RAW 05/01 Post Y2J Era

Roman isn't going to get over. They've tried everything else.

They put DX together and took them apart a few times. It'll be the same with the Shield.

I know he's not going to get over, they've tried pretty much everything but putting the Shield back together.

DX didn't need to be put together to get their guys over, they were fine on their own.
I know he's not going to get over, they've tried pretty much everything but putting the Shield back together.

DX didn't need to be put together to get their guys over, they were fine on their own.

They're staring down the barrel of Roman being booed at Wrestlemania for a third consecutive year. They're going to do everything in their power to prevent that.
All of that interference for just a #1 contender match for the 3rd biggest prize in the company? Fuuuuuuuuuuck me. What a sad state of affairs. Enjoyed the result though.
Not even mad at the finish.

The match delivered.

Sets up/extends feuds.

Not going to complain. And the crowd is going to go home happy after a less than stellar show they were treated to a good main event.
So basically RAW is going to stink for the next year. The undercard will be the only interesting thing to watch. Wonder how long it will take for SD Live to take over in viewership if at all.

Why does keeping the world title off tv mean the show will stink ?
Why does keeping the world title off tv mean the show will stink ?

Keeping it off of Raw isn't as big of an issue.... Not having it defended on PPV is what's the problem. What are the guys above the midcard even there for at this point if Lesnar's not around? The whole point of being a wrestler (within kayfabe) is supposed to be becoming a World Champion. Thus, Raw's going to suck other than the Women's division and Intercontinental Championship tier until we have a full-time champion again.
All of that interference for just a #1 contender match for the 3rd biggest prize in the company? Fuuuuuuuuuuck me. What a sad state of affairs. Enjoyed the result though.

So would you rather the treat the title as such? Or treat all Championships like they matter?
Why does keeping the world title off tv mean the show will stink ?

Like Dagger said what is there to strive for if the title is going to be absent for months on end. Payback and the upcoming Extreme Rules won't see a title defense, so we are in a cycle of going through the motions but not getting any results, if that makes any sense.

Lesnar is scheduled for Great Balls of Fire in July, and who knows when he will appear after that. So the midcard will be feuding for the IC and the top tier guys will be scratching their asses waiting for Lesnar to show up. We've already been through this and while some might think it's okay, personally I didn't find it enjoyable.
Where are those people who always argue for personal feuds that don't need a title? I feel like that might, just might, be relevant here.
Like Dagger said what is there to strive for if the title is going to be absent for months on end.

A shot at the title? Goodness forbid there is a ladder to climb.

The IC title?

Personal issues?

The world title isnt supposed to be the security blanket it has become.
I think its a bit of fresh air and challenges the writing staff to come up with stories for feuds. Brock can exist as the godlike monster that flys around in space with Raw's title and it'll make his appearance's a little more special. It wouldn't hurt to at least have a quick interview with him now and then though. Have him in his home cutting up wild game with the Universal Title hanging in the background and simply comment that nobody deserves a shot right now.
A shot at the title? Goodness forbid there is a ladder to climb.

The IC title?

Personal issues?

The world title isnt supposed to be the security blanket it has become.

Climbing a ladder to success would normally be just fine, but the ladder loses its purpose if there is no top rung to climb up to.

Finn and Rollins are above the Intercontinental Championship. They were very out of place in that main event and it should have been a Universal Championship contendership up for grabs.

Personal feuds are necessary, yes, but they are missing the most important piece of the puzzle. A wrestling brand that has no World Champion is like having a house with no foundation. There NEEDS to be a top prize to build the program around, and every Raw PPV should have the top title up for grabs. Otherwise the main event tier is rendered pointless. They have nothing to fight for.
The title still exists and will return. Just because it is not physically on the show or defended for a night or a month does not mean that other matches do not have meaning.

Right now Roman and Braun are the #1 and #1a contenders. The IC Title fits everyone else just fine.

I just feel bad for the parent whose kid is upset because they pay to go to Raw expecting to see the biggest prop and star on the brand today. Kind of like when basketball stars rest. On the other hand, adults on the internet watching on cable tv or wherever should just lighten up.
There are literally 2 Heavyweight titles again. So what if one appears less than the other? All the more reason to be invested in the match when it comes around.

And now the IC belt is getting the spotlight it hasn't had in ages.

I don't know, just seems like a weak gripe to me. I'd rather they build up contenders than to throw shit against a wall monthly to see what will stick.

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