RAW is Columbus: February 9th, 2015

This evolution of Cena is really interesting. Last year he was in a midcard match at Wrestlemania and there didn't seem to be any plans on him being in the main event until Bryan got hurt. Now he's feuding with Rusev over the US Title and doesn't seem to be involved int he main event for awhile. He's also billing himself as the guy that runs the place. It's kind of an odd comparison, but he's starting to make me think of Undertaker or Andre: a guy you can put in the main event scene if need be, but he's more of an entity than just a regular wrestler.

It's more that he's willing to step aside if they're trying to create a new main event guy, but when that inevitably fails, he has to go back to the main event. It's not even his fault, either. It's just that everybody else kinda sucks.
Shame Smackdown wasnt still a thing. Could be a decent baromoter if Ziggles could carry a brand if given the chance.

I dont ever see it happening with the roster structured the way it is.
Cena has been on top in a single company longer than Austin, longer than The Rock, longer than HBK longer than Bret. I am not sure if he has been on top in one company longer than Hogan, I get fuzzy with dates Hogan was in the WWE for
Ziggler should focus more on his mat based moves instead of flopping around like a goof. He does have a solid amateur background.
Cena has been on top in a single company longer than Austin, longer than The Rock, longer than HBK longer than Bret. I am not sure if he has been on top in one company longer than Hogan, I get fuzzy with dates Hogan was in the WWE for

Ran the place from start of 85 thru to the start of 92

So yea.

Cena is the man.
Cena has been on top in a single company longer than Austin, longer than The Rock, longer than HBK longer than Bret. I am not sure if he has been on top in one company longer than Hogan, I get fuzzy with dates Hogan was in the WWE for

Hogan was on top for about eight years in his first run.
Cena has been on top in a single company longer than Austin, longer than The Rock, longer than HBK longer than Bret. I am not sure if he has been on top in one company longer than Hogan, I get fuzzy with dates Hogan was in the WWE for

Hogan was on top from 1984-1993, 9 years and he missed most of 1992. Cena's been on top since 2005.
Cena has been on top in a single company longer than Austin, longer than The Rock, longer than HBK longer than Bret. I am not sure if he has been on top in one company longer than Hogan, I get fuzzy with dates Hogan was in the WWE for

Cena being on top for those years is the equivalent of being the smartest kid to compete in the special Olympics.

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