Push One, Fire One, Job One #2


Due to popularity of the last thread I did of this, I WILL be doing more.

Last time I used 3 underused WWE Superstars...This time I will be going with the top 3 guys that are in line for a Main Event push and that most of the IWC LOVES.

Cody Rhodes - Dolph Ziggler - Wade Barrett

Listen up guys...I know that mostly everyone loves these 3 Guys, including me. This is why I wanted to make it tough on you guys by giving these three. Please do not say you would push all of them. The point is, if you HAD to push, fire, and job one of these guys, who would you?

So, with that said, if you had to Push One of them, Fire one of them, and Make one of them a jobber, who would you choose on each?
I'd FIRE Wade Barrett because I think he's the least interesting and possibly even the least talented of the 3. I'm not sure why this guy even has a following, because besides the horribly overrated Nexus thing that went on for too long, he hasn't done all that much. I'm glad he wasn't at Wrestlemania, it didn't suffer without him. Fire him.

I'd JOB Dolph Ziggler because although I don't dislike him as much as Barrett, I still think he's overrated. And since he's just ever so good as selling (apparently), then I'd let him showcase that by getting squashed by guys like Ryback. Have him get thrown around the ring like a ragdoll. It'd be fun to see, so I'd job him.

I'd PUSH Cody Rhodes. Why? Well, because he's been fairly solid over the past few years, and he hasn't gotten a huge push yet, and I think it's just about time. I'd send him to the main event picture cautiously to see what he could do. Not saying he'd be a constant main eventer from here on out, but I think he's worthy of a main event match every once and a while, so I'd push him into that spot and see how he does. He's been constantly improving for some time now, so I'd give him the push.
I'd fire Wade Barret. Not because he's untalented, he just doesn't interest me at all.

I'd job Rhodes because, he maybe talented, but he's still kinda boring and he isn't very good at holding my interest.

I'd push Ziggler. I'd put him in the main event picture slowly and see how he does. Eventually he'd get a title run.
Fire Barrett - Why? because he aint as talented as Ziggs or Rhodes, plus, i hate his finisher

Job Rhodes - Not that he deserves to job, is just that Ziggler is way better than him

Push Ziggler - #Perfection
Push: Dolph Ziggler. Inside the ropes, he's the most entertaining wrestler in the WWE today. I like his look, I like his attitude, and I even like his mic skills (which do need some improvement, obviously).

Job: Cody Rhodes. I love Cody, but I also loved him a lot more when he was the mutilated, borderline psychopath putting bags over people's heads. To me, "job" doesn't mean "lose every single match." It means operate in the mid-card, which is where I think Rhodes' character has regressed to. I don't see him as a World Champion right now, in part because his character has really leveled off and become bland of late. I think the potential is there though, but not nearly to Ziggler's level.

Fire: Wade Barrett. I like Barrett's look, attitude, and I think he's fantastic on the mic (the accent alone raises his stock). But I just don't see him as a prime time performer. He's an average worker in the ring with an easily replaceable move set. In my eyes, he's a lesser version of Randy Orton inside the ring and a superior version of Randy Orton outside the ring as a character. And I think there are probably 100 talents equal to Orton in the world. In other words, when your best selling point is an accent and a look, sorry, but you aren't beating out Ziggler or Rhodes for a roster spot.
Push: Wade Barrett, he's got size, can talk and can tweak his moveset and get a better finisher to succeed

Job: Ziggler, he sells TOO well to get a push

Fire: Cody Rhodes- he's had some great moments, but at the end of the day, he doesn't have the look or marketability to be great
First off, I'd like to say that I loved this thread last time and this one is a little more difficult, but...

Push: Ziggler-he's HIGHLY entertaining and he has been on a roll all year. He has really impressed me. Plus, he has the look of a champion and can make even Hornswoggle or Khali look good in the ring (too far?).

Job: Rhodes-this is painful for me because he is my favorite out of the 3, but by "job" I mean keeping him in the mid-card just for a little while longer. He is also another one who has impressed me, and he's almost there. Mid-card him for a little more than push.

Fire: Barrett-my man Wade, I'm sorry it had to be him. Out of the 3, he just seems so stiff. He is a phenomenal talent, but he hasn't really done much outside of the Nexus and the Corre. A less than memorable IC title run, goodbye Wade.
Fire: Barrett....not that I want him out, but thats the rules of this thread, and id fire him over the other 2.

Job: Rhodes....Ziggler just has a little bit over him.

Push: Ziggler....hes on to good of a roll to go with anyone else...he needs the push.
PUSH: Wade Barrett- I think this guy is great. He has amazing mic skills, and is good in the ring. His feud with Randy Orton last year was great, as was his position as the leader of Nexus. The guy has it in him to be the top heel in the entire company.

JOB: Cody Rhodes- He's one of my favorites in the WWE, but he's my least favorite of these three. Hopefully if he were to job he'd help put great superstars over, and make the lowercard/midcard interesting with great matches and promos.

FIRE: Dolph Ziggler- Believe it or not, he's my favorite of them all. The reason I chose to fire him is I think he could be huge in other places like ROH or TNA. I think if he went to TNA he'd be like Christian- he'd be a top star. Now I'd love to see him tear it up in the main events of WWE, but I think he'd do better in ROH or TNA than Barrett, which is the only reason I chose to fire him. I think he'd be on top of TNA in an instant, and I think it could help build him up to be a huge star in wrestling, and help TNA in the long run.
Push- Dolph Ziggler is has everything good on the mic great in the ring charisma he has it all and he can make anybody look great in the ring.
Job- Cody Rhodes has the potential to be a future WWE champion but atm if I had to choose between him and Dolph. Dolphs a better all round performer.
Fire- Wade Barrett simply because he seems too one dimensional couldnt really see how he would work as a face also out the 3 he is the least gifted in the ring and thinking outside the ring I think Cody and Dolph would be better to go on talkshows and promote the WWE
Push - Dolph Ziggler. I was close to saying Fire here, so that he could latch on with ROH or TNA and be a main eventer there. I admit that I wasn't on the Ziggler bandwagon at first, but he's impressed me in recent months. The comparisons to Billy Gunn and even Curt Hennig are starting to show. He just needs something to launch him out of the midcard. Name change, drop Vicki and either turn him mega face or make him the biggest heel in the company. He needs to stop languishing in the mid-to-upper-mid card, but it's hard for him to break through when you have the stalwarts like Cena, Punk, Triple H, Jericho, Show and others stuck at the top. Maybe when Triple H, Jericho or Show finally step back (since they're the closest to doing so), he'll finally get his due.

Fire - Wade Barrett. Do I really want to fire Wade Barrett? No, but it's more that I don't want to fire the other two. I'm just going in accordance with this thread's rules. I really thought Wade would have moved up more than he has since Nexus, but I blame that more on his injury and bad writing on his behalf. Barrett hasn't gotten a chance to really get over on his own yet. He was ok with Nexus and even in the obviously forced Corre, but just when it seemed he was about to take the brass ring, he gets hurt. Maybe he'd get more of a chance in TNA. Just a thought.

Job - Cody Rhodes. As was said earlier, "job" in this sense doesn't mean jobbing forever. Personally, I just don't see main event potential in Cody, at least up to this point. He's pretty bland right now after dropping the Dashing/Undashing gimmick, but I think he has potential to be more if utilized properly. Like Ziggler, he just needs the right jumping off point, and he's not there yet, IMHO.
Another great thread, makes you think even harder than the first one, for me it's several coin tosses between two superstars, but here are my pics:

*Push: Wade Barret.
He's got the look, the size, the mic skills, the ring psychology, ok, maybe he's not exactly the WWE's most gifted athlete, but he has the ability to become another Triple H, a mastermind, methodical evil genius, and he can lead a faction, ok, the Nexus or the Core are not the best examples, he was a little green considering he was a rookie, but there's a reason that he was chosen as the leader.

*Job: Dolph Ziggler.
Like i said, it took several cointosses for me between these two, and when i said "job", in this particular case, i meant that he can either job to the champions, or remain at the upper midcard just for the time being, it would not take much time for him to get to main event status.

*Fire: Cody Rhodes.
Just because he's not exactly one of my favorites, it doesn't mean that i don't like him, is just that the first two have a bright future ahead of them, and in Cody's case, i see him as another Owen Hart, he might be good in the ring, good with the mic, and i can even see him in a title match here and there, but let's face it, he'll never get passed mid card,at least in the WWE, that is the highest that he'll get, he should get fired not because deserves to, don't get me wrong, he should get fired so he can succeed somewere else, like TNA or ROH.........
Push Cody. As much as I'd love to give this to Ziggler, Cody to me seems morelike the *complete package* of a superstar. He can wrestle, he can act, he can talk, and he draws crazy heat when we wants to. Plus, his feud with Booker was one of the best of 2011.

Job Ziggler. Ziggler can sell. If he can't be pushed, the least he could do is get people over. He doesn't have to be a complete jobber for the rest of his career, just maybe a jobber to the stars or a straight down the middle midcarder, kinda like the 1st version of face R-Truth (before Little Jimmy)

Fire Barret. I just think if WWE could only keep 2, Wade would have to take an L. He could thrive in TNA, for sure, but the only reason I have to fire him is by process of elimination.
I would like to reiterate that I like the idea of this thread and I have a fun time pondering this as well as looking at what others would do and how others perceive certain wrestlers.

PUSH- Wade Barrett. From the little we've seen of Barrett (I believe we've seen less of him on WWE TV than the other two), I have gotten the impression that he is a very versatile heel that is capable of being featured in the main event scene on a consistent basis. I consider "size" in evaluating wrestlers as a very useless tool (Big Show, Khali, etc. aside), but fact of the matter is Barrett has a "perfect" size. He can just as believably lose to a smaller wrestler such as Punk as he can defeat a bigger wrestler such as a Kane or Cena. People have called him boring on this thread, but I don't see it. Perhaps it's that Barrett doesn't have a real gimmick, but I like that. He is over without one.

JOB- Dolph Ziggler. He's good at selling ay'! Perhaps I should've pointed this out in the beginning, but if it isn't obvious, I like all 3 of these guys and do believe they deserve some sort of push. But, back to answering the question, Ziggler would make for a good jobber. Not a Ryback-type jobber as I saw someone mention, but I think Ziggler vs guys like Cena/Punk/Sheamus are great for booking even though it is obvious that the C/P/S would win (because in this case Ziggler is a jobber).

FIRE- Cody Rhodes. I have lost interest in Rhodes over the past couple of months. The Big Show and Booker T feuds played a role in that IMO. They just weren't good. I believe Cody has a lot of potential, and we've been getting some above average matches with Christian, but if Cody is going to spend his time feuding with ogres and announcers, then by all means fire him because his potential is being wasted.
PUSH: Wade Barrett. He has a more unique look in comparison to the other two. He could be the next Triple H-esque megaheel if done right.

JOB: Dolph Ziggler could be the next Chris Jericho, a guy who can work at all levels of the card. He could lose to Zack Ryder one day, and be challenging for the WWE Championship the next.

FIRE: Cody Rhodes. I can see him as a World Champion, but unlike the other two, I can't see him carrying the company because of his youthful appearance (even after putting on muscle mass). Also, as I previously said about Ted DiBiase in the last Push One, Job One Fire One, Cody suffers the least negative effects from a release. Cody Rhodes will be "Cody Rhodes" no matter where he goes, the other two would have to start over from scratch and I like them too much to see that happen.
I would push dolph ziggler, job cody rhodes, and fire wade barrett. I think Dolph has a ton of potential, not to be the #1 guy but a top mid-leveler who could be one of the stops for any guy to the #1 spot. I know that doesn't sound the most glorious, but hey, when you sell as amazing as Dolph does, it seems only fitting. I think Dolph is very similar to Mr Perfect in more ways than just the hair, and I think he can have as successful a career as Henning did. As for Rhodes, he has grown on me over the past year or so, but if my options are between him and Barrett I'd rather see Rhodes get jobbed out than fired. Barrett on the other hand does not add anything to the product for me. He is very forgettable and despite the huge initial success of Nexus, him as the head voice was a part of the reason they did not work out IMO.
Push-Ziggler Hes hot right now, the crowd loves him and he can make other people look good if he flops as a champion.
Job-Wade Barrett, Barrett is one of the better heels on the roster, with his excellent mic skills.
Fire-Cody, Personally I don't know what anybody really sees in him, hes not exciting dresses in all white.what else is white and just as entertaining? a fresh coat of paint on a wall. the beautiful disaster is a joke of a finishing move, i feel like his look is Preset 1 on an old smackdown CAW mode, boring. I remember watching him back in OVW since I live in the area and when they called him up instead of his former partner Shawn Spears I remember thinking great, the one with no personality gets the shot, typical.
Fire: Cody, no where near as good as Zig or Barrett inbetween the ropes or on the mike. Love his finisher though.

Job: Barrett until the time he can tweak move set and get rid of "Wasteland" as his finisher. He has the mike skills to get over and the physical stregnth to stand toe-to-toe with almost anyone in WWE.

Push: Ziggler, Charisma, Charisma, Charisma. He reminds me of a young Shawn. Cocky, athletic, ok on the mike (but getting better).
I would PUSH Wade Barrett. He is the only one out of the three who would be a believable World Champion right now. As talented as Ziggler is, Barrett would generate more interest among fans as a permanent main eventer. He's great on the mic, decent in the ring, has the look of a champion, and has defeated top stars such as Cena and Orton before. Easily the one to keep pushing out of the three. He was on his way toward a WWE Championship reign during his time leading The Nexus and I would try to regain that momentum with a Money In the Bank cash-in on the World Heavyweight Champion. That will get Barrett to where he should already have been by now.

I would JOB Dolph Ziggler. The guy has a ton of talent, but if I can only push one then Barrett is the better of the two in every category other than in-ring skills. Those can be taught. He comes up short in the promo area and is only slightly believable as a potential champion due to the brief World Heavyweight Championship reign that lasted for all but a blink of an eye. He should still be kept around to help others look great and for that reason I picked him for the jobber.

I would FIRE Cody Rhodes. Good grief, I hated having to type that. I do not want to fire any of these three, but if one of them absolutely had to go then it would be Rhodes. Both Dolph and Barrett bring more to the table and Cody cannot rely on his legendary father to help him get a push forever. The two more interesting gimmicks of his ended and now he has gone from being on fire to being somewhat generic, I lost interest in him. A Money In the Bank victory could help him, but at this point like I already said if I had to fire one of these three then the future endeavours memo goes to the one who brings the least to the table and right now that's Rhodes.
I'd fire Wade Barret. Not because he's untalented, he just doesn't interest me at all.

I'd job Rhodes because, he maybe talented, but he's still kinda boring and he isn't very good at holding my interest.

I'd push Ziggler. I'd put him in the main event picture slowly and see how he does. Eventually he'd get a title run.

Sums up my opinion almost perfectly.

For me it'd be a toss up between Barrett and Rhodes in regards to who would be jobbed and who would be fired, but I just think that Rhodes is too valuable to fire since he's young and improving each year.
Push Wade Barrett - He's the whole package and has nowhere to go but up. He will go down as one of the all-time great heels before it's all said and done.

Job Dolph Ziggler - I'm only saying job because I can't see them wasting Cody Rhodes to a job. I'd rather see Cody get fired and get a chance somewhere else. Obviously they're not going to fire him. That's how little I think of Ziggler. I spent the entire section on him talking about Cody Rhodes.

Fire Cody Rhodes - Only because I can't push 2 guys in this game. Rhodes getting fired would at least give him a chance to get pushed somewhere else.

Ziggler doesn't have the mic skills and his look is nothing special. Everyone has their preferences, but I'd almost rather listed to ADR on the mic than Ziggler. He's had Vicky for so long for a reason.
Oh jesus. This is a grotesque selection, you evil bastard.

Well I would.

Push - Ziggler
He is just down right entertaining in the ring and deserves his spot at the top. For now I would push him to the moon.

Job - Barrett, I think he has plenty to offer the WWE and if I had to job one I would have him wallow in the pitts until his turn comes back around.

Fire - Cody Rhodes
Now Cody is a good in ring tallent, but because of the options given he is the one to be fired. Ziggler is good for other people not just himself, Barrett has major potential yet to be seen, and Cody has been given some oppertunities of late and since loosing the Mask has become pretty boring. He needs a revamp, but at the moment he is fired.
Three top heels, huh?

Push - Wade; he has the size and background to be a believable monster heel plus he can deliver a solid promo on the stick.

Job - Dolph; like Christian he has the skill set to believably go on a losing streak and still turn it round to grab the brass ring down the line. The beauty of being a technician is that you don't have to win every match to be a worthy challenger at short notice.

Fire - Cody; I just can't see him as a main eventer. He doesn't have the in-ring adaptability of Ziggler or authenticity of the larger Wade. Could anyone really suspend their belief in seeing him go over Cena?
Fire: Rhodes; Don't get me wrong I am a fan of Cody, but honestly I can't really see him main eventing for a long time, and the look isnt quite there yet to say "Champion"

Job: Ziggler; The man is great at selling, I am a huge fan of DZ but this would suit him perfectly purely because of the way he can sell any move and make it look like it hurt.

Push: Barrett; This is a bit bias as well I am a Brit and I would love to see Barrett as WHC, he has a the look, and mic skills. The only thing that needs tweaking is his move set and to get rid of that god awful finisher Wasteland
Push: Cody Rhodes. Closest of all 3 to 'total package' and is the better of the 3 overall. Cody benefits from his excellent use of facial expressions, in-ring psychology as well as ability to adapt his character and promos.

Job: Dolph Ziggler. This is very tough to do. Ziggler is a phenomenal seller so that's the only reason he would job, and to get around it he would job to the main eventers, a 'jobber to the stars'.

Fire: Wade Barrett. I like Barrett. Tremendous potential there. But Rhodes and Ziggler to me can look generic but not be generic. Wade just doesn't have that luxury, and while he has a distinctive accent and is good at promos, he isn't one to vary. This is something Ziggler and Rhodes especially will have a greater capacity to do.

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