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Problems With Jeff Hardy At Final Resolution?


Jason Powell of www.prowrestling.net has very recently reported that there's been some major situation involving Jeff Hardy backstage at the Final Resolution ppv. According to Powell, TNA officials nearly stripped Jeff Hardy of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and pulling him from the show.

The report says that there was concern among officials within TNA that Hardy was in no condition to compete and that there was talk of announcing he'd sustained some sort of injury. As of right now, however, Hardy is scheduled to compete on the show against Matt Morgan for the title.

Powell's report doesn't say what this is all about, on my mentioning the concerns concerning Hardy's condition to perform. This could all ultimately wind up being just some sort of misunderstanding or wild rumor that's been started and has taken on a life of its own.
I bet this is just speculation, but I would not find it surprising to find out Jeff was under the influence.
If it comes out that he was drugged up I think he should go get help. TNA needs to step up and have their wrestlers start taking drug test, and punish those who fail.
The last thing we need is another drug related death in wrestling.
This would not surprise me at all if it were true. Jeff has pretty much destroyed his life, and anything, short of death, that happens to him because of his love affair with all things snorted smoked or taken intraveinously is well deserved. So much for the Charismatic Enigma, he's just a flop sweat covered joke with a Transformer World Title Belt.
Yeah Jeff Hardy doesnt do much for me as TNA World Champion. I think TNA needs to think about character within their characters. Matt Morgan will be a good World Champ but think its too early. Mr Kennedy, Kurt Angle & AJ Styles are the only 3 guys that seem to be worthy of being big time players. Sure The Pope down the road, but where is "the guy" to lead TNA. The title just isn't prestigious w Jeff Hardy and his issues...
First I hope this is not true or at the very least overblown but if it isn't then TNA is getting what they deserve. jeff hardy is a major talent in ring but a major headcase out of the ring. A person with his past problems cannot be trusted to be the face of the company and to do so only means you are asking for trouble.
what if they took the title off aj styles to have take the lead in immorotal and replace jeff hardy in the main event and winning the world title and they fire jeff hardy tonight
I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is true.It's sad to see what Jeff has become, really. I mean the man was never a very stable human being to begin with, but come on. The man clearly has a problem. He has been known to be in bad condition before matches and stuff. TNA really needs to step it up and introduce a drug test,for real. Keep these losers off your show. Never mind let them carry your show as world champion. This is ridiculous. Jeff has gone from the hottest thing in wrestling to this. Maybe if his court date isn't postponed for the 564,868th time jail might do this addict a favor.That or get him some help, seriously.
Possible that it's true. I remember Jeff admitting in a vid in the past that he wanted Matt to jump ship because it was so easy going and they could do whatever they wanted outside of the ring and not have to worry so much about punishment. If it's true, what an idiot.:banghead:
Jeff hardy is wasting his life and he is gonna kill himself 1 day ( who doesnt know tht!?!) He rips on cm punk for being straight edge and now he almost lost the biggest tna champion because he got injured or from drugs. I dunno which 1 he did :rolleyes:
LOL... Well... Whether there was a situation or not. He defeated Matt Morgan to retain The TNA Championship. So, if there is a situation or problem, it will have to be handled later.
Yea I'm thinking that this report is Pure Bullshit, not only was Hardy at the PPV he looked find and in Good Shape and definitely did not look he was on Drugs, High, or Drunk. The report is Bullshit and I highly doubt that it was considered to Strip him of his Title and Not Wrestle.
It doesn't surprise me one bit if it is true. If it's not I think it's only a matter of time before this guy hits rock bottom or worse. I've said since he signed with TNA that I think they made a mistake. He hasn't helped TNA one bit in ratings. His in ring and promo work has been sub par to say the least.

It should have been clear to TNA a while back that the guy needs help. Especially after the latest video of him and Matt surfaced online. It's beyond me why TNA would make this guy World Champion. He's nothing more than a walking disaster and TNA doesn't need any bad publicity that he could bring if god for bid he ODs or gets busted or makes anymore drugged out videos.

Personally I have always been a fan of his until recently. His online rants have turned me off big time. The guy has all the talent in the world and he's pissing it away. I can't even watch TNA when he's on anymore. I really hope he gets his life together and once again becomes the great Jeff Hardy I've enjoyed watching for the last 12 years.
If it is true that they are as concerned as they were, you have to think of his opponent's health and the special ref's as well. Everyone knew there would be physicallity between Jeff and Anderson and he is opposing Matt Morgan. If Hardy wants to screw up and risk his life so be it. But do not risk the lives and health of Anderson and Morgan. What a sad story.

I took some serious issue with their little drug fueled youtube video. And even if Punk does take ambien to sleep, it is a prescribed drug. It's not like he is buying 8 balls of coke on a street corner. Straight Edge doesn't mean he doesnt take prescribed medicine. Jeff needs to get his life together but he never will as long as TNA keeps propping him up. He needs to suffer the consequences for his behavior.
wouldnt be surprized if this were just an angle. crap wouldnt be surprised if it were true either. i have a feeling they may be doing the 'Alcoholic scott hall' angle with jeff real soon.
he is the general of Hogans Immortals. and it would make sense for russo and company to use this as part of an angle.
this could be a great work for the IWC. Let's be honest, the whole Immortal issue is getting very obvious and Hardy is not going to drop the title anytime soon. However to make people think there is a chance to drop it, TNA is dropping word that they are concerned with his well-being. Once again EB trying to out smart the smarks.

Needs to just come up with original booking. However that isnt a topic for this. All in all I thought Hardy was good in the match. Hit some spots and certainly didnt seem too out of it to perform.
This isnt surprising to me at all. He is a doped up has been. he doesnt deserve to have the world title. His in ring work lately has been slipping. If tna was smart they would have him lose the title tonight to morgan and send him home until his trial is done if they even have the trial. Hell even if they fired him that would be good. He needs help he will end up just like all the other wrestlers who have died from drugs in the past. He will be just another statistic. Its truly sad to see such a talent waste his lif away. Another thing does jeff hardy have raven writing his promos for him?
One thing none of us even know for sure is if Jeff Hardy is even on drugs. For all we know, that video posted recently could have also been a work to get us talking and hating, and what was said today could have also been a work. TNA just keeps screwing with us because they know the IWC legit HATE Jeff Hardy, and they will use that.

HOWEVER, what we know isn't a work is Jeff Hardys court date later this week. And that is something TNA should be smarter about. How will TNA explain to their fans that their World Champion is in jail? For that, I think TNA booking is stupid. Jeff hardy, he fucked up a while ago, and for all we know has been booked to have that exploited against him.
According to Wrestlezone.com, "Earlier this evening ProWrestling.net and PWInsider.com posted conflicting reports about TNA management having concern for Jeff Hardy backstage at Final Resolution today.

WrestleZone has confirmed there was definitely "100 percent, no doubt about it" concern this afternoon over the condition of Jeff Hardy backstage at the TNA "Final Resolution" pay per view.

"TNA had a decision to make this afternoon. Either send Jeff out to the ring, knowing the example it sets, or send him home and do damage control," a key TNA insider told us, "they are keeping him because that's the damage control they came up with."

Jeff's condition backstage, which was described as "another You Tube video ready to happen" is ironic, considering he is scheduled for his next hearing on several drug charges this Wednesday in Moore County, North Carolina."

So, obviously, it was true. Which means that TNA became even dumber tonight by not giving the title to Morgan. I will not be surprised if the title comes off him at the next tapings to Anderson or maybe AJ who just lost the TV title.
Who is surprised? And in fact, I like Hardy but he makes TNA look bad by being the top guy. Hardy has just gained a huge ego, and he really does need the WWE machine to draw. Because now he's looking like a total douche, and it isn't because he's a heel, it's because of the countless run ins he has had wtih the law regarding his drug use. He seems to never learn from his mistakes.
jeff hardy used to do meth with fans ocassionally before WWE shows. hes a known tweaker.

now though, hes popping all kind of pills. mostly somas though. he has an obvious addiction (which is why the WWE let him go) and he is surrounded by enablers.

im hoping he gets some jailtime or heads to rehab before hes another dead wrestler.
This is absolutely deplorable. Look, I'm not even going to waste my time on Jeff Hardy the person. If he wants to overdose, so be it, he gets no sympathy from me. I will not mourn his death, I will not have any regret for someone dying too young, I'm going to simply just not care, aside from the horrible press he's likely to put on wrestling. I also don't care for TNA, and the precedent they sent. Precedent? Were you worried about precedent when you brought this hack job into the company in the first fucking place? Were you worried about precedent when you gave him the damn title? You can take your precedent, and fuck off.

What I do want to comment on, though, is that if this is true, and no one has given me a damn reason to believe otherwise, least of all Jeff Hardy, is how inconsiderate this is to the fans on Jeff's part. You mean to tell me that you really don't care enough about the fans who paid good money to watch this show on PPV, and even to just get into the show? You're the world champion. You are the top draw of the company, people pay to see you perform. And to come in no condition to perform at all? It's really the biggest sign that you don't care enough for the fans, and that you're in it for the money. Any fans that give him the excuse that this is a work isn't fooling anyone but their mark selves. This isn't a work; this is, and always will be, Jeff Hardy. They're just choosing to portray it on television now.

To think, AJ Styles gave up his push for this?
jeff hardy used to do meth with fans ocassionally before WWE shows. hes a known tweaker.

now though, hes popping all kind of pills. mostly somas though. he has an obvious addiction (which is why the WWE let him go) and he is surrounded by enablers.

im hoping he gets some jailtime or heads to rehab before hes another dead wrestler.

Im with you on this.. Jeff needs help. Im not the biggest Hardy fan. But I cant stand watching somebody self destruct. My prays go out to him.


Im loosing a lot of love for TNA for going on with the match. I know its your ME for the ppv but Morgan and Jeff could have gotten seriously hurt.

WHY DID THEY LET JEFF WIN? TNA is only enabling the guy.

If they don't strip him of the tittle , Its going to be hard for me to have any respect for TNA.
If it is true that they are as concerned as they were, you have to think of his opponent's health and the special ref's as well. Everyone knew there would be physicallity between Jeff and Anderson and he is opposing Matt Morgan. If Hardy wants to screw up and risk his life so be it. But do not risk the lives and health of Anderson and Morgan. What a sad story.

I took some serious issue with their little drug fueled youtube video. And even if Punk does take ambien to sleep, it is a prescribed drug. It's not like he is buying 8 balls of coke on a street corner. Straight Edge doesn't mean he doesnt take prescribed medicine. Jeff needs to get his life together but he never will as long as TNA keeps propping him up. He needs to suffer the consequences for his behavior.

Being someone who works in the medical field, I can tell you that there are a LOT more drug addicts who take prescription drugs then there are people "buying 8 balls of coke on a street corner". How many millions of people in this country take take "happy pills" so they can feel good about themselves and "make it through the day"? There is ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE in being addicted to "street drugs" and being addicted to "prescription drugs". Drugs are drugs, period!

This whole situation with Jeff Hardy has been blown out of context. This "report" never even cited what, if anything, Hardy did that was "so bad". It just stated that officials were thinking of stripping him of the title... Why? What did he do? Did he lose to Morgan? No... Nobody has said a damn thing about what Hardy supposedly did. Why is anybody taking this seriously?
This whole situation with Jeff Hardy has been blown out of context. This "report" never even cited what, if anything, Hardy did that was "so bad". It just stated that officials were thinking of stripping him of the title... Why? What did he do? Did he lose to Morgan? No... Nobody has said a damn thing about what Hardy supposedly did. Why is anybody taking this seriously?

Clearly someone has never held down a job for more than six months. But just for the lulz, I'll humor you, and assume you have. Big assumption, but I'll work with it. Let's just say at your firm, or whatever you work at, I highly assume that medical field is bullshit, that someone was coming into work plastered. It affects his work, it affects how people react to his work, and more importantly, it puts people in danger. Do you really believe that person would be around that place long? Absolutely not. That person would be gone in a heartbeat, and everyone would understand why. He's a fuck up. He's unprofessional. But more importantly, he's putting the company in danger. Should this all be true, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, that's exactly what Jeff Hardy did. He put his company, and his coworkers, in danger.

That's why you strip him of the title. Because at the root of TNA, it's still a business, and Jeff Hardy is making your business look bad. The same reason why Chris Benoit has been white washed from history, why Test and Umaga pretty much have had the same thing happen, and why TNA should have acted on this, and not allowed Jeff Hardy to perform. He put his company at risk, period. I'm not sure how you can argue otherwise
As mentioned prior to the TNA Final Resolution PPV, there were forces within the company pushing for TNA champion Jeff Hardy to be sent home from the company and to be stripped of the TNA championship after concern was voiced over Jeff Hardy's condition upon arrival at the PPV.
After Hardy met with TNA officials, the decision was made to let Hardy work the show.

In speaking to multiple sources after the show, I was told that Hardy claimed his condition was not due to any personal issues but to exhaustion from his recent TNA schedule.

From what we have been able to piece together, Hardy flew from the Middle East for the trio of TNA house shows on Wednesday (a 20 hour flight), then transferred from Atlanta to North Carolina. I was told Hardy was home just one day (and, as one wrestler pointed out to me, that one day was likely dominated by Hardy's newborn baby) before flying to Michigan to make a personal appearance at a Monster Truck event in Detroit with Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore yesterday.

Someone who was in attendance at the event last night noted that Hardy looked exhausted and spoke of how hard his schedule was the last few weeks, noting he had been on the road since the day after Thanksgiving. The same person also told me that Hardy was spotted returning to his room fairly early last night.

Hardy flew from Michigan to Orlando earlier Sunday to the TNA PPV. Once Hardy explained his position, management backed off of alternative plans and agreed to let him work the show.

Had Hardy been sent home, the plan would have been for Eric Bischoff to announce Hardy was injured on the Middle East tour. The match that would have replaced the main event would have been Matt Morgan vs. Ken Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett. Since Samoa Joe's contract had expired, he would have been held off the PPV. There's no word on who would have ended up with the championship, but my gut is that Matt Morgan would have ended up with the belt.

As I write this, Hardy is scheduled for all of this week's planned Impact tapings.

If you believed the initial reports that Jeff Hardy was "High or Hammered" then you also have to believe this report which I do. I watched the PPV tonight and Hardy did not like High or Hammered he looked to be fine and Not Under the Influence of anything. To me it seems pretty obvious according to this report that the rumor of him being on Drugs or Drunk was completely Blown Out of Proportion.

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