
And just to make things clear, the reason I am so hateful of Cena is because of his marks who overpraise him, like Slyfox, Bernkastel, and Spidamite. I understand that Cena is tremendously talented, but he has his flaws, but people like Slyfox delusional deny his flaws, such as his corny stale character, and his booking is just awful. For every hateful person, there are 3 Cena super marks.. at least thats how it is in this forum. Me, BSE, KB, and probably a few others are one of the only logical people who can look at things objectively here.
Me, BSE, KB, and probably a few others are one of the only logical people who can look at things objectively here.

KB has to be shitting himself over this one. Crock, BSE & KB the Hounds of Objectivity.

Crocker you need to learn the difference between Cena Apologist and those presenting rational prospective. Your obsession with one character, in a Universe of seventy plus others, is borderline psychopathic.
Sad part is I've never liked Cena. But I know he's a star attraction for a reason. Crocker hasn't figured it out yet.
Барбоса;5268275 said:
But you aren't objective about Cena?

You try to hold his Make A Wish contributions against him.

And people are being too naive with his make-a-wish contributions. The world isn't all black and white. Human beings have many reasons and motivations
And people are being too naive with his make-a-wish contributions. The world isn't all black and white. Human beings have many reasons and motivations

Its not naivete. It is not really caring why he does it. The fact that he has fulfilled the wishes of hundreds of children (and is continually asked to do it) is what counts when it comes to MAW.

On top of that, if he really did not like doing it and was the shameless money/attention grabber you paint him as, he would have stopped once he broke records and gained notoriety and financial security.

The fact that you try to make it seem like something negative makes you come across not as objective like you claim but actively anti-Cena and more generally a twat.
KB has to be shitting himself over this one. Crock, BSE & KB the Hounds of Objectivity.

Crocker you need to learn the difference between Cena Apologist and those presenting rational prospective. Your obsession with one character, in a Universe of seventy plus others, is borderline psychopathic.

I argued against Cena so hardcore in the last WZT that I was called a Cena Hater. So I guess I'll wear the Cena Mark badge with pride.
I argued against Cena so hardcore in the last WZT that I was called a Cena Hater. So I guess I'll wear the Cena Mark badge with pride.

I would hardly classify you as a Cena supporter or hater. I can't say I remember every statement you've ever made but from what I can recall it is a pretty good opinion and way to look at things. If you are going to proudly wear any badges it should be your dislike towards Crocker and simply owning his ass in debate.

Related, I was on Cena's jock during the WZT. I was judging my support based on the talents significant other and I love me some Nikki.
Triple H vs Brock Lesnar at summerslam 2012 did much better PPV numbers than CM Punk vs Cena at 2011.

Team John Cena vs Nexus at Summerslam 2010 did much better PPV numbers than CM Punk vs John Cena at Summerslam 2011.

But let me guess, you are going to claim that Vince and the writers sabotaged CM Punk by putting him in the main event segments on Raw in 2011?
Triple H vs Brock Lesnar at summerslam 2012 did much better PPV numbers than CM Punk vs Cena at 2011.

Team John Cena vs Nexus at Summerslam 2010 did much better PPV numbers than CM Punk vs John Cena at Summerslam 2011.

But let me guess, you are going to claim that Vince and the writers sabotaged CM Punk by putting him in the main event segments on Raw in 2011?

I think I'll paraphrase a well known Youtube troll legend...

"CM Punk can't wrestle. John Cena is a legend."
oh my god its slyfox.. i've seen your posts about Cena before. good lord, just MARRY him already
I suppose that is your way of saying, "I know you are right and there's no way for me to get around the facts which makes Crocker look stupid".

I guess when facts don't go your way, resort to third grade retorts. Good for you.

Not even gonna try to reason
Yes, therein lies the problem, your lack of attention to reason.
And just to make things clear, the reason I am so hateful of Cena is because
You're a moron? That's what I'm voting for. Hell, I might even create a poll to see how many others agree.

EDIT: The poll has now been posted in the Bar Room.

of his marks who overpraise him, like Slyfox
How can you overpraise the man who has been on top of the wrestling world for over a decade, the man who has been the most visible wrestler in history, the biggest draw for the past decade and one of the best in-ring workers in history?

All those things are true. How can you overpraise one of the three or four greatest workers in history?

but people like Slyfox delusional deny his flaws, such as his corny stale character,
If his character was "corny stale", then it probably wouldn't make the WWE so much money.

I'm sorry if basic logic and facts get in the way of your subjective opinion, but that really says more about your inability to use reason than it does about anything else.
Me, BSE, KB, and probably a few others are one of the only logical people who can look at things objectively here.
You just insinuated the reason for a 1.5% decrease in ratings was due to the return of a man whose hour he main-evented clearly did the best ratings.

Logic, reason, objectivity...not words I associate with you.
Good lord. Are you dumb or a troll?
Yes, he is.
Sounds like Bryan Alvarez back in 2006. He used to hate on CM Punk when Punk was in ECW.
In fairness, CM Punk was grossly overrated back in 2006.
KB has to be shitting himself over this one. Crock, BSE & KB the Hounds of Objectivity.

Crocker you need to learn the difference between Cena Apologist and those presenting rational prospective. Your obsession with one character, in a Universe of seventy plus others, is borderline psychopathic.

E-pluribus-gads how did I get hooked up with those two?
Crocker did it himself. He said that the only non-Cena marks on this board are you, him, and BSE.

I'm guessing he's never actually read any of your posts.

Half of the people that agree that Cena is a good wrestler don't even really like the guy. They say that because they know it's stupid and not objective to suggest otherwise. I wasn't a big fan of Rocky 15 years ago but I'm not about to say he was a bad wrestler. Because that would be stupid and wrong.
I suppose that is your way of saying, "I know you are right and there's no way for me to get around the facts which makes Crocker look stupid".

I didn't want to waste time arguing with your Cena-fandom (why dont you just MARRY him already for fucks sake?) but now you forced my hand.

I guess when facts don't go your way, resort to third grade retorts. Good for you.

Nope, I will prove you wrong here.

Yes, therein lies the problem, your lack of attention to reason.
You're a moron? That's what I'm voting for. Hell, I might even create a poll to see how many others agree.

EDIT: The poll has now been posted in the Bar Room.

How about I post on reddit where people are more objective rather than the multitude of Cena marks over here who gang up on reasonable people such as me and BSE

How can you overpraise the man who has been on top of the wrestling world for over a decade, the man who has been the most visible wrestler in history, the biggest draw for the past decade and one of the best in-ring workers in history?
Best in ring worker? Thats completely subjective and a matter of opinion. He's tremendously talented in the ring, i won't deny that; he's had many many 5 star matches. Top 20 maybe, but hes not the best in ring worker of all time to me. But in ring work alone is not enough to make me like him. He's been the biggest draw? Full time, sure; even thats arguable though because Batista was on par with him in 2005. But biggest draw of all time including part timers? Thats a huge stretch; The Rock and Lesnar make way bigger differences in the PPV buyrates than him. Royal Rumble 2013, headlined by Rock vs Punk, drew the largest RR buyrate in 5 years.

All those things are true. How can you overpraise one of the three or four greatest workers in history?
Because you're literally saying he that his character isn't stale and youre presenting all of your opinions as facts. I've seen your posts before. You call people idiots when people disagree with you; people like you are a lost hope. I simply cannot understand how a grown man can like a 38 year old who dresses like a 7 year old boy and reiterates the same formula most of the time.

If his character was "corny stale", then it probably wouldn't make the WWE so much money.

Being the most entertaining and the biggest draw are completely different things. Cena is a big draw because he appeals to the women and kids. Kids are more likely to spend their parents hard earned money on merchandise and PPV, etc. The older audience likely has jobs and/or are smart enough to stream PPVS, so they don't spend as much money. So yes Cena makes a lot of money, but that doesnt necessarily mean that hes the most entertaining. The majority of audience members are grown men as you can see on weekly TV. These are the people who vocally express their hatred for Cena, you really tihnk these people pay to see Cena? Around 50% of people don't like Cena as you can see on TV, but he stills makes money because the other 50% (children and women) are more likely to spend their money.

Take Justin Bieber for example. He probably makes a shitload of money, way more than any other musician. yet the gross majority of people despise him and do not find his music pleasing.. However, for the 20% of the people that like him (fangirls and maybe kids), they spend a lotttt of money on him. So the point is that being the biggest draw and the most entertaining are two separate things. Get it through your head

I'm sorry if basic logic and facts get in the way of your subjective opinion, but that really says more about your inability to use reason than it does about anything else.

How ironic
You just insinuated the reason for a 1.5% decrease in ratings was due to the return of a man whose hour he main-evented clearly did the best ratings.

Newsflash : Rollins-Cena segment was in the 3rd hour.. not the 2nd hour.

Logic, reason, objectivity...not words I associate with you.
Yes, he is.
Half of the people that agree that Cena is a good wrestler don't even really like the guy. They say that because they know it's stupid and not objective to suggest otherwise. I wasn't a big fan of Rocky 15 years ago but I'm not about to say he was a bad wrestler. Because that would be stupid and wrong.

I'm bored to tears by most of John Cena's stuff. He's the best professional wrestler in the world by a very wide margin, though, and I'm not going to try to deny that. Mostly because I'm not a fucking moron.
I'm bored to tears by most of John Cena's stuff. He's the best professional wrestler in the world by a very wide margin, though, and I'm not going to try to deny that. Mostly because I'm not a fucking moron.

First part I completely agree with. But second part you totally lost me there... he's good in the ring, but not THAT good
I didn't want to waste time arguing with your Cena-fandom (why dont you just MARRY him already for fucks sake?) but now you forced my hand.

Again with the third grade retorts. Why don't YOU marry him? :rolleyes:

Nope, I will prove you wrong here.
Yeah, I'm sure...

How about I post on reddit where people are more objective rather than the multitude of Cena marks over here who gang up on objective people such as me and BSE
What does reddit have to do with intelligent discussion? You're a moron, everyone here knows it.

And you're not objective. At all.

Best in ring worker? Thats completely subjective and a matter of opinion.
Hence why I said "ONE OF THE BEST". So not only are you a moron, you're a dishonest moron. Good to know.

He's tremendously talented in the ring, i won't deny that; he's had many many 5 star matches. But in ring work alone is not enough to make me like him.
No one cares if you like him. We're not talking about if you want him to tickle the back of your throat with his penis. We're talking about his quality.

He's been the biggest draw? Full time, sure; even thats arguable though because Batista was on par with him in 2005. But biggest draw of all time? Thats a huge stretch; The Rock and Lesnar make way bigger differences in the PPV buyrates than him.
No one has drawn more money over the last decade than Cena. You trying to claim otherwise is a non-starter.

Because you're literally saying he that his character isn't stale
No, I'm literally saying the fact he's easily the biggest draw in the company proves he isn't stale.

Facts, son, facts.

and youre presenting all of your opinions as facts.
No, I'm presenting facts as facts.

I've seen your posts before. You call people idiots when people disagree with you;
No, I call idiots idiots. I don't care if you disagree with me, people disagree with me all the time who don't get called idiots. But if you're an idiot, I'm going to call you an idiot.

I simply cannot understand how a grown man can like a 38 year old who dresses like a 7 year old boy and reiterates the same formula most of the time.
Because it is professional wrestling. People like a 50+ year old who dressed like an undertaker and supposedly shoots lightning from his fingertips. It's pro wrestling.

Being the most entertaining and the biggest draw are completely different things.
No it's not. People don't pay money for someone who isn't entertaining.

Cena is a big draw because he appeals to the women and kids. Kids are more likely to spend their parents hard earned money on merchandise and PPV, etc. The older audience likely has jobs and/or are smart enough to stream PPVS, so they don't spend as much money.
So Cena appeals to the people the WWE wants to appeal to. Got it.

So yes Cena makes a lot of money, but that doesnt necessarily mean that hes the most entertaining.
Yes, it does.

The majority of audience members are grown men as you can see on weekly TV. These are the people who vocally express their hatred for Cena, you really tihnk these people pay to see Cena?
Yes, a large percentage of them do. Trying to argue otherwise is naive.

Do you really think MITB with Punk vs. Cena would have been as effective if it had been Punk vs. Jericho? Do you think ONS 06 sells the same if it's RVD vs. Big Show?

People pay to watch Cena. People care about Cena. He's the most entertaining, which is why he makes the most money.

Newsflash : Rollins-Cena segment was in the 3rd hour.. not the 2nd hour.
No, it concluded the 2nd hour and overran into the 3rd hour. Try again, sport.

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