Raw LD Thread (5-20-13)

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Oh hey, I'm actually watching live!

So it is Curt or Curtis? What will the rest of y'all refer to him as?

Edit: Killjoy has it right.
Lol @ all the RVD hopefuls.

Thats exactly whats wrong with the WWE...they look to the past to save them instead of looking to the future. I like what Ive seen so far. Hopefully HHH does the right thing
I miss a time not long ago when Cody Rhodes looked like he was almost close to getting a main event push.
Will Ambrose be able to break the curse of the midcard title belts that have plagued both title for well over a year now. The curse where once someone wins one of them they end up losing the majority of their matches.
Shield win again, good.

Orton vs Swagger looks like it might be pretty short. However, I see Orton bringing the punt back again to Swagger, MAYBE, to put him out for a bit.
Two scenarios for Axel vs HHH.

1) Lesnar comes out during the match, helping Axel to win, then beating down HHH post-match.

2) HHH wins, beating Axel pretty quickly. He moves onto Heyman, but Heyman's saved by either Lesnar or a returning RVD.
Brock isn't there, according to Cole.

Which means, this RVD thing is looking good, fingers crossed. I'd assume HHH beats Axel easily, goes for Heyman, only to get attacked by Rob.

Which means, the Curt Axel thing was bullshit and just a swerve.
Come on WWE, prove me wrong and have Curtis Axel beat Triple H clean! Not like it'd hurt Triple H at all and it'd be a GREAT start to a push for Axel!
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