Pointless Finishers

Ill just say some of the bullshit finishers some people in the WWe today have, there are quite a few:

Ted DiBiase- THE BIGGEST RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP IN CAPTIVITY. I dont think anyone has mentioned this guys move which is an absolute joke. Puts him in the million dollar dream then falls back, O SHIT its over now.......come on, can u actually picture him winning a title or a main event match with that move. Ill answer for u, NO u cant.

MVP- the playmaker was ridiculous. It was sloppy, awkward and stupid. It looked dumb and fake and was the very definition of pointless. Since this moved sucked so much MVP switched to this drive by kick shit which is a boot, what a great move...

The Brian Kendrick- i dont care what number it is, sliced bread is bad. It is so obviously assisted by the opponent that its painful to watch. It is such an incredibly fake move and it looks ridiculous when Kendrick puts people away with it.

Edge- edge's finisher is a lame tackle. He hits his opponent with zero force and apparently thats all it takes to put them away. It is not a believable finisher for a guy like Edge. When Goldberg speared someone he ran them the fuck over, they were absolutely destroyed becuase he was an animal. And Goldberg didnt even end the match with the spear, he picked up his opponents dead ass and then jackhammered them to make sure they were finished, and now heres edge using a lame tackle to finish people. What the fuck is that.

Thats all i can think off for now but im sure there are several more.

Ok Ted's Finisher sucks and so does MVP's, But Edges spear?? and Sliced Bread #2/The Kendrick? seriously? those top the samoan spike on a list of the most pointless finishers? Sliced Bread may be all flashyness and no real damage but COME ON, It professional wrestling its all about flashyness, And for edges spear, edge is a big guy but once again, no matter how much damage it would really do, edge has made it a legendary finisher when he uses it, its powerful cause hes edge not cause he is Adam Copeland and he is a big guy,

but on the subject of pointless finishers, how about the batista bomb? Batista cant even do it anymore, he botched it the last like 15 times he tried it, he falls over or something everytime

someone earlier said the stunner wouldnt hurt, if someone pulled you down and forced your chin into ther shoulder while they are against the ground, It would probably knock you out
I hate CM Punk's Go 2 Sleep finisher. all it is is CM Punk hitting the opponent in the face with his knee. Wow what a great finisher
I hate CM Punk's Go 2 Sleep finisher. all it is is CM Punk hitting the opponent in the face with his knee. Wow what a great finisher
And yet, that's one of the most believable finishers in wrestling today. And I can't stand the love Punk gets on the Internet, but getting a stiff knee in the face is MUCH more likely to knock a person out than some of the ridiculous finishers that are out there.

I still hate how finishers are used, but that one is at least believable.
I hate CM Punk's Go 2 Sleep finisher. all it is is CM Punk hitting the opponent in the face with his knee. Wow what a great finisher

Are you kidding me?????????????
How would you like to fall head first on someone's knee.
I know i wouldn't.You know why?
Because it would fucking hurt. That's why.It is,as was pointed out, one of the more believable finishers than let's say a ....thumb.
So no,not as pulsating as a people's elbow or as spontaneous as a stunner.But as painful as a piledriver and as realistic as you will get.So yeah wow, what a great finisher.

Unlike say.... the clothesline from hell.Falling forward don't make you special,John.Sorry.:schild13:

Maybe if attach tape to my ear I can have a finisher:
"Oh no it's the samoan stirrup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
When you think about it, the Flying Elbow Drop is pretty weak.

I mean, just because it's someones finisher it's supposed to hurt more then when superstars use it as a normal move? Doesn't make much sense.

But I guess if you do a taunt before landing it, it adds more pain and damage. Who-woulda-thunk-it.

And maybe this is a little off topic, but what about when Flair goes insane during his promos and just starts elbow dropping the mat. It doesn't "hurt" him, but mysteriously in a match when the elbow drop is missed and the person hits the mat, it always ends up causing them pain. Strange.
I hate to always dog on Mysterio....Ok no I don't. But the 619 is th most ludicrous move on the planet. He throws a guy into the ring ropes, then the guy just stays there like a dumbass waiting for Mysterio to kick him in the face. It just doesnt seem logical. Then he follows it up with a fucking SPLASH? Come on now. He's a buck seventy five soaking wet. At the MAX. It would make sense for a bigger guy. But not with Mysterio. Somehow though it continues to put him over with the fans.
The monkey got it in one. the 619 has to be the worst and most pointless finisher in all of wrestling. All of the crap random 619's he does outside of the ring just for a cheap pop. The move is useless There is no way that could hurt enough for a three count even with the fly landing on your stomach afterwards. its two seperate areas. if he connected to the face a second time afterward it would be meh but beliavable. its crap how many times would somebody land on the ropes like that in a match? none unless its against Rey.
Its crap how many times would somebody land on the ropes like that in a match? none unless its against Rey.

Exactly, that moves annoys me so much, just because you never have people lay on the ropes like that in other matches.

Another one that springs to mind is the worm, lame as, it's effectively a chop...but once again it rely on someone being knocked out next to the ropes, which never happens in other matches. At least with the peoples elbow the Rock had the Rock bottom to lay them out in the ring first.
Iwould have to go with Scotty 2 Hottys finisher the worm. It was so so so lame. It took about 10 minutes to complete n all it was was a chop to the throat.

I love the worm. I marked out for it all the time and I'd still mark for it now. I think the move itself is okay, I mean a chop to the throat hurts. That could bust a wind pipe or something.

I'd have to go with The Big O. A standing splash might've been a credible finisher back in the day, but c'mon. Ortiz isn't even big enough to make it seem devestating. The only way that move would be deadly would be if he did it from the top rope (which I don't know why he doesn't) or he gains about 500 pounds so he can literally crush his opponents.
Hey, I have just had a brilliant idea, truly a 'Magic Taco' worthy idea. How about we take a regular move, add 'From Hell' to the end of it and make it unstoppable!!!

What about "Put-Your-Opponent's-Head-Between-Your-Legs-Even-Though-It-Would-Be-Completely-Gay-In-Another-Situation-But-You-Will-Do-It-Anyway-Then-Grab-Their-Arms-In-An-Awkward-Position-Then-Jump-On-To-Your-Knees-Smashing-You-Opponent's-Face-In-To-The-Ground-While-Smushing-Your-Man-Parts-Into-The-Back-Of-Their-Head From Hell".

Point made?
JBL's clothesline from hell is just a normal clothesline that anybody can do. The 619 does not look like it would hurt at all, and although it does look cool, I think I can reverse that. The worm is frankly just a dance followed by a chop, and its stupid, because if you can get somebody to stay down that long after a bulldog then that person shouldn't be wrestling. One thing that also really bothered me about a certain finisher is the Rock Bottom. The Rock was able to put anybody (except Stone Cold) away with just one Rock Bottom, but yet when Booker T did a Book End, which was the same thing he was lucky if he even got a two count. The Twist of Fate also doesn't seem like a good finisher. All the wrestler does is pull his opponent's face down onto their own muscle to cushion the blow, so if anything this should hurt the one performing the move more.
The Twist of Fate also doesn't seem like a good finisher. All the wrestler does is pull his opponent's face down onto their own muscle to cushion the blow, so if anything this should hurt the one performing the move more.

So you dont like the RKO either? Both move's end up in the same position, They are both just Cutter's, Difference being, Twist of Fate is a twisting cutter, And the RKO is a jumping cutter.

JBL's clothes line from hell is a cop out, Just about every other wretler in the company uses a clothes in some variation, And quite a few look alot more devastaing.

The Playmaker/Overdrive is another move that isn't worthy of finisher status, It's just a neckbreaker preformed with the leg, It's easier and quicker to put more power into a normal neckbreaker.
Code Breaker-It simply shows how vince and the writers think how gullible the audience are.Plus it just like a knee to the head, i tried it and it doesn't hurt one bit.

So you have taken a knee to the head? Codebreaker style? Bullshit.

Anyway's it was Jericho who wanted the new finisher, After he saw it in Japan. FYI The Codebreaker is one of the more believable finisher's, It's hard to think of a material that is as hard as someone's shin's/Knee's, Which is also a flat surface, But if you think of one hit yourself in the face with it, And then you will feel the effect of it, There is no doubt in my mind that The Codebreaker would/could fracture a skull.
The most pointless finisher.... the Stink Face. What the hell did that do apart from give someone a bad taste in the mouth? The fact was you could simply get up after getting one and hit your proper finisher straight away as it didn't effect your wrestling itself. Also the FU is way to overpowerful considering how basic the actual move is.
I think the Codebreaker makes sense. It could definitely be a knockout move if done with the intention to hurt someone. I saw something similar occur in an MMA fight on accident (one guy going for a big double-leg takedown, the other guy sort of breaking free enough that his knee was near the other guy's head, but not before they were both going down) and the guy on the business end of the knee was knocked out instantly, match over on the spot. Yet it is also incredibly easy to fake, can be done as counter to a huge variety of moves, and gives a lot room for wrestlers to sell it however they want (though that can be a good thing or a bad thing).

The moves that people keep bringing up such the People's Elbow, The Worm, etc. I actually don't mind so much, as long as they are done right. When The Rock did a People's Elbow in a long, hard fought PPV main event, it was great. It drew tons of heat, it was believable that the victim would be down, and it added a great element to the Rock's character: he was a cocky entertainer but he was still damn good and he liked to rub in it his opponents faces. The problem is once it was over every audience wants to see it and he has to pull it out in 10 minute tag matches.
"Finishers" are supposed to be devastating moves that ends a match, no questions asked. They should not take 60 seconds to setup and should look not only painful but realistic.

- "Pedigree": While I agree "if" the move was real, it would hurt... but the setup is ridiculous and it especially looks bad on larger wrestlers and also when you can see the wrestler getting hit with it puts his arms up so HHH can grab them.

- "The Mandible Claw": Come on! He shoves his fingers in someones mouth?! Thats just absurd.

- "The Worm": Enough said...

- Rey Mysterio: Every finisher he has had: the 619, the West Coast Pop, and the Frog Splash... Rey weighs 100 something pounds and FINISHES guys 2-3 times his size with these?!

- "FU"/"Throwback"/"Attitude Adjuster": This was originally Cena's answer to Lesnar's F5. Basically a modified Death Valley Driver... except the modification makes it look weak as $h!t. The DVD was a sick move back when wrestlers like Saturn used it, Cena has made it look weak.

- "The Masterlock": A full nelson? LOL.

- "The Samoan Spike": Stupid. He'd break his gd finger.

- "Clothesline from Hell": Back in the day (before JBL got fat), he used to really nail people with it... but now it just looks like a regular clothesline.

- "Walls of Jericho": Weak. Its a gd Boston Crab. Nothing special. When he USED to do the move (back when it was called the LionTamer) and the persons back would not be arched. The wrestler caught in the move would actually be on their neck as opposed to their chest. The move would apply torque more on the neck as opposed to the legs and lower back and looked much more believable and painful.

- Big Show's knockout punch: Cant get anymore original then that! -_-

- "Big O": Oooooh, its a splash.

- "The Brian Kendrick": Wait... what? Like a reverse bulldog off the top rope... from someone that probably weighs around the same as Mysterio...

- "Edge's spear": As others have said... it looked devastating coming from someone like Goldberg, but Edge is tall and lanky... weak.

- "Kozlov's headbutt": This would probably either break his neck or cause him to have problems with his spine and neck over time.

- "The 3-point stance": So this old, bag of lard assumes a football stance and clotheslines you... yeah I bet that ends alot of careers...

- "The Pump Handle Slam": Its like a scoop slam or body slam and takes a ridiculous amount of time to setup...

- "Celtic Cross": Its kind of like a samoan drop but with alot less impact...

- "The Tadpole Splash": Even worse then Mysterio's frog splash...

- "The Khali vice": Stupid. He may have big hands, but him crushing someones skull with his bare-hands... thats a bit much.

- "Tombstone Piledriver": Unlike the original PD... this just looks stupid. Half the time, the person's head doesnt even hit the mat.

- "The Twist of Fate": Its just a Diamond Cutter....but normally with far-less impact. Now if the victim of this move actually TWISTED with it, it would look alot more devastating...

Now to address two of the moves that some of you have been calling "finishers"...

- "The People's Elbow": This was not a finisher... it was simply a move that was in the Rock's arsenal. He didnt always finish matches with it. He would often hit his "Pinebuster" (spinebuster) then do this move. 9 times out of 10, then the Rock hit the "Rock Bottom" we all knew the match was over... the People's Elbow was just the coup de grace.

- "The Khali chop": While ridiculous, this move isnt really a "finisher". His finisher is the "Khali Bomb" or choke bomb or whatever. Its just 1 of the few move's in Khali's move-set... ok he doesnt have very many but still.

IMO these are some of the best finishers ever. They all look or looked painful and would hurt if they were used on someone in real life:

- "The Crossface": When Benoit did this submission in WCW, it looked like it hurt. He didnt have his hands under your chin.... he had his hands locked under your nose. I remember when he broke Booker T's nose using this move.

- "The Flatliner"/"Mic Check": When done properly, it looked like it would hurt BAD.

- "The Canadian Destroyer": Such a great-looking move... both devastating and fast. Too bad Petey Williams is such a small guy.

- "Diamond Cutter"/"3D"/"RKO": I consider all 3 of these the same move. (Im not counting the "Stunner" because Austin always had to kick his oppnent before executing it and it didnt always look good). If for no other reason, the versatility of this move puts it on the list. This moves can be hit from anywhere. In WCW, Big Show was putting people on the top rope for his chokeslam... and DDP hit the Diamond Cutter on Big Show has he brought DDP down off the rope in the chokeslam. Mysterio off the top rope into Orton's RKO.

- "The Swanton/"Ken-ton Bomb": While probably pretty painful to the person executing the move... it would definetly knock the wind out of you and possibly break some ribs.

- Nash's "Jack-knife Powerbomb": While he may use a regular powerbomb now, he USED to drop his opponents on their necks/upper shoulders and not their backs.

- "Sweet Chin Music"/"Superkick": A straight side kick like this that ACTUALLY hits you under your chin could 1)knock you out 2) break your jaw 3)break your neck

- Piledriver: This classic move will never be usurped as one of the most devastating moves IMO. Having your entire body's weight fall onto the top of your head could cripple or kill a person

-"The Figure-Four Leglock": If you have ever been put into this submission, you would know how painful this move can really be... and "reversing the pressure" on it is stupid.

-"The Codebreaker"/"The Backstabber": I put these moves together because they are the same move technically, one's just from behind your opponent while the other is from the front. Getting your face smashed into someone's knee's or your back forcefully dropped down across someone's knee's would be painful if not crippling.

- The Rolling German Suplexes: Remember the 3 in a row German Suplexes that Benoit.
used to do? He used to finish matches in WCW with this. 1 German Suplex is bad enough... but 3 in a row... no thanks.

- Victoria's finisher (cant remember what it was called): This move always looked painful to me and she always executed it so perfectly... imagine someone like Taker or Samoa Joe using it...

Cant think of anymore "finishers" for this list, but I think Ive covered the really crappy ones, and the few really good ones!
The weakest finisher, IMO, is the damn sliced bread number two. I could never ever see that working anywhere outside of a ring and when it's done it looks like the opponent could throw TBK right on his back right in the middle of it. It's not any good and he should learn a new move if he wants to make the jump up to the Main event.

Also, slowed down Mike Know's finisher would be so weak, but because of the quickness of the twisting action it looks so deadly. It's definitely one of my favorite finishers. Also, I have to disagree with the people that say Cena's finisher looks weak just on the fact that his height and the elevation that he throws the people at along with the opponent's body weight, would have so much force and impact. It would be devastating.
Also, I have to disagree with the people that say Cena's finisher looks weak just on the fact that his height and the elevation that he throws the people at along with the opponent's body weight, would have so much force and impact. It would be devastating.

Yes it would be sore,but not devastating.Granted it would hurt,a lot,but not as much as some finishers like powerbomb,piledriver.Think about it.You're saying because of the height along with the opponents weight it would have so much force on impact.True.But let me introduce you to the back body drop,superplex and more.They all come from the same height,even more maybe,but aren't considered finishers.However,it is a showmans move and suits Cena as while they are draped along his shoulders,the crowd reacts.I still feel it doesn't have as much power as some moves but is still a decent finisher.Well more than sliced pan or whatever.

Maybe he can make it better by adding "From hell" to the end.........
Dude, you make absolutely no sense...A finisher is a finishing move, a move that the match is built up to end on no matter how long into the match is, could be 20 min or 10 seconds,

Wrong. You actually make no sense. Watch some wrestling some time. The announcers talk about working the leg to set up for the submission. Or they'll talk about working the back to set up a power move. The announcers know what they are doing. It's the guys in the ring who make the move come out of nowhere. Seriously, a spear wouldn't do as much damage without the edgecution before hand. A spear 20 seconds in is not effective. A spear 20 minutes into a match after a beating is believeable. At the beginning of the match it looks like a first quarter carry for a running back.
the guys break each other down to get to the point to where they can use the move to FINISH the other guy off with...your logic has no validity and makes no sense, it's just a stupid opinion

So, then what are you saying? If it can happen 10 seconds in, then what is the point of breaking them down? You contradict yourself with your own post. And you call other people stupid? Look in the mirror.

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