Raw 2/6/17: Samoa Joe Finally Killed Someone!

And it's not like Reigns hasn't earned the win. The guy is a great worker and already a main event star. His booking annoys people and I get that, however people can not deny his talents (even if they sometimes try to do). I hope he goes heel and gets the win over Undertaker, just because I want some good booking for him for a change.

No one tries to deny his talents, why is it that some people just can't understand that someone like me isn't a fan. Why does everyone have to bow down in front of Roman Reigns, why is the the only wrestler that people feel that way about? Because he's the only one that his fans say that about. I never hear people say that about Cesaro or Ambrose or Rollins, it's only Reigns. We all have to be in love with Roman Reigns, why?

Let Reigns take on Taker at Mania, let him go over him, let him get intense heat, let him be King of the WWE for the next 50 years. Some fans have stopped caring. I have.
No one tries to deny his talents, why is it that some people just can't understand that someone like me isn't a fan. Why does everyone have to bow down in front of Roman Reigns, why is the the only wrestler that people feel that way about? Because he's the only one that his fans say that about. I never hear people say that about Cesaro or Ambrose or Rollins, it's only Reigns. We all have to be in love with Roman Reigns, why?

Let Reigns take on Taker at Mania, let him go over him, let him get intense heat, let him be King of the WWE for the next 50 years. Some fans have stopped caring. I have.

I totally understand that. In my case, I don't really care about The Undertaker, but I do care when others that I like face him. It will be the same for you with Roman Reigns and that's really okay! If you're a fan of Braun Strowman, you'll be watching his match against Reigns at Fastlane and you know that those two can steal the show, the same way I know Underaker can steal the show at WrestleMania with whomever he wrestles.

I really respect not giving a damn about a wrestler. It's taste and not a deny of anyone's talents.
Considering the physique of most the fans in the crowd, they live on fried food. So it's a win win for both sides.

There's a lot of folks who live pretty much on fast food and that frozen pre-processed garbage. Those people just don't cook for themselves, claiming that it's too hard to do it after work. Little do they know cooking isn't really a laborious deal for most meals and you can generally make a fresh meal in the same time it takes to bake one of those En-Cor meals or stopping at Arby's or whatever. It's really kind of a shame.
President Trump needs to sign an Executive Order banning Superstars from sitting at ringside. Really, it never ends well.
There's a lot of folks who live pretty much on fast food and that frozen pre-processed garbage. Those people just don't cook for themselves, claiming that it's too hard to do it after work. Little do they know cooking isn't really a laborious deal for most meals and you can generally make a fresh meal in the same time it takes to bake one of those En-Cor meals or stopping at Arby's or whatever. It's really kind of a shame.

I cook at least 6 nights a week. My brother in law eats out all the time and they spend about twice as much as we do. We don't eat crap either. Crock pots are a life saver.
I cook at least 6 nights a week. My brother in law eats out all the time and they spend about twice as much as we do. We don't eat crap either. Crock pots are a life saver.

I do things like making a big pot of pasta sauce, a big pot of chili, and a big pot of some kind of soup or stew at the beginning of each month, and freeze containers of each. If we run into a situation where dinner gotta be put together real quick, I pull one of them containers out and voila, a home cooked meal in about 15 minutes.
I cook at least 6 nights a week. My brother in law eats out all the time and they spend about twice as much as we do. We don't eat crap either. Crock pots are a life saver.

Hell yeah they are. When I think crock pot I think chili and pot roast.
I do things like making a big pot of pasta sauce, a big pot of chili, and a big pot of some kind of soup or stew at the beginning of each month, and freeze containers of each. If we run into a situation where dinner gotta be put together real quick, I pull one of them containers out and voila, a home cooked meal in about 15 minutes.

I do that as well during the winter. Summer is salads and BBQ's. My fridge and freezer are full of Tupperware with homemade soup and pasta sauce right now. Should really make some chili, maybe this weekend. Thanks for the idea.

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