RAW LD 3/14/2016 -

Sure. Leave out Mark Henry.

Where's Bacon to call you racist?

And he didn't call you a trollop earlier for talking about Ryback's wiener.

I didn't even see Mark Henry was he there. And everyone is talking about wiener's. Enviousdominos is eating one. At least I'm just talking about them.
Trying the chili dog first, it's a pretty basic chili dog. Tasty, but not nearly as colorful as the picture. The bun is what you'll find on the bottom shelf at Wal-Mart.

Edit; you really can taste the beef. Pretty good to be honest; 3/5.

Well I'll be damned. The sons-a-bitches did it.
Eating the classic Grilled Dog now. You really can't see grill marks on the dog with all the toppings they give you, both a pro and a con for me.
So, sat here feeding my daughter, watching a decent match. Dolph loses (shocker) Reigns appears lots of cheering. I swear it's part of his entrance theme...

Then nuclear heat for the face of the company, sure there was cheering but only when he was doing something 'hardcore'

At this point HHH is the face in his feud with Roman and a heel in a feud with literally everyone else. Send in Polpot, Mussolini or Barry and you'd boo trips, but Roman, not a goddamn chance.
I didn't even see Mark Henry was he there. And everyone is talking about wiener's. Enviousdominos is eating one. At least I'm just talking about them.

Oh well Mark was the one who told him to wait for Mania.

I'm surprised no one has made a wiener joke with all that Burger King hot dog shit going on.
Those little things that WWE continue to miss when booking Roman... he came back to kick HHH's ass, No Usos/others should've been able to 'calm' him down there. Good segment and just what was needed, but that ending was lame, lMO.

They hit it out of the park w/the Taker/Brock brawl but fell short here. Hopefully each week we see the continued increase of rage from Roman.
Those little things that WWE continue to miss when booking Roman... he came back to kick HHH's ass, No Usos/others should've been able to 'calm' him down there. Good segment and just what was needed, but that ending was lame, lMO.

Twice they've done this with Reigns, twice it's worked. Why is everything in between Cena lite?
According to New Jack, Jacqueline was Jeff Jarrett's ho. Wherever he went she followed and vice versa. So I guess J-E-Double F-J-A-Double R-E-Double T will be going into the HOFame next year.

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