Petition for the Chit Chat poll to be reset

I'm pretty sure this is like the Commander and Chief giving the signal to drop the bombs. Why hasn't the name been restored yet because of this?

And signed.

Because it has to be fair. Rather than exercise the "presidential veto," I am allowing the citizens to overturn the poll. Perfect democracy here. And Luther has impressed me with his acceptance of these terms and putting them into action.
Then we need one more to make it a majority. Who could it be?


"The first thing I want be done is to get that piece of crap out of my Chit Chat! Don't just get her out of the Chit Chat, get her out of the WZ Forum, because I've proven son, without a shadow of a doubt - you ain't got what it takes anymore.
You sit there and you thump your Shawn Michael's Pictures and you say your prayers, and it didn't get you anywhere. Talk about The HBK-aholic Centre for Applied Ethics, Austin Centre for Applied Ethics says: I've just debated your ass!!
All she's gotta do is buy herself a cheap copy of Encyclopedias, and try to debate back some of that courage, she had in her prime.
As the King of the Forums, I'm serving notice to every one of the WZ forumites. I don't give a damn what they are, they are all on the list, and that is Stone Cold's list, and I'm fixing to start running through all of them.
As far as this forum is considered, son, I don't give a damn, if it's NorCal or Irish Canadian. Steve Austin's time has come, and when I get the forum, you are looking at the next WZ Forum Poster of the Year, and that's the bottomline - cause Stone Cold said so!"
I liked Chit Chat too. Someone should count these up. IC said we need 30, I believe.

Why exaclty do we need ******ed names for sections anyways, what exactly was wrong with 'Chit Chat'?

Obviously Becca's name draws more than the term "Chit Chat". :rolleyes:

You know what'd really draw? A huge section that was titled "Nude pictures of Becca" once you'd click inside, nothing would be there except a nice little quote.

"Thank you for confirming you're a pervert. You've been banned. Have a Nice Day."

Then again, I'd likely fuck up on accident and have to create an alt. account. :disappointed: It's a weakness. I'm still fighting it.
Who the hell voted for that name in the first place? It's a wonder why there's so many people voting to restart the poll, seeing as these people could have voted against the name to start with.


Oh yes, signed.
You're all just wasting your time.

A) I said it shouldn't stay this way anyway.
B) If I wanted to win, I'd do exactly the same as I did last time, and could win the new poll too.
C) What made me laugh is people who voted for the name have signed here. Are you ******ed, or..?
Wait, I forgot D.

If this many people want the name changed, why have they just not voted on the current poll?
What's ironic to me is that I would bet almost anything that most of the people signing this are the people that voted for it in the first place.

not signed.
Vetoed. I pride myself on being different. But I really think the name should be changed. It's stupid right now.
Then again, I'd likely fuck up on accident and have to create an alt. account. :disappointed: It's a weakness. I'm still fighting it.
You mean, ANOTHER alt account Will?

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