RAW LD 5/23/2016 - WWE Becomes Great Again

I don't know that anybody else called up from Trips' NXT have been as universally over as these two. Proves that charisma means more than everything else.
I don't know that anybody else called up from Trips' NXT have been as universally over as these two. Proves that charisma means more than everything else.
Only guys that come close are KO and Sami, which proves your point. Not that any intelligent person doesn't understand the importance of charisma.

Neville... :(
What do wins and losses have to do with stealing the show?

Steal the show with the implication of winning. Because Dolph attempting to discredit Corbin's win because he used the stipulation to his advantage and isn't a technical wrestler annoyed me.
I see that nobody likes Dolph Ziggler anymore. Good.

He's talented for sure, but he's overexposed and the constant start-and-stop pushes he's received over the years makes it nearly impossible to get invested in anything he does because it'll likely lead to nothing. Plus he whines a lot and his recent obsession with becoming the literal new HBK doesn't help either.
He's talented for sure, but he's overexposed and the constant start-and-stop pushes he's received over the years makes it nearly impossible to get invested in anything he does because it'll likely lead to nothing. Plus he whines a lot and his recent obsession with becoming the literal new HBK doesn't help either.

He's talented at flopping around like a fish I will give him that.
It might be creative's fault, but he's the literal definition of vanilla midget.
I accept that there's limited use for him given the current main roster climate. But he proved his big-feud bonafides against Sami in NXT. Subtle dickery. Fantastic tweener-bordering-on-heel work in a place where things build logically. He has my vote. And then there's the fact that he knows how to put together a match and executes better than most guys who have ever worked his style.

On the main roster? Yeah, a vanilla midget. But he's my my vanilla midget. He was protected against Cena last year which gives me some hope. And the title bout vs Seth was probably my favourite TV match last year.

Vote Neville.

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