RAW LD 9/21/2015 - Ten down, three more to go

Don't forget about Old Lady Nattie joining the Divas Revolution.

Gotta be sarcasm right?

I know most women wrestlers are done by 30 or so for a variety of reasons(usually starting families, or better opportunities to make good money without getting beat up), but they don't have to. It's not like any of them are out of shape, slowing down at that age.
Neither were Goldberg, DDP, Sting, etc.

But if any of those guys ever beat the World Champ clean two nights in a row without actually winning the World Title, it would be looked at as typical WCW ridiculousness and rightfully so.

I consider myself a fan of Cena so it doesn't bother me THAT much, but man... I can definitely understand those who aren't fans of Cena why this kind of shit really gets under their skin.

Where does Cena even go from here? Feud with Sheamus? Okay cool he's going to cleanly beat the MITB winner and most likely next World Champ (although I really hope he's not) multiple times after just beating him cleanly last week. Then what? Bring up Joe maybe for him to beat? Turn Reigns heel? I mean, there's nothing left that we haven't already seen besides that, and those honestly don't seem like viable options atm.

Cena beats all of New Day.
Is there a bigger no-sell than simply rolling through your opponents huge signature move and doing your finish directly out of it? Why don't you just piss in his mouth while your at it

Fucking christ man.
That makes sense, but why in the world is Kane the #1 contender (which he will be)? Cena has pinned Rollins on back to back night and is probably going to go on defending the US Title instead of facing Rollins for the World Title. That's a good thing because I'm sick of Cena vs. Rollins, but it doesn't make logical sense.

Kane getting a title shot, as you've stated recently, is all about them actually seeing a program through to the finish. The decision to even begin the build oh so long is another debate but part of me is actually happy to see them carry out a storyline. It is one of my pet peeves when they can't creatively book their way out of decisions. Even bad ones. I'll reference WCW and the "reboot" as an example.

To dig deeper into the whole Kane and Sting situation and I'll even toss in Cena challenging Rollins it the complete lack of main event power. Well at least main event power in the eyes of the brass. The good news is that they are nearly out of options. Unless they srart really stretching for part time help they will be forced to seriously elevate someone.
Where does Cena go from here? Careful what you ask. He could enter #1 in the Rumble and not only eliminate every other competitor but do so by never allowing multiple challengers to remain in the ring.

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