Online Petition to WWE to Cease the Chavo vs Hornswoggle program

Kids may not make up the majority of the WWE's audience, but they're probably the ones who invest the most money in the product, or the ones who beg their parents to invest money in the product. I don't really see too many adults wearing WWE merchandise, so that's obviously mostly geared towards kids. Then you have pay-per-views, and adults are usually more inclined to skip out on those in the age of the internet, when they know they can find other ways to watch the show for free. Kids don't know that, and their parents probably don't either, so again, they're the ones begging their parents to buy the shows for them. I'm not saying that this Chavo/Horny thing should continue, but it's certainly not as big a deal as you're making it out to be, and I have no problem with Hornswoggle being a regular character on WWE programming. The whole idea of promoting the product and gearing it towards kids makes perfect sense, and Hornswoggle is just another example. The fact that so many fans are this pissed off at this storyline really strikes me as pretty ridiculous.

I'd like to get a link on that Observer report. If that's true, then I commend you for getting some attention, but of all the things to start a petition over, this would be at the absolute bottom of my list. It's just so freaking pointless.
Kids may not make up the majority of the WWE's audience, but they're probably the ones who invest the most money in the product, or the ones who beg their parents to invest money in the product. I don't really see too many adults wearing WWE merchandise, so that's obviously mostly geared towards kids. Then you have pay-per-views, and adults are usually more inclined to skip out on those in the age of the internet, when they know they can find other ways to watch the show for free. Kids don't know that, and their parents probably don't either, so again, they're the ones begging their parents to buy the shows for them. I'm not saying that this Chavo/Horny thing should continue, but it's certainly not as big a deal as you're making it out to be, and I have no problem with Hornswoggle being a regular character on WWE programming. The whole idea of promoting the product and gearing it towards kids makes perfect sense, and Hornswoggle is just another example. The fact that so many fans are this pissed off at this storyline really strikes me as pretty ridiculous.

I'd like to get a link on that Observer report. If that's true, then I commend you for getting some attention, but of all the things to start a petition over, this would be at the absolute bottom of my list. It's just so freaking pointless.

It isn't ridiculous.

If you were subjected to seeing Triple H vs Randy Orton every single week on Raw for 2-3 months straight, are you telling me that you wouldn't get tired of it?

Vince is the one that wants to target his programming towards a wide audience, including Kids and Adults. So therefore, that comes with the Good as well as the Bad .... since he has to keep both of them happy. It just so happens that he pissed off a lot of adults by doing it every week for 2 months straight.

Kids may want merchandise, but adults are the ones that spend the money. So piss them off and you know what they are going to say?

Kid: "Daddy, can you buy me a Hornswoggle hat?"
Father: "No, you aren't getting one of those things. You'll never wear it anyway. How about a T-shirt instead."

I think it's great that we are up to over 1,600 signatures. Appreciate those in the thread who are reaching out to other sources as well. Jay and X I know have done just that, and that's great on their part.
Comparing this to Triple H vs. Orton is kind of silly if you ask me, because that's a main event feud that took up a great deal of time, while this is a nothing feud that takes up five minutes of Raw each week. I would be much more willing to sign a petition asking WWE to never put on a HHH/Orton match again. It still wouldn't work, but I could understand that people want some fresh faces in the main event. But this I don't understand, because of how trivial the feud in question really is.

Also, do you honestly think parents would do that to their kids because they themselves didn't like Hornswoggle? First of all, the parents of kids who watch wrestling might not necessarily be fans themselves, so they have no idea who the characters are except for what the kids tell them. And even if they were very familiar with the product, refusing to buy a Hornswoggle hat for your kid because you personally are tired of him would just be flat out selfish. If a parent doesn't buy their kid merchandise because of money, obviously that's understandable, but the scenario you suggested is ridiculous because that would just indicate a rather selfish parent. You don't disappoint your kid because something doesn't appeal to you.
It made progress lord! Great job. Moving on forward let's see far this can go now

And let me add this. For people who don't seem to understand, just because the KIDS may like it doesn't mean WE ALL have to like it. And this program is horrible so if there is someone ( Lord Sidious) who wants to do something about it and people people agree with him and want to do something then that's what's going to happen. Whether it gets huge or not, the feeling is that we tried instead of just doing nothing.
Like I said before, if this was a meaningful program of any kind, I could see your point a little bit. But it's literally on for five minutes a week. And whenever this "feud" ends, it's not going to suddenly make them start treating Chavo like he's Eddie and pushing him to the moon. He's still gonna be treated as a comedy midcard act, on the same level as Horny and Santino.

What I'm trying to say is that there have been many, many angles and storylines in the past that have been more deserving of a petition than this one. Yes, it has probably run its course, but this just seems like a huge overreaction to me.

And even if it was something bigger, this petition isn't going to do anything anyway, so I don't get the point of this at all.
F*** that. I signed it. I have no problem with Hornswoggle being on tv every week. I understand that he is for the kiddies; Having said that, I cannot BEAR to watch Guerrero jobbing to this "little person" week in and week out in one ******ed match stipulation or another. It's getting to be a little old. Ok I'm lying. It's ALREADY old. Hopefully somebody will take notice and something will be done. Even if somebody only suggests to VKM that this be ended, then the petition has served its purpose.
I signed it. Ridiculous that we see this week in and week out. I really feel sorry for Chavo to have to go through this humiliation just for a paycheck. Ever since Eddie died, the Guerrero name has been completely shit upon by the WWE.
I have noticed something tho. The Hornswoggle and Chavo matches started the same time as the guest host concept so once that stops then maybe the Chave and Hornswoggle matches will too. I dont mind the matches but yeah enough is enough. I wouldnt mind it if they had a Chavo and Hornswoggle matches once a month. i would like them to start having Santino being embarrased by Hornswoggle cause out of Chavo and santino i prefer Chavo more and would rather see Santino vs Hornswoggle in the future.
Well, up to 3327 signatures, thanks to gaining coverage on 2 of the newsboards, with Wrestlezone being one of them ... so thanks again goes out to Wrestlezone for allowing the coverage in the forum as well as on the Main Page.

I noticed a couple sites around the web were partially crediting the Observer, but I don't believe that to be accurate. At least, as far as I've seen, it hasn't been covered on their website. Anybody who subscribes to the site can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.

But at least it has made its way around the web a little bit.

Ross said on Wednesday that the company got a "ridiculous amount of emails complaining about the program" ... so I think that's great.

We had a petition started.

Then, to top things off, apparently on E! News, The Soup did a feature ridiculing WWE for the storyline, while playing the Bullrope Match with Chavo in a Cow costume on Monday .... asking why so many people watch Raw with stuff like that on the air.

With any luck they will abandon the program whatsoever, but with momentum winding down with the petition, we may get lucky and break 3,800 signatures tomorrow ... not expecting to hit 4,000. My goal was ultimately 5,000 signatures, which may happen ... but definitely isn't happening before Raw goes on the air on Monday.

But, if they kill the program thanks to all the negative attention it got this week, especially on E!, then all the better ... and Mission still Accomplished.
I doubt that they would kill the program over all the negative attention it got this week because any publicity is good publicity for them and they don't care if some wrestling fans don't like a program or not, if i get a reaction from the audience in the arena, they are going to continue with it. At less this week chavo didn'T wrestle Hornswoogle and i hope it's stays that way because i rather see evan bourne wrestle chavo with Hornswoogle in Evan's corner then seeing Hornswoogle wrestle chavo every week.

On a side note, i think that this petition is a good idea and if i thought it would change something i would sign it in a heartbeat because i'm tired of this program. But the fact of the matter is that unless you get the majority of the raw audience to sign this petition, it's not going to work. But at less, alot of wrestling websites got wind of the petition and i help you alot in your quest to stop this program. So good luck with your petition and i hope you succeed.
One thing you will all soon understand or most likely already have is that Sidious will never concede a point to anybody. He goes into every thread with the attitude that he's right already and no one can change his mind. He'll defend his opinion, even faced against his biggest rival, Logic, and when he's finally got nowhere else to go, he'll ignore you because you make to much sense for him to maintain his flimsy at best arguments with. So it's best just to all let Sidious know that he's right and always will be right and we'll all save ourselves another painfully long Lord Sidious rant.
One thing you will all soon understand or most likely already have is that Sidious will never concede a point to anybody. He goes into every thread with the attitude that he's right already and no one can change his mind. He'll defend his opinion, even faced against his biggest rival, Logic, and when he's finally got nowhere else to go, he'll ignore you because you make to much sense for him to maintain his flimsy at best arguments with. So it's best just to all let Sidious know that he's right and always will be right and we'll all save ourselves another painfully long Lord Sidious rant.

It is possible to get me to change my mind on any given point. It isn't easy, but it is possible. You just have to be a good debater, which from what I've seen in the past out of you, are anything but. Rather than using logic yourself, you simply troll around looking for attention and take the opposite point of view that I take just for the thrill of arguing. Speaking of being a troll, that also considers following me to another forum and making your very first post about me, of all things. I don't consider that "debate" as much as I consider it being an attention-starved pain in the ass. You can ask anyone on here that I have no problem debating other posters and have had some intense discussions on here.

Now, I am happy to see them pass on another Hornswoggle/Chavo match this week on Raw. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is the end of it, as far as the matches are concerned. Only speaking for myself, I am much more likely to tolerate Hornswoggle simply being at ringside then I am to tolerate being subjected to any more matches between these two.

I figure keep the petition up until we are sure they are ending the matches for good. It's already been emailed to them once late last week. I only wish we would have hit the magic 5,000 number.
You know what Sid? I'm not in any way trolling you. I'm just looking for answers here. I had legitimate points made in that thread. And for no reason (was no trolling, flame-baiting, or anything of the kind from me in that thread) you chose to put me on ignore so you could pretend that you didn't have to respond to those points. Now if you really had me on ignore, I would not have been able to send you PMs (PMs which were marked as read, btw), and you could have simply addressed those points via PM. It really just pisses me off that when you know you're starting to lose an argument, you go to A) Ignoring people or B) The Patented "This will be my last post in this thread" statement. And I love how you claim I'm not a good debater when you're way of debating is repeating your same points over and over again, alot of the time not even acknowledging what people said in the post(s) before you.

And I don't always take the side opposite of you, Sid. I don't plan my posts around what the Great Lord Sidious said. We've agreed quite a few times in the past. Don't flatter yourself. It's just that this petition is absolutely ridiculous. It's a really simple concept. If you don't like it, don't watch it. But don't force what you want to watch on others. It's a free program.
You know what Sid? I'm not in any way trolling you. I'm just looking for answers here. I had legitimate points made in that thread. And for no reason (was no trolling, flame-baiting, or anything of the kind from me in that thread) you chose to put me on ignore so you could pretend that you didn't have to respond to those points. Now if you really had me on ignore, I would not have been able to send you PMs (PMs which were marked as read, btw), and you could have simply addressed those points via PM. It really just pisses me off that when you know you're starting to lose an argument, you go to A) Ignoring people or B) The Patented "This will be my last post in this thread" statement. And I love how you claim I'm not a good debater when you're way of debating is repeating your same points over and over again, alot of the time not even acknowledging what people said in the post(s) before you.

And I don't always take the side opposite of you, Sid. I don't plan my posts around what the Great Lord Sidious said. We've agreed quite a few times in the past. Don't flatter yourself. It's just that this petition is absolutely ridiculous. It's a really simple concept. If you don't like it, don't watch it. But don't force what you want to watch on others. It's a free program.

No, going to another forum and making your very first two posts about me isn't in any way trolling whatsoever. You could have made those posts about anything else in the wrestling world, but you decided to make them about me. Nope, not trolling at all.

Well, since you have your PM's turned off, with which I was going to raise this suggestion to you via PM, I will just make the suggestion here. I encourage you to take this to the Bar Room as opposed to doing it in this thread. It's clear you have more of a personal issue with me that you would rather discuss, as opposed to talking more so about the thread topic, with which the Mod/Admin team are much more strict about keeping on point on this forum (more particularly this section), as opposed to other forums elsewhere on the Net.

So take this to the Bar Room if you wish to discuss as there are already two different threads with me as the thread title as it is. Rules for spamming are a lot different here than anywhere else.

As far as the Petition itself, that is in no way "forcing my views on anyone else". It is a Fucking voluntary petition for Christ's sake. Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head to sign it. Again, you want to talk "logic" ... I am just not seeing it from you, here. And you wonder why I criticize your debating skills when you make fallacious statements like "I'm forcing my views upon others by OFFERING people a chance to sign a petition". And you also wonder why I'm not changing my mind? Really, Cash.
I'd say it worked Pyschohurricane they didn't have a match this week so good job Sidious I've personally always liked what your bring to the forums here and your a breath of fresh air compared to most fools on these boards.
Because there is no reason to create such a petition in the first place, Sid. Let people watch what they want and if it doesn't entertain you, then don't watch it. But don't make a petition to take something off the air that others may enjoy. It's five minutes on a two hour show. Is it really worth a 4,000 signature petition? Nope. It's television, Sid.
Because there is no reason to create such a petition in the first place, Sid. Let people watch what they want and if it doesn't entertain you, then don't watch it. But don't make a petition to take something off the air that others may enjoy. It's five minutes on a two hour show. Is it really worth a 4,000 signature petition? Nope. It's television, Sid.

Well, apparently at least 3,700 other people feel the same way. As stated, nobody forced them to sign anything. I made it available to them and they chose to sign it. Obviously, they are just as disgusted with it as I am.

I have a right to do what I want. You, or other blind WWE loyalists will not tell me what to do for the sake of "protecting the WWE". It's a very misplaced ideology. It isn't so much that you truly care about all the children out there. If that were the case, you should really consider opening up a daycare center. Rather, it is about some misplaced loyalty in anybody doing anything contradictory to what WWE's goals are at the time.

Noticed how I never demanded that Hornswoggle be thrown off the air. All I was simply after was to end a series of matches that have been occurring on Raw for nearly 2 months straight. We would have probably done the same for any other match between any two superstars if they subjected the audience to the same thing.

The problem here is repetitiveness ... to the extreme, and very uncalled for lengths.

What this calls for is the Creative team to actually up their ante, and actually be "Creative", instead of throwing the same garbage on the air on a weekly basis.
Ok. Sidious, about 3700 people signed the petition. Is that supposed to represent any sort of a majority? That is a very miniscule number to them. It actually means that many MORE didn't want to sign the petition. It doesn't prove much at all, except for the fact that 3,700 people out of a much larger number disagree with your opinion or are completely apathetic about it. You know why? Because it's five minutes of a free show where they can just change the god damn channel. They don't want to take the time to make a petition defending the angle because get this...there is a lot more worthwhile shit in this world that people chould be becoming pro-active instead of what midget does on TV.

I'm not a blind loyalist and neither was Industry. Maybe, just maybe, we enjoy the product as is. Doesn't mean that improvements can't be made. I've voiced my disdain about some of the booking about Raw over their quite a few times. I've voiced my dislike of Randy Orton's incredibly ass-backwards booked title reign numerous times. I really think they need to Gerwitz out of the Raw Creative Department. I'm not a blind loyalist at all. I just don't think there's anything wrong with a five minute, inconsequential, meaningless joke angle for the kids. I turn it off and watch a bit of MLB, NBA, NFL, etc and turn it back on in five minutes or so when it's over. No need to make a big deal about it.

You've never demanded that Hornswoggle be thrown off the air. No. But in the Raw thread, you wanted Chavo to kill him when he interfered in the match. Then you said that you had no problem with Hornswoggle interfering as long as it wasn't another straight one on one gimmick match with Chavo and The Swog.

If you want creativity watch Smackdown. I know you're against this but Raw is being watered down since the PG era began and there dumbing things down so that kids can follow along. It's not gonna change, Sid. Get all the petitions going you want. In the long run, it's really not going to change until their target demographic gets older and they try to retain these young fans.
Ok. Sidious, about 3700 people signed the petition. Is that supposed to represent any sort of a majority? That is a very miniscule number to them. It actually means that many MORE didn't want to sign the petition. It doesn't prove much at all, except for the fact that 3,700 people out of a much larger number disagree with your opinion or are completely apathetic about it. You know why? Because it's five minutes of a free show where they can just change the god damn channel. They don't want to take the time to make a petition defending the angle because get this...there is a lot more worthwhile shit in this world that people chould be becoming pro-active instead of what midget does on TV.

I'm not a blind loyalist and neither was Industry. Maybe, just maybe, we enjoy the product as is. Doesn't mean that improvements can't be made. I've voiced my disdain about some of the booking about Raw over their quite a few times. I've voiced my dislike of Randy Orton's incredibly ass-backwards booked title reign numerous times. I really think they need to Gerwitz out of the Raw Creative Department. I'm not a blind loyalist at all. I just don't think there's anything wrong with a five minute, inconsequential, meaningless joke angle for the kids. I turn it off and watch a bit of MLB, NBA, NFL, etc and turn it back on in five minutes or so when it's over. No need to make a big deal about it.

You've never demanded that Hornswoggle be thrown off the air. No. But in the Raw thread, you wanted Chavo to kill him when he interfered in the match. Then you said that you had no problem with Hornswoggle interfering as long as it wasn't another straight one on one gimmick match with Chavo and The Swog.

If you want creativity watch Smackdown. I know you're against this but Raw is being watered down since the PG era began and there dumbing things down so that kids can follow along. It's not gonna change, Sid. Get all the petitions going you want. In the long run, it's really not going to change until their target demographic gets older and they try to retain these young fans.


I already thought I told you that I am going to do what I want to do. Why? Because I can. There isn't anything you can say that will make me change my mind with this issue. So, quite frankly, you are wasting your time.

And the fact of the matter is that you already know this. So then, I have to ask why you even bother posting something like that, after I already told you that I am not budging on this. Well, the answer is clearly because you want to argue with me for the sake of doing so, as opposed to actually having a meaningful conversation.

Are you telling me that every single WWE fan out there was aware of a petition to get the matches between Hornswoggle and Chavo thrown off the air? I bet if more fans knew about it, there would be a Hell of a lot more signatures then what we already have. If fans do not read the newsboards daily or if they don't participate on forums, chances are they aren't going to even know that this thing even exists.

WWE is obviously aware of that fact. But to bring 3,700 people together who WERE aware of this, is a fete in its own right. As I stated, I wanted 5,000 and I'm not going to get it unfortunately.

But you are missing the entire point. The point of the petition was to bring people together who were under the same mindset that they too are bored and fed up with the same match done every single week on Raw. I can only assume that you are a Hornswoggle fan since you are so adamant about arguing this with me. Hey, I guess Hornswoggle can appeal to the little kids and the big kids, too.

But the purpose of the petition, was to attract negative attention towards the angle, and bring people together who were fed up with the angle ... and to help make this an issue with people to get them to focus on doing something about it, other than bitching about it on forums. That was my decision, and the decision of every person who signed it. You bring people together, and you have a much better chance of allowing your voice be heard then if I simply sent WWE some negative feedback on my own. I obviously knew that doing something like this was going to pack a bigger punch as opposed to one lonely voice. Why I have to even bother explaining elementary stuff like this to you is really beyond me. I dare say 95% of the posters on here can understand why it was done ... but not you for some reason ... again because you like to argue .... just because you like to argue.

Then, we were fortunate enough to get The Soup to mock the segments once again, and also give WWE some negative attention. So through the "ridiculous amount of emails" Ross referred to, the petition, and the E! Soup segment, I was keeping my fingers crossed that they would see reason, and that it would sink in to their brains that this has been going on for too long and it needs to come to an end.

Now, if you have any other "points" to make, do so. My patience is wearing very thin with constantly repeating my reasons for doing this to you.

You need to understand this, Cash. If you feel differently than I do about this, so be it. I am not changing my mind on anything ..... Hell what's done is done anyway, so it really baffles me why you are even continuing this discussion anyway, other than just to argue and be a pain in the ass.

So you go your way, and I'll go my way.

Start talking about something else as this topic can't be any further beaten into the ground by you than it already has. Plus, go bother some other posters on here and branch out a little. Prove to everyone that you aren't solely here at this forum to troll me.

So last night on RAW Chavo supposedly gave up with Horny...

Hopefully its just that and some stupid twist...

I was almost expecting JBL quitting to be a twist two but hey...

It looks like the WWE has taken notice. Maybe they would of ended the feud without the petition or bad media exposure, but I'm sure the petition and negative emails helped to end this debacle finally. I don't know what they will do with Chavo, maybe he will job to Jerry Lawler then get the Brian Kendrick treatment. Damn.
It looks like the WWE has taken notice. Maybe they would of ended the feud without the petition or bad media exposure, but I'm sure the petition and negative emails helped to end this debacle finally. I don't know what they will do with Chavo, maybe he will job to Jerry Lawler then get the Brian Kendrick treatment. Damn.

Do you think TBK requested to job to Lawler in his final match? I mean, if I knew I were going out, that'd be a hell of a way to do it -- in the ring with one of the greats of all-time.

I agree that this feud had to end sometime and the likelihood of it ending increased with each passing week. The petition just happened to hit during the right week.

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