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Push One, Fire One, Job One

Push:Swagger- As much as I think he'd be better off in TNA at this point I had to go with Swagger because his talent level is miles ahead of the other two. The guy has been hurt bad by crappy pushes and the same boring ass persona for what feels like ages, but on a pure wrestling standpoint he's extremely talented. With the right booking a good push could get him back where he needs to be and where his talent can finally be put to use.

Job:Alex Riley - Man I wanted so much more for this guy, and based off what he's been up to I almost said fire but I like the guy too much and he's got some edge over Teddy in my opinion. I think he has a better character, about the same mic skills and a little bit better in ring ability than Dibiase. The guy is entertaining, even when he's been jobbing to guys like Ryback I can still get into his matches, I love his style and although he hasn't been too hot lately I hope he can atleast stay around and job so we can see more of him and ofcourse enjoy that awesome entrance.

Fire:Ted Dibiase - Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a big fan of Ted, he doesn't have the character or talent to keep me entertained and I think there are other who could be doing a lot more with his spot. The highlight of his career is and always will be legacy, he was good there and I expected him to build off the break up but no such luck there. Cody went on to become the rising star as well he should have and Ted floated, had a few shitty feuds with guys like Mahal, hell he even went on to be Cody's lackey for a while. Based on where he is now I don't see him doing anything to build momentum, and normally if a guy had dropped this far but had something special to offer I would say they could come back but I just can't imagine him ever being significant again.
Push DiBiase - Really should be in the main event scene, i'd love to see a high upper card him and Cody feud, he's got so much potential.

Fire Riley - Dont see what everyone's fuss is about him, seems pretty generic to me.

Job Swagger - Take him back down the card and build him up again with a whole new character, a new personality for Swageger will be refreshing.
I'd probably 86 all of them, but I'll give it a go.

Push: Alex Riley. There is a need for some "new" blood near the top. Alex isn't all that new, but a sustained push would give us a better idea of where he actually is and if he's worth holding on to.

Job: Ted Dibiase Jr. His name value alone would make him the king of the jobbers and help. Besides, a sustained losing run to everybody and anybody might actually get people behind him. If they don't, time to consider other options.

Fire: Jack Swagger. They've tried a bunch of different things with him, and none of them have worked. He's the most impressive physical specimen of the three and probably the best wrestler, but he simply isn't getting over at all. He'd be better off trying mixed martial arts, to be honest. His amateur skills, athleticism and long limbs could make him a handful for a bunch of low to mid level heavyweights. Perhaps a TNA/Bellator deal like King Mo got (primarily TNA while he develops some of the other skills needed for mma) would be great for him.
Push: Alex Riley - Lets face it; the guy seems to get a positive reaction everytime he makes an appearance. Why? Perhaps people still remember when he stepped up to The Miz? Maybe they like his look and music? I don't get it, but I guess if he's getting a response, then give him more air time on Smackdown and just see if something sticks.

Job: Ted Dibiase - Well, I'll just skip to Jack.

Fire: Jack Swagger - Honestly, I believe that Jack reached the ceiling of his potential in WWE. His personality has always felt awkward, his charisma while wrestling is robotic, and it seems as if his size and a moveset that leaves fans nostalgic for Kurt Angle are the only form of job security he has. At this rate, he will be jobbed to oblivion. He just will never be the charismatic Superstar that WWE wants him to be. So, either he'll spend the rest of Linda's job creating campaign as a well paid enhancement talent for the stars and highly talented NXT/FCW roster, or he can go to TNA for less pay, but a greater appreciation for the talent that fits well with their mold.
Typical internet marks make me giggle. Ted DiBiase's been on TV for years and he's hardly improved at all. He's little marketability other than his name, and lacks charisma. However, there's money to be made with him and he's got the potential to become a star, though seems to be struggling to put the pieces together. Alex Riley gets bigger pops during live shows where he doesn't even enter on TV than DiBiase gets on average. Alex Riley has the look, charisma, and enough ability to not only be a main eventer, but be a top 5 money-maker for the WWE. Swagger has all the same negatives as DiBiase, and lacks the positives.

I'll say:

Push Alex Riley
Job Ted DiBiase (Until he can realize his potential)
Fire Jack Swagger

Push - Ted DiBiase

Being jobbed constantly is WHY Ted has no real momentum. He was considered better while in Legacy but Cody got "the break" quite literally with the broken nose. He was able to turn that into his "ugly" gimmick and that has been the difference. Ted was saddled with the Million Dollar Belt and then Maryse, the belt was a curse even for Steve Austin and the Maryse thing was so far from his true self he was clearly never comfortable.

DiBiase is clearly a nice guy, they should be playing off his "Party Posse" stuff rather than his dad's legacy or forcing him heel cos of his name. In terms of "getting himself over" he has done an equal if not better job than Zack Ryder has. The fans like him, but someone (maybe Hunter) just doesn't... Talent wise he has shown enough to justify his push, the old phrase "lost in the shuffle" sums him up perfectly. In my mind he is this era's Rick Martel, more than good enough... Ted Sr. was also a face for a good period of his career, just not as the Million $ Man.

Job - Thwagger

Job him, then repackage him... At the mo he represents everything I hate in WWE. The stupid stomp makes Wrestling look fake and stupid. He could have been Kurt Angle's legit replacement without the dumb unitard and stars and stripes stuff, he clearly can't say his name properly cos of the lisp. So job him out, have him "fired" only to come back under a mask. I have long pushed for a return of some older gimmicks like Demolition, Swagger would be perfect for one of them. He isn't main event, but he could easily with a new gimmick be at Owen Hart level for a good few years.

Alex Riley YOU'RE FIRED!

Guy is a waste of space in WWE, even guys like Heath Slater who are famously derided as being worse, are getting over. Riley just cannot get over, again, I think more cos someone doesn't want him to. You always need jobbers and if he can handle being Brooklyn Brawler 2012 then fair play to him, but like most who have "had a taste" he will feel he deserves better and is better off gone.
Push: Swagger. I don't mean "push him to the main event," but I do mean "push him as a consistent mid-card title contender." I think he needs some tweaks to his character and someone to speak on his behalf to make it work, but I think since they've already invested title runs into him, he's the best bet going forward.

Job: DiBiase. By any other name, he'd have been cut a long time ago. It's that name that warrants him a roster position (I guess), but doesn't warrant him getting a push.

Fire: Riley. I just don't get it. He has arguably the most generic look on the entire roster and a skill set that can be replaced by just about any wrestling academy graduate out there. He just has nothing to contribute.
Won't be the popular choices, but...

Push Riley: I really think the guy just needs a new haircut, lol. He is pretty good in the ring and has shown he can talk and draw heat. As with almost ALL of the wrestlers in WWE today, him as a face is horrid and vanilla. Not his fault, it's creative. He still hasn't really gotten a shot yet and he has a high ceiling.

Job Swagger: He doen't seem to have "it" nor much versatility to his character, but he can draw some heat, he can wrestle and he can kinda talk. You CAN use him to put over younger faces and get them elevated to strong mid-card status. He does have value.

Fire Dibiase: He's so uninteresting to me in all his forms. His greatest performance was getting punted by Randy Orton. Seriously, I was high on this guy for a long time, and wanted to see him suceed in Legacy, with Marise and back with Rhodes, but he just fades into the background and withers. I remember when everyone (myself included) for sure thought Dibiase was going to be the more famous between him and Cody, and while Cody went into a lull before his paper bag/mask character change, he totally owned it and made it successful himself. Dibiase will never have the spark or personality to do that. He also doesn't draw a reaction as a face or a heel to the point where he's worth much to anyone in any capacity. He's dead weight outside his name.
Ted Dibiase Jr. - Alex Riley - Jack Swagger

PUSH: Jack Swagger. He has all the tools to be one of the biggest stars in the industry. WWE sabotaged his first World title run, and cut his US title run short to give it to a comedy jobber. Properly handled, Swagger could be a top-level star with ease.

FIRE: Ted DiBiase. Ted has skills, but he doesn't know what to do with them. Some time away from WWE spent honing his skills and learning more about the business could only help him in the long run.

JOB: Alex Riley. Riley doesn't have the skill or the charisma to be a true superstar, but he could be useful in a low midcard capacity. Give him a win every once in a while to keep him just above true jobber status, but use him to put over the better and more deserving superstars.
Push - Ted Dibiase : Before his injuries, he was pushing himself since WWE wouldn't and he was beginning to get over with the DiBiase Posse. Anyone who can get themselves over with the crowd without the help of management, deserves a push by management.

Job - Jack Swagger : This is the man who was supposed to be the next Kurt Angle. What the hell happened here? I think as long as he has the last name "Swagger" people are going to mock him. He doesn't want to take the top spot like his former partner Ziggler, so throw him in the hole.

Fire - Alex Riley : When was the last time this man done anything worth while? He has no passion for the business, he doesn't push himself. I know a lot of people may want him pushed, but why? He doesn't do anything that no one else isn't doing.
Push- Swagger - he has the most potential out of the 3. I do not understand why people are saying he is not good on the mic. He pulled the "lisp" thing off very well and convincing. And his wrestling skills aren’t a match compared to the others. Just because he is being used wrong doesn’t mean its him. Look and Shelton Benjamin.

On who the Jobber or who gets Fired. I really don’t care. I haven’t seen much out of either. This was even before Ted got hurt.
Push: Jack Swagger
Enough of making the guy heel already, sure he did well during his ECW days but it has ran it's course. He has a goofy look, speech impediment and his nickname "All American American" doesn't scream heel. He still have the potential to be great based on his ECW run and is a great in ring talent. Turn him face, give him a good reign with the US title and a patriotic gimmick. I think he will do well as a face.

Job: Ted Dibiase Jr.
Ripping off your father's gimmick gets you nowhere, same goes for being a generic face party starter. He really need to find something that suits him and is unique. Until then, he doesn't deserve to be pushed because there is nothing special about him right now. He has a great look and good enough potential though to keep him.

Fire: Alex Riley
Way to go getting a DUI during the biggest push in your lifetime, what a fool.
:banghead:Fire: Alex Riley. This is because I don't like his gimmick, wrestling and mic skills. People go on about how good he is but I think he's just rubbish. I don't see him getting anywhere so they might as well get him fired already.

:disappointed:Job: Ted DiBiase. He kind of still is jobbing but maybe a bit longer. He needs to improve and then he deserves a push. Not now though. Just a bit of that FCW touch would do the the trick.

:worship:Push: Jack Swagger. This guy is aWWEsome. He has great mic skills and in-ability. He should drop the Kurt Angle 2.0 act and then he could be the next top star!
Hmm, mild fan of all three, so let's try this...

Push - Ted Dibiase. Crazy to see where Rhodes and Dibiase have ended up after Legacy. Considering it seemed like their current positions would have been reversed. Dibiase did start to work on getting himself over, and I think he can still be a good face. But he needs to get rid of that awful entrance music. The guy is a pro wrestler, born and bred. He's been all over the world and has stood out. He's the one of the three that can get himself over if management just gets out of his way.

Job - Swagger. I think he's allright, but I was stunned when he won MITB and they put the title on him. And they made him even staler with the belt. They did the same thing with McIntrye, making him walk out stone faced, slowly to the ring. How does that seem cocky? At least now he's back to showing emotion in the ring. Guy can work with anyone, but I just can't see him doing any headlining. Mid card titles should be as high as he goes, but I think he's better served helping others get over.

Fire - Riley. Honestly, he is still the best of the three when it comes to mic work, or written promos, but he's also the one that needs it fed to him. He can make words written for him his own, but he still stumbles. He still gets a good pop from the crowd, even though I think he would work better going back to his Varsity Villain gimmick he had in FCW, most people hit it on the head here saying that there are 20 other guys like him that might work just as well.
Great Responses from everyone guys! I thought, as the OP, I would go ahead and give mine .

*Note, I will be doing more of these. Likely one a week so it doesn't get repetitive.*

PUSH JACK SWAGGER... I refuse to give up on him. Usually for me when someome can't cut a good promo, I give up on him. But I can't do it because Swagger is great in the ring. He needs to be repackaged NOW. It is the perfect time with this losing streak he is on. Bring him back as a face with an American gimmick, Give him Sgt. Slaughter as his Manager, GET RID OF HIS TERRIBLE HAIRDO. And let him sink or swim.

JOB TED DIBIASE...I was close to pushing him because I think he has potential. I only have the choice here of jobbing but I would really give him A fued in the mid card.

FIRE ALEX RILEY... I really thought he was going to do big things after the Miz thing. Well, that didn't happen. He is a huge jobber now so might as well fire him. Although, I still preach that a heel team of Alex Riley and Ted Dibiase would be good.

Good thread OP.......Oh wait.......hehe;)
Push Will have to go with Swagger for this. He has the size the in ring skill and although he has a lisp his mic work isn't the worst I have ever heard and it is more than enough to get him by. The guy is more than credible to be in the main event.

The next too are difficult as both can do the jobber role just fine.

DiBiase has the legacy but in the legacy group he was easily outshone by Cody and Orton was the clear leader.
Riley I felt held his own with Miz during Miz's title run.

On the spot I will go for Riley as a the jobber as I just prefare him to be honest and I think that he has a bright future ahead of him.
Not saying that DiBiase is no good but if I had to make the decision I would fire DiBiase.
PUSH- DiBiase. Even though he has been with the company for a few years at this point, I still believe that there is a lot of potential for DiBiase. Besides Legacy, he has never been given a real good feud/storyline. His role with Cody as his "understudy" was not too bad and they put on some pretty good matches as a team and against themselves, but DiBiase was never in a position to succeed because there was a shot in hell of him surpassing Rhodes. Heel or face it really doesn't matter; my idea for WWE to push a heel at this point is easy enough and that is to attack Santino from behind and then take the belt off of him.

JOB- Jack Swagger. For me, Swagger isn't a Brodus Clay/Ryback type job match but he can job to main eventers like Cena, Punk, or Sheamus really well. This role while obviously not a wrestler's favorite is important none the less. Swagger is not a bad wrestler and that is why he fits this real well, I just can't picture him as a permanent or even semi-permanent main event figure.

FIRE- Alex Riley. Never a huge fan. When your theme music is cooler than you are, that is when you are in trouble. Besides someone like Great Khali, I really don't consider anyone a BAD wrestler, nor do I think of Riley as such. But I have to answer the question and between the three, I'd want to see DiBiase and Swagger on WWE TV more than Riley. I could easily see Riley fitting into TNA.

And yes, I would love to see more of these types of threads.
Push/ The Miz
= The Miz's WWE Championship reign brought 1 thing. Awesomeness. The Miz is a great talent and the full package.

Fire/CM Punk
= Seriously, CM Drunk is so annoying. He comes out... does the same crap thing, wins and then leaves. It's boring.

Job/Daniel Bryan
= I prefered him when he wasn't being pushed down our throuts.

Holy fuck you are retarted. Did you not see the OP where he gave us three stars to pick from?

Push Jack Swagger-The guy is actually pretty entertaining to a point. He does need a mouthpiece but the guy can draw some heat so give him that.

Job Ted Dibiase-I like the guy but I like Swagger more. I wanted to push them both but Swagger is just the better guy. At least he still has a job.

Fire Alex Riley-He is medicore at best. His wrestling skills blow and so does his mic skills. Only reason he is on the list right now is because he had main event time when he was Miz's bitch.
Push: Jack Swagger. Eve becomes his manager, and beautiful heel mouthpiece. Replaces the singlet with black trunks, Swagger across the front, American flag on the rear. Grow his hair out a little more so it looks like Flair's used to. Swagger always looks good wrestling in the main event, he should become a serious threat to CM Punk, John Cena, and Sheamus in the top of the card. Eve needs something to do and this will get Swagger more heat and can help him sustain a longer World Title reign.

Job: Alex Riley. The DUI earned him an extended stay in the doghouse, but he should at least get upgraded to Heath Slater status. Riley has the look, he can speak, and he tried to come up with a gimmick. His wrestling needs to get hotter, he needs more time in the ring and he makes other guys look good. Daniel Bryan really needs wins over guys that look bigger and more powerful, Riley fits the bill and those kind of matches would help both guys involved. Eventually creative will come up with some role for him to play. He has star potential.

Fire: Ted DiBiase. I think he's plateaued as a WWE wrestler, we've seen the best of Ted already. I wasn't really that into it, and it seemed like most other people weren't into it either. Fortunate Sons is just "Legacy" redone, except when Orton started his stable, he was already a multi-time World Champion. He did the throwback "Million Dollar Man" gimmick too, tried a few variations on it, we've seen just about everything you can do with the name. In the end, DiBiase is firmly planted in the midcard in Chris Masters' old spot. Ted DiBiase had a good WWE run. He developed a small, vocal fanbase that is loyal to him. The independent circuit could use a rare WWE name to advertise on their cards.
The push goes to Ted jr. I think if he could stay helthy, he'd be a nice mid carder

Jobber goes to Alex Riley. He's a solid worker, yet he's more suited to be a gimmicked jobber.

Jack Swagger=future endevor. He's the Wal Mart Kurt Angle. He's horrible on the mic, bland beyond belief, perhaps the worst MITB winner ever...and finally...

He couldn't generate heat if he was doused in gasoline and lit on fire.
Push.- Jack Swagger.
Like many people say, he has had the gold before, and he has jobbed for anyone, so is time for him to get pushed into Main Event status, he has the in ring skills and he' not bad with the mic, all he needs is a feud with one of the top stars and i think that's it.

Job.- Ted Di Biase Jr.
He's good in the ring and nod bad on the mic, but i think that he's a little rusty, and he needs to devealop his character, he doesn't hav to be like his father, he can do something on his own, he has the talent to do it, is just that he needs to job a little so he can find himself.

Fire.- Ryley.
I like the guy, he's a great athlete and i think he has a great future ahead of him, he probably did something to get his backstage heat, because he was getting a good push and out of nowere he disapeared, wich brings me to the reason he should get fired, since the WWE isn't doing anything with him, they should let him go so he can try on another organisation, like TNA or ROH, and i think wherever he ends up going, he will do great........
PUSH: Alex Riley- I think the guy has the look of the future face of the company. He's young, he has great mic skills, charismatic, and is good in the ring. I don't think he should be there now, but in a few years he can be a star. We've already seen he can hang with the big boys, and I think WWE dropped the ball with him. Give him a good storyline and gimmick and he could be great.

JOB: Ted DiBiase- I find DiBiase boring as hell. He's good in the ring, but on the mic he's dry and plain. He's a charisma vacuum. Now I wouldn't really want to job him, but out of the three I find him the worst by far. The DiBiase Posse could be his only saving grace, but I still just find him boring. Maybe on his return he can prove me wrong.

FIRE: Jack Swagger- I'd do this so he can go to TNA and be used right. He's a great competitor, awesome in the ring and not terrible on the mic. I think in TNA he could be a huge star, like when Christian went to TNA, he was pushed to the top. I think Swagger could be that guy who goes to TNA and gets his big break.
Push - Swagger.
He's one of the three best in ring workers in WWE, he can get a great match out of anyone. He's good at getting his character over and is a very comfortable talker, yes he has a lisp but that doesn't take away from the fact he's comfortable and confident on the mic, Dusty Rhodes has a lisp as well. Swagger is the most misused guy in WWE right now, that needs to change, whatever he did backstage to have his talent wasted needs to be forgiven. WWE really let him down with the booking of his WHC run, he went from jobbing to WHC in a week and was never booked strongly, but still Swagger ran with ball proudly and did his job while the writers failed him.

Job - Cena its his turn too put someone else over and properly, not just one win here then squash them a week later.

Fire - Rey Mysterio.
He's over the hill, constantly injured or suspended. He's too old and slow to wrestle his once great style and is constantly complaining backstage about his contract. Just fire the fat midget.

EDIT: I've just seen the first post.

Push - Swagger.
Reasons above.

Job - DiBiase
He's nothing special, cant connect with the fans, average mic skills and average at best in the ring.

Fire - Riley
He's beyond bad.
Push One: Jack Swagger

As much as I would like to see Dibiasi get the push I like what Swagger brings to the table moreso then Dibiasi. Swagger is on of the top guys in the ring right now, has great size and a good look and I believe he is good enough on the mic to warrant a main event push.

Job One: Alex Riley

Had a little spark but then he did something and went in the doghouse. Since I never saw enough of him to get invested I would just use him as a jobber till his time comes. I will remember Riley for ow bad he dressed when he was with the Miz with baggy suits that he buttoned incorrectly that made his collar lobsided. Also he has the worst haircut I have seen on a professional wrestler.

Fire One: Ted Dibiasi

Since I'm not pushing him over Swagger, and the last thing I want to see is him jobbing, I would rather send him packing and play the what if game. He has the look and build and can hold his own on the mic. Decent in the ring as well. Seems to have more then enough for a push but it just hasn't happened.
push Ted Dibiase Jr., job Alex Riley, fire Jack Swagger

i am surprised how little of a push Dibiase has gotten. remember when he came in - he already did a movie for wwe and got a decent push. i think he could do more if they just found a better gimmick for him and being Million Dollar Man 2.0 might not a bad idea.

Riley - nothing against the guy, just seems pretty generic. but can work good enough to help put guys over.

Swagger - i like Swagger but his character is pretty much dead. Look at Kurt Angle in WWE and compare that to him in TNA. in TNA, he is a wrestling machine but in WWE, it took years to get to that point. Before that, he was more of a joke. people did not really care for that. along comes Swagger, another guy with legit wrestling ability and what do they do? turn him into a joke again. would anyone actually believe he was world champion based off of what they see now? wwe should release him and he can start fresh somewhere else.
Push: Alex Riley just to see if can work his way up the ladder and get truly over
Job: Ted diBiase he can job like the best and is believeble at it
Fire: Jack Swagger he has lost so many matches and hasn't impressed me lately

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