Pointless Finishers

hman V1

Dark Match Jobber
I have thought about this for some time, but I want to know what finishers u guys think dont hurt an opponent at all or what finishers u think are pointless.
Mine are...

This may be a pretty popular finisher but seeing as how it is easily reversed especially by Mike Knox, it is pointless, also it doesnt hurt the opponent until Mysterio hits a frog splach which 30% of the time misses. I think its time he got a new finisher.

Khali Chop
WTF is this, You have a 7 foot guy hitting his opponent in the head, and u can easily see that its fake, and were supposed to expect it hurts somebody.

Those r mine, what r urs?
Iwould have to go with Scotty 2 Hottys finisher the worm. It was so so so lame. It took about 10 minutes to complete n all it was was a chop to the throat.
I would say the most useless finisher would be MVP´s overdrive or whatever it´s called, it just doesn´t look like a move that finishes the opponent off, it just looks somehow overcomplicated even though he could just slam the guy instead of this.
The worst finishers are ABSOLUTELY

Cena's throwback. We all know its a glofified fireman's carry. The worst part is it usually follows an even worsely glorified people's elbow. you're telling me that a punch to the face (which was supposedly outlawed by the wwe until a couple of months ago) is going to hurt a wrestler enough to finish him off. This is the modern day version of the big boot and leg drop. Moves that are accomplished by normal superstars and result in a 2 count at best result in wins for cena. I guess this just furthers the WWE's decision to make Cena a superstar.

Mysterio's 619. I don't hate the move, i think it shows athleticism and the like. But what seriously seriously irks me about this move is the necessity of the opponent falling into the ropes. In no other matches does this EVER occur but somehow it ALWAYS happens in mysterio's matches. It's like the X-pac bronco buster (talk about one of the worst finishers EVER) where the opponent always had to fall into the turnbuckle in an X-pac match even though this never EVER happened in any other matches. The WWE should atleast have other wrestlers in other matches go into the ropes in order to make this occurance look more realistic.
The worst part is it usually follows an even worsely glorified people's elbow. you're telling me that a punch to the face (which was supposedly outlawed by the wwe until a couple of months ago) is going to hurt a wrestler enough to finish him off. This is the modern day version of the big boot and leg drop. Moves that are accomplished by normal superstars and result in a 2 count at best result in wins for cena. I guess this just furthers the WWE's decision to make Cena a superstar.

The five knuckle shuffle isn't a finisher. In fact all superstars get straight up from it, so that alone makes your post idiotic. Stop making blind hate for Cena an excuse for ridiculing him. He is the face of the industry, get over it. And the FU is not one of the worst finishers, being slammed on your back from that height at that velocity is a believable finishing move.

I would say Big Show's punch. Yes, believable, but not the way he delivers it. It looks weeker than his normal punches. And if it is a knockout punch, use it as the first move of the match and wn straight away. I prefer the chokeslam.

And JBL's clothesline from hell. His finisher should not be a move everyone uses and doesn't get a two count for.
How can you have a discussion like this and not even mention the Mighty Hogan Leg Drop, Hogan won all those World Titles based on his charisma cuz this finisher was ridiculous. How about tito santana's flying elboy (guys forgot about that one hunh) this finisher sometimes would even get the opponent out the ring, or how about the devasting Ultimate Warrior splash, again what the heck is that, or Crush's crushing Heart punch. I don't have a problem with the DDT, because the Jake's DDT was a finisher before anybody else used the DDT. On the top of this list is the knee drop by Damian Damento which happens after a neck breaker. But to me a TERRIBLE finisher is The Goon's finisher, i think it was called the penalty shot, it was basically a cross check on the outside of the ring and then winning the match via count out.
1. Did i say it was a finisher...? NO i said the throwback was FOLLOWED by this move. Like the big boot/leg drop learn to read.
2. I didn't say i hated cena. I actually enjoy his character. I said his finishers are terrible and with a limited move set, and the impact that they cause he reminds me of hogan. You're telling me the throwback looks as painful as the GTS?
3. Did i even comment on the face of the franchise being cena? NO. But even the most casual fan notices that his moveset is extremely weak. But as we all know wrestling ability doesn't equal your push or popularity.
4. Drink some decaf or go outside. It's a beautiful day out.
"you're telling me that a punch to the face (which was supposedly outlawed by the wwe until a couple of months ago) is going to hurt a wrestler enough to finish him off."

That was your quote mate, have a look. It doesn't even hurt them, it wakes them up for the fu. I think the gts looks scrappy as a finisher, but a knee to the face would be painful you're right. But it is a believable finisher.

Oh and it's not that nice out, nearly slipped over on the ice a few times coming back from the football, but glad to here it's nice where you are.
Greatest Finishers: The Canadian Destroyer (Petey Williams), Muscle Buster (Samoa Joe), GTS (CM Punk)
Worst Finisher: The Pedigree... Don't get me wrong I love Triple H, but doing this move on guys like The Great Khali, and Big Show.... It's just not believeable. Triple H is the friggin game and he needs to show it and adapt like taker has and start developing new moves, finishers and even a few submissions.
First off, everyone in the WWF!!! has a weak move set. How many times have we seen the same sequence of moves in a HBK match. HHH for being a combo tech/power wrestler does not have power moves or tech moves. All the main eventers are whether it be through time allowed, or restrictions have weak move sets. By the way, Cena's finisher is not a fireman's carry, its the DVD, Death Valley Driver. Which for some reason I wonder how that did not end up in the Undertakers moves set. Back to the finishers question. The most worthless finisher will and will always be the People's Elbow. Parallels would be the 5 knuckle shuffle and MVP's ballin elbow. Also on the list would be sweet chin music. Every wrestler with some athletic ability can pull of the superkick. Only HBK can win a match with it? Really?
mvps drive by is a pathetic looking puntkick that orton uses (which btw would hurt and is believable, the worlds largest slam isnt much of a finisher, i dont like jack swaggers gut wrench powerbomb as it doesnt seem to have alot of impact on landing, the spear imo looks great but idont think is a believable finisher, kizarnys ddt/pin has no impact at all and is basically a roll up pin
I think the peoples elbow was an extremly pointless finisher after the rock bottom it could be a perfectly normal move to humiliate his opponent further but really the opponent is finished after the rock bottom.

Another one is scotty 2 hottys leg drop this was one of the most idiotic moves i've ever seen he dances around for 5 miniutes than gives you a slap to the chest.

Some people could say hogans leg drop but hogan was a big man and him dropping all of his lower body weight on you at a speed could be pretty believable and after one of his huge bodyslams it would be a showmans finish quite like the peoples elbow.
Khali's 'Vice Grip' and his chop. Umaga's 'Samoan spike'- While I've grown quite used to the move and accept that a thumb drilled into your neck would hurt, I just think a performer of Umaga's ability deserves a more dramatic finisher. He definitely has the talent to do something else- a moonsault would be cool (which Umaga can do). He doesn't have to get rid of the spike necessarily but another finisher would be good i think.
There were two that first popped into my head when I first saw this thread.

1. Cena's FU/Throwback/Attitude adjustment (whatever the hell he is calling it these days). This is no more painful than a regular scoop slam and yet it almost always puts them down for the count.

2. Kozlov's headbutt just looks so fake. All he actually does is shove his opponent and they go flying. Granted a headbutt to the chest would hurt, but not to the point where its going to knock someone out.
The best right now I think has to be the RKO(Diamond Cutter) cuz it can come out of nowhere and it's quick or Hardy's Swanton, because think about it, he comes about 5 - 10 inches away from snapping his neck in half every time

the worst would have to be warrior's body splash and the leg drop, hogan was over-rated in every sense of the word...lol, matt hardy can't even win a match with one of those from the top rope now lolol
Oh, The Big O. I forgot about that one, it is by far the worst. mark Henry does it to people and it doesn't hurt them, but a smaller, skinnier, weaker wrestler pins them form it cos he jumps higher. Wow.
Cena's move (whateever they are calling it today) is NOT a DVD! A DVD drives the head, neck, and shoulders to the mat. All Cena does is flip you onto your back, bascially a standing fireman's carry. One looks a ton better than the other.
When I first say the Samoan Spike, I thought the only way it'd look real is if his thumb was in a cast or something, cause it'd hurt way more.
I just checked the current WWE roster and here are my picks:

1.Hacksaw Jim Duggan (3-point stance)- It's a frikkin clothesline from a stone-age wrestler. It didn't even look impactful when Duggan was younger.

2. The Miz (Reality Check)- It saddens me to see that one of WWE's biggest mid-card names is stuck with a finisher that is a glorified neck breaker. It looks too basic and is not the calibur finisher for Miz.
wow, i didn't know that people are so passionate about the difference between the dvd and a fireman's carry. If you guys have been watching any wwf recently, there are no moves that drive someone on to there neck and upper back. the origianl dvd or spicolli driver did, but recently all dvds drop the guy on his back, so in that case. by the way, if any of us were so smart about wrestling, we would be working for a company instead of bitching about who is getting pushed for what ever reason.

ALL HAIL JOHN CENA!!! Whether you like it or you don't, its the best thing going today...woooooo!!!

Just kidding. Yeah, I forgot about the samoan spike. that move is terrible. I thought shots to the throat were illegal. same with chokes, low blows, and laying your hands on the ref. The rules only apply according to angle presented.
The Big O. That move is very pointless & it looks real stupid. When Mark Henry does a big splash to an opponent they kick out of it but if that talentless Ricky Ortiz does the Big O then he wins the match. WTF is up with that.
Edge's Spear has got to be the worst finisher. The Spear itself is not the problem, it's a move that could in reality knock the wind out of a person just long enough for a pinfall. However, only when used by a big guy like Batista, Goldberg, Bobby Lashley, or even Rhyno. A guy Edge's size doesn't look like he could actually knock the wind out of someone with that move. I think he should go back to using the Edgecution instead.

The Big O is also and awful finisher, but then again it's used by a less than impressive ECW mid-carder so.... It's again just not realistic, no matter how impactful Ortiz tries to make it look, it is a dumb move to use as a finisher.
I also think that Shad's finisher sucks, all Shad does is hold the guy on his back like Cena but just lets go and walks away leving his opponent to the mat, If someone like Khali was doing it it would hurt, but what is Shad like 6'2?

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