United States Championship Limbo

I think either Big Show, Kane, Cody Rhodes, David Otunga, or Ryback would be good for the title.

Big Show- Have him attack Santino and go on to say how when he was the US champion, he was the most dominant one ever. Have him take the belt off Santino at NOC maybe.

Kane- Since returning to WWE, his career has been weird. He showed so much promise when he returned with the mask but unfortunately he's been getting put in stupid storylines and is almost becoming the laughing stock Kane we once knew. Have him take the belt off Santino and hold it for a very long time to boost it's prestige.

Cody Rhodes- They almost had a fued and it seemed like they would be having a Champ vs champ match at somepoint so why not have Cody win the title and pretty much do what he did with the IC title?

David Otunga- To tell you the truth, I thought he would have it by now but for some reason its still on Santino. Giving the title to Otunga boosts both his career and by having him defend it regulary, boosts the title's prestige.

Ryback-Have Santino get injured and then hold some kind of tournament for the vacant US title. Have Ryback win the tournament and continue to go undefeated with the US title to elevate it.

Come now, you don't think it's as bad as this do you?


Actually, poking around YouTube I found this homemade re-leathering job, and it looks pretty damn sweet.


Aesthetics aside, what the United States Championship needs is just to be defended on television on a regular basis. It's less to do with who's holding the belt and more to do with how they're being booked.

I've stated it before plenty of times, the US title is never going to reach the heights that it did in it's WCW days, it's just the contemporary equivalent to the European title - a belt for the lower mid-card, especially so now since the brand extension has effectively ended. Being exclusive to Smackdown! was the best thing for the title and I doubt it's prestige will ever recover. Expect to see it scrapped, replaced or merged within your viewing lifetime.
A lot of people sometimes complain about the lack of prestige a title garners. It seems that just about every title goes through this at various points, no matter the company. Currently, the United States Championship certainly isn't much to gloat about but despite what some might say, it's far from being completely ruined. It doesn't really take much time to turn a title around, it just takes being put on the right guy and booking said guy properly & consistently.

The title needs to be taken off Santino, in my opinion. In his current character, which has gotten pretty stale to me, he's just not doing the title any favors. I think with a character change, Santino is someone that could legitimaitely be one of the top overall talents on the WWE roster. It's not going to happen though as Vince clearly loves what Santino is doing.

As to who would work well, the WWE has several solid mid-card guys that have strong potential. Ryback is someone that, possibly, could bring some real interest back to the title. He needs to be proven, however, in some real matches against real opponents before that happens. Antonio Cesaro is someone that's shown a lot of promise as well, but I think we need to see more of him. Damien Sandow is a star waiting to happen. He's certainly got the promo abilities and he's very crisp inside the ring from what we've seen so far. When his current feud with CM Punk is over, I could see Daniel Bryan as a strong heel United States Champion. It might look like a demotion on the surface, but Bryan could easily be used to rebuild the title and have a strong, long run with the title before dropping it to another strong competitor before moving back up into the upper mid-card/main event picture. Guys like Curt Hawkins & Drew McIntyre are heavily underused, especially McIntyre as he's someone that's got all the tools to be a star. He's improved by leaps and bounds inside the ring & even on promos since his debut & initial push. He still needs some work on his promo abilities, but the overall package is there. If they turned him face, I think he's someone with the potential to be a good babyface United States Champion. While I don't see it happening, Rey Mysterio is someone that could also do a lot of good for the title. He's someone that usually flows back and forth between the mid-card & main event title pictures, so it's not out of the realm of possibility. Mysterio is over, he has a ton of credibility, he's a respected veteran and his star power could be put to use with the United States Championship. Upon his return to WWE, maybe WWE could start over with The Miz & put him back in the United States Championship picture. He was a great US champ a few years back and I'm anxious to see if WWE does anything different with him when he comes back. Miz needs a fresh start, so putting him back where he really started to become a singles star could be a means of doing that.

There's no shortage of guys who could do the job in WWE right now, it's just a matter of Vince seeing it.
If they want this belt to be relevant again, they have to get the belt off of Santino. Look, Santino serves a purpose and actually plays the character extremely well and is over with the crowd. He can also actually wrestle. No one is disputing that. There's always a place on the roster for a comedy jobber. The problem is that when you put a championship belt (that has been held by some legendary wrestlers) on a comedy jobber, you're basically saying "this belt doesn't matter, it's just a prop." Santino's character isn't set up to have feuds are do anything serious so there's absolutely no point in him having the belt. He's already over with the crowd. Furthermore, you're setting the next guy up for failure. Instead of using the belt as midcard stepping stone, you're now saying to the next guy that wins it, "big whoopty do, you beat Santino Marella, some champion you are."
If they wanted to give him the belt, give it to him on one RAW and have him lose it the next week.
A lot of people sometimes complain about the lack of prestige a title garners. It seems that just about every title goes through this at various points, no matter the company. Currently, the United States Championship certainly isn't much to gloat about but despite what some might say, it's far from being completely ruined. It doesn't really take much time to turn a title around, it just takes being put on the right guy and booking said guy properly & consistently.

The title needs to be taken off Santino, in my opinion. In his current character, which has gotten pretty stale to me, he's just not doing the title any favors. I think with a character change, Santino is someone that could legitimaitely be one of the top overall talents on the WWE roster. It's not going to happen though as Vince clearly loves what Santino is doing.

As to who would work well, the WWE has several solid mid-card guys that have strong potential. Ryback is someone that, possibly, could bring some real interest back to the title. He needs to be proven, however, in some real matches against real opponents before that happens. Antonio Cesaro is someone that's shown a lot of promise as well, but I think we need to see more of him. Damien Sandow is a star waiting to happen. He's certainly got the promo abilities and he's very crisp inside the ring from what we've seen so far. When his current feud with CM Punk is over, I could see Daniel Bryan as a strong heel United States Champion. It might look like a demotion on the surface, but Bryan could easily be used to rebuild the title and have a strong, long run with the title before dropping it to another strong competitor before moving back up into the upper mid-card/main event picture. Guys like Curt Hawkins & Drew McIntyre are heavily underused, especially McIntyre as he's someone that's got all the tools to be a star. He's improved by leaps and bounds inside the ring & even on promos since his debut & initial push. He still needs some work on his promo abilities, but the overall package is there. If they turned him face, I think he's someone with the potential to be a good babyface United States Champion. While I don't see it happening, Rey Mysterio is someone that could also do a lot of good for the title. He's someone that usually flows back and forth between the mid-card & main event title pictures, so it's not out of the realm of possibility. Mysterio is over, he has a ton of credibility, he's a respected veteran and his star power could be put to use with the United States Championship. Upon his return to WWE, maybe WWE could start over with The Miz & put him back in the United States Championship picture. He was a great US champ a few years back and I'm anxious to see if WWE does anything different with him when he comes back. Miz needs a fresh start, so putting him back where he really started to become a singles star could be a means of doing that.

There's no shortage of guys who could do the job in WWE right now, it's just a matter of Vince seeing it.

I agree with your points and it really makes no sense to me why Santino still has the belt. As I said in my previous post, Santino is over with the crowd. It's not like they needed to put the belt on him to get him over. Also, as you mentioned, there's no shortage of viable candidates. It could just be a matter of laziness. Creative is focused on too many other things right now and if that's the case, it's a real shame.
Honestly I think the WWE has no f***ing idea what to do with the U.S championship so until then they are just shoving on someone who is over with the crowd and is somewhat relevant who really isnt all that bad as a competitor until they finally stop focusing on the main storylines and big fueds with the top superstars and actually start making legitimate mid-card strylines to get people to actually start caring about the mid-carders, because these are the superstars who are supposed to be groomed for the the main event when their big names start retiring or they need new main eventers
I would prefer WWE just get rid of the US title.

Like someone said, it doesn't make sense to have a title for USA when it is the WORLD Wrestling company. The Intercontinental title does the trick for the mid-card title.

They should then bring back the Cruiserweight or Light Heavyweight Title. Those have more relevance AND would basically spark a new division which, to me, has always been an exciting one.

And if they want to get rid of the US title the least they could do is have Jack Swagger the All-American American American win it and then retire it.
Ever since the title's been put on Santino Marella, it lost whatever class it had left... Quoting other people by saying to get the title off of him ASAP!

So many people before him made the title look great and envious of holding it. But in the hands of Santino, who's a total goof, makes the title look ridiculous... He barely defends it. And when he does, he wins in the most boring and predictable way. Every other title holder defends and wins with pride. That's what's missing with the US title. But put it on someone who shines, does good work in the ring, works well on the mic and deserving of being the #2 on the brand. If not, what's the point of having the US title at all? The Intercontinental title looks good! Cause Cody Rhodes did what had to be done to bring back its value. Somebody should do the same with the US title. But NOT Santino.

Jack Swagger, Zack Ryder, Brodus Clay, Drew McIntyre (booked properly), The Miz, Rey Mysterio, Ted DiBiase, Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes (he made the Intercontinental title look good again, why not this one too?)... Any of them deserve to hold the US title and make it shine again. Hold it and well defended. If the WWE has trouble booking the title in storylines or whatever, at least put it around the waist of a guy who gets a good fan reaction (cheers or heavy boos) every time he comes out, performs well in the ring and has the right charisma on the mic.

Title = Pride!
Its gotta take part in big moments like when Goldberg beat Raven for it.


Its gotta be held by people already on their way up the ladder. Its gotta be persued by main eventers attempting to re enter the main event. The World champion has got to listen when the U.S. champion speaks, joke wrestlers like Santino can't taint the title. Guys like Miz can't just hook the title belt to the side of their pants and carry it like a fanny pack for 269 days.. AND THE DESIGN, I REPEAT THE DESIGN MUST CHANGE!!


Just like Cody brought back some prestige to the I-C title belt by making it retro the same could be done for the U.S. title. The above design was held by the likes of Lex Luger, Nikita Koloff, Magnum T.A. and Kendall Windam.


I'd make a better strap for it not as bulky, try to make the plate a bit more symmetrical and go with modern side plates but the one in this picture was held by Wahoo McDaniel in addition to Black Hack Mulligan, a young Ric Flair, a young Steamboat, and Harley Race..

I don't think any of the issues stems from the U.S. title being a WCW derivative like some of you are going to say. the WWWF had its own "U.S.A. heavyweight title" championship in the '60s held by Bobo Brazil, Bruno Sammartino, and others. The WCW U.S. title dates to 1975. The quality of wrestlers holding the U.S. title has gotta be atleast has gotta be upper midcarder for awhile just to bolster the strap so that it can then transfer a rub to its future holders who arent even upper midcarders..

When Miz was United States Champion, he came off like the next WWE Champion. It's much like Ziggler right now. Santino is holding the title and using the exposure for his comedy segments at the moment. There have been plenty of wrestling comedy acts before him, and those kind of characters win titles too. A few weeks back US Champion Santino was viciously choked out on the ramp by an angry Big Show. It was a pretty convincing display, and to kids who are Santino fans, that was a much more frightening Big Show than they'd prefer. the point is, the US Title will eventually end up on the waist of a rising star and fulfill the greater goal of elevating talent to the main event. And as far as redesigning the title, you could basically make the case for all titles to be redesigned, barring the WHC which is classic and perfect. I like the US Title reverting to a classic belt for some time idea. Eventually debut a new one that is prestigious and ornate. It should look more impressive than an Olympic Medal.
I think that an MITB contract could be used to generate a buzz and create more prestige for a title (Yes I got the idea from WWE '12 and other iterations of the game that use the feature).

IMO since the SD MITB match already has a number of names that don't make sense to us (in terms of the next WWE/WHC). Keep it that way. Add in a few more names that we as fans have been clamoring to see more of (Kidd, Ryder, Ryback, Riley, etc.) and whomever would win the match moves to Raw the next night, cuts a "glass ceiling" sort of promo and states that in order to get noticed they must bring legitimacy back to the U.S. Title. Have them say that the top of the mountain is next but in the mean time they must "do it for the kid that watched the greats hold that title with pride". Put that title on Sandow for example and let him hold it for about the same amount of time as Cody with the IC title. Have him tell the whole world that HE is the longest reigning champion and the title that he holds is most meaningful because of that.

I know that some will say that this would discredit the MITB contract and it would have others ask "Why not go for the WHC/WWE title?"

Let's say Sandow wins the contract and loses to Punk or Sheamus (or whoever would happen to be champion). THIS is what would discredit the contract. It should be given to someone that is on the way up but hasn't quite started getting the recognition they deserve. They bide their time and wait for the correct moment to surprise their opposition. Plus, who in the IWC would actually believe Ryback/Sandow, etc. vs. Punk or Sheamus right now?

Use the MITB contract to gain the U.S. title and run with it for a LONG time.
I used to love the U.S. Championship, but lately Santino has made it a joke. The way the U.S. title is booked makes it seem irrelevant in my eyes.
If WWE must keep the US title, I dont see why they cant turn it into a TV title.

WCW had a TV title & TNA has one too, but if WWE went that way it should be defended every other week between each show.

Raw gets a defense one week, SD the next.

But not on every show each week.
David Otunga is obviously the next choice for the new U.S. Champion. I am not down with this idea, but it could be good for a month or two.

I seriously think that the next champion, should be The Miz. The man has been trashed for more than a year in his current role and I think that for his return, he should participate in the Raw MITB and maybe at the 1000th Raw he should win the U.S. Title in a battle royal or an elimination match to finally bring some importance back to the title.
The problem isn't Santino. The problem's the WWE's handling of the US title. Santino's a good champion and in his matches, he looks strong, and even entertaining, but the WWE doesn't care about any of that stuff. They care about sacrificing a mid-card title holder to further a storyline.

And for those saying Ziggler and Ryder should feud for the title again? It was done... it was lame... and there was no long term payoff for having Ryder going over Ziggler. Santino should either drop the belt back to Ziggler and let him do all the work to bring the US title back to prominence or the WWE should book Santino in more matches to focus on the belt. Like the IC title, have him do the Luger-meter instead of the Honk-a-meter. Lex Luger held the US title for nearly three years in the WCW. Why not right?

But Santino's not the problem. WWE's treatment of the US title is.
The problem isn't Santino. The problem's the WWE's handling of the US title. Santino's a good champion and in his matches, he looks strong, and even entertaining, but the WWE doesn't care about any of that stuff. They care about sacrificing a mid-card title holder to further a storyline.

And for those saying Ziggler and Ryder should feud for the title again? It was done... it was lame... and there was no long term payoff for having Ryder going over Ziggler. Santino should either drop the belt back to Ziggler and let him do all the work to bring the US title back to prominence or the WWE should book Santino in more matches to focus on the belt. Like the IC title, have him do the Luger-meter instead of the Honk-a-meter. Lex Luger held the US title for nearly three years in the WCW. Why not right?

But Santino's not the problem. WWE's treatment of the US title is.

I'm with you for the most part. Santino is an entertaining performer and, most importantly, he's over. There's nothing wrong with him being the one to hold onto the title. For fuck's sake, just have him talk about being proud of being the United States Champion a little bit and have him fend off challengers who proclaim their desire to be champion. It's 2 minutes of air time, max. They have more than enough to spare.

The part where you lose me is when you say to give the title back to Ziggler. Ziggler was just as bad as champion as Santino, if not worse. Just because he held the title and defended it semi-regurlarly means nothing. In the couple of months that Ryder was vying for the title, Ryder did more for the title than Ziggler EVER did. He made the title seem important to him.

Personally, I really don't take issue with what's going on at the moment. Santino has defended the title pretty regularly against more than formidable opponents, so it's not like they're just sweeping it under the rug. I just wish they'd do a little more with it, for Santino's sake if nothing else. His potential is being wasted.
I Know every title reign has to end, some take forever, some are ended in minutes but all end (deep i know), But lets analyse the predicament of the US title, this title at the end of last year was everything a VERY OVER Zack Ryder and an IMPRESSIVE Dolph Ziggler could think about . When Ryder won it and stood with Punk and Bryan it seemed like the beginning of something important, then eve happened, then cena happened then kane happened, and then swagger happened, Ryder lost the title to swagger but a few weeks later Santino won the title. Granted it was a feel good moment for the crowd and they had to build steam for the Team Teddy vs Team Johnny match at wrestlemania, but after that santino was on his own and he defended his title against Otunga, and Miz, Ricardo Rodriguez and Jack Swagger.

I simply DONT CARE about the US title and that seems wrong to me, not because of santino but because of the us title, this is supposedly the workhorse title, the midcard title, the stepping stone title! and is worn by a guy who not many care for his wrestling skills and most of his voctories are seen as flukes, I know hes fared well against his challengers lately but his skills are still questioned.

I dont want Santino with the title because he doesnt defend it and when he does it its a joke. I would rather have Otunga as the champion at this point. and what really does it is when you compare it to the ic title on smackdown which is worn by a two time world champion against one of the fastest rising superstars in WWE

Anyone else shares what I feel? Discuss.....
I Know every title reign has to end, some take forever, some are ended in minutes but all end (deep i know), But lets analyse the predicament of the US title, this title at the end of last year was everything a VERY OVER Zack Ryder and an IMPRESSIVE Dolph Ziggler could think about . When Ryder won it and stood with Punk and Bryan it seemed like the beginning of something important, then eve happened, then cena happened then kane happened, and then swagger happened, Ryder lost the title to swagger but a few weeks later Santino won the title. Granted it was a feel good moment for the crowd and they had to build steam for the Team Teddy vs Team Johnny match at wrestlemania, but after that santino was on his own and he defended his title against Otunga, and Miz, Ricardo Rodriguez and Jack Swagger.

I simply DONT CARE about the US title and that seems wrong to me, not because of santino but because of the us title, this is supposedly the workhorse title, the midcard title, the stepping stone title! and is worn by a guy who not many care for his wrestling skills and most of his voctories are seen as flukes, I know hes fared well against his challengers lately but his skills are still questioned.

I dont want Santino with the title because he doesnt defend it and when he does it its a joke. I would rather have Otunga as the champion at this point. and what really does it is when you compare it to the ic title on smackdown which is worn by a two time world champion against one of the fastest rising superstars in WWE

Anyone else shares what I feel? Discuss.....

I agree that at the end of last year the US title seemed a lot more important and prestigious than it does now. Ryder's whole campaign to get a match for the title and eventually winning it really gave some meaning to the title.

I don't have a problem with Santino's wrestling ability or mic/comedy ability. He is good at both but I think his title reign has been too long. It was nice as a feel good moment but should have ended when he faced Jack Swagger again the last time for the title.

To me the US title has worn out its welcome. Replace it with a TV title where it has to be defened each week on either Raw or Smackdown. That would instantly make a mid-card title much more important. Quick example from TNA, Devon has had the TV title for some time now and it makes him look good since he has to defend it every show and has done so. WWE could benefit from a title like that now.
Santino is an entertaining performer and, most importantly, he's over.

over with who? you can't seriously watch him on tv every week and go "now that's a champion". i don't care if the 9 year olds think he is funny, that doesn't mean he should be champ. if that was the case, Punk and Bryan would never be champ. Same with Jericho. his overselling may make the kids laugh but it makes anything they put him in, like Money in the Bank, a joke as well. they need to get that title off of his now and get it onto someone who can try and make it important again. Santino can do his thing without a title and it won't hurt him but the longer the US title stays on him, the more worthless it becomes. tell me this doesn't sound wrong - "the prestigious United States title, held by such legends as Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Booker T and currently by Santino".
I'm with you for the most part. Santino is an entertaining performer and, most importantly, he's over. There's nothing wrong with him being the one to hold onto the title. For fuck's sake, just have him talk about being proud of being the United States Champion a little bit and have him fend off challengers who proclaim their desire to be champion. It's 2 minutes of air time, max. They have more than enough to spare.

The part where you lose me is when you say to give the title back to Ziggler. Ziggler was just as bad as champion as Santino, if not worse. Just because he held the title and defended it semi-regurlarly means nothing. In the couple of months that Ryder was vying for the title, Ryder did more for the title than Ziggler EVER did. He made the title seem important to him.

Personally, I really don't take issue with what's going on at the moment. Santino has defended the title pretty regularly against more than formidable opponents, so it's not like they're just sweeping it under the rug. I just wish they'd do a little more with it, for Santino's sake if nothing else. His potential is being wasted.

I don't understand why more people -- like, y'know, the guys who write the show -- don't grasp these concepts. Honestly, if you don't have time to devote to the title, all you need is a two minute backstage segment where the champion talks up being the champion or a prospective challenger expresses interest in the belt. That's the bare minimum and would suffice. But when you book the entire roster as if they don't know or don't care that the belt exists, it makes the strap (and often the person holding it) look awful.

I think that's the worst part of wrestling's current state: a lot could be drastically improved with minimal time, effort, and devotion. If you have a tag team match, cut backstage afterwards and show the champions watching on the monitor for 10 seconds. It gives them airtime and reminds the audience they exist and there's a tag title scene. If you have Santino defend his belt against Jack Swagger, interview one of them beforehand. Let them state how badly they want that gold. Hell, do a picture-in-picture thing during the entrance like the old days if you're pressed for time.

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