Raw LD Thread (5-20-13)

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What harm could it have done for Curtis to jump him outside the ring, throw him back in and hit a finisher into the pin?
Triple H was doing his rendition of the shower scene from Rocky V, could be a smart enough way to play him out as a wrestler, saying he can't compete due to too many head injuries, then in a few years or y'know whenever he'll make his grand comeback. Basically I think Triple H may be trying to become Rocky Balboa in a way.

That was the best Raw in a while to me. Some good developments, it did very well considering there was no John Cena, no CM Punk and no Dolph Ziggler - yeah I have to include alongside the completely talented names because hes still World Heavyweight Champion, but I digress. The Curtis Axel thing is kind of weird considering he was in the main event of Superstars last week, you'd imagine they'd keep him off television if this was planned in advance?

Either way, really good episode of Raw, huge improvement on last weeks trainwreck, WWE App is driving me nuts and I've not even downloaded the son of a bitch, nice to see another young talented with the skills being pushed especially with a guy like Heyman in his corner and the wrestling tonight was well above what Raw usually exhibits so I'm pretty happy.
A man who was not medically cleared after being struck in the head with a fucking sledgehammer competed anyway against the doctors orders.

After the strenuous activity he was woozy and doctors refused to let him continue the match. Why is it so hard to understand concussions and head injuries?

The doctors stopped the match, so even Axel doing anything to him at that point would not have meant anything, aside from attacking a man not fit to compete. The ending made complete sense. Triple H was not 100%, there was a back and forth match, and in the middle HHH reached a point where medical personell refused to let him continue.
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A man who was not medically cleared after being struck in the head with a fucking sledgehammer competed anyway against the doctors orders.

After the strenuous activity he was woozy and doctors refused to let him continue the match. Why is it so hard to understand concussions and head injuries?

The doctors stopped the match, so even Axel doing anything to him at that point would not have meant anything, aside from attacking a man not fit to compete. The ending made complete sense. Triple H was not 100%, there was a back and forth match, and in the middle HHH reached a point where medical personell refused to let him continue.

Agreed. And now Triple H can go away for a couple months while Axel gets some heat by bragging about putting him on the shelf. He'll probably mention it over and over until Triple H returns to shut him up, probably at SummerSlam.
Agreed. And now Triple H can go away for a couple months while Axel gets some heat by bragging about putting him on the shelf. He'll probably mention it over and over until Triple H returns to shut him up, probably at SummerSlam.

Anything that leads to something else besides HHH/Lesnar.
Trouble is, Axel is not high profile enough for feud with HHH at Summerslam. If they do anything by that, he would destroy Axel on some RAW just to let you know that he is fit and then probably feud with Punk or somebody more high profile. And HHH is not Jericho to get back and give high profile wins to anybody even on RAW, let alone on some big PPV. :)
Trouble is, Axel is not high profile enough for feud with HHH at Summerslam. If they do anything by that, he would destroy Axel on some RAW just to let you know that he is fit and then probably feud with Punk or somebody more high profile. And HHH is not Jericho to get back and give high profile wins to anybody even on RAW, let alone on some big PPV. :)
It's May. Summerslam is in August. Plenty of time for Axel to brag, build him up (maybe he wins the IC title between now and then), then HHH returns to fight him.

And maybe HHH won't return at Summerslam. Maybe he'll wait til another PPV. Or even Mania. We don't know how well HHH's body is holding up at his age.
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