Push, NXT or Fire.


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
The title says it all. I've taken the 20 WWE Superstars who I think are falling (or have already fallen) to the point of uselessness and decided whether they should be pushed, sent to NXT for a revamp or flat out fired. It's important to note that all of these guys are still listed on the current roster section of WWE.com. If you guys agree or have different opinions of what I have here, please share.

1. Brodus Clay: Send to NXT. Ever since Tons of Funk broke up, Brodus' career has been going down the drain. If sent to NXT, he can start fresh with a new monster gimmick and return when ready.

2. Curt Hawkins: Send to NXT. We never see this guy on tv anymore and to be honest, I haven't cared about him since he teamed with Zack Ryder. Send him to NXT along with Ryder so they can reform their team and eventually return together after dominating the NXT tag division.

3. David Otunga: Fire. Seriously, this guy is horrible. Was in shock that he even took up a space in the Andre Battle Royal. Send him back to being Jennifer Hudson's lap dog.

4. Drew McIntyre: Push. The only way I see this working is by having him split from 3MB sooner than later. Have him start to get frustrated with losing and eventually turn on Slater/Mahal during a beat down of a face tag team.

5. The Great Khali: Fire. I get that he's WWE's money draw for India but he can be easily replaced. Absolutely no in-ring talent.

6. Heath Slater: Fire. I can't stand looking at this guy and he really just doesn't do it for me as an in ring performer.

7. Jinder Mahal: NXT. A revamp of his character could do wonders. Turn him face in NXT and make him WWE's replacement for Khali. He can return after a run with the NXT Championship.

8. JTG: Fire. I'm not even sure if this guy is still employed...

9. Justin Gabriel: NXT. He faced Bo Dallas a couple weeks ago and looked like he fit in well with NXT's vibe. Stick him down there for a few months to build some steam and maybe put him in a high flying tag team.

10. The Miz: Push. It's hard to believe how far this guy has fallen since his WWE championship run. I doubt he'll ever hold the World title again but he should at least be contending for the IC/US titles.

11. R-Truth: NXT as a trainer. The dude is like 40 years old. He may still be a good performer but he's never going to hold a title again. He would make a perfect trainer at developmental.

12. Santino Marella: NXT He is way too good to be stuck in a comedy routine like he is now. There was a time when he was in OVW I think where his gimmick was a Russian MMA fighter or something. Have him re-debut with that character.

13. Sin Cara: Push. With Rey Mysterio's career in jeopardy, Sin Cara should be getting set up as the next big Luchador of the WWE. Hunico taking over the character is a good thing and the WWE should get behind him.

14. Tyson Kidd: Push. He has the in-ring talent. I say have Natalya become his valet and give him back the 'Hart Dynasty' gimmick.

15. Xavier Woods: NXT. This guy has quickly become a flash in the pan. He seemed like he was going places but has quickly become a jobber. Keep him in NXT a little longer and see what happens.

16. Zack Ryder: Push/NXT WWE can either get behind his 'Serious' gimmick or send him back to NXT where he can re-team with Hawkins.

17. Darren Young: NXT. He's injured now but regardless, the Prime Time Players should have never split up. Put them back together in NXT.

18. Titus O'Neil: NXT. See #17.

19. Yoshi Tatsu: Fire. This guy is beyond saving. No character, horrible mic skills (can't even speak english).

20. Damien Sandow: Push. The WWE made him look weak with his MITB cash in. I say have him join Swagger/Colter as a Real American and dominate the tag division.
I agree with most or at least understand your point of view.

Let me just say that a normal push won't work for McIntyre and probably not for Sandow.
It needs to be on a big stage where the IWC is very present. I don't think the casual fan cares for those guys. So a 3MB break up at WM Preshow maybe or the next night on Raw. Sandow needs to make an impact maybe during the RR or something like that.

A normal push won't work for those guys, they need a big stage and a lot of support to catch the attention IMO
Why fire otunga amd push mcintrye? Otunga has a much better look and has been given less opportunities. I'd say he deserves more time than drew.

Also, tyson I find has no charisma at all. I think hes better suited to nxt, even with natalya as his manager.

Finally, do we know for sure how good yoshi's english is? Its possible hes learnt alot considering how long hes been in america and travelling with other wrestlers, I think wwe just dont see any value in asian wrestlers and so ignore him anyway. The only value they see in him is for any possible expansion int asian markets.
1) Brodus - NxT and bring the monster that was teased when he was about to debut

2) Hawkins - NxT, I don't care for Ryder/Hawkins tag team, I think guy is a good spot for WWE Superstars

3) David Otunga - Push, I don't know why, he's no good in the ring really but he is an entertaining character who I quite frankly enjoyed watching to a certain extent.

4) Drew - PUSH, what the hell happened to the chosen one!!

5) Khali, Keep as a filler and it helps the Indian market

6) Slater - Keep, can't have guys like Kidd taking jobs so need a guy like Slater

7) Jinder - Fire, whats there about him thats interesting? Not a thing.

8) JTG - Fire, whats he still doing with the WWE?

9) Justin - Push by forming a tag team with Sin Cara/Tyson Kidd

10) Miz - Push to IC Title level so he can feud with Sheamus, ADR. Christian, RVD etc

11) R Truth - Stay where he is

12) Santino - Stay where he is

13) Sin Cara - Tag team with Rey/Gabriel

14) Tyson Kidd - Push, the dude is too talented to be lower mid card

15) Xavier Woods - Fire, he isn't a compelling character or wrestler

16) Zack Ryder - Fire so he can go to TNA or GFW where he might get used

17) Darren Young - Push. Rebuild the Prime Time Players

18) Titus O'neil - Push, PTP or a monster

19) Yoshi Tatsu - just fire him...

20) Damien Sandow - PUSH, same case as Drew; what the hell happened
The title says it all. I've taken the 20 WWE Superstars who I think are falling (or have already fallen) to the point of uselessness and decided whether they should be pushed, sent to NXT for a revamp or flat out fired. It's important to note that all of these guys are still listed on the current roster section of WWE.com. If you guys agree or have different opinions of what I have here, please share.

1. Brodus Clay: Send to NXT. Ever since Tons of Funk broke up, Brodus' career has been going down the drain. If sent to NXT, he can start fresh with a new monster gimmick and return when ready.

Clay's already in NXT where he's currently a monster heel feuding with Adrian Neville for the NXT Championship.

2. Curt Hawkins: Send to NXT. We never see this guy on tv anymore and to be honest, I haven't cared about him since he teamed with Zack Ryder. Send him to NXT along with Ryder so they can reform their team and eventually return together after dominating the NXT tag division.

Personally, I'd just fire the guy because it looks more and more obvious that he's not gonna amount to anything in WWE. He's only 28 years old, but he hasn't been remotely relevant in about 5 or 6 years. Time's just passing him by and it's highly doubtful he'll be used in any meaningful way.

3. David Otunga: Fire. Seriously, this guy is horrible. Was in shock that he even took up a space in the Andre Battle Royal. Send him back to being Jennifer Hudson's lap dog.

Otunga's participation in the battle royal is the first match he's had in damn near forever. I think his job currently entails being part of WWE's legal team and working with Stephanie McMahon him promoting WWE as a brand. I'd just keep him there and can his in-ring career because, as you said, the guy's horrible.

4. Drew McIntyre: Push. The only way I see this working is by having him split from 3MB sooner than later. Have him start to get frustrated with losing and eventually turn on Slater/Mahal during a beat down of a face tag team.

I'd sent McIntyre down to NXT as a means of starting fresh with him. I'd overhaul his character and do away with any affiliations with 3MB. He's only 28, so spending a year down there could be good for him. I think too much damage has been done to his credibility for him to be pushed right now.

5. The Great Khali: Fire. I get that he's WWE's money draw for India but he can be easily replaced. Absolutely no in-ring talent.

I agree. I also don't really see how Khali can be all that much of a draw for WWE in India since Khali hardly appears on television anymore. I don't expect Khali will be around for many more years, he turns 42 around SummerSlam, he's already had several issues with his knees and those issues are probably gonna get worse as time goes on. Knee joint problems are pretty common for guys who're genuinely around 7'0'' or taller, Kevin Nash has had 20+ surgeries on his knees and I'm surprised Big Show hasn't had any of these issues.

6. Heath Slater: Fire. I can't stand looking at this guy and he really just doesn't do it for me as an in ring performer.

Yeah, I also don't get much from Slater. I do give him credit in that he does his very best with the limited stuff he's been given, so I respect the guy as a pro for that. He's only 30, but I don't see much of a future for him in WWE when you consider that younger guys than him are getting strong pushes and more young talent is coming up from NXT.

7. Jinder Mahal: NXT. A revamp of his character could do wonders. Turn him face in NXT and make him WWE's replacement for Khali. He can return after a run with the NXT Championship.

I can't stand this guy, he's the absolute weakest of 3MB in my opinion. There's just nothing special about him whatsoever. He isn't at all charismatic and he's just plain average in the ring. I think he should be future endeavored.

8. JTG: Fire. I'm not even sure if this guy is still employed...

At the risk of sounding racist, which I honestly swear isn't my intention, nor do I mean to be controversial, it's just that JTG sort of makes me wonder if WWE applies affirmative action. JTG has been, arguably, the single biggest piece of dead weight on the roster for years. He's had no relevant use in several years and I honestly do sometimes wonder if he's kept on the roster just because of his skin color.

9. Justin Gabriel: NXT. He faced Bo Dallas a couple weeks ago and looked like he fit in well with NXT's vibe. Stick him down there for a few months to build some steam and maybe put him in a high flying tag team.

I'm kind of on the fence with Gabriel, but I'm leaning more towards NXT. Gabriel can be a lot of fun to watch inside the ring. One of the few times I watched Saturday Morning Slam featured a match between him & Kofi in which their match comprised mostly chain wrestling; it was honestly a pretty damn decent match. It showed me that Gabriel can genuinely do more than just high flying stuff.

10. The Miz: Push. It's hard to believe how far this guy has fallen since his WWE championship run. I doubt he'll ever hold the World title again but he should at least be contending for the IC/US titles.

I've been a fan of Miz for a long time, I think the guy gets a lot of undeserved hate. He works hard and has always done his best. At one time, supposedly, there was talk of him forming a heel tag team with Dolph Ziggler in which they form an alliance due to their mutual disgust with how they're not being given the time they deserve. I'm guessing that idea, if it was being talked about, has been scrapped. I think it'd be good use for both of them because I just don't see any benefit of Miz or Ziggler as contenders for the mid-card titles. Miz was part of that whole debacle involving the IC title during WM season last year and he's already been US champ twice while Ziggler's had lengthy runs with both the IC & US titles. I think they could make a pretty good heel tag team, but neither is in a spot for a singles push right now.

11. R-Truth: NXT as a trainer. The dude is like 40 years old. He may still be a good performer but he's never going to hold a title again. He would make a perfect trainer at developmental.

I agree. Truth's 42 years old and it's obvious that he's not gonna be relevant in WWE going forward. He's still in great shape and he has a ton of experience. I could see him as a trainer in NXT.

12. Santino Marella: NXT He is way too good to be stuck in a comedy routine like he is now. There was a time when he was in OVW I think where his gimmick was a Russian MMA fighter or something. Have him re-debut with that character.

I think Santino is gonna be one of the biggest "what if..." guys in WWE history. Santino is a legitimately strong grappler and martial arts expert. He's got loads of personality, is comfortable on the mic and people still like his comedy character. I'd love to see him saddled with a more serious character just for the sheer curiosity of seeing him being used to the potential he has. However, at 35 years of age, it's probably not gonna happen. Hell, for all we know, Santino is extremely happy with his place in WWE. He's worked extremely hard in whatever he's been given and, based on alleged reports, has a lotta fun. He also makes a pretty good chunk of change. His willingness to do his best with whatever he's given, rather than bitching about it as a lot of guys do, makes him someone that management likes. As a result, he'll probably always have a spot on the roster in some way. Realistically, I'd say that Santino will probably stay where he is. I don't see him getting pushed, I don't see him being sent to NXT as he's a little too old for it and I don't see him getting fired.

13. Sin Cara: Push. With Rey Mysterio's career in jeopardy, Sin Cara should be getting set up as the next big Luchador of the WWE. Hunico taking over the character is a good thing and the WWE should get behind him.

I think Vince has given up on the idea of the next big Luchadore. He'd been wanting to do Mysterio vs. Sin Cara for a couple of years, but it just didn't go down. The original Sin Cara, AKA Mistico, seemed like a lot of hype without a lot of ability seeing as how he botched every other move he did. The "new" Sin Cara, AKA Hunico, isn't as fast, but he doesn't botch the moves either. However, at nearly 37 years of age, I don't think much is gonna come from him. I'd future endeavor the guy.

14. Tyson Kidd: Push. He has the in-ring talent. I say have Natalya become his valet and give him back the 'Hart Dynasty' gimmick.

I'd have to fire the guy. Kidd turns 34 in a few months and, for whatever reason, he's just not being used by WWE. There are a lot of guys on the roster with in-ring talent, Kidd's one of them, but he doesn't have that x factor going for him. It wouldn't surprise me if the reason he's still on the roster is because of Natalya. High flyers like Sami Zayn & Adrian Neville are, reportedly, expected to be on the main roster before the end of the year. If this was about 4 or 5 years ago and Triple H was in charge of WWE developmental, I think Kidd would have a better shot at a brighter future.

15. Xavier Woods: NXT. This guy has quickly become a flash in the pan. He seemed like he was going places but has quickly become a jobber. Keep him in NXT a little longer and see what happens.

Yeah, Woods just isn't ready. He needs to go back down to NXT for a while and he definitely needs a character overhaul.

16. Zack Ryder: Push/NXT WWE can either get behind his 'Serious' gimmick or send him back to NXT where he can re-team with Hawkins.

I'd send Ryder down to NXT. He works hard and he's got loads of personality, he's also just 28 years old though it feels like he's older since he's been in WWE for so long. I don't think Ryder's ready for a push, he's just no longer at all relevant and has gone from being an "internet sensation" to jobber.

17. Darren Young: NXT. He's injured now but regardless, the Prime Time Players should have never split up. Put them back together in NXT.

Darren Young recently had surgery to repair a torn ACL and he'll be out for the next 6 months. WWE's not gonna fire him and, frankly, I think there's a chance that Young would scream discrimination if they did. Not saying that he would but, let's be honest, I think all of us have thought the same thing since Young came out last year. I'd have to wait & see how he recovers before I'd make a call on what to do with him.

18. Titus O'Neil: NXT. See #17.

Personally, I'd put Titus O'Neil on commentary. Titus is surprisingly good on the mic and he has a lot of personality. If Titus was about 6 or 7 years younger, I think a push would be in order. Unfortunately for Titus, he got something of a late start in wrestling. He only started back in 2009 and he'll be 37 years old around the end of April, so I don't think he's gonna amount to a whole lot.

19. Yoshi Tatsu: Fire. This guy is beyond saving. No character, horrible mic skills (can't even speak english).

Yoshi's been working as something of a trainer down in NXT, for which he's been getting praise. I'd keep him on in that role.

20. Damien Sandow: Push. The WWE made him look weak with his MITB cash in. I say have him join Swagger/Colter as a Real American and dominate the tag division.

You know, I hadn't considered that. With Sandow adding his "superior intellect" to things, he & Swagger might honestly work well as the new Real Americans. Sandow could go so far as to blame immigrants for why his career has taken a downturn. Sandow could claim that he saw that Zeb Coulter was absolutely right and that he intends to work with him & Swagger for the benefit of "real Americans" and end promos with "You're welcome, real Americans."
Brodus Clay: Fire - I'm failing to understand why we really need to keep him around when we already have plenty of monster heels. Alexander Rusev, Kane, Bray Wyatt, and Erick Rowen all have more talent that the self-proclaimed Main Event Playa.

Curt Hawkins: NXT - Curt Hawkins may not be an incredible wrestler at the moment, but if you sent him back to development and had him work on all the aspects that he needs to improve, I think he could be a successful mid-carder. Repackage him, give him a new name, and he could be very entertaining.

David Otunga: Fire - He could be a member of The Authority, but they already had him assist Big Show in his law-suit against them, and I really don't think people would care much about him. It's not like they could suddenly turn into a fierce and intimidating competitor without any repackaging. So why do I not think they should repackage him? Because I don't really see anything unique that he brings to the table. He could improve by going to NXT, but again, I don't think anyone would really care if he did.

Drew McIntyre: Push - Have Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal constantly get pinned in matches while Drew stands on the apron watching in disappointment and annoyance. One day, Drew gets so frustrated that he attacks them after they were defeated in a match. After that, have him win a short TV feud against his former co-members and then have him go on to more popular talent. I'm not really sure if the crowd will be able to take him seriously, but if they could get past Cody Rhodes' mustache, they shouldn't struggle to get past 3MB.

The Great Khali: Fire - He can't wrestle, he can't speak English, and he lacks charisma. So why is he still around? To draw people from India into wrestling? Whenever Khali appears on TV, which we all know happens very frequently, he usually loses. I could be wrong, but I think people in India have given up on him.

Heath Slater: Fire - If Drew McIntyre leaves the group, and Curt Hawkins goes back to NXT, I can't think one person who could fill the void of the third 3MB member. I guess he could try being a singles star, but knowing WWE, I don't think they would give him a big push. I don't want him to go to NXT, because I really don't see anything that he can better at. His mic-skills aren't wondrous or anything, but I do not think he will improve.

Jinder Mahal: Fire - I'm not sure why he was signed in the first place. He sucks at his job. He needs to find something else to do for a living. He's very awkward in the ring and even more awkward on the mic. I don't think anyone would benefit from keeping him around. Not even Jinder Mahal himself.

JTG: Fire - You know that you're not going to be successful in WWE when you've been with them for seven years and still haven't won a championship.

Justin Gabriel: Push - He can do a great 450 Splash! But that's about it. So why do I want them to push him? Mainly because I loved his tag team with Tyson Kidd, and I think they should get back together. If not, they should release him because there's nothing he can do that Adrian Neville can't.

The Miz: Push - Have him challenge for some of the mid-card titles and maybe even have him win one of them. He is talented and he is fun to watch, so I don't know why they would get rid of him.

R-Truth: Fire - He's in his forties and he clearly doesn't have a future ahead of him. Just let his contract expire and have his career end.

Santino Marella: Fire - His gimmick is terrible, his mic skills are terrible, and other than that sublime hip-toss, his in-ring skills are terrible. Plus, he constantly gets injured. I guess some of the younger children might find him to be somewhat funny, but I'm sure they feel the same way about a lot of other superstars, too.

Sin Cara: Fire - I understand that they need a new luchador, but I think the answer to that problem is Kalisto (Samuray del Sol) not Sin Cara. He's fun to watch, but his character is boring.

Tyson Kidd: Push - Pair him with Justin Gabriel for a while and let them have a nice run in the tag team division. He is so low on the card, yet so gifted.

Xavier Woods: Fire - Now that they've brought him up to the main roster after he was in NXT, it wouldn't seem right to bring him back. It's not like they could repackage him either, because this is most likely the only gimmick he can perform as. I like his style in the ring, but WWE turned him into a jobber, and there's no turning back now.

Zack Ryder: Fire - I guess he's kind of skilled, but a whole lot of people are a whole lot better than he is.

Darren Young: Fire - Pretty much the same as Jinder Mahal.

Titus O'Neil: Fire - I was going to put him in NXT, but then I remembered how bad he was. There's no point in repackaging him, he needs to go as soon as possible.

Yoshi Tatsu: Fire - Someone with a name that bad will never be taken seriously. The only things that are worse than his name are his "mic-skills".

Damien Sandow: Push - Like Mahal, he is quite awkward in the ring, but I unlike Mahal, I know he can get better. Whenever he speaks, I become intrigued and I want to keep listening. That's a good thing, so I hope WWE uses his correctly.
I'm adding "Keep" to this list only because some people's spot on the roster and on that level is not too bad for them or WWE. WWE needs midcarders and low-midcarder. Not everyone is Main Event of bust....

1. Brodus Clay: Monster Push- Just have him show up in his "Main Event Player" gimmick or better yet resort back to the "Fall of Humanity" gimmick his vignettes were hinting at before the dinosaur thing. Best scenario- Monster heel that challenges D-Bry for the strap for two months akin to an 80's Kamala/One Man Gang vs. Hogan run

2. Curt Hawkins: Fire. He has not shown any really personality to either get behind (Ryder/Marella) or hate (Marella/Ryder). If he did, then WWE would have something to work with. But without that and an awesome moveset to compensate...let him go. Best scenario- Have HHH address the boys on the ramp, realize he is still here and fires him on Raw.

3. David Otunga: Keep/Job out to either fire or push. He has a look and personality, WWE will need jobbers to get others over on the pretape programs and Otunga coming back from injury can be that. His report card is "incomplete" for me because he is just returning. Best scenario- An I-C title run (if kept)

4. Drew McIntyre: Push- Have him break from the group and become Paul Heyman's next "guy". Based off of Heyman's ego, he took Vince McMahon's "chosen one" who failed and will make him a success. Best scenario- A long midcard (US) title reign...the move on to the bigger end of the roster.

5. The Great Khali: Keep as is- He isn't hurting anybody right now, and he isn't taking a valuable spot either. Best scenario- nothing really, but lose the "Punjabi Playboy" stuff, turn him heel and be a beast.

6. Heath Slater: Keep- I like him. and he can be a jobber with decent mic skills for a year or two. I see a small run towards a midcard title in his future. Best scenario- a surprise win in a midcard title tournament (or contender's tourney) and good/solid matches with the belt on the line.

7. Jinder Mahal: Fire. I have not seen anything worth keeping with him

8. JTG: Fire. It's time...he's shown nothing.

9. Justin Gabriel: Keep and tag him with McIntyre if you don't place Heyman with Drew. Best scenario- A huge midcard run and a Money in the Bank win...

10. The Miz: Fire/Let him do movies and build him as a color commentator to eventually replace Lawler...

11. R-Truth: NXT as a trainer. The dude is like 40 years old. He may still be a good performer but he's never going to hold a title again. He would make a perfect trainer at developmental. (DITTO)

12. Santino Marella: Fire. The problem with the "comedy" character is if you do it too long, they can never be taken seriously again. Santino has reached George Steele level of bad right now.

13. Sin Cara: Push. If WWE has Cruiserweight plans in the future for either the main stage or Network (like rumors say)...keep this character around. Put a Cruiser title on him if they do, or push him to the I-C title if not. Best scenario- Have Big E or even Mysterio drop the belt to him, handshake in the ring and move on. Maybe he can put over a monster heel (Clay?) later.

14. Tyson Kidd: Keep to eventually push. Let him get his legs back and see what he can give you. He can win some midcard matches and be a contender for the US title. Best scenario- Have him go with Ambrose in a series of matches that bring him thisclose to the win, judge crowd reaction and see what happens.

15. Xavier Woods: Keep as is for jobber purposes...maybe have him turn heel and see what you can get.

16. Zack Ryder: Keep and turn heel...make him another Heyman "Guy" and pair him with Drew, they can have an evil version of Strike Force. Two young guns with a lot to prove.... Best scenario- Have this team run with (not beat) the Usos. Leading eventually to both of them making midcard runs. I think Zack can be a decent US champion and they should seriously push him in that direction.

17. Darren Young: Keep as is when he returns. Then push the hell out of him, don't change the gimmick either. I think his story can play out for him and give him shots at the WWE/WHC....Best scenario- Have D-Bry pull a Bret Hart "fighting champion" thing and one day give Darren a shot, simply because he asked in the back. Have Young come thisclose to beating him and use that as motivation. IF he ever wins the big belt his backround/story can play out like HBK's 'boyhood dream' tag...

18. Titus O'Neil: Keep as is, and push towards a midcard title...he is good on the mic and can hold his own in 20x20's. Have him in a few MITB matches...you need an 'anchor' for some of the big spots anyways.

19. Yoshi Tatsu: Fire unless you go into the Cruserweight/X-Division area. then have him put on great matches and see where that goes.

20. Damien Sandow: Push. The WWE made him look weak with his MITB cash in. I say have him join Swagger/Colter as a Real American and dominate the tag division. (DITTO)

I don't suggest people go back to NXT or drop down there from the main roster. Only because if CREATIVE can't be CREATIVE, I will not blame the talent for it. Most of the problems is because no one writes for these guys. And NXT is still minor leagues...so compare it to main sports. If the 11th/12th guy on an NBA roster doesn't get playtime, is that his fault or the coaches? Why send him to the NBDL when you can play him and see what he does?
This is going to sound bad but honestly fire them all. They have either not been used decently for a long time or have gotten the old start-stop push from wwe. In either case, people don't take them seriously. As well, wwe seems pretty focused on bringing in NXT talent right now so those guys are going to get the pushes over the guys on the list. You can keep them as jobbers but do you really need that many? Better to let them go. No use moving them to NXT as there is new talent always coming in and considering these are supposed to be rookies, would you believe it if say Miz came in and didn't win the title right away after being champ on the main roster? You could move the odd mid level guy over but again, how many do you need?
There really isn't anyone on this list who I would mind losing. Maybe The Miz, but I've gotten kind of bored of him over the past few months.
1. Brodus Clay: Fire. He won't make waves in TNA. He was just okay his whole run, and I've seen enough. WWE has enough big men better than Clay.

2. Curt Hawkins: NXT. I like the idea of Ryder and him reforming as a tag team. They could be interesting. Ryder is still hungry and Hawkins has a coolness about him.

3. David Otunga: Push. I think he may have untapped potential. He needs to be booked like Kurt Angle was, pompous and hilarious. IC title or another tag team run.

4. Drew McIntyre: Push. IC or US title scene. Let him develop and book him as a heel.

5. The Great Khali: Fire. So sick of this dude.

6. Heath Slater: Fire. I think he's amateur, but could make a living in the indies.

7. Jinder Mahal: Push. Put him back in the midcard title scene or tag him with McIntyre.

8. JTG: Fire. He's no longer relevant.

9. Justin Gabriel: Push. Let him be the Capetown Werewolf with all the howling. I bet he'd get over.

10. The Miz: Push. I'm annoyed that he is so bland these days, when he was pretty great back in the tag team and US title days. Miz tagging with Ziggler sounds cool.

11. R-Truth: Fire. I think he's done all that he can.

12. Santino Marella: Push. I like him. I think feeding him to Daniel Bryan in a championship match would be entertaining.

13. Sin Cara: Push. Let him cut bilingual promos. Hunico is the better Sin Cara anyway.

14. Tyson Kidd: Push. He should be a top priority for creative.

15. Xavier Woods: NXT. He got called up too early.

16. Zack Ryder: NXT. Join him up with Hawkins. Keep doing promos on YouTube and build buzz.

17. Darren Young: Push. I think he needs a better character though. Regimmick and use him.

18. Titus O'Neil: Push. He should try to get a title shot or a feud. Perhaps against a face Orton.

19. Yoshi Tatsu: Fire. Give someone else a shot in his place.

20. Damien Sandow: Push. Tag team would be ideal. Have him win the big pennies with McIntyre or Swagger.
These are always fun. Here we go!

1. Brodus Clay - Push
Give him back the Funkasaurus gimmick, the Funkadactyls, and make Tensai his tag team partner again. That team was a lot of fun and they were headed toward a Tag Team Championship run at the rate they were going. Brodus in his current persona is extremely boring.

2. Curt Hawkins - NXT
He has potential, but he needs to find a gimmick that works for him. Move him down to NXT for a bit so he can work finding what will work. The potential is there so I would not fire him just yet.

3. David Otunga - Push
How is he not a heel manager or a GM under the lawyer gimmick? Otunga might be terrible in the ring, but he is worth keeping around for heel promos. Make him have a speaking role and use that to push struggling heels that cannot do promos on their own very well. Or make him an authority figure.

4. Drew McIntyre - Push
Drew has everything needed to be a World Heavyweight Championship contender. Restart his Chosen One angle. Bring back the awesome entrance music he had, have him ruthlessly beat up jobbers and midcarders to re-establish himself, and have Trips himself pinpoint Drew as The Chosen One stating that Vince was right about Drew. Either this, or have him get into a rocker type tag team with Slater. 2MB without Jinder could still work well.

5. The Great Khali - Change Nothing
I had to add another option for Khali. I don't want them to fire him as he makes them a lot of money in other countries. He's been around long enough that he does not need to be sent down to NXT. I also don't want to see him getting any world title shots at this time. Have him stay right where he is. This role is fine.

6. Heath Slater - Push
I don't care if it's in a 2MB tag team with Drew or if it's in singles action, push this wrestler, WWE! Heath Slater can be a big star in the right gimmick. I've been a big fan ever since his debut in the first season of NXT. Give him something a little more serious as a heel and maybe something similar to Edge's gimmick. If given a chance he might surprise many.

7. Jinder Mahal - Fire
Awful. He should be fired. He's by far the worst member of 3MB and never made sense for inclusion in that stable to begin with. Jinder's not worth sending back to NXT as there's no potential there. 3MB is as good as it gets for him and if they ever split up I see him being the first one to go.

8. JTG - Fire
If it weren't for threads like this, I would never know that JTG is still working for WWE. I can't even remember the last time I saw him have a match. Just fire him already, it's obvious he has no use even as an enhancement talent.

9. Justin Gabriel - NXT
Gabriel is worth keeping around, but he might need to get some work done on a new face gimmick to get the fan support he needs to be a big part of the Intercontinental or US Championship scene. Send him down to NXT for a bit, and then bring him up for the midcard when he has a better gimmick to work with.

10. The Miz - Push
I can't stand the guy, but he can still be useful in the midcard tier or for his talk show segments. It would be an understatement to say that I detested the idea of him ever being WWE Champion.... The Miz is not believable in that role and never will be. He's excellent on the mic though. MizTV segments need to continue, and in order for them to still be around The Miz needs to receive a push. I wouldn't push him past the midcard belts though. He's simply not believable higher up the card than that. Or if there is a way for him to only be used for MizTV and never work another match, that's even better. Regardless.... keep him on the main roster for now, and keep him far away from the World Heavyweight Championship.

11. R-Truth - Fire
R-Truth is useless now. The Little Jimmy persona was hilarious, but he had his title shot in summer 2011 and I have no interest in seeing him get another one. His best times were in tag teams such as Awesome Truth and Air Truth. With so many new wrestlers coming in through NXT, Truth will get lost in the shuffle. They already have jobbers and he's no worth sending down to NXT. His time is up.

12. Santino Marella - Push
Santino needs to remain a mainstay in the midcard. I love that he is working with Emma, they are great together and it would be cool to see them in an angle similar to The Honkameter from a few years back. Santino could win the Intercontinental Championship and set out to break the record again while Emma wins the Divas Championship and the two help each other retain their belts. That would be a great angle for him. He's hilarious. Keep him around, but keep him in the midcard where he is believable in winning.

13. Sin Cara - Push
Sin Cara is very exciting in the ring. Keep him around and push him into a title match for either midcard belt to get the fans hyped. I could see him being a midcard mainstay and possibly getting a midcard title reign at some point.

14. Tyson Kidd - NXT
Tyson has a lot of potential, but he might do well with spending some time in NXT working on a new gimmick to get him over.

15. Xavier Woods - NXT
He wasn't ready. Either have him inherit the Funkasaurus character in its entirety from Brodus including the Funkadactyls and Tensai as his tag team partner, rather than just the entrance music.... Or send him back to NXT. He's done nothing impressive and some time spent in NXT working on another gimmick might help him.

16. Zack Ryder - NXT
If Ryder does not get a chance to work up a new gimmick down in NXT, he's doomed to be a jobber forever at the moment. He could get back together with Hawkins and they could work up a new tag team gimmick down in NXT together, or he could try another singles character. Don't fire him yet, he has a lot of potential that he can still reach.

17. Darren Young - Jobber
Adding another option again. I have no interest in seeing him get pushed, but I also do not want them to fire him. There's no need to send him down to NXT. He can be used as an enhancement talent. They always need jobbers.

18. Titus O'Neil - Push
Titus is doing great and I hope to see him continue to be pushed. Have him go into the midcard title scene and continue the weird barking thing that he does in promos or during matches. He's another that should be pushed.

19. Yoshi Tatsu - Jobber
Keep Yoshi around as a jobber. He has a gimmick that works for him so it's not worth it to send him to NXT, they always need jobbers on the main roster and while I definitely don't want them to fire him, I don't necessarily think I'd push him anytime soon either.

20. Damien Sandow - Push
Sandow needs to be pushed. He's great at making the fans angry at him when he does promos and he is good in the ring, combined with a gimmick that works for him. What more does he need? Just push him. Make him Intercontinental Champion or something. He doesn't need to be sent to NXT and should absolutely not be fired.

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