Raw 2/6/17: Samoa Joe Finally Killed Someone!

Raw needs John Cena. AJ Styles can be the babyface for SmackDown.

I agree Cena would be best for that, but he is more or less part time too. He's got a bunch of non-wrestling projects now. I'm thinking they have to pull the string on turning Strowman now. And they should probably turn Rusev while they're at it.
She actually had a pretty solid match with Bayley at Takeover London. Bayley did a fantastic job of hiding her deficiencies.

Oh I know. I watched. But how long has it been since the "monster female" actually got over and stayed awhile? She's just... blah.
I am more so looking forward to Braun interfering in the Reigns/Joe match and the possible interaction between the Submission Machine and the Big Man.
Bayley really doesn't need the underdog treatment. She has the crowd firmly behind her.

Wow tonight is just going to be rematch after rematch. Ugh.
Actually, Raw is looking quite good tonight. I hope Zayn wins. Christ, I hope he wins. And the main event will be worth watching.
I really hope they scrap this stupid Shaq thing and just give us the reshaped Big Show/Strowman at Mania. It's the only logical match for him. Save Shaq for some stupid thing at Summerslam if you REALLY have to do it.
Oh I know. I watched. But how long has it been since the "monster female" actually got over and stayed awhile? She's just... blah.

Appreciate what Nia Jax brings to the table. It's not like we have lots of female powerhouses. She doesn't need to be on top, but she does need a good run to help establish other women in the future and with the right opponent she can deliver a big david v. goliath match.

As usual, I am intrigued with the cruiserweights trying to get over. Maybe Tozawa can help? The guy is fun to watch, but like everything, they need some story for people to care.
As I've pointed out, if they're doing Reigns versus Strowman at Fast lane, then they're definitely doing Reigns versus The Undertaker at Mania. And I fear that the WWE have the guts/stupidity to put him over Taker.
As I've pointed out, if they're doing Reigns versus Strowman at Fast lane, then they're definitely doing Reigns versus The Undertaker at Mania. And I fear that the WWE have the guts/stupidity to put him over Taker.

If Reigns goes heel in the process, it'll be worth it. That heat will be intense.
As I've pointed out, if they're doing Reigns versus Strowman at Fast lane, then they're definitely doing Reigns versus The Undertaker at Mania. And I fear that the WWE have the guts/stupidity to put him over Taker.

It's going to happen. Reigns taking the whole "it's my yard" thing. Plus... Taker's streak is over so it really doesn't matter if Reigns goes over now. Taker is old school anyway and would probably rather put someone over. Moreover, it'll give fuel to the Reigns heel turn. Him going over Taker at Mania will cement the heat needed for that heel turn.
This Tozawa dude seems to have a lot of charisma. Shame he has to exclusively wrestle a bunch of flippy stiffs.
If Reigns goes heel in the process, it'll be worth it. That heat will be intense.

And it's not like Reigns hasn't earned the win. The guy is a great worker and already a main event star. His booking annoys people and I get that, however people can not deny his talents (even if they sometimes try to do). I hope he goes heel and gets the win over Undertaker, just because I want some good booking for him for a change.
And it's not like Reigns hasn't earned the win. The guy is a great worker and already a main event star. His booking annoys people and I get that, however people can not deny his talents (even if they sometimes try to do). I hope he goes heel and gets the win over Undertaker, just because I want some good booking for him for a change.

That. Exactly that. Nothing will get him over as a heel more than beating (and possibly doing so dirty) the arguably most universally loved face of all time on the biggest stage possible. So from a booking perspective... Roman SHOULD go over Taker.
I missed about the last half hour, anything important?

They announced Reigns vs. Strowman for Fastlane. Also, next week Bailey vs. Charlotte for the title. Tozawa made his Raw debut and the guy was fun to watch. That's it, I guess.

I've read someone talk about Sami Zayn winning a title so I guess he's challenging Jericho.
They announced Reigns vs. Strowman for Fastlane. Also, next week Bailey vs. Charlotte for the title. Tozawa made his Raw debut and the guy was fun to watch. That's it, I guess.

I've read someone talk about Sami Zayn winning a title so I guess he's challenging Jericho.
Hmm alright thanks!

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