Push One, Fire One, Job One

Push - Dibiase He's the only one out of the three that hasn't been completely ruined.

Job - Alex Riley The WWE needs guys to job, simply put, and Alex Riley doesn't bring a whole lot to the table.

Fire - Swagger The guy's a former World Champion, which he shouldn't have been in the first place, and is just a laggy behind Ziggler, atm. Ziggler gets a push and Swagger leaves none the wiser. Nobody will miss him, because the WWE has already failed to make him look legitimate.

Ziggler jobs to Brodus Clay REGULARLY, and is still a legitimate contender.
PUSH - DiBiase - i wanted to go with Swagger but considering the circumstances DiBiase's reputation hasn't been ruined and he's seen the main event scene with Legacy vs DX, plus I think he can still get over- the DiBiase posse stuff was decent, have him chase a midcard belt then turn him heel later it would work for Ted

JOB - Swagger - I almost said fire just to put him out of his misery as the guy is getting a straight RAW DEAL. He's better than this, big time.

FIRE - Riley - good look but has done little to nothing other than be Miz's lackey...hit the indy scene kid
Push - Jack Swagger. He has the in-ring ability and has faced the likes of the Undertaker and Randy Orton in a match. His first run wasn't THAT bad, he was a cocky heel that showed off all of his accomplishments which made everyone hate him. They didnt drop the ball by giving him the title, but they did drop the ball on who they gave him to feud with. Big Show? REALLY? and he has been irrelevant ever since, also not his fault. All he needs is better mic skills and he is back in the Main Event.

Job - Ted Dibiase. He has had an okay run as a face, he just needs more people to face. I wouldn't want to see Dibiase fired because his posse cookouts sounds like they are over, so jobbing it is/

Fire - Riley. No one to feud with the past couple of months and has been completely irrelevant. I'm a fan of his when his matches are on, but I wouldn't notice if he got future endeavored.
I believe in a revolving door of talent. Which is what I'm basing these decisions on.

PUSH: Ted Dibiase - I'm a firm believer in the power of being pushed by creative. Even with lesser talents like Dibiase. It worked for Cody Rhodes.

JOB: Alex Riley - There's still a lot of time for this guy to move up in the ranks. Use him as a jobber for now and conserve his possible star power for an even less expected time for more shock value.

FIRE: Jack Swagger - Now while I like Swagger, he's the only one of the 3 I would fire in a forced situation simply because of the failed chances he's had. People say the gimmick is what hurt him but I've see guys get over with cheesier gimmicks. Sometimes its the actor, not the script.
Job - Alex Riley - Probably not the conventional choice but I will say this, Riley can come across as a legit bad ass. When he was with The Miz lets not forget that it was Riley who acted as the real muscle behind the hustle. When Miz turned on him and he snapped, it was quite clear who could dominate who, and Riley was dominating a former WWE Champion with ease. He looked like a bad ass doing it, it didn't seem contrived or unbelievable, and he did have fans getting behind him whether it was because he went against The Miz or not, they still got behind him and at the time people wanted to see him pushed. Let's also not forget that Riley was beating up on numerous other top tier guys to help The Miz, and at no time was that unbelievable.

So, Riley isn't a lost cause by any stretch. The guy can do it on the mic and he displayed that all the way back to his beginnings on NXT when some were saying " Here's the next 'Kennedy' " and pushing for him to win it. Sure, he's got the cookie-cutter look, and he doesn't have a dynamic ring repertoire, but the building blocks are all there and I believe he could be a useful commodity as a jobber who you could in turn push later.

Fire - Ted Dibiase - I know some disagree but I don't see any other avenue here. Nothing has worked for him, nothing. I loved the whole "Dibiase Posse Tailgating Parties" idea, but how has that worked out btw ?........I think tailgating and WWE events seem like a perfect match but I haven't witnessed or heard anything about it since it's inception so you can arguably chalk that up as another failed attempt to get the fans behind him and get over. Dibiase also isn't anything special in the ring. He might be a tad bit better than Riley, but Riley has other tools Ted doesn't that make him more valuable. I decided to fire him instead of Riley for two specific and BIG reasons.

1. Riley can talk, Dibiase can't. Some folks may say "But you can have a manager do the talking for him until he gets good at it" and to that I say, he's already had enough time to get good at it and just hasn't. I doubt it's for lack of effort, I just don't think he's quick enough or clever enough upstairs to do it right. On top of that, who are you going to put with him? Don't even think about saying Paul Heyman because that's not even realistic. Heyman is only around right now because of Brock Lesnar and once that is done so is Heyman. Add to that, I don't think there's anything dynamic about his personality to bring out and make interesting in a verbal capacity which leads to reason number 2.

2. No Charisma Whatsoever. This is a big deal and a problem you simply can't fix, either you've got it or you don't and he simply doesn't. Riley does have some natural charisma, not much, but some, and that counts in this conversation. Riley also never had the stigma of trying to be a clone of "Randy Orton, the most boring man on the planet" which probably hurt Dibiase more than the rub helped him. On a personal level I think Dibiase seems like a cool guy, the kind of guy I WOULD want to hang out with, tailgate with, party with, and probably have a lot of good conversation with. As a wrestler though, I just don't see it in the cards for him to ever be a true success and part of that is because he doesn't have any real charisma to draw people to him. He doesn't have that innate quality about him that makes people interested in him. It's unfortunate, but that's where it all leads, Future Endeavored. Another big problem that stems from this is that we've already seen him try and fail with different gimmicks that were designed to cover this flaw. It shows that there's no getting around it and that despite all efforts it's just not going to happen, barring a major turn of events and a miracle.

Push - Jack Swagger - That's right, Jack Swagger. It may have been awhile since it seemed he had any swagger but this guy has so much potential it's ******ed and if you haven't seen it you probably are ******ed. He has everything the other guys don't and what he lacks he doesn't lack to such a degree that it can't be built upon or improved. This guy has simply fell victim as others have noted, to poor booking decisions. It's also noteworthy that there is only so much room at the top and that hasn't helped either. The WWE keeps certain guys up there no matter what and that doesn't create much room for a guy like Swagger to maintain vacancy there.

Swagger by far is the best wrestler of the group. Riley and Dibiase simply don't hold a candle to Swagger in the ring and that's very important to note. His ability is rivaled by few honestly, and at his size as well it's hard to name many others who compare. I didn't think much of him when he first came around, but watching this guy in the ring I came to realize what a special talent he really is. He does have the look and his build is imposing. He's a big guy who wrestles like a smaller guy, but also possesses the power to pull off big man moves and that makes for an entertaining in ring performer. It's also no stretch of the imagination to believe that he can hold his own or dominate anyone on the roster.

Against what some may surmise and compared to the other here, Swagger isn't half bad on the mic. He's not brilliant by any means, and Riley is probably more natural at it than him, but he gets it done. I believe that the problem with Swagger isn't that he can't talk or that he simply isn't good on the mic, I think it has more to do with what they've asked of him than anything. Now some will say "But the greats can always make good with what they're given no matter how bad it is" and you're correct to make that statement, but that doesn't make it any less difficult to do and no one is calling Swagger one of the greats. There have been times where Swagger delivered a good promo, but when you want him to basically go out there and be Biff Tannen, what do you expect? That's not him, and it doesn't work for him.

I think Swagger does have the charisma to get over. His look and his ability are apart of that charisma and he just hasn't been given the gimmick to use it properly. Lets not forget Stone Cold Steve Austin wasn't getting over as The Ringmaster, The Rock wasn't getting over as Rocky Maivia, and Triple H wasn't getting over as Hunter Hearst Helmsley. They had to be given something to work with that worked with them too, and I think Swagger is no different. Personally I think he should be a serious heel that simply isn't there to fuck around, but just kick ass. When that guy gets seemingly pissed off, he gets a look on his face that is menacing and intimidating. When he looks serious and angry, it's believable. So run with it, that's something that seems to work so build on it.

This guy has all the tools to be a serious main eventer in the future, even the near future if you do some things differently. I think you could easily make him face or heel if you play it right, and I think that as of now he is a wasted talent. Of the three mentioned here, he deserves a push more than anyone. After jobbing out to Santino Marella and everyone else he faces, being made to play second fiddle to Dolph Ziggler who I'm sure he could fold up like an accordion, being fed to Ryback, and all the crap this guy has had to eat, I think it's about time to go back to the drawing board and do something meaningful to get the most out of this guy, because I think there's more to get out of him than a lot of the guys they are currently pushing and trying to put above him.
PUSH: Ted, he was is the middle of a decent push where he was gonna take the I.C. belt from Cody. he has very good in ring skills, with moderate mic skills as well... he just needs to find a Virgil.

JOB: Riley he has ok in ring and ok with the mic he has had a more memorable run as being the Miz's bitch then Swagger had as a champion.

FIRE: Swagger has no mic skills, so put him with a good manager and he will be fine, except he is with one of the best heels in the buisness right now and people still dont give a crap.
You can't make this easy can you? I don't like any of those 3, but oh well.

Push- Ted: He's a decent wrestler who's been held back for his lack of charisma, but I think could end up being someone.

Job- Swagger: The guy's a great wrestler, but he just lacks just about everything else. Perfect jobber.

Fire- Riley: Other than his theme, i have absolutely no reason to like Riley. He's boring, and his wrestling skills aren't really stand out.

I wouldn't mind seeing all 3 of these guys getting FE'd to be honest. None of them are anything special.
Push: Jack Swagger
Tough call, Swagger has always been pretty hit-and-miss his entire career. I loved the guy on ECW, his run on Raw was shit, then I found his world title reign to be pretty entertaining (contrary to what most others seem to think about it), and now it seems he's back to being shit on Raw.

Back in the day, when there were brand distinctions, I would say chuck him on SmackDown and let him just wrestle, no Vickie, no eagle mascots, no random jobbing. Just let the man wrestle around upper-midcard, maybe an IC reign even. He's a damn good wrestler, and not an awful talker. He deserves better then where he's at right now at least.

Job: Alex Riley
I was so very tempted to push Riley, he's decent in the ring, he's decent on the mic, but most of all he has that look and that energy that can get the crowd to give a damn. The Miz feud showed just how well Riley can rally the universe.

The thing about Riley though, is just how incredibly average the guy seems. Nothing about him really stands out to me as someone who can hang in the main event. He's can get the crowd on their feet, but then he becomes an afterthought, a crowd-warmer. That's why I think it's best to job him out, put over some heels with this dude.

Fire: Ted DiBiase
I don't care who his daddy is, the guy just isn't working out. He's been there what, Five years? Once upon a time we all thought he's gonna be the breakout guy from Legacy. What the hell happened.

Cody's heat may have sizzled out a little since he took off the mask, but he's still hotter then Ted's been his entire career. The Million Dollar Man v2 failed, DiBiase Posse is a joke. Now he's been sitting on the sidelines for months with injuries. DiBiase is just the easiest choice out of the three for me to fire.
Push- Alex Riley. With his upperbody strength and Miz-like face plus the babyface thing hehas going with the fans he could defiantly go for a push. They tried to push him a while back but then got caught up in some Cena shit probably so we never got to see this guy really get in the main event sequence. But his feud with Miz was pretty good so they could go for that again.
Job- Jack Swagger. They might as well stop trying to get this guy in ME, he's not going anywhere. It's still funny to mock his lisp tho so they shouldn't fire him... Yet. I say they job him until he becomes face and then put him against Ziggler. I would maybe like to se Ziggler as a face but I can see Swagger as a comedy jobber like Santino. He has potential for it.
Fire- Ted Dibiase. I really hate to say this because I know he's been hurt but the whole face thing? Not working out. His most glorious moments were in the Legacy until they turned on Orton. After the draft Cody became a tad more interesting but Dibiase was sort of forgotten until he began dating Maryse. And even then, no one paid attention. When he went face it got a good reaction but it was morelike a "hooray" for a change event. It didn't work out. He's a nice guy but they should give him time to go to other circits (not neccasarily TNA) to try and improve his talent. If he gets better outside of WWE they should attempt to resign him and job him until he's ready for a push. For now, sorry Ted, time's up.
I like these three superstars. They all bring something different to the table and I really wouldn't want to fire any of them, but...

Push - Ted DiBiase
Son of the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, so he has got something going for him already. I also think Ted is a great in-ring worker when he wants to be and I never find a match with him in boring. I for one prefer him as a face, because, when he was a heel, I couldn't really find him serious, but I said that about Cody Rhodes and now I can't wait to see him win the World Heavyweight Championship one day, so maybe with the correct push as a heel, Ted would definatley become the next big thing on SmackDown. I hope so because WWE are consistantley wasting talent. They wasted Kharma, they are wasting Alex Riley, Jack Swagger and so many others, but I hope they don't waste this one.

Job - Jack Swagger
I have always liked Jack Swagger, however, one thing that has not helped him get over with everyone is the fact he can't be taken seriously. He has the credentials of Sheamus, he can be destructive and he can, with the correct push, be dominant. I prefer Ted DiBiase, so I have put Jack Swagger here. I have also done this because I think DiBiase will have more of a chance getting over now, so with a slow re-build of Swagger with a dominating pace about him, people will start to think more of him. Not squash matches, because I think they are useless if you want to put someone over, but good matches that shows off his strength, his technical ability and his backfire from a beast down.

Fire - Alex Riley
Alex Riley is one of the biggest disappointments in the last year or two. He was sort of getting over in 2011 when he turned on the Miz, hell, during his time beside the Miz, he was fighting Randy Orton, John Cena and the Rock, not many people can say they did that, especially during his rookie year and in the space of four or five months. When he turned on the Miz, I was hoping for a push to the sky. People liked him, he was alright in the ring and with the correct mic skill build, he could've become a main eventer, especially on the SmackDown brand, but I would fire him because I think after being pushed so far down the ladder, is there any way he can fight back? I don't think so and it is a damn shame, but this is what I think.
push - ted dibiase he is a great young superstar which had a great push when he was a part of legacy but than he return to be a decent role in the main shows.but he has the potential.he can start a feud with randy orton when he returns.

job - alex riley.another man that has a story like dibiase.he has a push earlier {when he was with miz and against him} but then return to be a man on superstars.I realy think both dibiase & riley can get a push but because I need to choose only one of them I think dibiase is ready to get that push more than riley.

fire-jack swagger.I have nothing to say.if 2 years ago when he won money in the bank at wrestle mania & become the world chmapion you told me that this man will be a man that will become a backup man & than to not be in raw or smackdown every week I say you're make fun of me.I think if they make his push 2 years ago a better one after losing the world title they can give him feuds with big show or mark henry {to start make his push to the top couple of months earlier} and than give him a wrestle mania feud with sheamus who just dissapinted me when he get a U.S. title dark match after in that year he had a 3-4 months region as the wwe champion {this feud could help them both in that situation}.
Push- Dibiase. He's by far the better of the 3.

Job - Swagger. He's got in-ring talent. Just sucks on the mic.

Fire - Riley... not sure why he was ever on the main roster to begin with.

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