RAW LD - FEED HIM REF (October 29, 2012)









I was hoping Lesnar was going to cost Ryback the match. That could be a decent fued. Lesnar would have to carry him in terms of the actual match but it would be an appealing card with that on it.
Team reveals were a let down.

I like Team Punk much better, as the only guy I don't like on the team is Del Rio. I think it si monumentally stupid to have Del Rio with Punk after it being one year ago at Survivor Series that Punk beat Del Rio for the title.

Team Foley is weak though, I hate Randy Orton and he should not be a face character ever. Kofi is cool and I like him but he is just a average mid card guy at best to me. Hell No is awesome and I really like them and I love Ryback thus far but I don't like the team as a whole.

I would have rather seen the teams be something like this:

Foley with Ryback, Cena, Hell No, and The Rock (he'll need a warm up match before Royal Rumble)

Punk with Miz, Ziggler, and Rhodes Scholars, basically just swapping out Del Rio for Ziggler.
Solid Raw, maybe a bit lackluster. Now that I've watched it I can kind of see what Ricky was saying last night, this show had nothing you needed to necessarily watch live for, you could easily have recorded it, watched it at a later time and gained the exact same amount of satisfaction afterward; but hey, guess that could apply to most weeks?

I legit marked out when Mick Foley's music hit, simply cause I wasn't expecting it. I like the idea of Team Foley versus Team Punk, I was hoping they'd do Foley versus Punk in the match though, it's one match I wished Ring of Honor had paid Foley to do during the Summer of Punk, alas it wasn't to be. If this is leading to a TLC match, which would fit in perfectly due to The Rock and Foley's connection, I'll be so God damn happy words won't describe it.

Hate to be negative, but I hate 3MB. I don't know if anybody finds it entertaining or funny, but if you do, your sense of humor is that of a mentally ******ed child and you should apply for benefits tomorrow. Heath Slater went from being entertaining to... whatever the hell he is. I'm also not too fond of the Vickie/AJ/Cena angle but I hope it leads somewhere. Dolph versus Cena seems to be the direction their heading for Survivor Series.

Every week I like Ryback more-and-more, hes almost become my favorite Superstar. I don't know why, maybe I find his intensity compelling or enjoy how he hurls people around the place, but I knew from day one this dude was gonna be something. His progression is going at a steady pace too which I like. Don't know how he'll reek any reward from the angle with Punk, considering Punk versus The Rock is all but a lock for Royal Rumble, but I guess the RR match itself is always an option?

Nothing spectacular about this edition of Raw, still entertaining for parts. Actually liked the breast cancer awareness presentation, thought that was pretty cool.
Solid Raw, maybe a bit lackluster. Now that I've watched it I can kind of see what Ricky was saying last night, this show had nothing you needed to necessarily watch live for, you could easily have recorded it, watched it at a later time and gained the exact same amount of satisfaction afterward; but hey, guess that could apply to most weeks?

You're right. And I DID do just that. I started at 9:35 EST, got really excited about Foley in a match, got distracted throughout...leading to pauses...and who would have thought, I caught up with the live program at roughly 10:54 EST, only to be super disappointed by Foley saying that he wasn't competing. I'm ok with him not competing. In fact, because Foley is likely almost handicapped, I'm glad for him that he's not wrestling. But why tease it? I'm so let down about Survivor Series already.

This show sucked...even worse than the last week.
Growing up in fucking what?

You should have focused more on the chill part, the rest was for humour.

Growing up, as in experiencing life, in this case the life we live among the forums. We all have our hearts broken sometime.

Also, your avatar and language make you seem like a really intense person, so thats where the chill comes from.
n fact, because Foley is likely almost handicapped, I'm glad for him that he's not wrestling. But why tease it? I'm so let down about Survivor Series already.

Foley did say a few months back he feels like he has another big match left in him, all he needed was time to prepare for it? He's looking better these days then he was in TNA, never-say-never.
The problem is that the teams were much too obvious the moment Heyman announced Rhodes/Sandow. I can only assume this is going to lead to a Punk/Foley match at TLC where Punk viciously destroys Foley leading to a return of The Rock which builds toward their RR match.

On the other side of the things I hope we get a Cena/Ziggler match and not a Cena/AJ vs Ziggler/Vickie match just cause it's Survivor Seires. And hopefully that angle ends soon because that's just as awful. 3MB was the best thing about RAW tonight.
Paul Heyman can sell anybody. Punk's team is a bunch of nothings for the most part and he put them over like they were relevant.

I think they're going to end up trying to put Sheamus/Show in some kind of gimmick match and with the great response the match at HIAC has gotten, I could see it being the main event rather than the Traditional SS Match match. Not likely, but not unreasonable.

This show sucked ass.
Solid Raw, maybe a bit lackluster. Now that I've watched it I can kind of see what Ricky was saying last night, this show had nothing you needed to necessarily watch live for, you could easily have recorded it, watched it at a later time and gained the exact same amount of satisfaction afterward; but hey, guess that could apply to most weeks?

I legit marked out when Mick Foley's music hit, simply cause I wasn't expecting it. I like the idea of Team Foley versus Team Punk, I was hoping they'd do Foley versus Punk in the match though, it's one match I wished Ring of Honor had paid Foley to do during the Summer of Punk, alas it wasn't to be. If this is leading to a TLC match, which would fit in perfectly due to The Rock and Foley's connection, I'll be so God damn happy words won't describe it.

Hate to be negative, but I hate 3MB. I don't know if anybody finds it entertaining or funny, but if you do, your sense of humor is that of a mentally ******ed child and you should apply for benefits tomorrow. Heath Slater went from being entertaining to... whatever the hell he is. I'm also not too fond of the Vickie/AJ/Cena angle but I hope it leads somewhere. Dolph versus Cena seems to be the direction their heading for Survivor Series.

Every week I like Ryback more-and-more, hes almost become my favorite Superstar. I don't know why, maybe I find his intensity compelling or enjoy how he hurls people around the place, but I knew from day one this dude was gonna be something. His progression is going at a steady pace too which I like. Don't know how he'll reek any reward from the angle with Punk, considering Punk versus The Rock is all but a lock for Royal Rumble, but I guess the RR match itself is always an option?

Nothing spectacular about this edition of Raw, still entertaining for parts. Actually liked the breast cancer awareness presentation, thought that was pretty cool.

I was wondering why I loved that segment, thanks for the explanation.

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