United States Championship Limbo

Damien Sandow the intellectual savior of the unwashed masses, he should face Santino for the US Title and actually beat Santino for it, and maybe with Sandow as US Champion he can bring back some prestige to that title, prestige was gone as soon as superstars like Ryder and Santino won it
Give it to Kofi Kingston. He might need something to do with R-Truth injured and A.W.'s Primetime Players about to take the tag titles away from them. Kingston and Sandow feuding for the U.S title would make for a great rivalry
"They can do an angle where he changes the name to the Mexican title and run with that for a little"

^regarding Del Rio yeah I was thinking the same thing when Lance Storm while in WCW won the U.S, Cruiser and Hardcore titles and re-named all of them

**don't forget he also placed a Canadian sticker over the original title design.
As others have mentioned, I too believe that Damien Sandow should feud with Santino Marella over the title. Their personas would contrast well together and no doubt the storyline would be kept interesting with promos where Sandow would question Santinos comedic approach to wrestling.

Failing that, William Regal should be given one last title reign and it won't be either of the two top championships so why not this one since it is already irrelevant with Santino as the holder.
While at times the United States Championship looks as though it doesn't matter, through being passed about somewhat frequently, since Chris Benoit's fifth and final reign with that championship, the title has always looked pretty prestigious. Benoit held the United States Championship for 222 days, which is approximately seven and a half months. Immediately following such, MVP took the belt and carried the championship for three weeks shy of an entire year. MVP was in several main events on SmackDown and had some great moments when he showed glimpses of Main Event promise in matches such as the Elimination Chamber for SmackDown's #1 Contendership spot going into WrestleMania 24.

Kofi Kingston soon took the championship for seemingly no reason, however he held it for about four months and was a decent champion. Soon after, The Miz took the United States Championship after interesting build, following not long after a John Cena feud (which turned into more of a squash than it should've been) and with some legitimate build, helped solidify The Miz as someone who could actually become something special. After seven months, The Miz dropped the championship to Bret Hart, and this in my opinion was just stupid and unnecessary. Shortly later, R-Truth passed the title back to The Miz who held it for three more months before putting over Daniel Bryan.

The Miz and Daniel Bryan's storyline was great, provided a few booking missteps here and there bothered me, but it was a very well done, drawn out angle that resulted in satisfying results. The match the two had at Night of Champions in fact, was the best match on the card that night (in my opinion, and I don't care for The Miz in the ring). This is where we hit a slippery slope that confuses me. Daniel Bryan soon lost the championship to Sheamus, who was on a massive skid, and they gave the belt to him more or less just for him to do SOMETHING. Which bothered me, with Daniel Bryan being a decent, provided not great, champion. After Sheamus, Kofi gets the title back, and soon later passes it off to Dolph Ziggler who; for all intents and purposes, made the championship look important.

Dolph made the United States Championship look as credible as it had been during the Benoit/MVP feud, or during The Miz and Daniel Bryan's tossle. It was enjoyable and I was legitimately excited to see that title be defended. Zack Ryder, with MAJOR build who got himself over in extraordinary fashion really won people over with his believable build to winning the United States Championship. It was solid. And while I'm not a huge Ryder mark, even I was fucking ecstatic to see how it all transpired. Shortly after, Swagger took the championship in a typical dusty heel finish, and I wasn't incredibly stoked about that. However, I thought it was alright because they would have a solid feud over the title.. But they didn't. Clearly, the WWE hates guys who get over on their own. Alex Riley and Zack Ryder being examples. They weren't supposed to be AS over as they were, and coupled with occasional heat backstage, it makes it even more of a sad story to see where the United States Championship has gone.

Santino Marella has held the WWE United States Championship for almost four months, and it's rarely defended. The title was supposed to be the up and coming title, the belt that you put on someone before giving them a chance to make a real run for upper-card status, to test the waters with them as a champion. Santino Marella, albeit one of the most consistently entertaining guys on television, should not have that title, or at least, not this long. I see Santino Marella as no more than a comedy skit guy or tag team champion. I could see Santino Marella and Colt Cabana making a hilarious tag team; however I don't honestly buy Marella as one whose technically the #2 guy on Monday Night RAW.

How would you book the United States Championship back to prominence, or how would you go about moving the belt away from Santino? Who would you give it to and why?
Best thing WWE could do is get that belt off Santino ASAP!

Ziggler vs Ryder had potential to be a great great mid-card feud yet WWE decided not to follow up. And at first I was glad Santino was getting a run, but since then the belt has lost all it's luster. There is no reason the US title should not be defended because the Champion is in a tuxedo match with an announcer. It's a mockery.

I'm hoping someone like Dean Ambrose can come in and restore some prestige to a once proud title. Maybe bring in Black to continue their feud? But who knows since WWE is determined to not push their mid card talent, yet bitch n' moan that no one is getting over?
Its gotta take part in big moments like when Goldberg beat Raven for it.


Its gotta be held by people already on their way up the ladder. Its gotta be persued by main eventers attempting to re enter the main event. The World champion has got to listen when the U.S. champion speaks, joke wrestlers like Santino can't taint the title. Guys like Miz can't just hook the title belt to the side of their pants and carry it like a fanny pack for 269 days.. AND THE DESIGN, I REPEAT THE DESIGN MUST CHANGE!!


Just like Cody brought back some prestige to the I-C title belt by making it retro the same could be done for the U.S. title. The above design was held by the likes of Lex Luger, Nikita Koloff, Magnum T.A. and Kendall Windam.


I'd make a better strap for it not as bulky, try to make the plate a bit more symmetrical and go with modern side plates but the one in this picture was held by Wahoo McDaniel in addition to Black Hack Mulligan, a young Ric Flair, a young Steamboat, and Harley Race..

I don't think any of the issues stems from the U.S. title being a WCW derivative like some of you are going to say. the WWWF had its own "U.S.A. heavyweight title" championship in the '60s held by Bobo Brazil, Bruno Sammartino, and others. The WCW U.S. title dates to 1975. The quality of wrestlers holding the U.S. title has gotta be atleast has gotta be upper midcarder for awhile just to bolster the strap so that it can then transfer a rub to its future holders who arent even upper midcarders..
get it off of Santino and onto almost anyone asap. just have them go out there and beat the hell out of him in about a minute. treat it like it is important and it will be important. Wade Barrett would be a good choice depending on how quick he can get back. have him be a mystery opponent and then come out the week after saying how he is going to give the title prestige again. a few months down the road, you can move it onto someone else and move barrett into the world/wwe title picture. but the longer santino has the title, the move of a joke it becomes.
Very good summary of the US Title. As you said, the title needs to be taken off of Santino and given to someone credible. I would say Swagger, but him losing to Santino last week doesn't put him in a realistic position to all of a sudden beat him. It's a shame that WWE is lacking in a lot of mid-card faces, because there is a golden opportunity to turn a face heel by having them attack Santino, followed up by taking the belt off of him in a future match.

As for other heels, Drew McIntyre (though technically on Smackdown!) would be a decent candidate IMO. Once again, have him attack Santino from behind one week (instead of a random match booking), followed up by a title win either the week after or at the next PPV. As Raw goes from 2-3 hours, you can only hope that mid-carders will be given more time to develop. This single fact alone will give the US Title more prominence as there will be more credible contenders getting more TV time. The only issue with Drew would be that after he were to lose the title, he would not be ready to boost on to the main event scene. If someone were to take the US Title and proceed to go onto the main event scene (such as Dolph did, though not right away), that would also give the title more importance for it would seem as a stepping stone to ultimately reach the main event scene. However with Drew, he could lose, yet still remain a prominent mid-carder which would hopefully allow him to develop even more.
Give the belt back to Swagger. Swagger was so over as a heel on ECW, let him go back to that. He was the perfect cocky heel until he won the World title, then WWE tried changing him into a stone face Orton/Jericho type heel. It doesn't work for Swagger.

Let Swagger start wearing red, white, and blue again. Let him be the All American, American. Let him be the role model nobody wants. Swagger is fantastic in the ring as well as a great look. He needs to get over more on the mic and I think this is how to do it. Feed him fan favorites like Santino, Ryder, Kofi, and Truth so the fans hate him more.

We need a big, credible, vocal, champ to bring the belt back to relevance.
Miz should've won the title back at Extreme Rules and then dropped it to a face on his way out to do the Marine 3.

Right now, there are no heels I can see Santino dropping the belt to. Maybe Cody Rhodes, but he's on SmackDown, and even with the brand split practically gone, I don't see any of the belts moving brands at this point.

Maybe he CAN drop the belt to Ricardo, if they start pushing Ricardo as a serious competitor. Maybe Ricardo can don his Chimaera attire (sans mask) and continue the feud with Santino, but in a more serious way since we all know that Santino CAN go in the ring since he is an accomplished MMA fighter and judoka. Ricardo can be the U.S. Champion AND compete in the tag division with Del Rio.
so im the only one that thinks half the problem is the belt plate design? you people are idiots.. and if santino got the title to began with that means something was wrong with it predating Santino..
I would have Otunga take it from Santino on the 1000 episode of Raw. Otunga needs this title to boost his mid card status. I would have Otunga win the USC. and have a descent run til Night of Champs where he could loose it to Brodus, or another new baby face guy. I think this is the best thing to do with the USC. for now.
The WWE actually has a lot to work with in the midcard thus having two midcard titles. The IC Title has really benefited from having that reign by Cody Rhodes and even now with Christian being the title holder. I think that giving the US Title it's old retro look could be something interesting but I doubt it would happen. Right now you have Santino as your champion. He can actually wrestle but WWE continues to have his character be a joke.

What I propose is that they can do those comedy bits but keep them at a minimum. You have guys like Kofi, Swagger, Ryder, Riley, McIntyre, etc doing nothing and would do a whole lot if given the chance I believe. All they gotta do is give it to someone credible and the championship will be fine. You can look back to Cody's reign with the IC Title if you wanna see an example of what I'm talking about. Especially with RAW going three hours, the midcard belts could sure benefit from it.
Fair warning: Long day, and I'm tired/semi-drunk. Okay, let's get into it.

so im the only one that thinks half the problem is the belt plate design? you people are idiots.. and if santino got the title to began with that means something was wrong with it predating Santino..

Ah, this mentality. "Agree with me, or you're an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about." I can relate

For the record, I have no problems with the idea of Santino as champion. Like the guy or not, he's popular right now which in turn gives them someone to make money off. (I personally would swallow my pride and don the cobra sleeve if I wasn't such a cheapass with the money to burn) and in theory it should have worked. He started off strong with good defenses against Ziggler and Swagger, but the problem is he's rather flustered since then. I can admit this, but he's not the worst US champion to ever have the belt, and people still say he's worse than Arquette as world champion, which in turn makes me want to punch them in the groin so they never reproduce, but I've gotten off topic a bit.

From what I've seen, people say "Give it to Miz" "Give it to Swagger " (to which I say hell no, but we'll get into this in a second) and "give it to Otunga." etcetera etcetera to which I say: "Why?" What do they have to gain from being given another shot at US Champion? Miz I could see as being a decent champion again, but he's filming the next marine movie, so it'd have made no since to give him the belt only to have him immediately drop it. As for Otunga, I said before I’d like to see him get a future run for the title but I’m still not sold on his being the face of RAW’s mid-card. Has he improved in the ring? He has, especially from his NXT days I fully admit this. Hell I’m a fan of Otunga’s but let him work a few other feuds before you push him straight into a title run.

As for Swagger, just no. He had what, one title defense as US champion against Justin Gabriel, his run as champion flopped majorly, and you want to give him another one? Jack Swagger has given zero reason to care about him, and it's not like he hasn't had chances. He bombed as WHC, he bombed with Ziggler and he's bombed with US belt. At this point if you're thinking of putting it on Swagger you might as well bring back Ahmed Johnson for a title run as well.

What can make the division better? active competition, and I don't just mean month after month defenses against Miz Swagger Ziggler, repeat cycle. There is a ton of mid-card level talent that could put together a decent run if just given the chance. Tyson Kidd, Damien Sandow, William Regal, so on, so forth. Variety is the spice of life after all.
Well... Call me a Ryback mark... But...

I wanna see if the WWE can get a payoff from Ryback. He is a monster! The crowd enjoys seeing him destroying people. You need that kind of guy with the belt.

Now, we talked about having tradition and prestigious meaning. Having a bad ass killing machine will make that title a bigger deal. Hell, have him smash his way through the Rumble. Having a title for title match at Mania.

It makes the title seem like a stepping stone. Especially if he wins the world title. You get good promos like. "The last man, that held that belt was a wrecking ball for human destruction! It took him places that he would of never been! The man who wins that title could be the next big thing!"

In addition to my idea or method. Don't have the comic relief carry the title. Then don't the US title holder have squash matches. You want the title to have meaning!

I remember the old WCW gimmick that came with that title as well. I think it was once someone won that title, they would get a World title shot after having the title for a short period of time. Why not throw that gimmick in it. For example, if you hold the US title for six months, you are entitled to have a World Championship match.

It will give that title a little bit of an edge, and have little more meaning behind.
Okay, it is going to take way more than a particular title holder to truly get the mid-card titles back to their old glory.

I do not think they should ever be unified as long as there is any type of roster split, even minuet. Ideally, I would have the WWE and World titles combined. Then I would make the IC title the main title on Raw and the US title the Smackdown title. But since the main titles are split, here is how I would make the US (and IC) as relevant as they used to be.

First, I would staple a title to a show. For this argument, IC on Raw and US on Smackdown and establish that whoever has the IC or US title is the No.2 guy on the show and essentially the No.1 contender for the World or WWE title. As such, it wouldn't be just a "mid-card" title. It would be a major championship that anyone who is not the WWE or World champ would love to get their hands on. By having your main event guys like Cena, Punk, Sheamus, Show, Kane, Alberto Del Rio and such going for the US title as a way to get back into the main title scene will give the belt meaning. On top of that, it gives guys like Ziggler, Swagger, Kofi, and R-Truth a chance to be in a program with a main player to see if they are ready for the big time.

This how how you give the United States (and IC) meaning. How do I know it will work? Because it has worked in the past. It is how the NWA treated the US title and how the WWWF treated the IC.
Fans will never stop looking down on the IC and US titles until WWE stops looking down on those titles. There are no storylines involving the belts that I know of, and no one seems to really be trying to win the those titles.

For the US title, Santino needs to drop it ASAP. He's a comedy character, and as long as he holds the US title it'll be looked at as a joke championship.

I wouldn't mind seeing Swagger with the belt. Being the US champion would fit well with the whole All-American American thing. They could start the storyline right now, with Swagger criticizing Santino for being a joke, and even worse, not an American. I think it could be pretty good, but WWE needs to let it stew for a while, and let the storyline develop for a bit. I'd like a couple of months of Swagger talking crap about Santino before they actually have a title match.

After Swagger wins, have him feud with different non-American midcarders. There's a bunch.

To me, the real problem is that WWE doesn't allow for storylines to be built. They move way too fast. Typically you have 3 to 4 weeks of build time before a PPV match. That's not much time.
Its gotta be held by people already on their way up the ladder. Its gotta be persued by main eventers attempting to re enter the main event. The World champion has got to listen when the U.S. champion speaks, joke wrestlers like Santino can't taint the title. Guys like Miz can't just hook the title belt to the side of their pants and carry it like a fanny pack for 269 days.. AND THE DESIGN, I REPEAT THE DESIGN MUST CHANGE!! ..

I completely disagree. I think the WWE United States Championship is one of the best looking belts in the history of wrestling. The belt is simultaneously modern and classic, and looks far better than any of WWE's other belts in my book. I can't think of a single belt design in wrestling, ever, that looks better.
I'm going to counter your opinion on the US title losing its prestige once Marella one it. He is just like any champion since MVP. They win the title, hold it for a bit while rarely defending it before losing it. I'll give some examples.

MVP - defend it now and then until he started his feud with matt hardy, rarely defended it during the feud then after hardy was injured he rarely defended it for 5 months till hardy could return and finally win it. For the most part the short reigns the title holder either gets no TV time of loses it after one or two defenses and the long reigns feature very few defenses.

Want to save the title? Let someone hold it for more then a few weeks while allowing them to successfully defend the belt and overall allow someone who isn't Cena or in the WWE title scene to have an actual storyline.
Someone can't say they want to bring prestige back to it (thats the current cody rhodys storyline anyway.)

Have a heel win it and take it away from santino, say its his stepping stone to the main event and he wants to defend it against a worth opponent and demand that there be a tournament to decide it. We get the the tournament whoever wins loses dirty, puts heat on the champ and gets the face over, begins a fued. That could last a month or two with the title on the line a couple of times, ultimately the fued ends at a ppv.

And to me the IC title could be viewed as way more important now then it is if cody would have put it on the line in the Randy Orton fued. To me that devalued the championship as much as cody helped restore it, its okay for cody but has no value to someone like Randy orton really hurts it imo.
TOTALLY agree with LegendKiller716's assement of jack Swagger. I, for one, really liked the Swagger character in ECW. He always came across as a guy could could beat you a hundred different ways, make you tap out and general beat the crap out of you. He came across as (IMO) legitametly tough.

Why they then botched his WHC run i don't know. Get Swagger off of TV for a short time, maybe Dolph can properly take him out, turning Dolph face and bring Swagger back as a pissed off double hard bastard and get a great feud going with Swagger/Dolph.

Also, lose the Captain America haircut!
I agree that the title should be taken away from santino but give the title to someone who won't be pushed to main event status. IMO Damien Sandow would be the perfect guy to be pushed in that direction. Otherwise it's going to be someone like Kofi
I have no problem with the idea of Santino as a champion. I think in a perfect world Santino would be European or TV Champion. However, the last thing WWE needs to do is introduce more titles. Santino has been given a lengthy run, which will be something they could use for his character for years to come. WWE can point to this run as a way to have him appear more credible. The title has certainly helped Santino, but Santino hasn't necessarily helped the title.

My solution? I use the 1000th Raw as my platform for a title change, wanting to add as much luster and moments to the show as possible. I'd play off the fact they mentioned the length of Santino's reign this past Monday. Santino would say how long he had been United States Champion and issue an open challenge, as a kind of homage to the Honky Tonk Man (remember when Santino tried to beat his record). Ryback answers the call, destroying Santino in a relatively quick match. I think it would be crucial to also have Cole and King do the "who can possibly beat this man" routine.

I admit this is not the most creative or unique route to go. I'm sure some may groan at the idea, as I know Ryback is a somewhat polarizing figure. Here is my reasoning.

1. Yes Santino gets crushed in the match. It may not be the ideal way to end a champion's reign, but I feel it is ideal for trying to make Ryback into something special. He lays claim to the title in a truly dominant fashion, establishing he will be a force. Additionally, I believe Santino is over enough as to not lose anything over the setback.

2. I'm struggling to find a lot of qualified or credible challengers to elevate to this spot. Ziggler was a thought, but it's time for something bigger. Swagger is clearly spinning his wheels. Kingston, Ryder, Miz, and Truth have all had turns in recent memory. Tensai doesn't seem to fit. I'm not convinced moving the title from Santino to Brodus Clay is really that drastic of a change. I feel Ryback has the most to offer here.

3. Lastly, I feel this experiment guarentees one outcome with the chance for a second. Ryback is obviously going to be booked to continue on an undefeated streak. Week after week he could successfully defend his title against any and all comers. I'm not purposing he squash everyone either. I think you could begin to branch out and see what else he has to offer in the ring. While you build up Ryback, you build up the prestige and attention of the United States Title. In the process you find out if Ryback is a true star for the future. If he is, one of your hottest stars is holding what would then be considered your number 3 title. If he isn't, the man who beats him not only ends the streak but the reign of a dominant champion.
TBH, I dont see the point of the US title.

WCW brought it to its stature as their version of the IC title, and again what is the point of having a champion for America? Whats next we have all new champions for every country in the world? NO, thats what the IC title's for.

The same can be said for the European title, I had no clue why that was brought in? Again thats what the IC title represents.

The US title should be unified with the IC & have done with it.

While the strap is on Santino (as above stated) it will be considered a joke title, the same considered for Zack Ryder.

Although, when Swagger & Del-Rio were the respective WHC & WWE champions no-one cared for the title(s) then, as ppl consider the US title a joke whilst Santino has it now.

If anyone takes it off Santino, IMO it should be Del-Rio & then him & Rey can feud over it, as I dont think Rey should be WHC or WWE champion ever again as he's never around long enough to defend it properly. (a little off topic, sorry)

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