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Ratings for yesterday's Raw 8/17/15

The Cena bashers have done something I never thought would be possible. I have been indifferent to the Cena for about five years. What the bashers have done is make me like Cena. Just seeing how he makes them miserable brings me joy.
The Cena bashers have done something I never thought would be possible. I have been indifferent to the Cena for about five years. What the bashers have done is make me like Cena. Just seeing how he makes them miserable brings me joy.

Other people being miserable brings you joy? You're a sick person.
Oh, he's saying a LOT of stupid things. It's what he does. I don't have the time to read, much less respond, to his latest trove of hilarious stupidity, but I look forward to reading it come Monday.

Good way to save face is by saying you don't have "time" to respond.. probably because i roasted all your points one by one. you don't have time to respond, fine, then why do you ALWAYS feel the need to respond to anyone who criticizes your husband John Cena; why not just leave them be? If you don't have "time" then why waste your valuable time coming to Cena's rescue when you could be doing something more productive. Your logic makes no sense at all; I wonder how you have such a following; maybe its because they are delusional WWE apologists just like you
Past 2 weeks that Cena wasn't on Raw, the ratings were increased. I'm sure you're gonna deny that as well.

2 weeks is a small sample size. Using the overall rating to measure if Cena is a draw is dumb.

Here's an example.

Take Peyton Manning. Say he misses a game. In that game, the Broncos win in a dominating fashion. In the next game, Peyton is back but they get their ass kicked.

Using your evaluation, the Broncos are a better team without Peyton Manning. However, using just the overall outcome (just like you used the overall rating) ignores a lot of factors. Who did they play (comparable to what was Raw up against)? How did Peyton do (comparable to what did the ratings do when Cena was onscreen)? I could go on but hopefully you get the point by now. Small sample sizes are useless.

If you want to prove Cena is no longer a draw, then give me data that goes back months (at the very least) and show that he is either hurting the ratings or not helping at all.
Who in here can prove John Cena is a draw? Why do we assume he is? Can anyone provide actual statistics and numbers?

I'm a statistician.

I declare it a fact that Cena is a draw.
I also declare it a fact that Cena is the biggest draw on the current full time roster.

There it is, a proper, fully qualified statement from someone who's actually got an authority on these matters.

Can this crap stop now?
I'm a statistician.

I declare it a fact that Cena is a draw.
I also declare it a fact that Cena is the biggest draw on the current full time roster.

There it is, a proper, fully qualified statement from someone who's actually got an authority on these matters.

Can this crap stop now?

Ah, but can you provide the stats to show his character isn't stale?

Checkmate, WWE apologists.
The difference is that you are just a mark.
How am I a mark, when I clearly know far more about wrestling than you? Why do you use terms you clearly don't understand?

Are you done?
No, I shall still call you an idiot and a moron, so long as you continue to post like an idiot and a moron.

Or they dislike me because I vocally dislike Cena, which is something they have a BIG problem with.
No, they just think you're an idiot. No one cares if you don't like Cena, they just think you're an idiot.

You're the ignorant one, ironically.
This doesn't even make sense. Learn the meaning of the word "ignorant" please. Thanks.

Don't twist my words
I'm not, I'm highlighting them for the absurdity they contain. Don't blame me for you saying stupid things.

Because here are blinded by their love for Cena
In other words, they don't think exactly like you, so they can't be objective. Got it...idiot.

They acknowledged him for his great in ring work and mic work
And for how great he is.

But they didn't say anything about his stale character.
Is that REALLY where you've come to? Have you completely discarded your own thread premise to settle on a statement which is not only completely subjective, but also in contrast with the fact Cena is the biggest moneymaker in the company?

You truly are a special kind of stupid.

Past 2 weeks that Cena wasn't on Raw, the ratings were increased. I'm sure you're gonna deny that as well.
First of all, I'm going to tell you there are MANY factors which affect ratings. Second of all, I'm going to tell you the facts do not agree with your statement:


Thirdly, I'm going to point out that the hour Cena concluded on Monday did the best viewership.

Try again, sport.

He had 1 character ever since he rose to the top. His rapper gimmick was as a mid carder.
Only to an idiot. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see the evolution of John Cena over the years. Even with having me explain it to you, you still don't see it.

All that does is show how stupid you truly are.

Cena didn't have any subtle changes at all.
See above.

Okay, lets go along with your idea, that Cena's character evolved by becoming into a seasoned veteran. So that was from 2005-2007.
No, that was from 2005-2015. And it is still evolving.

Look, I understand how your lower IQ struggles to understand that not everything has to be immediate and obvious. I know subtlety is something idiots like you simply do not get. But take it from someone who is obviously much smarter than you and much more knowledgeable about wrestling than you...Cena's character today is drastically different than it used to be.

So you don't like shows with great storylines, character development, and suspense. Got it, thats why you like Cena.
No, I don't like shows which are clearly dragging out over multiple weeks because they don't want to put the work in to add additional stories.

This is stupid.. Cena's promo style is exactly the same. His in ring work is still very similar. he hypes up the matchup, calls himself the man and to be the man you gotta beat the man, etc. yada yada yada
Again, only an idiot would think this after it has been demonstrated otherwise. Which is why I call you an idiot.

Nope.. wait till Football and Baseball season which EASILY surpass Raw.
Umm...we've been in baseball season for months now.

Again, you truly are a special kind of idiot.

That was in 2004 dude..
Exactly and Cena was a midcarder in 2004. Bryan and Punk have never come close to making the money Cena has for the WWE.

Bryan didn't have longetivity due to injuries.. Punk quit and wasn't rly pushed as the main guy like Cena.
Punk had the longest title reign in modern history. Yes, that's not being pushed AT ALL. :rolleyes:

You're such an idiot.

You keep on telling me how big of a draw cena is. literally your last post.. now you're contradicting yourself
What the hell are you talking about? Cena IS a huge draw. Are you really so stupid that you think me saying Cena is a monster draw means the same as saying Cena's the best draw ever?

I see you're in Prison now...given the massive levels of stupidity you've displayed in this conversation alone, I can't say I'm surprised.

You don't know shit about the ratings

I really hope other people read this line...because everyone will get a great laugh out of you for this.

Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Edge, Jericho were all not there yet he somehow drew more than them. You're ignoring that part
I'm ignoring the part which has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've said?

I think NorCal is wrong...even trolls say smarter things than this.

I just said that being the biggest draw does not equal to being the most entertaining.
And I've proven that wrong. :shrug:

I gave you a comparison of justin beiber who is vocally loathed yet he has one of the highest net worths in the music industry
And I've already told you music and pro wrestling are nothing alike. So why do you keep talking about it?

Seriously...such an idiot you are.

Because he's a lot more likable and less corny. he has an aura that just makes him believable.

A man who sneak attacks another man, punches him in the crotch repeatedly and pretends to have magical powers is more likeable and less corny.

Your idiocy is on full display.

Sure, i agree. Nobody is denying these statements. But his character still needs some work.
Why should one of the biggest drawing professional wrestlers ever change his gimmick? Let me guess...you supported Jim Herd's desire to change Ric Flair's character, didn't you? At least you would have, had you been alive, correct?

Maybe people like his gimmick more than the goody two shoes Cena? Hvae you considered that? :shrug:
They like a "deadman" who has magical powers.

Yeah, I'm just going to call this for what it is, which is your using the obvious stupidity of others to support your stupidity.

If you dislike Cena's character for being stale, childish, etc., then you should hate the Undertaker's. The reason wrestling fans don't dislike the Undertaker is because THEY were children when the Undertaker was first getting started and they're too stupid to see how ridiculous they look.

Here's a tip...it's never a good idea to use the IWC mindset to support your position, as the IWC as a whole is usually quite idiotic.

You realize that Cena is not going to draw this much forever right?
Cena won't draw forever, as age will eventually catch up. But Cena's drawing power is still great and there is NOTHING to suggest it's not where it was 5-10 years ago.

His damn character.
...is easily the best draw in the company. Only an idiot would think a wrestler should drastically change who they are when they make the most money.

Sigh.. we don't hate him because its "cool".
Yes you do. Kids like you love to think you're so cool by being anti-establishment, just like kids have always done. While it's a somewhat new phenomenon in pro wrestling, it's hardly new in life.

People hate Cena because they think it makes them cooler to hate Cena. At the end of the day, though, those same people who hate Cena will still pay their money to watch him wrestle. And that's all that matters.

So please dont make assumptions based on what we do; you can't read minds. We hate him because his character desperately needs a change.
But those same people like the Undertaker...and Jericho...and Flair...and HHH...and HBK...and the Rock...

You know, guys whose characters haven't really changed in decades. Spare me your idiotic attempt at justification.

Economics classes teaches that being the biggest money maker and the most entertaining are two separate things.
No, it does not. No economics class will ever teach you that things people do not enjoy will make the most money. Only someone as stupid as you would try to claim otherwise.

Putting faith in the WWE is just stupid.

Yes, why would I put my faith in the biggest wrestling promotion in American history, the one who gets minute by minute breakdowns of ratings, the company who has actual access to every cent of revenue they draw?

How would they ever know what makes them money? :lmao:

Seriously, this is one of the stupidest things I've ever read on a wrestling forum, and that truly is saying quite a bit.
Good way to save face is by saying you don't have "time" to respond
I didn't say that, I said I didn't have time to respond at the time. I also clearly noted I would respond today.

Why do you say such stupid things?

.. probably because i roasted all your points one by one.
If by "roasted" you mean countered with some of the most illogical nonsense I've read in a while, then yes you did.

you don't have time to respond, fine, then why do you ALWAYS feel the need to respond to anyone who criticizes your husband John Cena
I don't, I only criticize idiots who say stupid things. Like you.

If you don't have "time"
Again, it's that I don't have time AT THAT MOMENT.

I'll eventually get back to you, but unlike you, I'm not some kid who has no real responsibilities in life. I have things to do, friends to see, etc. One of these days, when you grow up, you'll understand.

I wonder how you have such a following
I don't have a following, I just have people who recognize I have a good amount of knowledge of pro wrestling. Which is the difference between you and me.
Why doesn't the Undertaker use his lightning powers during a match?

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