RAW is Columbus: February 9th, 2015

1. Kane still can't tap out? He loses the big casket match and is back a week later but still won't just do a job?

2. Why must WWE tease me by making me think I'm done with Big Show/Kane in the first half hour and then make me sit through them again later? I've watched every episode of Raw ever and subscribed to the Network on the first day possible and this is my reward? And you know one of the Stooges will take the fall in the match to make it even more annoying.

I think Kane has tapped out maybe twice in his career. To Angle and I think Benoit. Or was it just Angle?
This is why I no longer watch Raw just by itself. I always find something else to be doing online or a game I can be half playing. Because watching the full 3 hour show by itself is just painful.
Well, besides Cena there isn't really anyone with enough starpower on the Main Roster... but the WWE needs to build people towards such a level and so, guys like Reigns and Bryan need the chance.

Having either one of them go over Lesnar isn't going to make them stars. They'll just be keeping the belt warm for Rollins anyways.
It makes me wonder though.. Would Reigns have been treated the same way he's treated now hadn't we known about his push one year ago?

What that rumour did was put him under a microscope ... then Fairy Tale Roman happened... then... well, I guess you get what I am saying.. :banghead:

Difference between Reigns and Cena situations, for instance, is that Cena got his backlash after he had the casuals on his side, and hardcore as well(through the rapper stuff).
Reigns had people on his side, but nothing compared to Cena, when it became clear the latter was getting the big push. Thus, he just doesn't as yet have the casual fanbase to at least counter the hardcore fans hate he is getting, though I have realised that casuals are getting behind him but at a slower pace due to the Rumble backlash.
The Bellas have just crippled whatever this division had going for it. Yeah they've gotten a bit better but they're not interesting on top.
Having either one of them go over Lesnar isn't going to make them stars. They'll just be keeping the belt warm for Rollins anyways.

"To be the best, you have to beat the best."

Mania season is the only time that many Mainstream fans tune in... thus, if guys like Reigns and Bryan are to "reach for the stars", there isn't a better time to do it than a Mania Main Event.
I don't get it. Sheamus' return could be a much bigger deal if he does a run-in. Announcing it how they just did is useless.

If they want him to come back a heel, announcing his return is a better way to go about it. He will lose some of the surprise pops and then he will do something heelish that will turn him.

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